Their abattoir licence needs to be suspended while they investigate all those slaughter-men and if necessary charge them with cruelty towards those animals. The owners need to be fined for allowing the cruelty to happen on their business premises, and not allowed to operate again until they can prove that they are a worthy and 'humane' operation. I am so upset and sickened by what I saw in the video that it has even made me think about turning vegetarian. How on earth can we eat meat when we know this kind of thing is regularly going on? We know this was just a one off 'random' video, and I'm sure that not all slaughter houses are run the same way, but one random vid means that much worse things are happening that we haven't seen yet. So sad, I feel really bad about this.
Perhaps for anybody that is disgusted by the actions of this company should write to them and tell them how we all feel about it. I see that the cowards have already taken down their website and stopped email.
Cheale Meats Ltd.
Little Warley Hall Lane
Little Warley
CM13 3EN
Number of Employees: 101 - 250
Maintenance Manager - Richard Barnard
Accountant - Mike Charlwood
General Manager - Adam Cheale
Managing Director - Andrew Cheale
Director - Priscilla Cheale
We should also contact the RSPCA and DEMAND that they take some action against them.
If that doesn't work, we could always write to our USELESS MP's.
At least the 2 slaughter-men identified in the video were actually dismissed.