Out of 18 units, 6 units are pet owners. 3 of those 6 units have owed more than one pet for 10+ years. Myself, I was allowed to move in w/ 4 dachshunds in may of 2005. One by one they past away at ages 19, 17, 16,15 (I owned them their entire beloved live s) Now I own multiple cats. Because they never go outside no one knows how many I have had for more than 3 yrs. They are all up to date on their medical needs & licensed. On annual inspection days, I board them at their vets.I publically say I own 2...Can this property management Co. Enforce their new rule of only one pet? Although the property owner personally allowed what pets are here?? In Nov. 2014 this property Co. Moved a new mgr in. This mgr text me a msg that says "her job is to take every single animal in the building to the shelter or be fired!" Per her boss. Our apt building is owned by our former mental health care provider. Since everyone of us have a different mental disability, it is easy to terrify & coerce most all of us into do what they want because who are we going to tell!??? And when we do find someone to tell, Who is going to get believed?? The property management Co. Or the adults w/ a history of mental illness. This property management Co. want to see our beloved pet companions put to death! That's exactly what lb animal control do w/ older unadoptable animal. WHEN WE HAVE HAD PAST PROPERTY CO'S HERE, & THEY ASK ABOUT OUR PETS, WHEN THEY LEARN THE PET HAS BEEN HERE; THEY'VE LEFT US ALONE(Thank you)