Is India really free for everyone? A Muslim can't slaughter his own cow in his own house. Is it not slavery ?
2007-12-18 23:44:12 UTC
In India no cow can be slaughtered b coz Hindus consider the animal to be their mother by faith. A Muslim or Christian or a Jew cannot slaughter one's own cow neither in slaughter house nor in one's own house i.e., one cannot use one's own belonging according to one's own wishes. Is not it a rule of slavery ? If someone does so at public places it may hurt their sentiments. But when a cow herself stops giving milks , the owners themselves leave it on the roads to become stray animal for decades dirtying open spaces. west Bengal state people smuggle 30,000 such cows per day towards Bangladesh for good return as price. Samething people of Barmer & Jodhpur district do towards Pakistan. In both countries those smuggled ones are slaughtered. Is it not hippocricy ? Even in disputed territory like Kashmir states's part under Indian control since 1947, whose fate is yet to be decided by public, cows of people are not allowed to be cut by India. How can it be justified ? Is it true freedom ?
29 answers:
peace for
2007-12-19 21:03:48 UTC
Because some political parties such as RSS,HINDU FORWARD,BJP .make every thing as political benefits.they are the one to cruel to cow and other animals they benifit all from the animals once they found no use of it they them self will abound it .
2007-12-18 23:54:46 UTC
Historically & especially in this over regulated, over controlled politically correct era, noone living in any country/civilised area has total freedom. Rule by & for the majority within reasonable strictures is the best you can hope for, & in india where cows are sacred to a great majority of the population that law makes sense. By the same token the smuggling of the animals across the borders is recognised as a necessity & probably the authorites policy is to look the other way a majority of the time to allow some solution to take effect.

The only true option for total freedom is total anarchy, & if you intend to live in any civilised manner, its unworkable.

If it (India) truly is unsatisfactory to you the soft borders in the modern world allow you to move to somewhere else that suits your requirements, but you will never acquire total freedom, just a more personally fitting & comfortable set of rules.
2007-12-24 01:43:48 UTC
Firstly, Muslims were given an opportunity to leave India in 1947. The purpose of partition was so that Hindus and Muslims could have 2 seperate countries. All the Muslims that were living in India were supposed to leave and go to Pakistan and Bangladesh...They have no moral right to be living in India. If they are unhappy at how we hindus choose to run our country, they know where the airport is (or border is) they can leave India any time they want. In 1947 India agreed to lose thousands of acres of land so that it did not have to live with Muslims...Despite that India still has the world's second largest muslim population. It was good for pakistanis and bangladeshis....they acquired 2 brand new countries...what did we Hindus get??? Not only did we lose thousands of acres of land but we still ended up being lumbered with muslims...and yet you muslims still have the same to talk about kashmir.

Why, then don't muslim countries allow the consumption of pork???

Secondly, in Malaysia every year hundreds of templles are destroyed, in Muslim countries Hindu women are forced to wear the black ninja looking outfit even though they are not Muslim, in places like saudi arabia hindus can't build temples because saudis consider idols to be blasphemy.


Take a look at your own selves before you point fingres at everyone else, understand???
David M
2007-12-19 00:13:51 UTC
Martin Luther King Jr. subscribed to the tenets of Gandhi and once said any injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. With that thought in mind I will consider your queries. This is not slavery first of all. Slavery involves forcible ownership of another human. Restricted use of personal property does not qualify. I am unqualified to comment on Hindu beliefs. However if the beliefs are widespread, and are considered part of social norms, I don't see how the practice infringes on individual rights.

Restrictions exist on usage of personal property in every country. I own a car, but I can not drive it without license plates or at whatever speed I like. I don't agree with all laws, but I do understand the need for them even though some may not be necessary for every individual in the country.
Royal Horse
2007-12-21 09:01:02 UTC
I think not doing an act that might hurt other people is more important than freedom. As pointed out by someone, freedom is a relative term. You just expressed your vies on the net, freely and without any fear, is that not freedom?

Not slaughtering an animal because it would hurt people from other communities is more of tolerance than restriction of freedom as you made it out to be.

Let us rejoice at the freedom which we have and most importantly, let us be sensitive and tolerant to other communities.

Here I am reminded of a quote or doha by the sufi saint, Kabir which says,

" Kabira teri jhopdin, gal kateyan de paas,

Jo karange so bharange, tun kyun peya udaas?"

It can be translated as follows,

" O Kabir, your hut is near the butchers,

But the people who do wrong will suffer themselves.

Why do you feel sad?"

So let us be more sensative and tolerant. Hope this solves the question.
2007-12-24 02:04:00 UTC
You are right. You have no freedom as mentioned. India erred in allowing you the voting rights after 1947. Once you get the country of your faith, you can very well go there with yoour faith intact. You can even live in India with your faith in tact but without voting rights. In thaose circumstances you would not have dared to ask this question.
2007-12-19 00:18:40 UTC
In many Middle East countries you are not allowed to eat in public during the Muslim fasting period is that slavery ?

My sister in law just went to gulf and she has to wear a veil compulsory is that slavery ?

In disputed territories like Pakistan Occupied Kashmir whose fate was decided long time back to merge with India, suddenly all Hindu population has vanished or decreased in numbers where as in free India Muslim population is increasing very well. People from POK claim that there has been no slaughter of Hindus but give other reasons , is this slavery or genocide ?

India has had 2 Muslim presidents (top post in country), many Muslims as advisors to central govt. , many fighting in the Indian army. Whereas none of the Islamic ruled states have ever had even one single non-Muslim at the top level is that slavery ?

Bottomline : Fanatics like you never learn and bring a bad name to the entire faith.
2007-12-19 09:47:32 UTC
Except in the state of Gujarat, there is no other state in India where any legislation exists prohibiting cow slaughter. In fact, there are slaughter houses (abbatoirs) run by the municipalities in different cities, where cows are slaughtered alongwith other animals. The Idgah slaughter house in Delhi or the one located at Tangra in Kolkata are prominent examples. Thus your statement is far from correct.

On the occasion of Id-uz-Zoha, Muslims across India sacrifice different animals, including cows. Such cow slaughter takes place in the houses of Muslims, in mosques or in a public place (e.g. a field or even a street).

It is a fact that cows are worshipped by Hindus as Go Mata (Mother Cow). A problem exists as to what needs to be done with cows, who no longer give milk. Although many pious Hindus arrange to house such cows in Goshalas (cow sheds) till the animals die a natural death, the number of such sheds in existence is hardly adequate to accomodate a large number of cows who are beyond the stage of giving milk. Thus, in a way, consumption of the flesh of these animals is a productive and practical solution to the problem.

But at the same time it must be remembered that Muslims should be careful in the way they go about slaughtering the cows, so as not to hurt Hindu sentiments. That is in the larger interest of harmonious co-existence between these communities.

Liberty should not be construed as an excuse to offend others. Freedom of speech excludes villification or slander. The freedom to consume beef, does not automatically guarantee one the right to slaughter cows in public view and offend the religious sentiments of the Hindus. As already stated earlier, there is no legislation prohibiting slaughter of cows within the confines of one's own home.

A person attains true freedom when he realises the value of humanity and human relationships. Hurting others' feelings can not support the true enlightenment in a person. Thus he is mentally chained when he harbours such feelings.

Animal slaughter in public view is proscribed by civil society. In many countries (e.g. the US), legislation prohibits such slaughter outside slaughter houses. The reason is that such gory sights might create adverse reactions on impressionable minds.

While one has every right to use one's property in any manner he likes within the law, such right is not open to abuse. One can use a house to live in, not to set fire to it. An aircraft is for travelling long distances within a short time and not for crashing into buildings.

Finally, the two countries whose names crop up in your question (Pakistan and Bangladesh), treat their Hindu minorities as third class citizens denying them the basic right to follow and practise their religion freely. Such intolerance is not faced by Indian Muslims at large. The Indian Constitution and government guarantee equal rights to Muslims and Hindus. Making an issue out of cow slaughter goes against the spirit of communal fraternity. And if it indeed robs certain freedoms, it would be better to concede that sacrificing certain freedom is in the best overall interests of leading a decent civilised life.
2007-12-19 20:30:58 UTC
I am not sure what you are ttrying to infer.

Generally, India is not a pure democratic country. India is ruled by politicians who demonstrate hatred, corruption, division, lies and untolerance. For them, there is no religion. If there can be any controversy created which might ultimately end as communcal fighting, politicans have their last laugh.

If at all, you as an Indian beleive in religious harmony, please demonstrate within your community or within your state. That is enough.
2007-12-18 23:55:47 UTC
You're comparing the right for one human being to own the life of another human, to a law forbidding you to kill a cow in your living room?

I'm sorry, but you'll need a better comparison for me to take this question seriously.
2007-12-18 23:58:16 UTC
eventhough im a muslim born in india this didnt make me a slave the cow is god for hindus the hindus a major population there so the rules like that (like in saudi fasting month how other religion cant eat r drink out side )again im telling you u can see a real freedom for all religion in india


The Tribune
2007-12-19 00:47:52 UTC
My dear Brother,

Islam and Muslims are very tolerant.

Look at verse 109 of Chapter 6 (Al ANAM - the Cattle). It reads as follows :-

" Revile not those unto whom they pray beside Allah!"(The Meaning of the Glorious Koran by Pickthall).

When Babar established the Mughal empire in India, a courtier told him that majority of his subjects are Hindus and they worship Cow as their mother goddess.

Immediately Babar issued a ' Firman", declaring that "no one shall slaughter a cow in a public place!!"

This was to respect the religious sentiments ofhis Hindu subjects!

By winning the favour of the elders of the community . you can get pemission to slaughter a calf.

Even if that is denied , you can avoid it and get their goodwill.

Is the consumption of a food item so important or gaining their goodwill for you and your religion?
2007-12-19 20:07:41 UTC
Cows bred for meat production is the biggest cause of pollution in the world!Why don't you move to an islamic country where you can live "freely" under a dictatorship!
2007-12-19 01:47:26 UTC
Cow cutting as per your wish is freedom and otherwise is slavery. This World is free, if meaning of freedom of such in your perception then please go and live where you could satiate your wish to consider yourself free. One should not live in slavery.
2017-02-11 09:27:25 UTC
amit s
2007-12-24 03:03:57 UTC
cow is a sacred animal to us and we feel that muslims,christians and jews should not kill a cow as it is A POOR DEFENSELESS ANIMAL that doesnt do any harm to anyone.Yet we tolerate the fact that HUNGRY CHRISTIANS EAT BEEF AND BEEF AND BEEF LIKE THEY WERE DOGS.We dont kill them or the muslims for eating beef yet we have this man asking us How India is a free countery when Muslim cant kill cows?WELL IF YU LIKE TO KILL COWS SO MUCH GO TO PAKISTAN.
2007-12-19 00:23:58 UTC
yes U R Slaves in India ! Agreed
2007-12-18 23:47:02 UTC
The cows seem to like it.
2007-12-18 23:55:59 UTC
You cant slaughter one here either - so whats the point of your question
Thomas B
2007-12-19 15:53:34 UTC
The day Islam allows cutting of Pigs for consumption in :


Saudi Arabia









it that will be a day of true freedom.
2007-12-18 23:51:23 UTC
well, here in america, we aren't allowed to slaughter our own children in our own homes either. how does not being allowed to kill equal slavery? it's just a law, and freedom with no laws is chaos, not government.
2007-12-19 09:15:19 UTC
i think true freedom is what people(women) enjoy in Muslim countries
2007-12-18 23:48:31 UTC
freedom is a relative term....india is relatively free for muslims .keeping in mind muslims are minority there.
2007-12-18 23:54:03 UTC
Kind of makes you want a good old American hamburger, doesn't it?
2007-12-19 20:03:40 UTC
please leave India and celebrate your new found freedom by eating ham burger.
2007-12-18 23:47:35 UTC
that's why we say 'sacred cow'
2007-12-18 23:48:45 UTC
2007-12-18 23:49:03 UTC
oh comment...
2007-12-19 00:43:15 UTC
please go to pakistan.or bangladesh and leave india alone

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