How quickly could Elmhurst (Cheale Meats ) Ltd be shut down by public repugnance?
2011-07-30 02:11:19 UTC
Cheale Meats have been exposed for barbaric cruelty, inflicting pain and distress on pigs, to fulfil the perverted lust for violence against innocent animals by it's workers.

This kind of behaviour is abhorrent to the vast majority of caring human beings, the rest share this bizarre craving for mindless cruelty.

Cheale Meats should be brought to book for this barbarity, but with Governmental disinterest, police apathy, RSPCA toothlessness and the National malaise it wont happen.

But what about public repugnance against this behaviour? It has no place in 21st century Britain!
Sixteen answers:
2011-07-30 02:22:12 UTC
Their abattoir licence needs to be suspended while they investigate all those slaughter-men and if necessary charge them with cruelty towards those animals. The owners need to be fined for allowing the cruelty to happen on their business premises, and not allowed to operate again until they can prove that they are a worthy and 'humane' operation. I am so upset and sickened by what I saw in the video that it has even made me think about turning vegetarian. How on earth can we eat meat when we know this kind of thing is regularly going on? We know this was just a one off 'random' video, and I'm sure that not all slaughter houses are run the same way, but one random vid means that much worse things are happening that we haven't seen yet. So sad, I feel really bad about this.


Perhaps for anybody that is disgusted by the actions of this company should write to them and tell them how we all feel about it. I see that the cowards have already taken down their website and stopped email.

Cheale Meats Ltd.

Little Warley Hall Lane

Little Warley



CM13 3EN

Number of Employees: 101 - 250

Maintenance Manager - Richard Barnard

Accountant - Mike Charlwood

General Manager - Adam Cheale

Managing Director - Andrew Cheale

Director - Priscilla Cheale

We should also contact the RSPCA and DEMAND that they take some action against them.

If that doesn't work, we could always write to our USELESS MP's.

At least the 2 slaughter-men identified in the video were actually dismissed.
2011-08-02 01:23:13 UTC
Thank you Sherlock for asking this very important question. Nothing less than shutting this company down would be sufficient in view of the horrendous cruelty perpetrated on these poor animals seemingly as a matter of course.

I too am incredibly impressed with the quality of the answers to this question and could not better any of them. I just wish many more people had also answered.

Thank you everyone for all the information re. emails, addresses and so forth. I was searching for Cheale Meats and assumed they had taken down their website. I will not bother trying to email them, I will write. I want to make sure a communication gets through. I hope this dreadful story does not quietly die. I think we need another "Greenham Common" outside Cheale Meats. The fear of god needs to be into any institution that is found to be treating animals in this evil and brutal way.

Please can anyone confirm - I heard that Cheale Meats is an RSPCA approved Freedom Foods. I will continue to try and verify this, but if anyone else has proof I would appreciate it.
2011-07-31 17:33:22 UTC
The answer to your question is YES, public repugnance could sort them out. What we're all doing on this page is simple activism, organising a group of people to take a stand against something. It's been proven work time and time again.

But just to be a bit boring, a bit of advice:

- RSPCA - It certainly seems odd that the RSPCA hasn't prosecuted, and whilst it's worth trying to get them to do so - remember that they're a private organisation and don't have any obligation to prosecute anyone.

- Keep up direct action, by writing and protesting, maybe getting up a petition, and so on. But beware of going too far - screaming over the phone at their receptionist isn't really going to accomplish much except an upset receptionist, who has never even been near a pig in her life.

- I must take issue with Crow, who thinks animal cruelty is wrong but compulsory sterilisation of humans, and eugenics, is right. You can be the good guy without throwing everything you've got. The problem is when you come out with this stuff the everyday man in the street (the perpetrator of the national malaise that you talk about) simply glazes over, thinks 'nutter', and ignores you. For this reason the animal rights activists who conducted illegal harassment campaigns against animal experimenters and so on have set the animal rights movement back decades.They dissuaded a few vets, but set the entire population thinking "Animal rights campaigners = criminals, let's stop caring". That means that there's no political change. An intelligent and well reasoned argument is always better than violence or threats.
2011-07-30 03:26:55 UTC
This country is becoming more and more barbaric as the years tic by. We USED to be a civilised country with laws that prevented animal cruelty. Now we have the cruel and wicked practise of Halal forced onto us. And comparatively no enforced regulation in slaughter houses at all. But then look at the state of out leadership. We have a Crappy cheap parasite infested parliament that houses more thieves and criminals than our prisons. The RSPCA are more interested in making money than they are in the prevention of animal cruelty, and will only turn up if the cameras are there. We have a massive problem with dog fighting....Another bloody wicked Immigrant practise foisted on our country. And the British public are 88% brain dead and seemingly oblivious to it all. Yea, Cheale meats should be shut down. and it would be if the British public had any balls. Why aren't those psycho's that work in that slaughter house being arrested? Their photographs should be in the news papers for all to see, they should be identified and shunned by society. There is something mentally very wrong with those people.

They should be sterilised at the very least, to prevent them from breeding more of the same. Where are the "Government" in this? Where are our useless police force in this ? And where is the law? FOXY I take my hat off to you mate. Nice to see you. Thank you for the links. I will send them a stiff letter. We all should. They should be bloody well ashamed of them selves.
2011-07-30 03:15:42 UTC
Cheale meats have got off lightly with this blatant case of animal cruelty,I forced myself to watch part of the video but had to stop as it made me feel sick. If these two 'employees' have been

'fired' does that not prove that these actions were the responsiblity of Cheale Meats,sorry I dont

get it?.......arn't the actions of employees at work the responsiblilty of the employer? This video only

caught a small part of the whole picture of animal abuse,how much of this goes on at Cheale meats

that has not been recorded and made public,shame on our police force,shame on the RSPCA shame on our spineless useless goverment,but the biggest shame goes to the fat cats that own

Cheal meats.
2011-08-02 16:39:48 UTC
Joe - spot on.

The company is 50 years old and carries the family name - there is such a thing as bad publicity, especially if it hurts business and your name is the name being dragged through the mud.

Company email seems to be, and the mailing address is easy to find. Make your opinion known but direct it where you can at something that will make a commercial difference.

I have asked RSPCA why the Freedom Foods Logo is still on the company website. They responded pretty quickly - - when it comes to cruelty you never have much time to fix it, but (IMHO) you just have to give them some time.
2011-08-02 06:36:21 UTC
I have just sent this email to James Paice MP + my local MP Tim Loughton - hope for an answer

While working abroad last week I happened to see an article posted by LBC radio regarding the sickening abuse perpetrated on pigs at the slaughterhouse of Cheale meats of Brentwood Essex, who purport to maintain “among the highest welfare standards in the world” (their words on their website). This article was accompanied by a weblink to a video, which I started to watch. By the time this reached the end I have to say I was completely disgusted, saddened and appalled by what I had just seen; the barbarism and cruelty shown on this film by employees of Cheale Meats is beyond any belief.

There would appear to be much hand-wringing to date from the department with responsibility for Rural Affairs, which shows complete lack of will in taking action against this company. I notice that those involved have been dismissed, but as this footage was shot over a mere four days I would not be at all surprised to find practices like this have been routinely carried out over a considerably longer period, and with the connivance or knowledge of others in this company.

Had this footage (however obtained) showed similar actions by person against person I imagine that prosecution, conviction and lengthy imprisonment would swiftly follow. (The word “Belsen” immediately springs to mind). I cannot believe the “get-out” clause invoked by DEFRA in this regard (undercover footage) as an excuse to take no further action; the likelihood of obtaining similar footage in a controlled monitoring situation is non-existent.

I am not an “extremist” when it comes to protesting or agitating for the rights of animals, especially those who are part of the food chain, but in this instance what I have seen has affected me to the extent that I am becoming a member of Animal Aid and will keep a very close eye on campaigns to expose this and other barbarism within the food industry. Animals deserve at least some respect when they are bred to provide us with sustenance. Cheale Meats deserve none, and I hope vilification of this company will lead to their closure.

On a broader note I now wonder how can any of us trust the “Freedom Food” label/brand in future, when those involved along its production chain are seen to completely disregard all ethical and moral standards? The supermarkets are strangely quiet on this issue to date; the major players will be receiving letters from me asking how they justify their labelling given the available evidence.
2011-08-01 06:08:57 UTC
Maybe people should also register their total disgust with Cheale Meats (their electronic contact details are not easy to find).

The website appears to be - no phone number, but there is an email address and lots of pretty pictures of happy piggies wandering carefree in the great outdoors, and a statement declaring -

'All pigs with the above roller marks are born and reared in England among the highest welfare standards in the world.' (Not sure who they are measuring their current standards against!!!)

The adress details and email address showing on the Anglia Farmer Directory Site.

I for 1 will be registering my disgust, whether it gets read, or goes straight to their junk folder or not is another matter!
2011-08-01 10:33:13 UTC
How quickly can we shut them down?

Lets find out.

Here is a link to a petition against their animal cruelty practices:

See also breaches of hygiene by this same company earlier this year:

And involvement in the BSE outbreak of 1998:

My question is, why was this company not shut down years ago?!

PS: Zigmundo and others, I understand completely your frustration with the authorities, but please know that 200,000 people viewed that footage on the Animal Aid website and many thousands more on SkyNews and other sites. If every single one of us sign that petition, that's almost a quarter of a million people. The Government cannot ignore a quarter of a million people. It's up to us now, the great British public, each and every one of us, to make sure this is what happens. Please everyone who reads this, sign and distribute that petition as widely as you possibly can and we'll see then what changes we have the power to make when we all stand up together. Thank you.
2011-07-30 12:21:08 UTC
Unbelievable that human beings can inflict such suffering on animals. Perhaps the perpetrators could have a little word spoken in their ears. The courts are toothless. The RSPCA says it is not their business. Defra has always been totally inefectual. Who does that leave?..........
2011-07-30 11:01:20 UTC
There are some good answers to this already, but suggest a barrage of complaints also to the following: ----responsible for Rural affairs in the UK.


Eric Pickles M.P. for Brentwood

It really is disgusting that DEFRA should be allowed to wriggle out of prosecuting in such flagrant breaches of regulations. I cannot forget the images of the pigs being burnt in the face by workers using cigarettes - again in breach of anti-smoking regulations - to inflict such cruelty.
2016-02-26 01:25:23 UTC
Don't.. don't even suggest that that could happen. Oh God, no. Well, I suppose I would devote more time on the farm with my comrades Dmitry Vladimovsky, Emilio Giovonelli and Pierre De Pomme. They are already threatening to confiscate the computer, apparently I am neglecting my cactus watering duties. Pfft. Cheers :)
2011-07-30 12:54:52 UTC
Ring the RSPCA and ask them to allocate an investigation to the officers who persecuted that grandmother and killed her dog because it had arthritis, cataracts and a bit of fur loss.

But then again, I expect Cheales have more money than her.
2011-07-30 12:39:03 UTC
I suggest as many people as possible contact Cheale Meats from monday and tell them what we all think . (01277) 811631
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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.