2014-02-01 03:07:39 UTC
(3) Nothing in this Charter limits the authority of Parliament or a legislature to advance the equality
of status or use of English and French.
20. (1) Any member of the public in Canada has the right to communicate with, and to receive available services from, any head or central office of an institution of the Parliament or government of Canada in English or French, and has the same right with respect to any other office of any such institution where
(full charter at
Now here's the thing:
I'm not against multiculturalism but I am against feeling as if I'm out of place in my own country.
I live in Vancouver BC and the one BIG thing that bothers me is the signage. There are many signs, stores and even malls in this city that only have Chinese (I know it's either mandarin or Cantonese) signage and no english whatsoever!
This makes a BOLD statement and is a form of discrimination, I mean I live in Canada...right?!
I feel that our national languages SHOULD be honored.
I find that Vancouver relaxing on the signage makes it easier for people to not have to assimilate into our culture, and in my opinion embracing culture should go both ways right? if we embrace yours you should make an effort to embrace ours...right?
I also feel that moving to Canada means becoming "Canadian" in a way, I mean if I moved to Germany tomorrow I would be expected to understand and learn German and assimilate, right?
But is this enough to go to city hall about it? apparently city hall just said that the shops and businesses will shut down due to lack of english/french signage and they'll just let it be, but it hasn't helped and I think city hall is just afraid of repercussions. I honestly don't feel comfortable when a very very high percentage of signs are ones that I cannot read, jobs insist that knowing mandarin or cantonese is an asset (even though we learned french as a second language), election signs being in english and chinese, and lack of enforcement on our national languages!
I am wrong? I mean really? It's not like I don't want other races to live here, and I love different cultures, it makes up our world, but it frustrates me when Im asked at my work "why don't you have someone here that speaks chinese?" I supposed to feel bad that I didn't learn a 3rd language because someone else doesn't want to learn a 2nd?
If I collect my evidence (photos, job postings, signage, my charter of rights, ect), and make an honest, educated case do you think I'd have a chance? and do you have any suggestions, input or opinions?
It's really hard to explain the situation unless you live here....but please, I want to make an educated plea with city hall about this. At the least I want our election signs in our national languages...
Sorry for the long post, thank you for your time! :)