Has the gun culture arrived in India? If yes, how to stop it?
2007-12-11 23:23:17 UTC
There was a shocking incident in Euro School in Gurgaon yesterday where a 13 year old shot and killed his classmate. The cops are blaming the school and parents for negligence. Is this the arrival of the "gun culture" in India? What can we do to stop it?
277 answers:
2007-12-12 01:12:06 UTC
It is indeed a sorry state of devaluation of ethical values,now no longer being taught any where including schools and homes. The parents are themselves captive of materialistic world, devoid of real sense of human values like compassion, love, care of weak, destitute, old and disabled. Everywhere, it is money and status which counts and schools like Euro International Public School are no exception. In such a scenario there is an express need to inculcate ethical values in parents and children as well. For this purpose, in schools, there should be a period when ethical values by way of stories, movies, cartoons and discussions should be taught. There children should be encouraged to express their minds freely and hear others. This should eventually become a platform where once in a month teachers and parents should also participate and attend attentively to their wards views, their worries, concerns, hopes, fears openly being expressed.

Thus a safety valve will evolve to clean minds of our children from the very beginning and help them to develop the fine qualities of heart and mind.
2007-12-13 01:08:01 UTC
I am sorry to say that the question itself is not clear. When we say the 'gun culture' arrived in India in general , then 'gun culture' has always been their. Its arrival or departure has no meaning.

The context is made clear in the explanation attached with it. In the context of 'gun culture' in schools, it is perhaps too early to given such a judgement.

This is a stray incident, a very unfortunate one. The child is not to be blamed. The faulty parenting, the environment in which the child is being brought up , the home, the school, and the society in which the child mingles, these are, to be precise, certain factors which have influenced the 13 year old child.

A child in an early adolescence stage is confused by his changing life. He is going through identity crises. He is going through a period of stress and strain where he wants himself to be noticed by all.

The first and foremost thing that can be done is good parenting.

Parents should be like a friend with the child, so that the child can have confidence to talk each and everything with them. This way the parents will be forewarned.

The schools must include a subject of moral science in their school curriculum, where they are made aware of what is meant by 'Good and Bad '.

All kind of silly soap operas should be censored , as they are poisoning each and every household.

The teachers in school are the ones who are moulding the young minds to face the hard realities of the world, efficiently. But their role , after this incident , also has come under shadow.They should be asked where were they when this type of hatred was brewing.

Pull up the school authorities.
2014-11-21 11:29:20 UTC
Gun Culture in India is not new or a new arrival. It is the culture now existing and specially during the past few years, but in different forms such as by Naxalites, Phoolan Devi & Veerappan type of groups, Land Grabers & the recent real estate/property mafias, smugglers, Religion based terrorists etc.etc. Further development is the money power in alliance with political and other vested interest groups. This development took place due to quick money received by undeserving people which lead to various activities of crime, indiscipline, luxry etc.
Malcolm J
2007-12-13 07:59:26 UTC
Our culture is shifting more and more towards the west. Who do we blame?? No one person is responsible for the terrible incident that has virtually shocked the country. What is to blame, is progress. Man has always been a curious beast, Alas! this curiosity has often led to his undoing. So, how can we stop this??????? Simply put, WE CANT. Unless, we intend slowing down all the advances we have thus far made in every other field. We must learn to take the good with the bad, Sadly, the bad is always STRIKING and this is what irks us. But, being as what we are, it only lasts for a short time before we soon forget and life goes on as usual. As I am sure will be the case this time too.
2014-10-25 20:22:05 UTC
You may please like to know that the Gun Culture in India is not new or a new arrival. It is the culture now existing and specially during the past few years, but in different forms such as by Naxalites, Phoolan Devi & Veerappan type of groups, Land Grabers & the recent real estate/property mafias, smugglers, Religion based terrorists etc.etc. Further development is the money power in alliance with political and other vested interest groups. This development took place due to quick money received by undeserving people which lead to various activities of crime, indiscipline, luxry etc.
2016-02-18 19:18:12 UTC
You may please like to know that the Gun Culture in India is not new or a new arrival. It is the culture now existing and specially during the past few years, but in different forms such as by Naxalites, Phoolan Devi & Veerappan type of groups, Land Grabers & the recent real estate/property mafias, smugglers, Religion based terrorists etc.etc. Further development is the money power in alliance with political and other vested interest groups. This development took place due to quick money received by undeserving people which lead to various activities of crime, indiscipline, luxry etc.
N. S
2007-12-15 06:11:18 UTC
Large scale Gun Culture arrived in India when Cable TV came to India. Till then there were some small scale Gun Culture particularly in Northern India and Licensed Gun culture in most of the other so-called civilized parts of the country.
2007-12-13 08:37:15 UTC
yes! It earmarks the beginning of new era in the Indian society more so as it has been blown out of proportion by the media added by the fact that youth also hankers after popularity. Such scenes will now be as common as runnuning down of lives by the blue line buses. In India it will noe be survival of the musclest. Law and order, morality and responsibilty, right and wrong will be decided by the media. Media is going to be the adjudicator. When criminals and law shirkers are the legislators satan is going to rule the rust. ' You show me the man and I will show you the law' is the governing principle everywhere. Money is majesty and magic. Law abiders are taken for rides only. To stop the gun culture lust, anger, desire and attachment need to be bequeathed which is not going to happen in near future at least in India where there is so much of the gap between the haves and have nots, previleged an the poor.
2007-12-12 18:02:55 UTC
Now I see what you mean of gun culture. And to answer your question, no, gun culture has not really arrived in India. Just because there was one incident does not neccessarily mean that gun culture has arrived. In my opinion, there has to be several events like the one you desribed for a gun culture to arrive. Living in the US, I can tell that our country probably already has a "gun culture" due to the continuous events of violence (especially at schools) which involve the use of guns. So should India reach the same level of violent events as the US (which hopefully does not happen), you could then say that India has achieved (in the bad way) a "gun culture."
2007-12-12 08:11:47 UTC
India already has the Second highest number of guns after USA with the civilian population. The figures are like 4 for every 100 people compared to 90 for every 100 in USA. This number also is of registered weapons only! Who knows how many illegal guns "Kattas" are there states like UP and Bihar!

The problem is with irresponsible people leaving weapons lying around and stressed out people.

The civilian population should be armed because the govt. sometimes tries to take people for a ride! India's civilians should buy more arms and ask for right to bear arms so India never becomes a slave to any country ever again! Instead proper education should be given about safety!

Did you know Japan dropped the idea of invading USA mainland in world war 2 because the civilian population was armed to the teeth! Guns don't kill people, people kill people!

I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it!

India is surrounded by vultures waiting to capture it!

By the way this case was a cold premeditated murder. The two guys planned it days ahead took the weapon to school, took the victim to a secluded area and took turns shooting him! If they were adults i'd say hang them!
2007-12-12 03:34:37 UTC
As reported in the papers the boys had complained regarding the bully. Since no action was taken against the bully these two boys seem to have been 'pushed' into this action.

The world is getting progressively 'smaller'. You cannot isolate yourself and follow only 'Indian culture' and avoid 'Western Culture'. What needs to be followed is the best of each culture.

In the blame game - the school mainly, for not taking action against the bully and also the parents for making a gun along with the ammunition available to a boy of such tender age.
2007-12-15 07:33:58 UTC
Gun culture ,Is it bad ,evil or good for the nation?The documentary Bowling for Concubine explores the differences in USA and Canada ,even though guns are easily available of the rack in both places .Canada is very very peaceful (you can even leave you house doors open and go somewhere ) ,USA is more violent on the other hand.The shooting in Gurgaon was an isolated and unfortunate event.Legal tax paying citizens are the most harassed lot in india by politicians,gangsters, and other corrupt people.Giving everyone in India an opportunity to own a gun will probably make India more peaceful and keep a check on corruption in all places.
2007-12-12 08:50:54 UTC
The blame game begins. First of all the this is the clear state of mind where are we heading to? b coz all these are inter related issues. As in today's date neither the parents nor the school is having ideal time to give to the child's feelings and emotion. Every one is running after MONEY. The parents think by admitting the child in international schools and taking care of their needs their responsibility is shouldered in the school. The school in turn does not have highly skilled teachers as the teaching profession is no more a noble profession as it used to be. The schools and teachers don't respect the feeling of the kids they think these kids are acting smart and don't listen to their emotions same at home they don't have time for their children as they are running after their jobs and commitments. And the child's feelings and emotions change down to aggression. This is the right time to stop the blame game and take it as a lesson and the government needs to step in firmly and draw some guidelines to the schools and parents on parenting. Also its not just the infrastructure, syllabus and dress code what we look forward from the schools it should be more of values, ethics and culture with a fair and transparent open system.
2007-12-16 06:24:23 UTC
Media/ TV/ News Papers/ Films /Tv Serials/ Gun Games on Computors /

All these effect to all the socity all over the word. See USA , UK and other european countries are having similar problem becuse the Media/ people are not thinking for the generation or its development . They are making money for showing or creating Gun films, serials, gams etc

This is time that people of India should ask the media TV/ news papers all other sources to stop the GUN business in theire TV show and program and thrie news paper then every things will be OK
jittender k
2007-12-13 06:34:48 UTC
Weak administration - leaders always eager to bury the problems under the carpet - inactive police so naturally people have to suffer.

Earlier it is pass the blame game now it will be pass the GUN.

In the system when we know how to scuttle the Supreme Court's verdicts and see every thing from Vote bank politics point of view, there is little hope from the system/Leaders. People alone have to show the way.

Cast creed culture must stop and rule of law has to be upheld.. House to house search must be conducted all illegal weapons taken away. Review gun issuing policy- it must become more strict and issuing officers held acountable too.

In trhe particular case the father seems to be very casual about the pistol, it was easily asseable and there must have been lot of loose talks at home , which the child has used the wrong way. Now all of them will suffer.
rahul p
2007-12-13 04:14:22 UTC
This is very dangerous that foreign gun culture unfortunately arrived in India. To avoid and stop this culture the following points should be keeping:- 1. Alert children from using this type of deadly weapon.

2. The parents must be punishable who carries this type of guns and found offence and all property of those parants should be sealed by the order of the court.

3. Intraction between every child and parents is must and positive.

4. some meditation , yogas and art of living program will be strict to every student to maintain their balance of mind.

5. taking strictly action against who are handling this weapon in black market and which easily get in the hands of minor children.

6, the area police officer is been responsible for such cases is he is also been punishable.

7, strict security in the gate of the school and negligence if any found should huge amount of penalty.
2007-12-15 04:53:26 UTC
I do not think that gun culture has arrived in India as it exists in USA, However if not checked,preventive measures taken we may catch-up with them if not surpass!

When I was in school, which was about 50 years ago, there used to be a moral instruction class once weekly.Stories from various cultures,like puranas, bible etc were taught. The stories were great ones which I remember even today.The stories instilled in us qualities like courage,compassion towards all living beings,sacrifice etc.We have come very far now,that in the name of secularism nothing of this sort is taught in schools.Children are fed with information but not values.

You can not make good product out of poor quality material, the matter is as simple as that!

We can stop recurrence of such incidents only by going back to our roots, and by not forgetting good things from the past in the name of modernity
2007-12-13 08:33:07 UTC
I think, this incidence has given a clear indication about the future generation of India.

India is fast approaching the western culture, when She is not really prepared for it. We have adapted the negative aspects of westernization.

I think, the rule of not beating the children in the school (has done in western countries) has evoked the production of this kind of fearless generation.

Now a days, parents and teachers think twice before scolding or banging the child.

Ofcourse there must be a limit in doing that, but this should not be banned. Beating children when they do wrong is compulsory as it generates a fear in them about the wrong thing. But yeah, only beating wont help. Children must also be explained the reason behind the punishment.

Nowadays, children don't undergo this punishment process and hence they neva learn the dangers of the acts they do.
2007-12-13 05:37:54 UTC
has the 'gun culture' arrived in india? no it arrived many decades back, probably before geniuses like you were born.

the gun culture arrives each time sanjay dutt decides to stockpile automatic weapons in his house and it also arrives each time a shotgun goes off in the air during a wedding. It arrived a decade back when jessica lall got shot in the head. It arrives each time the gutter press networks decide to sensationalize 'shocking' incidents such as the one stated by you. You are just about waking up to facts and no, hypocrates like you lot can't do anything about it. Understand this, this great country is just as perverted and rotten as any other, if not more. So quit the BS and get a life instead of starting jaded discussions like this. - sR
Shubhashish C
2007-12-12 21:44:12 UTC
Gun culture is arriving slowly, it's not about mafia or robbers of Chambal hills. It's about guns in civilized crowd, which we are inheriting from west where showing your Driving License is enough to get a Gun. Our 5000 pages constitution already has many laws in comparision to United States constitution of 500 pages, it's we who are saying "Rules for Fools" and "Laws are made to break" as this happened in this case too, Families with kids less than 18 years child should not be permitted to use guns. If is question for self protection, then what kind of risk demand you to get such dangerous weapons should be replied first and where the applicant will keep the gun in house should be checked first. Now in case if the children got the gun somehow, it's time to stop them before they use it, how? Guns should be manufactured eith some IC chips maybe bluetooth or Infra Red whose other end (receiving end) must be gun owners Identity card or something which he/she will keep in pocket or wallet for sure.

If the gun goes away say 5-10 meters both ends should start ringing or the gun end should be disabled (gun stops working in this case). Guns which do not fulfill this benchmark should not be licensed.

Finally there must be some very-very hard punishment for any disobey of these rules.
2007-12-12 04:48:58 UTC
Yes, it is really a very shocking incident. But it cant termed to be a gun culture. This being the first incident of it's kind. Of course, steps need to be taken so that it does not develop into a 'gun culture'.

According to me, one of the biggest reason behind this incident could be the lack of attention that parents give to their child, which causes the child to create his own world out of his fantasies and live in it.

The reason why such incidents had never yet happened in India is that parents could and did give enough time to their childs. But now-a-days, due to their professional commitments parents are not able to give enough time to the kids. If this problem is understood by everyone, and of course addressed to, such incidents can be curbed in the future.
2007-12-12 01:23:52 UTC
This not an arrival of "gun culture' in India. This is an isolated incidence wherein the parent of the child who shot the classmate were careless enough to firstly leave a loaded pistol in an open drawer and secondly not to have seen the state of mind of this boy for last three days prior to the incident.
2007-12-16 07:57:34 UTC
Recent episode which takes place in the one of Gurgoan School is the symbol of Gun culture is arrived in the India.For that we cannot blame a single person. But society as a whole is responsible. We have TV serial in which violence are shown. In media also Violence given priority on other social things. We know that Family is the primary school for every children. So family members cannot escape from their responsibility to stop their children doing these thing. And keeping the arms in such that child can get it. Some what our Government is also responsible for that. They are making rule for child right protection where parents are also have to face sequences if they beat their children. In which home children are not given punishment. As among us who were grown up without getting a slap from our parents or elders. And media is also playing a irresponsible role here. Do you know even my child some time when warn him against about his wrong did. He threaten me about going to media. More ever he is a small kid of age 5 yrs. So I request specially to electronic media please when ever you see child right violation, please you be responsible about society. If a child is not scolded for his todays bad did. He will continue the same next time more worst. And the day may come he will become liabilities to the society.
2007-12-16 07:16:58 UTC
It is a stray incident which is unfortunate. Gun culture has not yet arrived India. It is the responsibility of the parent to keep an eye on their wards behaviour and movement. Constant vizil of the parents will prevent such incidents.
2014-05-15 06:12:49 UTC
The present day situation for children is not the aim to study but enroll to a school/college with star type facility. However, this is not the case with all children but there are serious children wanted to devot their time for study and other type of decent extra curricular activities. Children, they get now a days from their parents whatever facilities they ask for wihtout not even asking for such a requirement or verifying the necessity. In some cases the parents support their undesirable activities, and such actions from parents encourage the children to carry on with their activities as they wish. Therefore, you may please understand that the gun culture is not imported to Indian Schools, but is an extension of the existing activity as I mentioned above.
deepak v
2007-12-13 22:01:02 UTC
culture in india has always been influenced by the western culture. the new generation has been the most affected one. gun culture is no exception.gun culture has been prevelant for some time now in the west. and nowit has started to show some strong signs of itself in the east also with india at the height of it.

to control any negative phenomenon from spreading the one most important thing is awareness and this is what is most important to stop gun culture in india also . as the saying goes charity begins at home only if each person realises the neagtive and devastating effect of gun culture it can be stopped though controling and monitoring may be a added help.
shyam m
2007-12-13 16:13:09 UTC
Ya thats true that the gun culture arrived in india, frankly speaking we should say that it was already there in india but didnt come out. That incident shows us that whats the education the parents providing to their childrens. Its not only the fault of the parents its the fault of the society as well. There is no value of human life as we can see everyday incidents on the road. The situations of the courts and value of money provokes the peoples to do the crime, cause there is no straight laws to stop the crime. It takes many years to finalise one case then how can we say that it is going to stop in the near future. There is no fear or respect to the laws. The law makers are the first law breakers cause they are rich and powerful. They make and brake the laws according to them. But its bad luck

suchandra b
2007-12-12 22:15:49 UTC
No,i don't think so that gun culture has arrived here...but if these incidents happen then definately fault lies with the parents & the is important to give moral values to a child & also listening to his problems & suggest a solution which the child can immaluate.The responsibility of being a parent should be taken very seriously
Prahlad Singh Kalsi
2007-12-12 16:34:04 UTC
Gun culture is already in there in India from a long time since Marxists under communism came into being and they dont allow under priviliged to be participatory in development and they put them on guns illegally produced and smuggled. Thus spread all over India and neighbhering countries thus infiltered in deep rooted our political system and is being protected and abused openly by the same who are to be seen as people's servants [representatives] and saviours of the public. So, the governments & its governing machinery has become impotent. Even leading political parties and politicians use such methods & services fearlessly to stay in power who obstruct the every possible developmental policies in & for the country.

This gun running business has spread so much that gun owners has a very little relevance of safety of the same. Unfortunately, we do see in colleges, universaties but now, it has entered in lower schools. All illegal gun production and smuggling sources must have to be exposed , stopped with full fource throughout the country. Stringent safety factors has to be issued to the licence gun holders. Communism and marxism must be banned to be a true developing India.
Harish r
2007-12-12 05:02:55 UTC
If the society we live in remain inactive like this, we can very well take it as the arrival of gun culture. The real question is, had not that boy got hold of the pistol, handn't he plotted to kill his classmate with some other means? Undoubtedly the answer is YES. The answer for this hatred, bullying nature of the victim, irresponsible part of school authorities when complaints were heard by them, improper parental care & advice can be found in the general tendency of the society as a whole in treating impart of values and respect for rights of others as outdated virtues.
Susheel B
2007-12-12 21:48:47 UTC
All educational institutions especially boarding schools must have a pshychiatrist on board. This is an isolated incident to have happened at School, but that it has is a serious concern.

The parents of the student who so easily took his fathers gun is more to blame as he was very lax in keeping the gun in a secure place far away from immuture and impressionable minds. As a society we now must look inwards and see where are we going wrong in the upbringing of our children.
2007-12-12 03:27:22 UTC
Yesterday, two students of a Gurgaon school killed their classmate with a gun. Your question is right. The gun culture has really arrived in India.It may be stopped by encouraging people to start becoming less stressful and by consulting good and intelligent counsellors.
2007-12-15 18:19:07 UTC
Karun, this is very good issue you have raised here for the people to express their views. I am 238th person to response and up till you have received 15 stars, all of this shows the gravity of the issue. I must tell all the Indians to think on this issue seriously, it is the SOCIAL CHANGE what we are experiencing, earlier we were listening such news from the west but it has also spread to our country, the land of Rama, Krishana, Mahatama Gandhi etc where non-violence and fraternity was on the top. Where social bonding , respect for others, patience were in the blood of its citizens. But now everything has been changing for destruction. The incidence of Euro shcool has really proved this change. Minors are driving and even racing with cars, killing so many people during race in Mumbai and like that is all the social change in our country, reduction of social, human values. Evidently incidence of Euro school has brought gun culture in India. As for as blaming to parents and school is concerned, I think it is fault of society because children learn everything from society itself. So the reforms in society is required, we have to revert back to our social values and made a beautiful peace loving India without voilence and with patience, fraternity.
2007-12-15 17:59:01 UTC
As shocking, as the particular incident is. It is not necessary to read too much into an isolated incident.According to the Indian Psyche the gun is a coward's weapon.It is strictly for the westerner. we Indians prefer to kill with a knife or a sword, face to face. The culture of the coward will never take root in India.
2007-12-15 02:28:52 UTC
Yes ,the gun culture has arrived in India. There is no way out, Violence is seen all over the world. Children tend to pick up the solutions through this . The only solution to this is put up metal dectactors .
2007-12-14 19:42:40 UTC
You may please like to know that the Gun Culture in India is not new or a new arrival. It is the culture now existing and specially during the past few years, but in different forms such as by Naxalites, Phoolan Devi & Veerappan type of groups, Land Grabers & the recent real estate/property mafias, smugglers, Religion based terrorists etc.etc. Further development is the money power in alliance with political and other vested interest groups. This development took place due to quick money received by undeserving people which lead to various activities of crime, indiscipline, luxry etc.

The present day situation for children is not the aim to study but enroll to a school/college with star type facility. However, this is not the case with all children but there are serious children wanted to devot their time for study and other type of decent extra curricular activities. Children, they get now a days from their parents whatever facilities they ask for wihtout not even asking for such a requirement or verifying the necessity. In some cases the parents support their undesirable activities, and such actions from parents encourage the children to carry on with their activities as they wish. Therefore, you may please understand that the gun culture is not imported to Indian Schools, but is an extension of the existing activity as I mentioned above.

Let us anticipate that all parents teach their children the role of love, compassion, mutual understanding & respect etc. for all fellow beings, as Home Work, before they are sent to the scholls. Let us also hpe, by this way, a future generation may come up with qualitie of morale and healthy living. Till such time, trying to stop the existing cultures can happen to some extent with our unified action and continued persuation against such activities or as a miracle, as I understood.
mullakkara J somasekharan pillai
2007-12-14 00:03:15 UTC
It is hightime to ensure value based education not as a voluntary one but as an enforced one. By respecting others, the rules and laws prevailing in the soceity only, we can make a safe and secure social life. It is quite unfortunate that the society now run after money recklessly to show their false prestige and status. People at the helm of affairs of the administration should be gentlemen capable to deliver statesmanship with full vision about a good nation. Lack of responsibility on their part results in utmost chaos in the society. It appears that they seldom bothers the prospect of the nation. Their mission is to keep their vote bank alone that too even by sacrificing the basic requirement for very the existence of calm and peaceful social life. Pray to His Almighty to open their eyes, otherwise we are going to face several such eventualities.
2007-12-13 08:03:15 UTC
parents and teachers should pay attention to the children and monitor them. when we were studying in the school we had a separate moral instructions class and teachers very much strict on the discipline, but now days change in the trend, developments in the science and technology, people's mentality

the scenario changes. Bringing up the children as a good citizen is in the hands of parents and teachers, undoubtedly. Every teacher is a parent, but every parent need not be a teacher, so my suggestion is all the teachers should take personal attention to the children, to make them a good citizen. Then only we could make India as a super power in the year 2020.
2007-12-13 01:30:14 UTC
Let me clear something.. the gun culture's been there for a loong time.. but the thig is.. ppl were SCARED.. yeah.. ppl were scared to use or even posses weapons.. the only ppl using them were probably robbers and cops.. even a few days ago.. when my uncle gave my dad a gun to shoot some coconuts.. he was afraid to even hold it.. but me on the other hand.. didnt hesitate.. i was like.. its just a gun.. i think its the mentality of ppl.. i guess i can assume its the violence in tv or just gta which makes me believe that its ok to take a gun and show it off.. but the thing is.. its really scary.. imagine the power you have.. i still love that godfather line.. he made an offer he couldn't refuse.. held a gun to his head and made him sign the papers.. *Johny Fontain part..* but coming back to the topic.. the only way to reduce gun culture or even stop it is just make ppl aware of what's right and wrong.. its really sad that someone has to lose a life for ppl to realise it.. :(
Sanjay P
2007-12-12 21:59:26 UTC
I strongly feel that this is a sporadic incident and gun culture has not arrived in India.

By one or two stay incidents we can must not conclude that gun culture has arrived .

The indian born kids living in India or abroad are more civilised and cutured and know their limits then the those of the american children.
2007-12-12 08:00:06 UTC
Yes, the gun culture has along back arrived in India. It could be stoped only by setting right our leaders who are themselves engaged in such type of culture. We can save our younger generation by engaging them in yoga, meditation and this is the time when we should encourage to start Bal Sanskar camps right from the age of 5years, which has already been started by many organisations. All the parents are responsible for making their children a good citizen of India. We should stop showing voilance in the movies including cartoon movies.
2014-05-24 07:13:36 UTC
Children, they get now a days from their parents whatever facilities they ask for wihtout not even asking for such a requirement or verifying the necessity. In some cases the parents support their undesirable activities, and such actions from parents encourage the children to carry on with their activities as they wish. Therefore, you may please understand that the gun culture is not imported to Indian Schools, but is an extension of the existing activity as I mentioned above.
vijay raj
2007-12-15 00:37:19 UTC
Not yet. Though some incidents have been occured in India, we can't name them. I firmly agree that it should not happen in any country, but it will do nothing unless we take some strict steps. I think family (upbringing), environment, and the cinema are the main cause for it. it's true that in this fast running life, we can't give much time to others but can't we listen them properly? all we need to do is to keep 'understanding' with one another. Don't let anyone feel alone & scared 'coz most of acts like this happen in such type of mental condition of an individual as well as a group.
2007-12-14 23:36:48 UTC
1. Education and sufficient knowledge/literacy is the answer. I agree that gun possession is kind of a status symbol among the elite, but, authorities should be more strict when issuing licences and exhaustive research has to be done with every application for gun licence. A child psychologist could be invited to deilver lectures as part of curriculum.

2. During PTA meetings, the teachers with their experience could identify potential negative tendencies amongs the parents to advise the school management.

3. A fortnightly/monthly personality evaluation of a student could be conducted based upon the inputs provided by the teachers who conduct classes.
2007-12-13 20:51:21 UTC
I don't think "The gun culture" has arrived in India and never will. One shouldn't and can't really relate to one odd stray incident and generalize. I mean no offence to my brethren from the U.S. of A, but "The gun culture" per se' is a reminiscent from the "Wild West" era. Most Americans are gun totting, "John Wayne" wannabes who haven't really grownup and continue playing "Cowboys and Indians" to the very end. All kudos and accolades to the "Free Market Economy", but then it has its share of evil too. The fact that given the right amount of money, one can virtually buy anything in that country, legally or otherwise, doesn't really help matters much. I don't think Indians will ever really endorse such a culture. So we can be safe in the knowledge that our indulgence in games like "Pithoo" and "Eye-Spy" during our formative years has and will continue to render us immune to the onslaught of such gory influences. I rest my case. Thank You...
2007-12-13 15:43:26 UTC
Yes. the gun culture is here and still we could stop from getting worse as in US or UK.

We as parents have to take the full responsibility and work towards changing it for good. Today we're after the money and neglect to shower the love to the kids. We have failed to teach our kids the values that we have brought along, the good and bad and more. But we expect the schools & teachers to do everything/miracle. From academic to career building without being strict, beating them or even schoulding them. Since we're away from home for more than half the day, we pamper & spoil them in the name of love.

We also have failed in choosing our leaders who will lead and drive to make this soil a sacred place to live.
2007-12-13 07:53:05 UTC
Yes, gun culture has arrived in India. There is no need to stop that. we are buying new hot cars, motor cycles, clothes, jewellery, properties, mobiles and what not. Where is the need to stop new fancy guns. The goons have free supplies of modern weapons then why can gentle men not have them. In fact in my opinion if every one is free to buy guns then the goons will think twice to attack a common man. We have money to buy any thing we like to buy then why not we have some thing to protect our property or our possessions. Is it right for a kid or man to bully the weaker kids/ men. What option do the weaker men have to protect themselves from such elements? The guns of course. In olden times it was common to have sword, or some kind of weapon to protect their families, properties and honour. now with the changing times we must have the most sophisticated weapons for the same reasons. there is nothing shocking to kill a boy who was a constant bully. What one is supposed to do with the bully. Suffer the beating and loose self esteem. Why? why not give a tit for tat treatment.
nadeem k
2007-12-13 06:39:43 UTC
No. the gun culture hasn't arrived in India yet, it is just just the influence of the western culture which is overshadowing on our culture. But the days are not so far when this will enter in our society fully. This can be controlled by educating the kids in morally high environment and treating them sympathetically.
ahmed k
2007-12-13 01:46:55 UTC
It is a right question putting at the right time.I would like to pontedout this to the attention of all social actvists and thinkers.

Indian culture/ tradition and civilisation has been completly replaced by an imitation of western form of formalities and neuclear family system.

The culture of tolerrnce ,unity in diversity ,sharing of anything and everything within the neighbourhood ,joint family system are now a thing of past.

Man in the mdern society is slave or prisoner in the compound wall of ones on building.

Modern liberalisation and globalisation is creating petty rajas and sultans with money power and political power.This is entirely different from the highly cultured and tolerable agrarian family.

Till now before us the sad story of gun culture of Pramod Mahajans.

Shall we able to bring back our Indian culture of tolerence and Ahimsa at the grass root levels ?

Indian culture and way of life should unfailingly be included in the carriculam of education.

Indian ethics ,ahimsa must be a part of study at all levels of education.

Unitedly we must fortyfy the campuses of education against this attitude of intolerence and gun culture.

Our country must be the prophet of world peace .We must take all precaution to save our student community people at all level from the gun culture.

Unfortunately we are bowing our heads on the sad incident that happened to Mahatma and INDIRAJI.

We are bound to take all precautions against this so called Gun culture /Fascist way of life which is alien to Indian culture.

May this an eye-opener to all.

Thanks and best wishes.
2007-12-12 22:23:55 UTC
Based on this one incident we can't say immediately gun culture arrived in India. The Same type of incidents continue further means definitely a chance to arrive gun culture in india. So to stop it parents,teachers should teach and speak kind words,good habits to their children. They should grew the humanity nature in children's mind and behave with soft nature.
2007-12-12 08:32:06 UTC
This is the first of its kind heard in our country,so it will not be right to say that gun culture has arrived in India. But this is not wrong too.

In this case parents are more responsible for this accident.In my opinion here only one boy is not killed,the two boys, who killed the 1st ,are also worst than dead.In fact these are innocent boys who used the gun as a game without understanding the real meaning of gun fire.

Responsiblity lies with the parents who taught the use of pistol loading and firing to their children and also did'nt follow the safety rules of holding a gun which punished their own children making them KILLER CHILD.

Responsibility lies with the video games showing and training violence through games

without actually spelling what killing means.

such videos are very popular amongst children.

To check such accidents here itself this is very important and essential (in my opinion) that schools be asked to have a compulsory subject of CHARACTER BUILDING;CO-EXHISTANCE;TOLERANCE for all levels of schools and college students so that if SOME parents dont impart such education SCHOOLS IMPART by LAW to all.

Last but not least school atmosphere should

be such that they produce HUMANKINDS as their target. These days even sportsman are being taught to win the game at any cost with killer attitude , and this is wild animal stinct and not social animal/human stinct.

we all must think this.
2014-05-22 05:41:17 UTC
Let us anticipate that all parents teach their children the role of love, compassion, mutual understanding & respect etc. for all fellow beings, as Home Work, before they are sent to the scholls. Let us also hpe, by this way, a future generation may come up with qualitie of morale and healthy living. Till such time, trying to stop the existing cultures can happen to some extent with our unified action and continued persuation against such activities or as a miracle, as I understood.
2014-05-01 04:18:12 UTC
Their school charges are much more that one well to do executive gets as monthly pay, but the five star style of functioning of these schools attract even such executives to send their children to such schools. I'm sorry to say our government both National & state are not bothered about such school's functioning & no strict rules & regulations are made for them to follow in order to give a true, disciplined education to our children for their over all development. To stop all this gun culture as we see is to insist & follow our own Indian culture in all our schools rather following western culture, make rules & regulations regarding these to be strictly followed by all schools. The latest in this case is that PARENTS of both accused children have abondoned their children & are absconding from their house, NOW WHAT YOU CALL THESE PARENTS????
2007-12-16 19:51:43 UTC
I think we have to go to the basics again.Children are pressurerised to such an extent they no more take responsibility for their actions.They face problems such as,

not being accepted at school ,judged academically,ridiculed culturally,laughed for their religious beliefs,not appreciated,teachers being partial,not cared for,not loved by friends,not able to perform,physically they undergo changes like ,hyperactivity,

deppression,hormonal changes that results in mood swings,

not enough physical activity at school that would ease the tensions,children want to be worshiped like their heros ,

not been accepted for not looking good.not having a car or a

computer etc

Above all parents arent showing concern for their kids,

they dont show their love ,never appreciate them,

they should know if their child is happy,sad,enjoying,glomy,

bored etc.

parents have problems with themselfs first,they throw their ideas ,intentions,anger ,frustrations,on the kids

children brood up with all these experiances,finally end up being bitter.

stoping the people who stop their freedom.i conclude by saying the community as a whole has to view this problem

as a disease and try to teach ,love,care,to irradicate .

Children are children where ever they are be it India,America,

Africa,Indonesia,England.All humans react the same way,

to happines ,sadness etc.PLEASE VIEW THIS AS A GLOBAL PROBLEM.
2007-12-13 23:43:34 UTC
With the advent of western culture including the gun culture to the shores of India in the last decade, Indian culture has no wonder slowly lost its sheen. Today people mock and doubt at the authencity of our own culture. Unable to seek quick satisfying answers people have started to abandon the same. Amongst others, ladies do not want to wear sarees, do not beleive in putting up a "bindi" or placing flowers on tresses any more, celebrate Indian festivals, wants to look and act like a man in the name of emancipation, etc. Men too have become too corrupt in their mind with easy access to pornography, sex & sensex, getting aggressive than ever, egoist etc. How can this generation ever cater moral values to the next generation. The only way to stop this invasion is to revert back to the roots with earnesty. This is going to be very difficult with people having tasted the lust of materialism (cars, television, quick modes of communication, cine movies, excessive media report, too much of travel, dresses, shopping malls, globalization etc.)

God save India !!!!
2007-12-12 23:37:33 UTC
1. With marginal wildlife left, Rifles, Shotguns are not so required. That leaves people conflicts...

2. Most of the persons who perceive or boast of a need for protection are Politicians, Property dealers from fellow 'combatants' . They can hire licensed, level headed, armed, exservicemen instead of toting guns for misuse by themselves or family.

3. The answer is to ban civilian ownership of all weapons - Guns, Swords, Tasers, Spears, Baseball bats, Steel Rods and the like. Mandatory jail sentences for Arms violations as for Drugs, Ragging, Parent Abuse / Neglect are needed. Juvenile and adult weapon disarmament is essential.

4. If Drinking, Driving, Voting ages have been lowered in today's fast fwd world, makes sense to reduce the criminal liability age to 14 ( the min. workforce age).

5. And legislation for Road Rage, Bullying is also reqd.
2007-12-12 21:41:29 UTC
We have the Arms Act, which sets out the guidelines and standards for the grant of licence to own and possess a gun, which is not enforced at all. Any self styled VIP using his influence gets a revolver. Contrary to popular belief getting a pistol, revolver or even a modern automatic gun is very easy in the district areas. Now police will act only in metros and cities, ignoring the smaller towns. Unless every purchase of arms is documented and monitored, the use of guns in india will burgeon. Govt. has to be stringent.
2007-12-18 23:05:30 UTC
'Gun Culture' is always brought in by the 'Criminal Classes' in any country. The presence of 'Gun Culture' is now thriving in India under the nurture of the criminal-politician nexus. Indian politics and society is now in the hands of criminals. And this shooting is just a tip of the iceberg, you will soon find out how the 'Gun Culture' is brought in the streets. It can be stopped by weeding out criminals from the political and social mainstream of India.
dhananjay rao
2007-12-15 05:40:01 UTC
yes ,the present conditions cleary shows that "GUN CULTURE"has arrived in india. I blame the school staff and the parents for thier carelessness. The department is also responsible.

we can stop the condition by implementing the strict norms and the govt. should take resposiblity to protect the security of every citizen's.
2007-12-13 03:32:19 UTC
Yes, indeed it has been a bad culture.Now a days we are following the western culture in our day to day activities. After globalization in the name of IT & BT etc we are leading just a mechanic life where we do not have time to spare with our family particulary with our children.Determine which type of care fits the needs of our family – child care center or

family child care home.Go visit! Spend time with the Head of Institution/director/ provider as well as time in the classroom or with the children. Sit and observe the environment and the teacher/child interactions.Pay attention to the response of your child to the environment.If there are items listed on the child care file review, take notes and ask the provider to explain the circumstances. Ask the facility for parent referrals. Call these parents and ask about their experiences with the providers.

These points may help a little to improve the morale of our children to boost them for building their career.
js s
2007-12-13 02:07:25 UTC
Primarily the parents are responsible for bringing up the children.Internet/English movies in particular and movies in general are aiding this kind of culture.unless a regular check is kept on the children there is no end to this kind of menace.Unless the parents find time to inculcate among the children our values/ethics this trend only will go up.There is nothing like demonstrating by practice such values.after all the children are the true reflection of the values being followed by the parents..
2007-12-12 21:58:54 UTC
Gun Culture..surely has arrived India..actually not gun culture..but an aggression has come in people due to lack of moral values, which again is theresult of failure of our parenting and education pattern. Kids are encouraged to play with firearm toys...various video games are there to add into it..and we all know that whatever we see has some impact on us...little on some and more on all this lead to what we today are saying as gun culture. Need is to check all such activities and well as to inculcate the importance of being good to others!!
2007-12-12 02:58:58 UTC
Like the old adage, guns dont kill people but it's people who pull the trigger. From what I read in the papers, the licensed firearm belonged to the father who was a police officer, who has a right to own a gun but highly irresponsible of the Father to allow easy access of a loaded firearm to his Son. Further, the inspiration for this tragedy would have come from the spate of school shootings in the United States. Sad, but true
2007-12-15 22:55:54 UTC
yes the "GUN CULTURE" has arrived!!!

shocking but true.

we INDIANS are considered very cultural and ethical,but when such cases are noticed,it's a shameful thing for the parents..n the children...our ansestors would never have imagined such a thing to happen..

It's the prime duty of the parents to keep a check on their child's activities....his/her friend circle....there should always be healthy talks in the family which help the child to improve his/her personality..
suresh b
2007-12-15 04:49:02 UTC
Gun cultures introduces India through media

so media should think about the growing youth.

Because now a days peoples giving more importance

to media so these gun culture developed through

media.So media should take care of growing youngsters.
adi rai
2007-12-15 00:26:37 UTC
we should stop this culture by paying more attentions towards the children. like seen in the news the shooter's father had kept the gun on the television stand the child took the gun went to the school and shot the other was because of the carelessness of the stop it the parents should take strict actions.they should not give their children total freedom.we should also obey our elders.
sameer s
2007-12-13 00:39:17 UTC
I think can play a big role by showing how law breakers face a miserable time while in Jail . They can even show Sanjay Dutt and his state while in Jail instead of glorifying him . ( Sanjay Dutt maybe a good person but is going through a tough phase because of mistakes committed by him in past)

2.counselling at school .

3.Meditation,Yoga and Prayers at school will help a child in getting prepared for future by keeping mental Balance .

4. Having more activities for children except studies .At present only thing common man in a metro ( like for eg . Delhi ) can do for entertainment of his family and kids is shopping , Movies , food . There are no good playgrounds , activities which can creatively utilise the energy bundled up in these children .
Shekhar D
2007-12-12 20:09:45 UTC
It has not arrived as yet but if the people continue to neglect then it will surely spread in our country.So to avoid that a few steps shud be taken:

Its the responsibility of the parents they always they take care that their children dont come to know abt guns and similar stuff present at home... Regularly they shud talk to their children abt them their scholl and all so that they know abt what their child thinks and also what is happening around them. Schools must take care that small fights among students dont grow.
katkam v
2007-12-12 00:22:25 UTC
Parents of the accused are responsible for the incident. They are supposed to keep the weapon beyond the reach of their children under the safe custody. They are negligent in keeping their weapon. The school is not at all responsible for the students. The management cannot keep an eye on each and every student.
Hari kumar,KH
2007-12-16 15:34:18 UTC
This appears to be first of its kind in india involving innocent children.Persons on whom the responsibility falls is the parents. Even if they have licence to pocess the arm they have no right to show it to their children& explain them the technics of using it as if they are teaching the child a heroic act. Innocent children dont have the ability to judge their deeds and repurcussions of their act that follow later. There is no use of blame game and shifting responsibilities, but undoubtedly it is westren influence .We indians should be careful .This can be prevented by proper moral education to the children ,both at home and in schools.They have to be taught how to value others Life ,respect it.and deal it in a proper manner after analysing the situation in consultation with elders. Nothing should be don hastily ,more so in anger.
Ajay V
2007-12-16 07:54:09 UTC
I am very sorry to say ,that there is no culture like gun culture,in my view it is the availability of the weapon whether it is gun or knife or anything which could be of the capabilty of injuring the other,and this(culture) was there and will be there unless the animal inside human beings persists.
2007-12-15 09:53:41 UTC
We can't blame parents or teachers for this because basically they are not agree to tell childs about stuff like guns. General schedule of a student is to just going school and spend time with family. First in family they watch movies basically in which they mainly see fighting. In the school, they talk with others students about that fighting scenes with interest. All this create their interest in doing stuff like that too.

What we can do that in school, teachers need to give childrens some topics for what they can talk with others then talking about movies. Second thing is that parents should not show their interest in that type of movies too.

Thanking you for reading and feel free if you wana ask something to me at
2007-12-14 21:38:47 UTC
the teachers in the school should have solved the problem between those 2 boys.the parents of the boys are neglecting them and letting them free in other words they are giving them too much freedom which has caused those 2 boys think wickedly.actually no body has rights to kill anybody because every person has his own rights too live.hence,i blame both the parents and the teachers who have neglected those boys.guns should not be kept near the children or around them.they should be kept out of reach from them.we should not encourage them to see voilent films and voilent scenes and keep an eye on thier daily behavior and whereabouts.then we can controll this type of incidents.
Bharath C
2007-12-13 21:47:42 UTC
We are naive to call the Gurgaon incident as a watershed of sorts. Violence has always existed in schools, colleges and stabbings, gangfights stopped raising eyebrows eons ago. Use of a firearm is the only novelty this time which only underscores the abyssmally low value on human life.

it is silly to expect Govt. to solve societal doublespeak. In the indo gangetic plain the number of illicit firearms outnumber all the weapons held by the police! even in this age it is a hallmark of prestige in this belt to fire volleys in baraat processions. Let us not forget that our children of any religious calling are weaned on gory mythology of violence and small boys rich or poor get a toy gun even before they can speak.In contrast even possesion of a toy gun is banned in Singapore.

the answer is in better parenting,metamorphosis of the guru- shishya relationship into a friend and guide interaction and exemplary punishment including debarring admission in any educational institution in the country for a period of three years with two more years of probation for any violence on the campus

this has to be coupled with handsome incentives for academic excellence,in sports and evoving an enforceable student leadership organisation which can polce the students with authority. definitely not linked to student unions but can be selected by school authorities/PTAs from panels nominated by students
nida t
2007-12-13 06:01:09 UTC
this is naturally not gun culture but i can tell the influence of movies and its a stupidity if the parents have to keep a gun so openly.Most probbly it could be the boy who shot was a bit abnormal or there was something between em which might be hurting him.Well this is not called to be the culture of gun it do r ather be something else dat ppl wont appriciate but someone would literally blame da parents for it.
vanita c
2007-12-13 03:08:02 UTC
Recent example is that of incidence in a school of Gurgaon where a school boy killed his batch mate... earlier such news only came from the west but today u can see it..... its not parents and school to blame ...are we really following our civilization .....or its effect of westernization or TV...movies..we watch ..Y only children should blamed rather whole society where we are living should be blamed.....
shiva k
2007-12-13 00:36:32 UTC
Friend, this is not a gun culture. But, it is the result of the development in our culture. A child can know about the entire things which is going around the world through media. And it is known to him with in a fraction second. This is the development in media. To its negative side he comes to known about the wrong things also. Its the duty of the Parents and teachers to shape him up till he reaches his age of 20 years. He doesn't know about the result of the things which he is, this incident will lighten up the sleeping brains of the people who own the pistol in their house.
2007-12-12 05:42:21 UTC
No, not exactly the gun culture has arrived in India but we are becoming careless. we are neglecting our responsibilities, care, love and time towards our children just because of our busy schedule. but kids our Innocent they can't understand this. if we are giving a birth to a new life then this becomes our responsibility to give attention, love and care to them. if this situation has come in India when a student of 8Th class shooting his class mate is the result of his frustration, loneliness, ignorance and our careless nature towards them. They don't know what is love, respect and care these words are new for them they may have knowledge about money but what to do? that is this a lesson for parents and teachers how to behave with kids.
Sabu .
2007-12-15 20:27:27 UTC
This is the incident caused by the care less of parents. As a parent a parent must bother about their children. They have the duty to know where their children going and what were they are doing in schools and other places. Parents must give them love as well as punish them for their disobedient and faults. If the parents care their children truly they never make such crimes in their life.
rajan c
2007-12-15 02:06:47 UTC
everyone is blaming the school,parents and the child.but no one is looking at the causes that lead to such extreme consequences.abhishek was a bully and nobody likes being bullied.akash complained about it to the school authority,but no action was taken.he did not want to talk to his parents as they were negligent and it is shameful to say that violence is now an integral part of our entertainment.iknow his action has crossed every deadline but the frustration that builded up in him was too much that after committing a serious offence he does not show any remorse
Rajeswar A
2007-12-13 20:36:28 UTC
Yes, It is going to grow even more. Because basically the indian culture, tradition respect to elders, helping others, understanding others emotions are going bad worse. Hats off to the media for its great contribution in this.

We need blame the elders first and secondly the youth. Both of them are having great and very high responsibilities in the above mentioned serious matters. Its really painful to undersatnd Where INDIA is leading to??!!
2007-12-13 03:31:16 UTC

Guns culture has not come to India yet.But licenced guns are not bad if they are in right hand who knows how to control himself and the gun.Gun owners have to become more responsible in safe guarding the gun.It should be always kept under lock and key and to be kept out of reach of children.Parents and teachers should keep the children in strict discipline.Watching movie of guns will not let them know how to operate the gun.Possessing the guns with no licence to be taken in to custody by the concerned authority.Periodical check should should be carried out for illegal posses ion of guns.
pawan chandak
2007-12-12 07:36:05 UTC
Bringing the rose culture in force i.e if violence is trying to spread its feathers why don't we give love freedom to get spread all over.

the only thing that can defeat violence is love. in any form love would be love either it may be making children learn how to behave by means of discipline or any other strict rule.

Listen with patience to what the child says. We on our part have no patience to hear them then how can we force them to be patience. our impatience lead them to become same as what we are.

Patience should be the first chapter to be taught on the very first day of school of the child because it is the day when child comes out from his house and becomes a social element.
2007-12-16 05:15:30 UTC
I truley accept that gun culture has arrived in INDIA..!

want to know how..? well i hope every one remembers that our father of nation was also assassinated buy a gunner..

big people play these games bcoz money plays a major role in their life
The Tribune
2007-12-18 21:26:30 UTC
Juvenile crimes, thefts, robberies, sex crimes.,accidentss,cams, rampant corruption all these in dicate people have no respect foe law and law enforcement.As it is said that every dark cloud has a silver lining!, the apex court is active to a certain extent.

The last UP assembly elections have proved that the traditional thinking of politicians in power and political analysts have no relations to ground realites.

Mayawati has done good home work and secured full marks.

Lastly. these are the days of the youth, who are keen on ensuring that no impediment be there in their path of progress.They are future oriented and result seekers.They have no place for oldies retelling ancient tales.

they are looking for dynamic leadersand are ready to help them win.

Wait and watch all elections from now tyll Ls ellections in 2009.

They will set right all things,
2007-12-15 06:41:17 UTC
yes, definetely the gun culture is arrived.though earlier we r known for the country of peace non violence but now we r adopting the western culture which including the gun culture.responsible for this culture is somehow our way of cummunicating through our children,the way of our entertaining sources like media,games such as videos etc and of course some type of books also which are provocative,and respectively we are the choosers of it and we give it to our innocent beggers are not choosers,definetely we have the options to choose,but public awareness is neccessary,and the example of Euro school is much,we should not wait for another incident.
2007-12-14 00:44:39 UTC
I hope this is the first incident in our country. However we should not allow it to continue in future.Firstly Parents should be a role model for their children in every aspects. Secondly the teachers should pay more attention to the students' activities and teach them to be friendly with everybody.. Thirdly the Idiot Box should not exhibit such horror scenes. We should pray the almighty that this should be the last incident in the world.
ashwin k
2007-12-13 12:01:31 UTC
First of all avoid kids from seeing and playing violence video games. Government should take enough care not to allow big film posters showing violence, murder etc.,Also, there should be a restriction of violence commericials shown during any TV episodes. All these efforts togethere can help children grow in peaceful environment.

Remember a child mind is like a wet cement feed them with good culture and thoughts and it will remain for ever.
textilesinfomediary dotcom
2007-12-13 08:13:02 UTC
Anywhere if any one incident incurres, we need not make it loud that we have got a gun culture. Students emotions must be motivated in energiging way. There should be healthy competition among the students themselves. Today's children are growing with much more exterior experience by visual media easily accessible to them.
2007-12-12 00:56:25 UTC
The mafia, and corrupt people have had guns for quite some time in India and have used it very often on innocent people as well as cops and in gang wars.

The parents of these kids were property dealers , one of the categories having strong links with mafia and corrupt babus.

So the culture has been there now it seems these guys have started giving guns to kids. Northern India has more such problems compared to south. People there seem to get the evil of politics much faster.
2007-12-15 23:03:03 UTC
It was really a heart shocking incident which has made all of us think twice in which direction we are going. In this fast moving world i think we are leaving behind our valuable things that our parents has inculcated in us to our kids. I think it is a big mistake on the parents who so carelessly left such dangerous weapon open and loaded. They could have unloaded the gun and gone. We are in race of copying our western counterparts, and in this race i think some where we have started to leave our cultural and moral values behind.

It is the time to look behind and think of the mistakes we have made. We have to move with the fast growing world without leaving our moral values. We have to teach our kids what our elders did.
iqbal a
2007-12-15 00:15:44 UTC
In my opinion gun culture is arr ivied.But how it is because we the people r held responsible.I will give u the example of Gujarat how people r suffering how the govt is ruling.Everybody knows ever thing but they r keeping quite.Everywhere pol tics.Minister or ministers son is having the gun so we would stop first to them by taking the guns from then
2007-12-13 16:52:55 UTC
The only way to gain any degree of reigning-in regarding firearms, is by strict governmental control. Such a Law could well be preceded by an amnesty, allowing the handing in of firearms to local police during a specified period and without any repercussions for the individual concerned.
2007-12-13 07:07:49 UTC
Gun culture has not arrived in India
2007-12-13 02:07:09 UTC
My answer is that students entering the school must be allowed only through security check as we have seen on airport and several such places. We need to guide them properly. If they r out of the control of the parents then we should form such kind of force which should be used for checking such incidences that in future such things should not take place.
2007-12-12 20:37:11 UTC
Parents are the contributor to this chaos. Not only that, movies however, cause more influence than other factors combined. We as a whole community do nothing to enforce the ESRB ratings on TV films. Whereas enforcements on other countries like USA, Canada, etc etc are more rigid therefore having more controlled society. Since no one follows the ratings

even small kids watch movies like "Dhoom2" and "shootout at lokhandwala" i heard a 10 year old sing the "ganpat" song with all his friends. And a 12 year old collecting photos from the newspaper of "respectable ladies" (irony) wearing "compromising outfits". When India Today always featured this photos, who knew they would be at school libraries where

the boys would pretend to read, whereas admiring the graphic photos.

Anyways based on my knowledge and experience, i would like to share my views on how to resolve this horrible events. Although the problem is not immediately resolved, it can obviously, if rigidly followed will create optimal results within a span of a generation. Here are the points:


i> restriction of compromising photos from common magazines to only magazines for adults.

ii> Carefully rating films and strict adherence to it.(the tickets to not be available for youngsters.)

iii> Channels screening the "above rated" movies to be screened only in late-night shows.

iv> Channels should display the PG symbol or somehow warn

the Parents "if they are watching family shows together" through message should there be any circumstances to screen "such images" where they were to create an impact and influence the "young minds".

v> Utilization of software programs, which restrict children accessing "above rating" or "above 18 years of age" websites.

vi> Looking carefully at what he or she bought. (movie discs, magazines,etc)

vii> Restricting the TV channels viewed, by blocking it by the TV utility(if it offers).

this are some among the few,

General Behaviour:

i> promoting good behaviour, more than good academic score.

ii> take measures to stop children from doing bad stuff, by mentioning to their parents or by self. And also asking why he or she is doing such an action rather than thrashing the life away of their small structure.

iii> Respecting his or her's space to a limit, providing funds at only right places.

iv> Encouraging them to state their reason, why he or she is has done or doing such thing.

v> Providing support to emotion laden situations.(very effective) If not done, they lose confidence in their parents and become sober or find other means of "easing the pain".

vi> Open-minded rather than closed, narrow-minded thinking.

vii> teachers taking personality courses to enhance communications with every student and to avoid the "teacher's pet" situation, rather than supporting only the brainy student(in many situations, the "brainy student" actually gets away with his misbehaviour. Whereas the other's suffer or invariantly blamed")

OK then most of all, it is us citizens to voice their opinions at the last scenario, because we as a whole will come to an agreement which benefits whole as producing refined, polished gentlemen and ladies, than brutish and insolent beasts.
2007-12-12 05:30:07 UTC
It is quite interesting to note that such attitude of shooting the fellow students or friends and relatives is only seen among the people in the upper strata of society having lot of money to spend and no ethics are found among them. We have to some how stop this attitude of highly affordable school kids from such heinous activities. We have to educate their parents to put some restraint on the wards. I dont think any punishment given to the kids after the incident will help to prevent such deeds again. Only through advice and affection we can put an end to such actions.
2007-12-16 08:47:51 UTC
the gun culture was expected to arrive in India, its not new on the global front, its terrorising even big countries like the u.k. and the u.s, last august we have seen brutal murder of a 11 year old boy in Liverpool by 13 year old, the problem is the free availability of such weapons to kids,

we can stop this crime in two ways one is to restrict the children using them by educating them about the consequences of it.

the parents should also ensure that they keep these deadly weapons out of the reach of students.

they govt. also should ensure that people dealing illegal weapons should be punished strictly
mona k
2007-12-16 06:31:56 UTC
yes, the gun culture has reached india , mainly the parents are responsible for this culture ,as they have black money and they want to impress their friends and relatives by showing of the things, the material comforts , luxaries ,and most of the time they feel proud by telling others that their children are so advanced [ spoilt in reality ] that thay can search adult web sites , they can use pistols and guns . .... Parents lack the values of life ,so they dont ' really inculcate the right morals in the mind of their children they are busy in their parties and children are left with lots of money to spoil them . media has also role in spoiling the new generation by showing bad news again and again ,like shooting- incidents in the western countries ..there are number of good things to be discussed on TV channels , schools should also play a good role by ... conducting MORAL SCIENCE classes , encouraging the students to participate in extra curricular activites , Students should be honoured by the school and society who really helped some one in crises ., so that they should become models for others , energy of young students should get proper channal , for this the school curriculam is to be reframed , should be activity based and not craming of the bookish knowledge , Parents should spend some time with their children as there friends and listen to their problems what they want to share and this way children can be guided by them in a friendly way . PARENTS . TACHERS , SCHOOLS ,SOCIETY AND MEDIA CAN PLAY A GOOD ROLE IN CHANGING THE MINDS OF YOUNG GENERATION....

Venkatesh N
2007-12-14 07:19:31 UTC
ya definitely this gun culture has arrived in India from the western countries. In order to get rid rid of this all the students should be taught with good moral stories ie., they should be morally good to analyse what is correct and wrong. And also some rude comic graphic animated heroic serials making them more vigorous in their atitude.
2007-12-14 04:04:54 UTC
YES-Gun culture have allready made home in our society

due to voilence in t v culutre,no time with parents to have

lovaable climate at home,weak link of religion at the school stage to know the human value,religion cutterness in non tolerence religion etc

To stop gun culture it is advised that all our Primary lavel secondry lavel institute should have yoga and pranayam teaching at least one hour daily that will help in contrlling anger frustaration which is the cause of creating this type of incident in life cutter ness of religion should be avoided to achieve this goal.

2007-12-14 02:21:23 UTC
Surely it does seem that the gun culture has arrived in India,For me I blame the movies & cartoons which blatantly show violence & revenge to settle scores,to stop it we should not keep a gun in our houses because it is killing our own people.
2007-12-13 02:58:39 UTC
This is one case that got reported.Hence its not a "culture " of sorts. Secondly, those of us who have school going children send them to school with the hope that the school provides a safe and secure environment for learning. That is what schools are meant to be. Thirdly, parents cannot totally absolve themselves of their duty in incultating sound moral and ethical values to their child. This is our social responsibility.

Fourthly, what about rising "rage" on the roads,schools? What can we provide to these children, - "in school counselling". Making sure that new students are not bullied by older students and creating an atmosphere of trust. School authorities can get more proactive in identifying and tackling some of these behavioural problems.

The larger question that I fear is what kind of a social moras area are future citizens looking forward to?
2007-12-12 03:38:40 UTC
To know what can we do to stop this we first need to know the cause of the same.....which in my opinion are:

1. We are no more Indians .....Our global image of being polite and culture centered is gone now!!.........Indian are the most mis-behaved tourist globally :-( Sad but since we are not that cultured we can expect such barbaric actions from our kids...

2. Childs development can be easily questioned here.

3. House come a child has access to these things at home?......

4. Childs exposure to outer world....

5. His friends circle......

To stop the same I guess all the parents need to become better parents to stop such extreme aggressive moves from a child.....

a more psychological and scientific approach to child's care will for sure tacle the root cause of the problem.....
2007-12-15 05:19:14 UTC
when i heard this news i was not so surprised because it totally inmoral thing which has been aready happen in us school.parent must be responsible for that incident due to lack of moral guidance like tolarance and compation toward other human being, even if you are in state that you can't tolarate any more , you can express your hard time and sorrow to other being, so thst other may have good solution that help you from sorrow .it really sinful to kill other being just to emancipate your self from sorrow.killing is not the way you can over come sorrow and before taking action please be a long sighted so avoid kind , patience and be compationate
2007-12-15 00:25:44 UTC
already this culture is in india. onlything it was spead over to the elders first and previpously it has effect only in the national terrotories and borders now slowly spread on to interior area also. because of the media mostly, example the cartoon channels also showing the man who is a hero will take the weapons and kill the others. so in the child mind it is fixed. that he or she has to do the same when she/ he hates somebody that is it.
sivakumar p
2007-12-14 20:34:57 UTC
Sure the gun culture has arrived. Next to arrive is the bomb culture in schools. TV Channels, internet and Poltiicians who breed vandalism are to be blamed. Eve US failed to curb guns in schools. Only solution is to digest all these catastropic changes !! Thats all we can do
2007-12-12 22:51:13 UTC
Yes, gun culture has arrived in India long before and this came through cinema & TV. As fast as we are developing and going towards modernization, we are losing our morality.

We can stop it only by moral teaching and only the parents can do this in their homes from the begining. We can not teach this lesson of morality in school.
2007-12-12 21:22:27 UTC
I think the Gun culture was very much there and was prevalent in India. It is just that increasing mortalities due to gun shots have diverted our attention towards it. We as the youth of India, can play a major role in curbing this heinous thing.
2007-12-12 03:16:02 UTC
no, i donot think so. so far some isolated incidents happening does not mean that the gun culture is really set incident like this may be because some crazy, confused parents who do not take care of their children and those parents should be punished severely for this lapse.put them in jail for 10 years and put the boy in remand home and in some correction centre. that is all.
Srikumar K
2007-12-14 03:50:24 UTC
Yes. The gun culture has arrived witha Bang. The parents are the real GUNNS. The children are the CULTURE.

We Indians has lost our culture because of dirty parents.

The only way to stop it is not give licenses to parents.
2007-12-14 03:06:28 UTC
v know it is a problem... silent though.... it is a major issue... v al know d gun culture is very much a part ov r nationv.... itz jus that afta d incident itz become an issue... lets JUS not create a hue n a cry bout d whole sitation.... itz time 4 action.... licensin could b 1.... punishin does not change d person found guilty.... itz 4 d government 2 take care ov.... but d loop holes in d system would prevent d effective empolyment ov an step taken.... specifically in this case....
2007-12-14 01:19:31 UTC
Yes,gun culture has been arriving in India since time unmemorable.But still today, not only from the people point of view but also from the govt. no method is introduced.I would like to suggest you that always alert from it, okay.
2007-12-14 00:48:49 UTC
P Chiranjeevi
2007-12-13 18:12:03 UTC
This is an unfortunate incident for which we all think about.There is an increase in stress levels on school children which makes them to do such things.Users of weapons like pistols,guns must keep these in their right custody and they should be kept away from children.
2007-12-13 04:49:22 UTC
Schools have great responsibility in shaping the students. They have to conduct counselling sessions with students who r poor in studies or mischievous in class. Conduct yoga class for better mental stability.

Parents must not show or tell to their children that they have some thing like this, which makes children think it is legitimate. Parents (especially mom's) should know more from their children the activities in class on day today basis.
gulam m
2007-12-12 07:51:45 UTC

Parents should take care thi seriously, Al ways bollywood, Hollywood, Tv chanells are not be blamed for this Bheaviour. You have another way to stop these.

Of -course gun culture arrived in india, Now our govt. not able to fight against the terorist, Our children should train to defuse the bomb, operate advanced gun and responsibilites to their nation, so they will dont misuse these weapons. You know they will feel it some thing important to these items and take care of them.
2014-10-29 18:06:04 UTC
period when ethical values by way of stories, movies, cartoons and discussions should be taught. There children should be encouraged to express their minds freely and hear others. This should eventually become a platform where once in a month teachers and parents should also participate and attend attentively to their wards views, their worries, concerns, hopes, fears openly being expressed.

Thus a safety valve will evolve to clean minds of our children from the very beginning and help them to develop the fine qualities of heart and mind.
2007-12-16 04:50:08 UTC
Yeeeesss ! The gun cultutre has arrived in india. This incident of Euro Intenational school is a symbol of that. Our poloitical system is responsible for this. These Dirty politicians are driving us to western culture for their own profit. Forget about this incident - today's kids do all nasty things which they should never think of. If you visit the Shopping Malls in any part of Delhi - you can realise it.

Once By mistake - i went to the staircase of a shopping mall and i was utterly shocked to see the young boys and girls sitting there in a very compromising situation. I felt so ashamed on myself. I was terrified even to think of my kids going to Big School and bunking the classes and going to these malls. I have seen kids in school uniforms sitting there in Malls, restaurants and cinema halls(PVRs). Once i spoke to an attandant and asked him - why can not you stop these guys and gals (making noise and doing all kinds of volgure things in the hall) ? He replied very sincerely - we have orders from our bosses not to stop them and let them do whtever they want. If we stop them - they will not come again and our hall will be empty. Family people can't afford to pay so much for tickets. For these youngsters - it is a little amount. And as everybody know - most of the Malls and Theaters are owned by Politicians. From my point of view - 75% of the Indian Money is stuck with these politicians. They earn in Millions and Billions by way of all kinds of Ghotalas and bribes. Not even a single politician in our country is honest. And that is the reason for corruption in every phase of our life. If there comes a way and somehow we can punish these politicians and beaurocrats - this country can come to its original shape. At present these politicians have corrupted our whole system. Schools can not stop the kids . If teachers do that - that becomes a coral punishment and teacher is punished for that . Then who will take risk of his /her job and will teach the kids.

Kids want freedom . A few years back - DPS scandal came to light and what was the outcome ? Did we learn something out of that ? Simply Nooooo !!! Even from this incident we won't learn anything . People will forget it in a week's time. I am feeling so bad for these 2 poor kids- who did not even think for a moment before shooting their classmate. They are not the sole responsible - we should also share the burden of responsibility. This is just a trailor. Don't we read everyday in newspapers that so and so was beaten to death on parking, speeding or any small issue. We have lost our patience. This is how our society has changed. We dont respect our neighbours, our friends, our relatives , our teachers, our parents. Where is the culture of playing together ? Do we allow our kids to go out and play with his age group kids ? Simply NOOOO !!!! All these big Airconditioned Public Schools are spoiling our next generation. Why do the kids need A/cs ? Will it make them strong ? Providing them Pizza and Burger in Schools will make them strong ? all this will spoil them . But we can't stop these shool owners because they are Big fish. Who can dare to touch them ?

In my opinion - this incident is just symbolic otherwisw our whole society has become voilent and corrupt and our political system is the sole responsible for that. I have started teaching my son to become a politician in future so that he doesn't face any crunch in life. I have stardted teaching him not to be scared but to make others scared . That is the only way - we can survive in this jungle raj. Might is Right here in our country. GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY TO GET RID OF THIS GENERATION OF CORRUPT POLITICIANS.
keshav pd
2007-12-14 08:56:15 UTC
It is sheer negligence on the parts of parents and elders who allow access to the choldren to such deadly weapons. They should be taken to task. While issuing liscences, an affidavit should be obtained that in case of misuse of the weapon will lead all sort of compensations from the property of the possessors for protection which it is obtained and kept. Govt. officials who are required to keep such instruments, a court attachments from salay and perks be made along with attachment of physical immovable property in their name or in the name of all their relatives. Such things happen because of mal or miss civilization of children at home and in schools also. Proper care should be taken to assess aptitude and attitude of the child and when found of abnormally harmful nature, should be weeded out and sent to seperate schools where the children are taught to earn and learn simultaneously. It may sound some hars but no alternate as extra love and over protection of parents spoil the children in early age. Criminal attitude is some times heridatory and some times taken up from observations of horror or stunt films just out of curiosity to do somethinng new. It is the responsibility of parents to watch and observe their wards physically and psychologically and every effort should be made to discourage and check misdeeds or over enthusiastic activities that lead to development of antisocial thinking at the beginning point itself. It is responsibility of all, parents, relatives and teachers as well as members of the society where such things happen. None can escape from it.
2007-12-13 23:07:38 UTC
It seem so, a balanced emotional & disciplinary input to childern from parents is required , the childern should understand values of life and must belive in "jio aur jeene do" this only can prevent the gun culture in the country.
gideon p
2007-12-13 22:19:26 UTC
yes, now is the the time to start STRONG MORAL EDUCATION in our schools than the mental / book education. Parrents have no time to spare with their children now they should start preparing a time table to find time to spend with their kids than internet / t.v.Start teaching about the SATVIK WAY OF LIFE ie basically a spritual way of life. Corporate schools should check the bags when they check in to the schools. Since the media is teaching all type of non sense activities parrents should control the kids from watching tv/internets / computer e games.Parrents / school teachers shold teach about characters like humility, forgiving, patience love etc rather than TIC-TAC POLICY/ ARROGANT CHARACTER and parrents shold be a model role to be followed by their kids.
2007-12-13 02:55:04 UTC
No , some incidence does mean the cause of gun culture ! its right that child -crime has been increased due to worth-television programmes & more news medias .But still we have best social -atmosphere in comparison the diffrent parts of world . so still we are lucky that we have no gun culture yet !
Intrepid Z
2007-12-13 01:16:50 UTC
GUN CULTURE ARRIVED!!!! r u kidding !!

Gun culture was always there in India, ppl in other countries have to buy guns in India there are states where they make their own guns, kill their own brothers for small pieces of lands, kill women without a reason. shoot in the air at marriage parties like fools.
2007-12-12 22:34:43 UTC
Parents will have to come out of monetary benifits' mentality which has provoked the psychology of the children to feel independent. Just to pull the money for self understood high class lifestyle has crushed and forced the children's brain to act in negative way. Don't be proffessional atleast with yours' own produced children. Earn less and provide a good lead to yours' own's lives. Mind it they are the future faithfull citizen of our COUNTRY.
2007-12-13 10:27:21 UTC
Ya its not a good Culture for India....Actually this culture is at present in US,but how it came to is unpredictable..anyway we have to stop this by conducting the class against the Shooting.If we do like this,the students definitely accept the fact,and in future they never do like this.Because students did not know about the value of life...Their age is like that..So we have to advice about this severely for them....
banamali p
2007-12-13 03:21:42 UTC
Country made guns/weapons are made in states like Bihar and supplied to other parts of the country. Mafias mostly use these weapons and create havoc in cities/towns. If this could be stopped, i think illegal arms supply can be stopped. Normally, we cannot procure a weapon through legal means which is very difficult.
bijay b
2007-12-12 23:37:52 UTC
it had arrived far back when i used to b a school going kid, i saw n even experienced this 'gun culture'. i dont think school could help it, though upto an extent it could b controlled but parents only could sort out this type of negligence. they might b responsible n might not b according to the sourrounding condition of the school going childeren.
2007-12-12 21:48:46 UTC
Dear, this is not only one example of changing culture of our country its start long before, When whatever matter (Whether its related with country, colony or individuals) is not resolved by the competent authority then this type of happing will happens, its an sociological effect when anybody thing I will not get Justice then this type culture comes. So, the solution is simple we create and maintained the hope of the people in Justice.
The Best
2007-12-12 03:19:12 UTC
We should not make it a big issue. It's the responsibility of each & every parents to take care of these possibilities. We hope this is the first & th last incident of this kind in India.

the more we make an issue on this the more children come to know about this so let not children know these things.
ranjeet t
2007-12-16 07:03:07 UTC
To deal with this problem our government should take initiatives by taking strong action to prevent smuggling of such weapons and there local manufacturing, moreover government should be more care full about proper investigation before permitting licence to the holder,people or parents should pay adequate attention towards their children's and there moral -children's do what they see around.
mudagall I
2007-12-13 05:51:25 UTC
Parents are held responsible for ignoring their wards.Parents ever spend their time in earning and sanction the demands made by their son/daughter instead teaching values,culture.etc.Secondly media is responsible.It highlights more criminal views than the Indian culture.Judiciary system which leaves them Scot free due to lack evidence
2007-12-13 00:37:32 UTC
As this is the first incident in India but it is the signal that now we have to aware of doing blind follow of movies and foreign culture. some time people need to keep gun or weapon to protect their self from some theft or looter but if u really don't need it please don't buy any weapon and the most important thing is that due to busy schedule parents stop giving their attention to the children this is main thing that we have to aware in lonely time they watch TV and they are not able to understand what is right and what is wrong and they just do it as kids play. but parents have to aware and give their children time and have to share children's thought, they have to know what their child is thinking. and educate them to understand different beetwin right and wrong and also keep hide information that they own a weapon and keep it away from child and keep weapon in lock. most important thing that children are like blank paper and their parents are busy in money making and bad movie and program affect their mind. intend of this if parent give their attention to children. some time parents discuses some personal problem in front of children it also affect children's soft mind this is the only solution according to me and i hope you wise people will also agree with me.

I hope every people read this article will follow some steps as I mentioned above to keep their child away from gun culture

Thanking you

Hiren Trivedi
2007-12-12 08:16:26 UTC
da onli way is to catch hold da roots of da prob. i.e., negligence among da parents n school authorities 2wards der respetive duties.

parents should n must some how manage 2 take out some time 2 luk atfer der child n should always keep an eye on his daili activities, hobbies his behavior etc..,

its rediculars 2 blame a school coz its onli quater a day da child is under da inspection of a school rest is left wid da parents. so da onli way is parents care.
2014-05-19 20:08:07 UTC
To stop all this gun culture as we see is to insist & follow our own Indian culture in all our schools rather following western culture, make rules & regulations regarding these to be strictly followed by all schools. The latest in this case is that PARENTS of both accused children have abondoned their children & are absconding from their house, NOW WHAT YOU CALL THESE PARENTS????
2016-02-01 17:28:19 UTC
The teachers in school are the ones who are moulding the young minds to face the hard realities of the world, efficiently. But their role , after this incident , also has come under shadow.They should be asked where were they when this type of hatred was brewing.
2007-12-16 21:18:22 UTC
I have an funny idea to stop GUN CULTURE:

if we would buy the whole no. of guns from ordinary people or terrorist and sell it to other country then we can stop GUN CULTURE and earn a lot of money by selling them.
2007-12-14 01:16:39 UTC
No.The gun culture has not arrived in India.If you ask the boy who killed his classmate what made him to kill his classmate,He will simply reply that he is inspired to use violence just like in cinemas and serials in TV.As far as possible educate the kids and youngsters the consequences of violence.That is only solution,because violence in cinemas and serials can not be avoided.
2007-12-13 01:39:13 UTC
I feel gun holder carries some responsiblity too with him, as well as school had not paid any attention over the complain of the students. School failed in performing his duties.

Why such conditions arrived ?

Why students were so distrubed?

Because there was no one to share their problem, and when complained no one paid attention.
2007-12-13 00:11:20 UTC
No i dont accept this as gun culture........

arrest that stupid father who is all reasons for that incident....quarell among children in school is common sight in our country...since the child was provided pistol it became tragedy.....

father of the accused should be punished life sentence or hanging that should fear other careless parents.....

and people dont blame society for this, since there are lot more good and caring parents...........
Mohnan U
2007-12-12 18:05:08 UTC
I will only blame our Govt.who encourage Rowdies and Goonda,All the Rowdies and Goondas should be hanged or killed by that new rowdies and goondas will not be created.

There should be Morals class and subject from kinder garden for the students to learn the Honesty and live a happy life by straight forward with truth.Only Moral from young days will make them a good man/women in future.
chithra i
2007-12-12 06:44:03 UTC
I worked for 30 yrs. as a school teacher. We always needed the help of the parents , if it is a day school.The parents should check the bag and the books as per the time-table.The parents should not discuss certain topics in their presence and should put them more on their talents, such as music,sports,dramatics etc etc.
Dr. Knowitall
2007-12-17 11:06:27 UTC
1. parents having lethal weapons must report it to the schools

2. children must be checked for the symptoms of being bullied or bullying any other classmate

3. teachers of primary segments must keep a watch on the childs behaviour and even the smallest of problems like stealing stationery must be solved wisely.

4. teachers must make a annual behaviour report

5. parents must come up with solving childrens problems rather than neglecting them and teaching some basic do's and dont's

take care.
Ajay Pratap S
2007-12-16 08:58:32 UTC
We should not take this perspective bcoz its negative

n one instance cant suggest arrival of a new era .

in other countries we generally hear instances like that.

but this instance was should not forgettable and it indicates the role of concerning school body and parents that how much it has changed .so we need to make school and

parents realise that discipline is must .
2007-12-12 06:35:34 UTC
Gun culture has arrived in India long back. Probably, in school, it might be, first known incidence.

Inordinate delay in Judiciary, has given strength to anti social elements. If one has money power, he can manage anything.

Impartial Justice, within shortest period of time , can reduce barbaric gun culture.
2007-12-14 00:13:37 UTC
It arrived long back by criminal background politians.they are main brainy of underworld puppet don. To stop it ,is a very simple.Give full free hand to justice, let them scan all systems with mordern & ancient meta-physics test,Make a crieteria for ruller.

To shape new generation , adopt our old Gurukul systems,value base teaching away from cites & useless media.
Dreams Unlimitted
2007-12-13 19:36:30 UTC
Yes this is very serious concern. government should follow very hard rules to avoid such kind of misuse in future. We need to cultivate the moral in the children so that such things will never happen. I am very much sure that our current education system is enriching the children for such ethics
2007-12-13 18:01:07 UTC
come on people ... don't blame nobody... don't blame any culture.... what is that gun culture...

there is just two ways.....kill each other for once and all or learn to live in harmony and avoid all this mess.

is there anybody here who thinks that the boy did not know what he was doing?

education itself has forgot its purpose. look at yourself then look at the next person.
2007-12-13 08:01:47 UTC
A tough question, indeed!! We have these goondas who are politicians. They are the ultimate power in our so called "Democratic System". These people cannot be muzzled by court or judiciary, for that matter. This, I think, is what I would term it as "Democratic Hazard" which is similar to occupational hazards, etc. God Save India!!
2007-12-12 23:26:19 UTC
we cant say simply that gun culture has started in INDIA coz of one incident..... But is high time to check the stress level and patience of our young pillars...Its is always better to stick to our culture and practise all those yoga and dhynas... Also educational institutes should come forward in doing those not by strict enforcements but by making students to love these arts(yoga's & dhynam)"The art of living".....
2007-12-14 02:20:43 UTC
To avoid gun culture in india ,stop the violent serials in T.V s and ban violent moves.
irk varaprasad
2007-12-12 03:11:51 UTC
gun culture entered INDIA centuries back along with europeans, That was for different purpose. that was to fight the out siders who have occupied INDIA and treated INDIANS as slaves. But not shoot or kill fellow citizen just to show their muscle power.It can be stopped only if it is proved and made clear in the minds of people that possessing and/or using unauthorised weapons is treated with corporal punishment by the judiciary & executives(politicians) with out any bias by punishing people who have already commited the crime.
2007-12-16 23:11:50 UTC
Parents are solely resposible for this.What for the gun is lying on the TV trolley.It is showing criminal bentness.Actually they are newly millionaires so unable to digest the money. Parents should not be left at all.
2007-12-12 23:21:41 UTC
We have to follow the path that is shown by our aborigions.We have to teach that moral values to our children , Parents must have to gave time to explore there feelings and treat them as frinds , not as a rulerToday joint families breaks and each one wants privacy. Going away from ur culture, heritage etc , is it privacy . it is so with many not with all . If we want to save our society,our culture we must have to follow the path that is shown by our religious GURU's .THe answers of all our problems is only in SAHIB SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB (Sikh religious book). Once read it and see the difference in your soul.

varun g
2007-12-12 03:27:20 UTC
I Think its an outcome of great negligence from parents side.

Because parents are very well aware of their ward's nature .

So, keeping all these things in mind they should deal with their child. They shouldn't let them go off the Track!!
suresh s
2007-12-13 03:01:42 UTC
yes, When we have no respect for Indian culture, we should now be ready for such incidents at large.The children have filmy heros as their ideals who for their selfish gain only show violance in their moovies.To my surprise, not a single filmmaker in recenttimes has tried to touch the grassroot subjects of Indian society in his or her moovie .Only sex, violance, love are the major problems in India which are often hilighted by these irresposible charactors for their money making game.
Milan B
2007-12-12 23:33:58 UTC
yes the gun culture is arrived in india.
2007-12-12 21:37:44 UTC
1.The printing media should be very careful while printing such incidents, They don't have to cover the disaster step by step as the readers get some idea how to execute their personal plans.....

Be brief in representation of news.

2. The parents should be much more careful handling such machines, kids as well.Protect them watching crimes and vulgarity in any media...
rajendra a
2007-12-12 08:31:08 UTC
Yes. to stop this my suggestions are:-

1. Stop all Cartoon Chennels which are peomoting and telecasting the Programmes are based on Gun Culture.

2.Stop all Chennels which are telecasting Non INDIAN culture serials.
2007-12-16 04:42:58 UTC
Who follows the rules in india ?? Do u follow every rule ?? there's nothing to stop any1 to break rules , nw just watch the case of this child it will go around 20 year's !!!
karunanithi s
2007-12-15 23:40:20 UTC
definitely not;do not blow out of proportion a stray incident.It is the media hype.It's the parents who should be taken to task for their negligence and they should be punished so that such incidents do not take place in future.It's the duty of the school to instil discipline among students
pramod m
2007-12-15 06:24:08 UTC
Gun culture is coming because of self protection. Now almost all not beleeving on police who are there to protect people because they are currupted and our polititians also currupted to make it. The only solution is young people come across politics and all sevice related works.
Zafar A
2007-12-15 00:36:51 UTC
We should eat the halal things, if we will take, blood will not be spoil and ultimately crime rate will be decrees.

It is matter of everyone to think to a particular person. There is a series of Ghoos rishwat from upper pat to lower part.
2007-12-14 02:46:37 UTC
it is the developmental abnormality and we can name it as amygdalic dysfunction. what happens when a teenage has some bad idea and thinks seriously on that , his feelings in the mind (amygdala)becomes so intence that it starts triggering to initiate an spontanious action from a direct path bypassing (hijacking )the thinking resources.the bad action the happens without control .

what is needed to correct such persons to give them full knowlege on how the brain works and how to reverse it for bad feelings. given an opportunity i can explain the total mystry.


counselor for mind tuning
ashish mishra
2007-12-13 01:53:26 UTC
Can't stop this.

World is changing. India is also changing.

With all the complexity in society's westernization this will happen.

If you can do anything

Keep your moral ground high,

Improve yourself,

Don't follow anything blindly think about that,

Else do what you like.
anurag kumar s
2007-12-12 01:14:56 UTC
first of all i would like to say that the gun culture has not arrived. and if somebody is getting gun then it is the failure of the state to prohibit illegal possession of guns. if somebody has a access to a gun then it is quite natural that this kind of incidence will take place. it is said about the gun that even if you have licence then also don't carry it everywhere because if you carry that you will be tempted to use it. as far as the solution is asked to stop this culture , i think strenthening of enforcement and vigilance department will resolve it.
kalpesh jain
2007-12-14 01:10:47 UTC
It all about family system in which the boy are arriaved. It has to taken seriously bcoz it was begining of all this thing.. The boy who did is all a mentally distrubed all has to taken to phycologist. Also the computer games is violeting the this gexNext.
2007-12-12 21:44:19 UTC
I think it is the arrival of gun culture in india . So it is our duty to stop it as the new age generation .We should stop it by teaching our junior and level youths by giving them the moral teaching with doing it by us nor by just talking of it . Our senior peoples should think 100 times before get a gun licence b'coz it might b used by their juniors in fault use . We must takeit carefully to stop thjis cul;ture carefully .
2007-12-12 08:19:24 UTC
Keep our Gun without bullets and bullet kept in locker 4 extra safety. Then we stop or minimise this type of incident.
2007-12-12 02:44:48 UTC
Gun culture could be brought down in India, only when all educational insitutions in India , follows from 1st standard, the complete education of `Vethathri Maharishi`,. It is a package, starts with exercise, meditation, introspection. courses and all about spiritual. More details can be had from website www.
aboo b
2007-12-13 20:16:14 UTC
gun culture came out now.

the thing is that how the children felt to shoot? how they got idea?

answer is one. that is Electronic Media. Cinema/TV.

.urgent action is required from the Central Government.

film makers,especially directors should understand that this is not only money making, millions watching and they may provoke seeing such types of scenes.

Director is like you and me. whatever comes in his mind. he does and think he is right.
kamal s
2007-12-15 03:56:27 UTC
I believe our judiciary has to control it, I do not think any person require a gun licence, still a person require gung then he/she must take the services of security agencies instead of keeping gun he/herself. forthe simple reason is the person who has the gun does not know how & when this lethal weapon shoulb be used, forget about the kids.
2007-12-14 22:01:21 UTC
This is due to our growing culture & some Deductive flims to

heros what they doing in flims only but in real life is not possible. we control this type of incidents To clearn Disciplaine & Following of Indian Culture & not show to weapon using flims to our childern & they have to control with their fathers & mothers & Also a growing Sourrounding premises
varun s
2007-12-12 09:10:26 UTC
certainly gun culture has arrived india

it cant be stopped

for every action there are three stages

1 -: initialization

2-: development ie. progressiveness and

3-: decline

gun culture is on its first stage in india

and the rest estimate you can make
2007-12-12 03:12:25 UTC
Gun culture was already in India. this is because of our politician. They does not take any step to control this things
2007-12-11 23:36:40 UTC
Gun license should be regulated properly so irresponsible person could not have it. Blame game is an evasive behaviour of the person who has been groomed in subhuman environment. First we must admit the wrong and take corrective measure for future so recurrence of such kind of shame-full incidents could be prevented. whosoever is guilty must be punished so deterrent effect will prevail.
2007-12-16 05:51:49 UTC
provide children sweet bullet to fire,The gun should b given by their parents made of affection and love. no this gun culture is brought by reckless workohalick parents.
dipti prakash
2007-12-16 02:23:21 UTC
stop that deadly culture to enter in our flawless unique culture.Not that gun culture I am saying western culture that invade in our country.After all it is borrowed one,not ours we can stop it.Our children should learn the way of Mahatma Gandhi,not way of brutal colonialism.We can not assimilate the hellishly violence in our culture that was never before in our vicinity,was it!That culture is not ours,that must be removed from root,otherwise nothing would be different in east and west.
2007-12-14 23:45:49 UTC
this kind of incidents very rerly took place in india so, we can not justify this as arrival of gun cluture in india. every persom who held armed vepon should be care full before place it anywhere in house, it must beyond reach of childrens.
sneha l
2007-12-14 00:07:27 UTC
If a culture begins in India, alas no body can stop it
2007-12-13 23:33:35 UTC
we always following the west & usa ; so i knew one day it will happen & it did ! friends i don't think we can change these things because we allknow ; how easy to have weapons for anyone ? thouh in my view ; if we try to use our mind instead of the heart ; then we might could control these things but i must say ; it's not easy at all . meanwhile i knew we will forget these things in few days at least ; so we should not be worry !
Your P
2007-12-12 11:55:05 UTC
The Movies......??? yes it is true.

Movies have a great role to play in our life...

the TV serials... ??? The great change in Indian culture is due to the MEDIA only. I remembered in my child hood I rarely use to see the girls wearing western dresses but now it is a part of Indian culture. same is having premarital relationship and extra marital affairs etc.
2007-12-12 04:53:44 UTC
I Think that Govt. has to create a new rule that the owner of that gun should sign on an stamp paper, agreement/document that if any body or, he also use that gun illegaly than he will accept the life emprisenment.
Manish N
2007-12-12 02:38:50 UTC
I think People who have grown in terms of money and not in terms of brains are responsble.

As one can own a gun but he needs to be responsble enough as well. Not only for his safity but also the safty of others.
2007-12-15 08:27:07 UTC
india is holy place "no gun culture.., but agriculture" let us sharp u r brains to prevent such incedents.., india cant b "gun culture" political leaders v request u pl giveup u r behavour and work with honestly..., teachers v request u pl be frendly with students.., parents v request u pl be guiders with u r children.., and seize the shops those who r selling weapons witout license and give limits those who r having weapons with license... dont say "Jai hunt..., But say "Jai Hind...."
vishwanath m
2007-12-12 07:02:47 UTC
yes,gun culture has entered India.thanks to the rich parents who connive at the faults of their children,and helping them to escape from the hands of law.For stopping this parents and teachers must join hands in inculcating moral values in children.
ajay i
2007-12-13 10:03:47 UTC
teach children in school that guns,knifes etc r bad 2 d indian community, so if its so v wud b like iraq or afghanistan.but becouse v don use it our country develops wit good economic standards,if u hav a gun ul die by guns
2007-12-13 03:19:58 UTC
2007-12-12 05:19:44 UTC
It is not so .The arrogance is developed in minds of children due to various re sons in past this violence in came out in various ways .Now in the form of shooting each other. parents should show full love on children rather showing towards TV serials and their work . If parents attention and care turns towards their children this kind of violence can be avoided
balu m r
2007-12-12 04:15:46 UTC
First check out the students while he was entering the school campus, if he had any gun, or any violent instruments. Then their parents should be warned to give more money than his/her normal expenditure. The parents should watch their son/daughter's everyday programs. The TV's should be censored the serials.
vijay m Indian Lawyer
2007-12-12 01:34:50 UTC
In this case I give full blame to the parents specially the property dealer father of one of these two boys who took his revolver to school & shoot their class mate. This father was such a sense less man that rather then keeping this fire arm in his save & secure custody had kept in his T.V. trolley for any one to take & use it. This I call too much money inflates the mind. This man was foolish enough to expose such dangerous weapons to his innocent kids, & I'm sure he must be giving them live demonstration how to use it, otherwise how any child of such tender age can pull the trigger if it is locked otherwise, its only when such a child is shown how to unlock the revolver & how to pull the trigger this won't be possible for any such innocent child, just by watching movies or T.V. serials where use of such weapons are shown openly. If the police blames the parent of these accused children for such negligence they are right as they know the technique how to use a revolver & its lock system which any other person who has not ever used such an arm wont know leave aside children of 13 years age group. As far the School authorities are concerned let me bring this fact to knowledge of every one that these new so called public/international/private schools opened through out DelhiNCR & other cities of India are nothing but commercial organizations for making money. I live in Gurgaon & this school is hardly three miles from my house, but there are other schools too which are going the way this school. These are just commercial shops nothing more, the standard of education is absolutely ZERO in all these schools but they try their best to follow the style which other well known Schools in India operate. Those famous schools are very strict regarding discipline amongst the students & teachers both but in such commercial schools its only money which is more important, let the discipline go to hell. Their school charges are much more that one well to do executive gets as monthly pay, but the five star style of functioning of these schools attract even such executives to send their children to such schools. I'm sorry to say our government both National & state are not bothered about such school's functioning & no strict rules & regulations are made for them to follow in order to give a true, disciplined education to our children for their over all development. To stop all this gun culture as we see is to insist & follow our own Indian culture in all our schools rather following western culture, make rules & regulations regarding these to be strictly followed by all schools. The latest in this case is that PARENTS of both accused children have abondoned their children & are absconding from their house, NOW WHAT YOU CALL THESE PARENTS????
mithlsh k
2007-12-14 00:07:54 UTC
No people are very crouded in india then gun culture is don't

stop it
Shiwshankar C
2007-12-15 03:36:45 UTC
In my opinion, parents need to give more attention to the children, everything can not be left over on teachers only, improve children's faith in God and our traditions could be the best remedy. I feel
arul k
2007-12-13 14:27:07 UTC
should not give the bullets 2 load the gun, without higher (like mum,dad) peoples knowledge. (this was the stright information to the gun suppilers).
sagar k
2007-12-13 00:26:37 UTC
the only way to stop gun culture is by killing all the people who r involved in arms n ammunition trafficking.
anne j
2007-12-12 19:47:03 UTC
Criminality is a genetic factor and lasting peace can only be achieved by practising eugenic policies. Details follow:-


WHAT IS NEOGENICS? It is human genetics applied to alleviate human sufferings and to improve the human gene pool. With this we copy nature’s own reproductive plan (differential fertility).

What can we achieve?

(i) Neogenics bridges the genetic gap in certain superior traits existing between the elite and the average. It compensates the selective migration of the superior genetic stock from the poor to the rich, from the rural to the urban areas and from the underdeveloped to the developed nations.

(ii) Biological socialism leads to economic socialism. All attempts made so far to achieve economic socialism by imposing Marxism/communism have not achieved the desired goal. Capitalist countries witnessed considerable economic progress but failed miserably in equitable distribution of wealth. Biological socialism is the only hope to bridge the gap in wealth between the rich and the poor in a democratic way.

(iii) Neogenics helps increase the number of good minds and to reduce crime, corruption, cruelty etc. Attempts to transform society through moral preaching have not yielded any lasting results. Genetic transformation of the society will assure lasting peace and harmony. Repeated studies of twins proved again and again the genetic basis of human intelligence and behavior.

(iv) Racial mingling through neogenics will put an end to violence on racial grounds.

(v) By reducing the incidence of genetically transferable diseases (most diseases have a genetic base), great improvement in health can be achieved and thereby considerable reduction in medical expenditure.

(vi) Increasing the intelligence of the common man according to the needs of a civilized and technologically advanced society. The benefits of ascending IQ in a population are rather beyond our imagination.

(vii) Neogenics is the only method now available to correct genetic disorders in order to protect the right of the unborn. A child has a legal right to begin life with a sound mind and a sound body.

All this will reduce human suffering and put human race on an evolutionary track as nature has been doing for the last several millions of years. It may be noted that we are the only species capable of directing our evolution in a manner that suits our wisdom and for the betterment of our less fortunate fellow citizens and species as a whole.


(i) Encourage the production of more children among the healthy and the gifted couples.

(ii) Discourage the reproduction of the habitual criminals, mentally challenged and the sick.

(iii) Start sperm/egg banks for the benefit of the infertile couples (10 to 12 percent of the population) and for those daring couples who want to bring about improvement of the genetic stock of their future generations.

(iv) Popularize genetic screening and genetic counseling to prevent genetically transmitted diseases

All the above steps may be needed till genetic engineering reaches a level that enables genetic transformation of a society or individual through gene therapy, cloning or other means yet to be discovered or envisaged.


P.S. Published on behalf of the Society for Advancement of Man (SAM), Athirampuzha – 686 562,Kottayam, Kerala, INDIA. Our publications: 1. Survival of the unfittest 2. Cross-current 3.Gene Drain – a palmlet on brain drain and its genetic impact. Please send your comments and suggestions. Contact No.919447909473; e-mail:
2007-12-14 09:08:23 UTC

bharath r
2007-12-13 10:58:43 UTC
gun culture has not arrived in india and will never. please do not ask such question in public just for the sake of your website getting attention and spoil our country. please remove this article soon from your website. otherwise, as an indian I have all the rights to sue you people.
2007-12-13 03:27:55 UTC
stop giving news of western gun culture here . and no children came to know abt this gun culture. stop talking abt this kind of new for elder if they came to know by any source .
2007-12-14 07:38:48 UTC
Hasnt anybody seen the cartoons and toys these days???? Wasnt this to be expected sooner or later? Why are we surprised? Do we really still care about our kids exposure to violence?
Tilakpal baghel
2007-12-14 01:58:16 UTC
Yes, it also arrived in INDIA. it should be stopped our educational system only. we have to educate our children in such a way that they can believe in non-vielance.
gaurav mantri
2007-12-13 03:38:26 UTC
yes, it has arrived in india, we just need to avoid keeping guns in our home or to keep in a place where no one can get them easily, mainly childrens.
Nilesh S
2007-12-14 09:12:33 UTC
I don't think Gun culture is arrived yet...............but we have to think about that incidence....In every school its compulsory to teach Our Indian Culture....
2007-12-13 03:36:54 UTC
gun culture yes

but some stat gun culture allredy start
2007-12-12 22:45:02 UTC
Firstly,the police should properly enquere about the persons background and wht thret he/she has before issuing a revolver lisense. secondly, its not the mistake of children becoz they are learning from the society ,the parents should observe the children and take care of them.
2007-12-15 12:54:59 UTC
Dont allow the gun culture in india. its the last thing india needs. especially indian youth. please the parents and teachers should be more aware of the attitude of the children and teens. its the freaky culture of the westners . please stop it and make india safe.
abdul malik
2007-12-15 00:50:32 UTC
We need to improve our moral values in the country through media,schools etc.
2007-12-14 04:00:23 UTC
It is definately a wake up call for all of us,since its a wrong weapon in wrong hands.Parents can't be so negligent ........Its their sole responsibility to take stook of such things.
ajay s
2007-12-13 10:19:35 UTC
infact we are not civilised and believe in appeasement of administration and politics for selfishness on the cost of nation by not inculcating the spirit of nationhood;shame on bypassing the rules of land which we mean our is the crop of of corruput system for the gain of corrupt people.
2007-12-12 03:02:07 UTC
we can stop the gun culture arrived in india if indian government has stricks rule .
2007-12-13 22:05:47 UTC
culture is safe n right as far as if its been taken care n shouldered by responsible n mature persons n not by immature children who r not yet properly grown up
2007-12-12 20:50:50 UTC
To eliminate this culture, the process has to start from ones own home
2007-12-15 04:35:58 UTC
ya the gun culture has arrived and it should be stopped as possible as we or you can.
2007-12-14 08:45:19 UTC
yes......... difenetly., we should prevent this through civier action with support of military and police, at the same time government immeadatly issue the national indentification card [samrt card]to the puplic as soon as possible at cost
2007-12-13 00:49:02 UTC
yes.but we are to blame ourselves. blindly aping western culture and values,driven by an almost defiant rebuttal of the past only leads to this.
2007-12-16 20:31:31 UTC
yes, it is shocking everywhere in India about the shooting done within the students in gurgaon, Delhi . now i think it as become a fashion now....t think so ... becos my friends say like that but i don't say like we have to take steps..even in Hyderabad also ...& in USA also 4 indians were killed ...... we have to stop this ...!!!!!! we have to take steps against it......come join our hands to prevent this like of things......
2007-12-13 11:10:27 UTC
people should stop following the american culture of guns and drugs.
2007-12-15 00:59:03 UTC
yes , because of the people's who are supplying guns to little angel's we should punish the people who are doing this, not the innocent children.
2007-12-14 23:32:45 UTC
yes. usingthe sane gun all the wicked politicians and corrupted administraers should be eliminated . they are creating artificial rift between castes colour and religions
sajna n
2007-12-14 12:26:50 UTC
try to give education to the parents regarding where to keep restrictions for the the children.
2007-12-12 22:54:20 UTC
childrens indulge themselves into such act may be due to some problem in family ... because some chidren hv family back grounds in such way which affects them in a bad way ....

this is ones thinking .... so thinking sould be changed first ,the surroundings should be changed then nly children can change ......
2007-12-15 08:34:17 UTC
yeah i think parents should give the information about all that,because now the generation become very clever they already know all that. but parents should alert their child..and the schools should give proper knowledge about weapons......thanks
n k
2007-12-14 03:37:52 UTC
yes i agree. & for the incident we including i & you both are responsible that we are purchase gun in every year in diwali ( for to blast phatake ) to train our childs to make a sharp shooter . also teaching them in pictures .
shivani s
2007-12-13 04:16:05 UTC
i think more than the school the house envt provokes a kid to do this stuff as childrens are blackboards they only do what they see is done for revenge
2007-12-14 08:43:09 UTC
children at a very small age should not be provided with guns
lokesh s
2007-12-13 08:32:54 UTC
Proper education towards angry,weapon,revenge,behaviour & envrnoment (Civilians)
2007-12-12 20:19:23 UTC
first of all parents should give attention to their children who r working parents,that wt she/he wacthing in tv,wht games they r playing and wt kind of language they r speaking,if it is need to improve thn first improve the behaviour of their child and about guns and all that killer weapons parents should tell or let them teach about it gently that how it is horrible to use...
2007-12-13 02:53:20 UTC
Complete stop at production of bullets, or make it expensive so that no rich culd buy it
2007-12-13 01:00:12 UTC
we can prevent children to violence incidents,and dont give a chance to make an intrest on guns,if we had guns in our home

keep it safely.
sanjay m
2007-12-12 22:55:48 UTC
gun culture is a product of ' change of playing pattern'. we want to take care of play-instruments.
sneha p
2007-12-15 09:27:12 UTC
We must ban violant movies.The superstar like shahrukh,aamir,akshay,amitabh,abhishek etc. must do something against this violance. It will effect mostly to people.
2007-12-15 00:48:05 UTC
Gun license should be regulated properly so irresponsible person could not have it.
2007-12-13 21:57:55 UTC
2007-12-14 19:49:04 UTC
first of aii tthe parents of the students should be punished and then the student should also punished for doing this kind of job.
patliputra v
2007-12-13 01:44:04 UTC
the itself is genuine. wwe must give treatement to the hand that handles it .I think in that respsecct .theire parents shall also be punished.
2007-12-12 03:53:39 UTC
guns are not bad if they are in right hand. the person who knows to control his hand he will not use it wrong. if bad guys r not there who put the gun in children's hand then guns r not bad.
gaurav s
2007-12-17 04:21:46 UTC
u cant stop every thing in india but we can edcate our childs for such things
girish k
2007-12-14 23:00:53 UTC
we can stop it by proper guidence of children & understand his desire & feeling than we can give him proper guidence & tell him about our indian culture whitch is the best then other culture.
Muthu r
2007-12-14 22:52:14 UTC
strong restriction to permit gun by goernment
tharak r
2007-12-14 05:15:45 UTC
ya it came recent shooting in a school in india is witness
2007-12-13 00:25:29 UTC
we are very proud to say adopted American Culture.

Thanks to Glogalization and Congress Party.
2007-12-12 23:10:52 UTC
By honest administration.
vincent t
2007-12-12 17:56:31 UTC
parent should handle their boy at home. they should be sure of their son's behavior. they must be guide in such a way that their son may be frightened to do bad things.
2007-12-12 20:33:47 UTC
Yes. We must cut it now or we will be like America with freedom to kill and after ward plead insanity.We don't need guns, guns are made for killing. Government must act now (this moment) or it will get worse and worse and worse an.............................................................
hasan r
2007-12-12 06:15:02 UTC
like many other CULTURES new in india to iINDIA GUN cultures r to one of needs people concern
2007-12-12 01:59:02 UTC
ban the parents from possessing weapons. if it was misused, then the lisence should be cancelled. another way is to prevent children from watching violent cartoon,comics,movies and video games
rajeswari s
2007-12-12 01:39:51 UTC
First to stop children's TV showing the violence serials.

Sensor for films should be strict.

This can stop to sum extant of the gun culture.
2007-12-12 01:28:35 UTC
to check each and every student at the entrance of the school.

the peon staff also involved in them
2007-12-14 06:05:28 UTC
we can stop this by following

1.we should not give education about voilence.

2.voilent scene should to children
sunil t
2007-12-13 03:13:31 UTC
Give value and value time to your child
akhileshwar s
2007-12-12 06:44:41 UTC
It only can be checked by fixing responsiblities on just concers in all segments.
2007-12-12 06:26:47 UTC
we should try to stop the gun makin which is illeagal in our Own country first
2007-12-13 00:15:03 UTC
2007-12-12 00:01:05 UTC
gun culture has already entered into India . In bihar most of the Sena have guns and indulging gun fight between them, sambal robbers use of now school boys using guns it is due to recklessness of parents of the boys involved in this incident.
raman k
2007-12-13 07:29:19 UTC
it can't be stopped.


new gun shop to be opened
jose ase
2007-12-15 06:07:07 UTC

like you the people are making such shame full incident....with

a great publicity ....stop . and think ....where is mistake hap pended ....
2007-12-12 01:53:43 UTC
To stop this culture

we don 't have to give lisence except police.
2007-12-14 19:41:38 UTC
give more love to that boy

he is mentally ill.
2007-12-11 23:39:04 UTC
Violence on TV has to be curtailed. The cable TV has spoilt the Indian culture
2007-12-12 04:23:54 UTC
by gunning for guns
2007-12-16 02:51:55 UTC
There is no way to stop it.
2007-12-13 19:58:24 UTC
SYED Qadri
2007-12-13 05:37:04 UTC
keep close eye on politicians.
2007-12-12 02:50:04 UTC
this is my thought...........there is nothing we can do to stop it.

all over the world it is the same.

the laws wont really matter at the end of the day....nobody cares!
2007-12-12 21:03:27 UTC
2007-12-12 01:50:04 UTC
no,this is not gun culture....

this is hapen by some children's mind problum...

We cann't say it gun culture......

It is good question
2007-12-12 20:47:08 UTC
This is starting . lot more on way
2007-12-11 23:29:04 UTC
Guns must be controlled because violence will likely erupt if irresponsible people are allowed to carry guns.
2007-12-12 07:14:06 UTC
nothing -it is inevitable--- face the music
2007-12-16 22:57:37 UTC
Ashish P
2007-12-13 22:55:44 UTC
I don't know
gaurav v
2007-12-13 00:44:31 UTC
2007-12-12 07:05:30 UTC
no wayout
2007-12-16 03:09:18 UTC
2007-12-12 04:32:26 UTC
stupid question = stupid answers.
2007-12-14 04:33:51 UTC
2007-12-12 06:53:13 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.