My dad died in one, under the circumstances you describe. I figured this, cuz every time I visited him, he was like that, with no service.
The news is only "shocking" to someone who's never been in a hospital.
A freind of mine had a chicken bone lodged in his throat. He was in pain and carefully breathing. After driving himself to the hospital and waiting for 2 hours in the emergency room, he was told to fill out some forms. When he completed them, he swallowed the bone and left. He was later sent a bill for his "stay" at the emergency room.
It is much worse in other countries. In the UK, they recently had to pass a law, requiring people not have to wait more than FOUR hours! To circumvent this law, emergency personnel keep the patient in the ambulance, since they do not start the clock until the patient is actually in the emergency room!
DR GONZO, I can ASSURE you that insurance has nothing to do with it. Just ask the disproportionate amount of illegal aliens sitting in hospital beds across the country.
The poor have free health care in America, as do all immigrants, regardless of wealth.
So, I am not sure why this insurance issue keeps coming up. If you want insurance so bad, all you need to do is quit your job, or pretend you can't speak English.