I have some clip art and other digital images I wish to post online to sell but I don't yet have copyrights on anything (ie. I didn't send anything in to any copyright offices or pay any money for this service, also I've heard that getting copyrights for your work can take months. Is this true?). First off, if I post these images online and someone just steals them using print screen etc and then uses them in some work of their own (like maybe a book or something) and then sells it as their own do I have any hopes of successfully suing them for compensation (ie. Is it really worth my time to try)? I've read online and it seems almost impossible to win a copyright lawsuit b/c it would cost me tons of money to pay lawyers and then I would need to have some idea as to how much they made using my work. Also I've read that those lawsuits can take years to resolve and then end in loss anyway and then I just end up losing tons of money just trying to get compensated for MY OWN WORK (ie. Ending with less than I started with)! Also, how might I go about finding evidence of someone having stolen my work other than just happening to stumble across it online? Do I have any rights to my own work if it is not technically copyrighted? Thanks in advance.