2011-09-25 17:16:03 UTC
Due to an abusive situation by her dad combined with a brain injury at age 9 she has serious mental issues. She's now 31 and over the years she has manufactured delusional fantasies about the past and has recently started contacting my 19yo daughter (whom she hadn't spoken with for years) with rants about me in relation to her delusions.
Over the years she was abusive to her now 19yo sister, past boyfriends, her ex-husband, her brother and her 4 young children. (for instance she would beat her daughter with a belt because she wet the bed).
It's difficult to describe the mindset because she is exactly like her father in that respect. He could sell a deep freezer to an eskimo. She is manipulative and well spoken and besides the ranting lies about me and our 'supposed' past, she's now trying to lure my 19 yo in. To what end I don't know, but from what I know about her from the past it's more like a trophy to her (to hurt me) than anything.
I personally don't want anything to do with my oldest. But I'm concerned that her savvy at manipulation and half truths, and subliminal put downs (of me) will wear on my daughter.
My youngest is a great person with lots of potential. We're not in a perfect position but we're working at getting out of it. I can only assume it's a facebook or blogger post that triggered this need to swoop in and assume she can prey off of her.
I need to know what options I have. I just want her out of our lives. Can I sue? She's made some pretty serious comments about me. I just want her to leave my youngest alone, but at 19 obviously she's considered an adult. However, she wants to turn my youngest (who I've raised single-handedly) against me with lies. It's stressful and not what we need right now because of the negative distraction and potential harmful effects of the covert brainwashing.
A restraining order? What can I do? I mean, like I said, I DO trust my daughter, I just don't trust the oldest one.