2012-12-12 02:33:34 UTC
Now, two things are true about parcels in the form of Christmas Cards:
1. The envelopes containing them are easy to spot. Shapewise, the fact that most of them come in colored, or at least off-white envelopes, and most have a logo on the envelopes, such as Hallmark.
2. Many, many, many, of these Christmas cards contain cash.
So, as I stated, nearly every mailbox in America is going to contain more than one of these cards, ingoing and outgoing, at some point this season.
So how hard would it be to drive around a neighborhood (With many outlets) in the middle of the night and look for mailboxes with flags out (Indicating outgoing mail)?
Then pull up, open the mailbox and any envelopes that look like greeting cards, take with me. And of course I would wear gloves. That way if the resident comes out to put more outgoing mail into the box the next day before the mail is picked up, and they notice the cards have been stolen, I won't have my fingerprints on any other envelopes I ruffled through.
And there's nothing suspicious about wearing mittens on a cold winter's night.
Lastly, these pieces of mail are the least likely to be reported stolen.
When Grandma puts $20 in a Christmas Card for Little Johnny, do you expect Grandma is going to know her parcel didn't makke it, or Little johnny to know he was supposed to receive it?
So, perfect way to make some extra holiday dough over the next week in a half, possibly $500 plus a night?
Hypotheticlally of course