YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, I don't only believe in the death penalty, but I think they should be tortured and killed they way they did their victims!!!!!! ESPECIALLY child abusers and rapists!!!!!!! A victim has a life sentence when they are abused, if they aren't killed by these sick jerks!!!!!
Why should tax payers keep up these sorry people just to let them out in a few years and do it to even more!!!!!! I find it ironic that so many people believe it's ok to have an abortion and kill an innocent baby, but are against the death penalty. An innocent baby NEVER committed a crime!!!!!! They should NOT be sentenced to death!!!!!!
As far as rape..they are sentencing a baby to die for their father's crime...If your father killed someone,. and you are the one sentenced to die, where is the justice in that??? It's the same thing!!!!!!!!! As far as medically necessary, there is always a way to deal with that..but pro-choice people use it as a crutch. Do you know how sick it is to turn on the news EVERY SINGLE DAY, to see that somewhere a cold bl9blooded killer took several lives or beat/raped/killed them own kids or some one else's. IT SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!
If they would go back to the Bible days and kill these people, I would bet my bank account the crime rate goes down, They get slapped on the wrist when they do something so brutal, but yet, get busted with even a small amount if drugs and see them go to prison much longer than people who abused/raped/killed others. How messed up is that??????
The murder cases where a innocent man was killed or had a life jail term..and was found out by today's dna, they were innocent, happened before the dna, So that that is no defense for this issue...I'm telling you right now, if ANYONE hurt my son the way I was hurt by my abusers..they would NEVER see a day in court!!!!!!!!