How I can report T. V. watching with out licence in the UK?
2007-02-02 05:42:53 UTC
I am living with a couple who have a T V set but they dont have T V license which is against the law. I would like to report this to the concern offices in the UK . Please let me know if any body know the procedures about this.
31 answers:
Philosophical Fred
2007-02-02 06:16:01 UTC
I can see you are in an embarrassing situation if you are a law-abiding person and don't want to be seen condoning the law being broken. I dare say you will find an entry in Yellow Pages or the Telephone Directory that will give a number you can ring.

The people who have responded saying that people do not like those who report on ordinary people to the authorities are quite right. If you are decent person, I would have thought you would want to look for somewhere else to live.

I believe in upholding the law, and therefore that people should pay their TV licences. However, I, along with many others, heartily dislike the TV Licence. It arises from a time when TVs were easily identifiable, whereas now they overlap hugely with other household items like computers that are not similarly taxed. Also, the TV licence, which has been steadily increased to meet the demands of a bloated BBC, has become in effect a "poll tax" which bears heavily on the worse off.

How do you know they haven't a TV licence? Also, if you are bothered that the house is not covered you can yourself buy one, which you should do if you want to have your own TV in the house.
2007-02-02 07:17:21 UTC
In the UK you have to buy a tv licence and it goes to the BBC

Its approx £11 per month!

but there are no adverts on the BeeB so programs do not get interupted.

There is a lot of resentment against this but people just grumble and pay! The reason being that it has been around from the beginning!

the penalties for not paying this is prohibitive, in fact you would be better robbing the money if you are poor as you won;t be punished as harshly!

Anyway, there is no procedure as the Government are very good at finding the Licence dodgers! (Funny - they can find them but the police can't find crims!)

So you don't need to report them!!
2007-02-02 06:04:10 UTC
The TV license cost only £131.50. If it bothersyou that much why don't you just pay it yourself. I happen to belive that the BBC is one of Britains finest acheivements. The BBC website is the most informative out here. The programmes that the BBC has produced - The Power and the Passion, Planet Earth, Walking with Dinosaurs, Absoluetly Fabulous, and the talent is has cultured: french and saunders, Ricky Gervais, The Top gear guys, Jeremy Paxman to name but a few. For those readers who don't know the BBC provides 7 TV channels and numerous Radio stations for the sum total of £131.50 per household. Not bad value for money and none of the programming has commercial breaks- brilliant. However I think Mr A that you are despicable for grassing like this, lets hope you pay all your taxes, never throw litter, edge over the speeding limit, claim unwarranted benefits, claim 'expenses' at work you haven't accrued. Get over yourself and how do you know they haven't got a licence!
2007-02-02 05:49:43 UTC
Do you know what people do to snitches? It aint pretty.

Honestly why would you care. Would it make a difference if nobody paid a TV licence? No. We would just lose the BBC. Wow. That would be a real shame seeing as its the worse set of channels in Britain. No more songs of praise, no more East(f**k**g)enders, no more casualty, no more BBC4. All this sounds absolutely great to me as i prefere programing with a little more umph.
Tia Bannana
2007-02-02 05:49:06 UTC
I have to agree with those who are telling you to back off. The only reason we pay for a license is coz the BBC wont show advertisments. WHY would you wanna grass your housemates up? It may be niggling you now but how bad are you going to feel if they found out you told on them? Would it cause them/you to have to move out coz of the misery of having to live together? We pay enough taxes in this country and the TV license is just another creation to make money out of us. So if they are getting away with it, fair play.
Lovely B
2007-02-02 05:49:24 UTC
Thanks for the information I did not know you needed a license to watch TV in the UK...sound's not like driving a car, that you might kill somebody without a license. You can go ahead and snitch (tell) but Karma a witch...we all receive a good or bad reward and it not up to you to see that justice is done. Are they hurting somebody? No, well do nothing.
2007-02-02 05:47:42 UTC
Owning a TV without a license does not in itself constitute a breach of the law.
2007-02-02 06:10:46 UTC
Get A Life!
2007-02-02 05:52:50 UTC
i think that you are a tight, rigid pathetic person, who has nothing else do than report the people you are staying with. Its not as though they are running a people smugglign ring, THAT I would understand. Why dont you move out!!! Get your own place
2007-02-02 05:47:58 UTC
How can you even think of betraying them, i expect you also watch the TV. The TV Licensing will eventually catch up with them.
2007-02-02 06:11:25 UTC
you saddo hopefully if the license people come round you will answer the door and be liable move out and get a life
2007-02-02 05:46:56 UTC
A license is needed to watch TV in the UK? WTF?

Leave them alone and move out.
2007-02-02 07:51:35 UTC
nobody likes a grass!!!! mind your own business if you've payed yours. that's all you need to worry about they'll get cought

but if you snitch on them, it could draw bad attention to yourself

think about it!.what they are doing is wrong, but do you realy want to start a war think of your quality of life i dont mean to scare you snitch on next door and thats what could happen
2007-02-02 05:46:17 UTC
You are living with these people! How tight that you want to report them. I take it you agree with the hike in license fees then? You are out of order m8.
kate d
2007-02-02 06:36:56 UTC
Victor Meldrew - I suggest that you leave them alone. People like you are an annoyance, get a life.
2007-02-02 05:50:40 UTC
Ah, an informer. No lower form of life exists.
Elle J Morgan
2007-02-02 06:02:26 UTC

I can't stand people like you,

Wind your neck in and deal with your own life
2007-02-02 05:53:58 UTC
Ahhh who throw away your dummy, whats up, wont they play and let you watch it also
Joel C
2007-02-02 05:47:33 UTC
oh thats a bit harsh aint it well to contact and report them you gotta find a very high cliff and walk off it
Carl N
2007-02-02 05:47:39 UTC
I tell you what u can do, put your real name and address on here and we can each go round and take turns in kicking the living sh1t out of you you scumbag
2007-02-02 07:06:06 UTC
There are names for people like you - GRASS.
2007-02-02 05:57:04 UTC
Why would you want to do that? Got nothing better to do?
Danny D
2007-02-02 05:46:52 UTC
I mirror the answer given by Champagne, but i would add.......Grow up and realise that we are not all goodie goodies.
2007-02-02 05:45:13 UTC
You are living with them and this is how you repay them?.Leave it alone for goodness sake.
ken y
2007-02-02 05:48:07 UTC
it is ridiculous that one is required

and insane that you would report it.

it's no wonder you are a homeless bum
2007-02-02 05:46:21 UTC
you are so out of order! you could buy one for them to show your appreiciation
Frank Furillo
2007-02-02 05:48:11 UTC
Go to the licensing at and report it to them.
2007-02-02 05:45:23 UTC
oh my god you sad individual, get out of the playground and get a life, leave them alone!!!!!!! who died and made you god?
2007-02-02 05:54:26 UTC says that the phone number to contact them is 0870 241 6468.

You can also email them at

Bust 'em! The BBC needs their income, lad.
2007-02-02 05:56:05 UTC

Do they use the TV to watch broadcast TV, either live or recorded?
Martin B
2007-02-02 05:45:53 UTC
You are a sick individual. Find something real to do with your time please.

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