Well I have done research on both sides. Come on lets face it became illegal because our g/ment doesn't want any free thinkers. When the 'hippies' began smoking it and speaking out against the war that's when they really came done hard on MJ. the same way stupid laws were put in affect back in the time of the gold rush. because people in power were so affraid of what the 'chinaman' was going to do such laws come about that sad that a man couldn't wear a braided ponytail down his back. "whiteman" was so affraid that the "chinaman" was going to take THEIR white women into the opium dens an have 'their way with them'. So opium became illegal. when in fact the person who was most addicted to opium was the American housewife...that's right there was a time in this country that you could order it out of the Sears catalog and it came dilevered right to you door... In this country we feel a need to crush the free thinkers or anyone who doesn't think like 'we' do. As for it being bad for the lungs...DUHHH! However is it really in worse than all the other crap that we breath into our lungs EVERYDAY??? I am a none smoker and hate to be around those who smoke which means I can control were I go and if their is smoking in MY home. Yet everyone should have the right to make the choose if they want to smoke or not....just be respectful of others.
40 years old and NEVER done even one illegal drug...yeah not even in school....took one drag a cig and got sick that was enough for me.
however as for MJ...lets look at some facts I know all to well...from personal experience. I live with cronic pain so bad at times I can't leave my house and often can't even stand the vibrations of the little feet of a child walking past me. I have IC (interstitial cystitis) look it up it's an awful thing to live with. I also have fibromyalgia, IBS, severe degenerative disc, depression...which comes as a result of how life altering IC can be. Now I've taken many many prescribed drugs....including but not limited too...opium, fentanyl, oxycontin, a whole bunch of antideprestants. induring sugery as often as every 6 months just to get some relief from the bladder pain. I've used TENS units, I have an implant to helpp control the pain. the side affects of ALL these treatments has taken an AWFUL tole on my body and health sometimes the sideaffects are worse than the treatment it's self. I have a whole range of sideaffects, constantly tired, insomnia, uncontrolable vomting, more deprssion, destroying my liver...can't live without that! I've had to have my gallbladder removed. As a treatment when I was 23 years old an IDIOT doc told me to have all my female orgns removed and that would take away ALL my pain. I was young and in so much pain I believed him! HE WAS WRONG!!!! All it really did was make things worse....cuz I then had NO hormones......that's a nightmare in it's self at age 23 and having 3 small children to raise. Plus it put me on hormaone replacment...well now that can cuz cancer, heart diease, and so on.
so I ask you is all those drugs and treatments any worse for my body than to take a couple tokes of a joint a few times a week? I think not! It doesn't leave one feeling hung over in the morning, it dosen't make one puke their guts up all day long, doesn't leave one feeling as if they are walking around in a drug fog all the time. the one and most import thing of all that it DOES DO for people like me is take away the pain! so that we can live a life were we can ENJOY the pitter patter of lil feet running by us.
I really don't care if someone wants to smoke MJ everyday of their lives as long as they don't try to tell me and others how to live my life.
Think about this when was the last time you turned on the TV and heard someone got high on MJ and beat the hell out their wife, husband, children, got in a car and wiped out an entir family on the road...why because they where drunk! Why is Achol not illegal? It kills more innocent people everyday than MJ every will!