Okay, here's the deal....I moved in with a co-worker a year ago as a sub lessor in the private property her and her son resided in. When I moved in, I paid first and last month's rent up front. Originally, there was a sublease contract written up, of which I signed but she didn't (she was the one who wrote it up, by the way). Anyways, about three months ago we started having some complications in the living conditions. She was "forbidding" me from inviting my boyfriend over, claiming that she didn't want him staying over because it would be a 'negative image on her son' (even though any time he ever came over her son was either sleeping or not there). She even told me that if I defied her word she would call the cops on him. Now, I know that our written agreement said NOTHING about any restrictions over who I could and could not have over, so by law I am allowed to have guests over. However, the situation was becoming so childish and stressful that I gave her my 30-day notice as of fifteen days ago that I would be moving out. In our sublease agreement, it states that I have the option to use the last month's rent to either apply to my last month's rent, or as a deposit that can be returned after I leave, given I supply ample notice. Anyways, this past week she has been harassing me about removing my stuff by the end of the month, and I told her I would try my best to have it out by the end of the week. Well, she took my statement to another level and packed all of my stuff up and left it outside on the front yard (of which I took pictures of, of course). Now, my question is this:
1) Have my rights been violated as a tenant enough that I can seek legal action?
2) If so, have I done anything that might have potentially caused taking legal action to backfire on me?
3) How exactly should I go about handling this situation?
I know this a long question...you have to understand my frustration, however, being caught up in this situation....