I live on a small island called Guam and even we take the SAT 10 because we are a U.S. territory. Anyways, while I was in class i snapped a picture of my answer sheet and posted it on facebook. My only intention for doing so was to share with people that I guessed on my Social Science part of the test. I bubbled in for the entire section the answer "A" and that's what i exposed out online. It was a small joke to express how much us kids on Guam don't care about the test because it doesn't effect our actual grades in school. I was immediately brought in to the office and was suspended for the maximum of 10 days and given work detail. Again, i didn't know this was illegal in any way. For your information, my school DID NOT have any listings of this being a violation within the school and they made this new violation in their board policy on the spot. Is it my fault for taking the picture and posting it? Or is it my schools fault for not informing and preventing us of the consequences of this action? I'm trying to defend myself. They basically got me in trouble for a law that was made only after the fact it already happened. My question is again, do they have the right to do this to me? and who's fault is it really? I now know my wrong doing of exposing the test but i exposed me guessing as a joke of how I personally don't take the SAT10 seriously. Please help me.
The SAT 10 is a national test that the U.S. and all it's territories and whatever take to show the standings of the kids in a school and how they compare to the world.