2020-01-21 23:56:58 UTC
Do all Census workers have to fill out a Census form themselves? Would a Census worker come knocking on their door if they don't?
What about homeless people? Are they required to fill out a Census form? Will the Census department have enumerators visit them? What about people who are constantly going to place to place? I have a friend who has no home of her own, but spends a certain amount of months at a friend's or relative's in one state or city for a few months then leaves and stays with a different friend or relative at a different state or city for a few months and repeats the same pattern staying with each relative or friend for a spell so that she does not usually stay with any friend or relative more than some 4 months at a time.. How does the Census address people who don't stay in one place long enough to be considered by the Census as a "citizen"? Also when Census workers come to someone's door what if a person refuses to fill out the form or give information? What is the penalty? Can the police be called? If so doesn't it defeat the purpose of confidentiality and a person is being reported to the police? Parents can answer for underage children. What about a comatose adult at home?