For supporters of warrantless domestic spying: what assurance is there Bush is really spying on terrorists?
2006-03-02 12:27:51 UTC
I keep hearing "It's ok since they're just spying on terrorists." How do we know that? Who's checking? If the answer is you trust Bush, will you say the same thing if someone you don't like wins in 08? Do you think trusting the president is the way to run a government, or is there some sort of check on this wiretapping I've missed? Would I be justified in assuming they could be wiretapping me as part of a political dirty tricks campaign? If not, why not?
Five answers:
2006-03-02 13:50:58 UTC
I support the warrantless spying because it is legal. According to US Code, Title 50, Section 1802:

"Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year..."

I do not support Bush as President, but I do support the FACTS. If you have FACTS that what he is doing is illegal, by all means, post them here for everyone to see.
2006-03-02 21:02:10 UTC
Do you really think national security resources are being wasted on watching you with satellites? The government could care less about what you do. And they are watching terrorists. Just the fact that we haven't been hit in four years testifies to that. Osama Bin Laden himself said that he's tried to attack us, but it's been foiled by American security procedures.

Besides, spying costs money. It takes time and resources, and the NSA, CIA, NRO, FBI and DIA don't have much of either.

And domestic spying always requires a congressional oversight committee or a warrant, so you definitly have your facts messed up.
2006-03-02 20:30:25 UTC
The FBI has its hands full enough. They don't have time to go snooping into your private life if you are not a national threat. The President doesn't even order the spying--he just approves it, and he doesn't even find out about all of it. Come on, get real. Big Brother is nowhere near. It is China you are thinking about here.
2006-03-02 20:36:21 UTC
The President doesnt pick and choose, he just approves it. Really, do you think they want to listen to the average Joe's coversation?
2006-03-02 20:44:53 UTC

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