Latin was one of my favourite subjects at school and I even passed it at GCE 'O' level in 1958 (I failed English).
Among other things, translating the front of a daily newspaper into Latin was as good an exercise for the brain as any crossword, quizword or Sudoku.
One of the beauties of a 'dead' language is that it doesn't change all the time, also the rules of grammar cannot change, it also helped me in chemistry, medicine and also eventually in english.
I've always helped friends with Latin mottos, in fact your question has reminded me on how Latin has been usefull in my life.
These are two of my favourite terms and I include a link to help you with many more, this is a 'beginners' link but it will wet your appetite god luck.
PS I also hate useless or repeated answers.
PPS I nearly forgot my old RAF motto, Per Ardua ad Astra (through adversity to the stars).
de lege ferenda
What the law ought to be (as opposed to what the law is)
de lege lata
What the law is (as opposed to what the law ought to be)