If she knew was taking coupons that were expired or something, then she is SOL. She broke the rules. I'm guessing, because they had to be manually entered, she knew she was breaking the rules. So there is nothing she can do. For all you know, she could have been on the take - she was getting money for taking them.
She will be fired, that's what happens with suspensions.
YOu don't know all the facts, so you need to stay out of it.
It's not silly coupons, it's her taking coupons that the company can't reimbursed for. That means higher prices for us and for employees, it means no raises because of people stealing.
She could have done that many in a very short time - which is major theft. Or it could have taken awhile to figure out the pattern of it happening and who was behind it.
She can talk to an employment lawyer, but I don't see that they did anything wrong.
You think it's not an employee's responsibility to tell LP and others about employee theft?
You don't seem to be a very good employee if you dont' see what she did as wrong.