Geert Wilders will get a fair trial,In fact there is very little doubt he will be acquitted, he would most likely have been already if he had not opted to have the judges removed on the suspicion of them being biased.
This all revolves about jurisprudence and the conflict between two constitutional rights and undoubtedly the right to free speech will take precedence if it comes to the nitty gritty.
Undoubtedly the remarks Wilders makes about Islam are insulting and hurtful to many a Muslim and that is why they pressed charges ranging from Incitement to hatred, discrimination and denying people the right to religious freedom.
But both parties are showboating milking this trial for political gain.
The Public prosecutors didn't want to prosecute in the first place seeing no possible way to get a conviction but were forced to do so by a Judiciary panel ( independent Judges ) who saw enough grounds.
Most of these judges are reputed to be sympathizers of Democrats 66 a middle ground political party and their front man in parliament is one of the most outspoken opponents of Wilders.
So this trial has created a lot of bad blood and has become intensely political.
The judge has made a few clumsy remarks and one of the members of the Judiciary panels members was seen at a dinner party with one of Wilders' key witnesses.( an Islam expert ).
So the defense asked if they could hear this witness ( luckily present in the audience ) to hear if attempts were made to influence his testimony.
The judges denied that request ( for the time being ) after which the request was made by the defense to have them removed.
( The witness afterward declared in an interview his testimony wasn't changed one Iota,so it was never an issue as far as he was concerned ).
The request was granted and we'll have to start all over again it seems.