1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
283 answers:
2017-02-16 12:07:14 UTC
You can't seriously be talking about tax breaks and huge ones like regan at that, and still be considered serious about reducing the Debt.
2017-02-16 00:12:51 UTC
Not with what he is proposing.
2017-02-16 00:08:56 UTC
it appears the national debt will rise sharply under donald trump too
2017-02-16 22:36:03 UTC
no, there will always be debt
2017-02-16 05:04:36 UTC
Donald "I'm the king of Debt" Trump won't reduce the national debt because he thinks that debt is good. CAN he? I doubt it.
2017-02-16 00:12:46 UTC

Right-wingers always think that tax cuts on the wealthy magically spur the economy and pay for themselves. It's known as trickle down and it has never, ever worked. But because wealthy people are heavily invested (through corruption of academia and the media and through bogus think tank 'research'), the idea just won't die.
David P
2017-02-17 00:59:50 UTC
1st he needs to reduce his Twitter messages
2017-02-16 17:10:07 UTC
2017-02-16 00:32:03 UTC
All his ideas cost a fortune he will add massive amounts to our debt.
2017-02-16 00:15:40 UTC
I don't think Donald Trump cares about the national debt.
2017-03-27 19:06:10 UTC
not likely
2017-02-17 16:41:28 UTC
I think it is not correct.
Warren T
2017-02-17 13:08:27 UTC
2017-02-17 04:02:36 UTC
yeah probably he has a big business
rigomortisfx studios
2017-02-16 19:17:13 UTC
thats a joke you all made him richer ..........fools

half of the world is poor very poor ......what makes you think he will make you rich

thats a pipe dream fokes ......there is all ways fools in a line and you all fell for trump

2017-02-16 00:10:51 UTC
what makes you think he can do this no other president has done this yet because they dont care to correct the problems as much money they burn daily
2017-04-22 12:59:15 UTC
his goal and main objective is to make himself money, he does not care about the national debt... he lacks the intelligence to do anything responsible for our government...
2017-02-19 17:16:44 UTC
I think there is a bigger can of worms to deal with when it comes to Monetary policy, The Control needs to be put back into the hands of the Treasury, and not the Federal Reserve, this is what JFK recognized, and he went as far as to start the backing of the $5 silver backed note, and he was assassinated shortly after and this move was repealed almost the following day tell me who is in charge of America?
2017-02-19 10:28:23 UTC
He can't
2017-02-19 04:03:49 UTC
Donald Trump will drive the national debt off the cliff because of the spending and borrowing required to fix the US economy. I firmly believe that Donald Trump will make things worse for all of us.
2017-02-19 01:41:13 UTC
Reduce? Yes. Eliminate? No.

Unless he takes a libertarian approach the government will continue to nickel and dime our debt away. The fact that he didn't appoint one libertarian makes me believe the current administration has no plans to drastically reduce our debt and size of size of government.
2017-02-18 23:30:12 UTC
His goal and main objective is to make himself money, he does not care about the National Debt. He lacks the intelligence to do anything responsible for our government.
2017-02-18 19:09:31 UTC
He's a smart businessman so maybe.
2017-02-18 18:18:24 UTC
Maybe... but he'll have to learn to count first
2017-02-18 05:36:21 UTC
Yes, maybe a start would be if Obama could reimburse the United States taxpayers the over $90 million he spent on vacationing.
2017-02-17 18:50:41 UTC
He already has a great plan & is personally donating ALL PROFITS from any overseas hotels. He isn't accepting a salary & is paying for his own vacations. Yes, he is lowering the debt. It's easy to get the real news, just don't listen to TV.
Gerry G
2017-02-17 15:03:02 UTC
I believe he will do his best on this one.
2017-02-17 05:16:30 UTC
He stands a better chance than all of those political fools who promise it every year. He is a business executive and not a politician. He isn't politically correct. He has already done in the past 27 days more than Obama did in his first 6 months.
2017-02-17 04:57:01 UTC
if the mofo does it will only be a shell-game, just the SAME as his supposed self-worth that's highly inflated artificially mind...
ron h
2017-02-17 04:55:32 UTC
could, yeah. The economy is pretty good right now, so this is NOT the time for a tax reduction for the 1/10 of the top 1%.
2017-02-17 04:03:45 UTC
I'm not expecting it to go down anytime soon.
2017-02-17 03:43:55 UTC
not likely
2017-02-17 03:13:48 UTC
Trump will sell some more krap stocks using his new wsllstreet bankster krook
Saru Stng
2017-02-16 20:47:21 UTC
He is capable person if he did little less debt also that will be highly appreciable but we shouldn't forget that he is a Businessman. Businessman always seeks their won benefits.
2017-02-16 00:12:00 UTC
no, it will not happen. if he raise taxes, the economy will weaken, the economy cant tolerate higher taxes and higher interest rates, tax breaks will means less funds coming in the federal government, the budget deficits will widen and the us will be more likely to default
2017-05-07 14:45:39 UTC
Trump should reduce foreign dependency,lower repeat offender crime rate and plan for second term.
2017-04-25 01:19:50 UTC
his goal and main objective is to make himself money, he does not care about the national debt... he lacks the intelligence to do anything responsible for our government...
2017-04-23 03:01:11 UTC
2017-04-18 14:53:21 UTC
he did little less debt also that shall be highly appreciable but we shouldn't forget that he is a businessman... businessman always seeks their won benefits...
2017-02-26 21:58:30 UTC
if the mofo does it shall only be a shell-game, just the same as his supposed self-worth that's highly inflated artificially mind.........
2017-02-22 20:33:23 UTC
Here's what I would do. First cut spending. Like chainsaw to a sapling. Like a broadsword in a surgery. Keep taxes and stuff at the same levels for maybe my first 3 years. During that time, I would be directing agencies and people to get ready to radically reform the tax system and cut taxation in my fourth year. A majority of the money from the last three years would go to pay off the debt.
2017-02-21 10:45:05 UTC
I don't thinks so
2017-02-21 03:16:33 UTC
No but trump seems to want to increase it.
Ralph T
2017-02-21 02:12:23 UTC
It will depend on Congress since they control the purse strings.
2017-02-20 16:45:57 UTC
No president can by themseves
2017-02-20 12:42:57 UTC
yeah probably
2017-02-20 04:02:12 UTC
No, it will be impossible for President Trump to reduce the national debt if he increases military and builds a great wall and lower taxes. He mlre likely to increase the debt.
2017-02-19 22:43:45 UTC
2017-02-19 20:59:48 UTC
No He Cant
k w
2017-02-19 13:47:12 UTC
If it's possible, he will make the effort to do that
2017-02-19 11:57:39 UTC
2017-02-19 11:55:29 UTC
The only thing he can reduce is the health of the climate. But also his hairline
Kyle T
2017-02-16 00:08:56 UTC
no, that number is only going up

no matter who the president is
2017-02-16 00:09:54 UTC
no, donald trump is indeed giving everybody tax breaks, there will be less money coming in to the government, national debt will sharply rise
2017-02-16 00:10:51 UTC
no way, he wants the economy to grow, he has to give businesses and consumers huge tax breaks, the national debt will rise, its impossible to come down under donald trump,
2017-02-16 00:10:51 UTC
Yes. By cutting taxes and regulations, more money will be pumped into the economy.
2017-02-16 00:10:51 UTC
2017-02-16 00:11:07 UTC
nobody can reduce the debt in a debt based system thats a fallacy .. if you reduce the debt you extinguish the supply of money .. it has to continue to grow until the system breaks or the system is reworked .. but attacking the debt is an exercise in futility .. makes good fantasy tv i guess ,,
2017-02-16 00:11:58 UTC
2017-02-16 00:14:34 UTC
Yes, if he raises taxes and reduces the size of the military.
2017-02-16 00:15:57 UTC
Not as long as he plans on building a wall
2017-02-16 00:24:06 UTC
Not with trying to build a several billion dollar wall he can't!
Randy the Atheist
2017-02-16 00:24:59 UTC
Not by lowering taxes.
2017-02-16 00:38:08 UTC
Yes, trump will lower the national debt. Just not enough. The national debt already doubled since Obama entered the presidency and it is now so high that it would take over 200 years of tax inhaling and bond selling for the U.S to cancel its national debt.
2017-02-16 00:51:05 UTC
No, but he will triple it
2017-02-17 09:51:07 UTC
No he can't.
2017-02-17 06:35:52 UTC
Has he ever reduced his own debt? (Bankruptcy does not count.)
2017-02-16 21:23:02 UTC
You could eliminate the entire all spending by the Federal government and that would not change the National Debt ONE PENNY...

It is pitiful how few of you Americans seem to understand what it even IS, my friend!

The National Debt is simply the FUTURE obligation the Treasury has to make an interest payment once every six months to individuals & businesses (and foreign governments) who own US Treasury Bonds....

The ONLY way to reduce it would be to stop issuing Bonds, then pay those interest payments for the next THIRTY YEARS until they all reached the meantime, YOUR taxes would need to skyrocket to generate income to RUN the US Military, the Courts, and your government!
2017-02-16 15:42:42 UTC
2017-02-16 12:35:15 UTC
Regardless of what Trump tells the public, and regardless of what the public wants to hear, there are certain things tax dollars have to pay for even if we didn't have anything like Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare or any other cares for people type programs. There are still infrastructure, government workers (which include paying the president, Congress, cabinet workers and all other government workers). Public buildings have to be kept up along with AF1 and AF2 and the whole military. Then you have to add the cost of prices going up daily. It isn't cheap to run a country like we have. If he intends to buy new planes, build a bigger and better (?) military, build a wall and all the other things people think he will we would probably have to pay more taxes, not less. Oh, and sending back millions of illegals will take a lot of buses, airplanes, police, holding stations and fuel. Having said all that, the House of Representatives are the ones responsible for passing bills to do it all.
2017-02-16 04:39:54 UTC
2017-02-16 03:37:30 UTC
Very unlikely
2017-02-19 11:10:37 UTC
Yes if he can figure out how America can file Bankruptcy under Chapter 7.
2017-02-18 23:07:55 UTC
1. There will forever be debt, no matter what the politicians do.

2. CONGRESS is over the money, not the president.

3. Trump lost one billion dollars in his own business. That means he will make the country lose one trillion dollars.
2017-02-18 18:17:34 UTC
in case you didnt notice trump doesnt care about the country or the people. he cares about his sit, his image and money. thats it.

unlike others, he knows that when he leaves office he is going back to his old job as a billionaire.
2017-02-17 04:27:20 UTC
Donald Trump is an extremely smart man. He is very wealthy, he knows his ways. Obama, he made America turn to ****. Trump did more in 2 weeks than Obama did in 8 years.
2017-02-17 04:12:11 UTC
Anybody can if the know what the hell they are doing
2017-02-17 03:14:25 UTC
Id like a burger medium well. Yummy girls.
jim h
2017-02-17 03:02:52 UTC
Trump can and will reduce the debt, he's off to a good start.
2017-02-17 00:03:46 UTC
If he spends less than the gov brings in yes
2017-02-16 22:01:51 UTC
2017-02-16 19:27:24 UTC
He could put a huge dent in our debt with his personal bank account. God bless President Trump! May he live forever!
2017-02-16 17:54:38 UTC
No and neither can congress.
Tad Dubious
2017-02-16 17:28:24 UTC
Barcelona, I think he did that with an executive order on Arbor Day. He signed it while seated at a solid teak desk in Moscow, while on an official state visit. I heard about it on NotSoBright, Honest.
2017-02-16 10:52:19 UTC
reduce the Inept Military by 10 % would be a Great start or better still Disband the USMC you dont need them anymore they are out of date
2017-02-16 09:03:34 UTC
I don't know if I would "bank" on that since he has filed for bankruptcy more than once himself.
Mr. Wizard
2017-02-16 08:53:51 UTC
Donald Trump has bought and taken over failing businesses from the INEPT who created them---and turned them into impressively profitable corporate powerhouses that healthily employ thousands of people world-wide.

So yeah, President Trump is primed to run America as a corporation---something that should've been done 11 years BEFORE Bush, Jr. put us in two pretty useless "revenge" wars.....years BEFORE Obama seriously ( and intentionally ) worsened America's current economic woes.

Look at the key D.C. DEMOCRAT opponents of President Trump: THEY ARE THE ONES WHO NOT ONLY CREATED THOSE CHUMMY "SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS---LIKE OBAMACARE---THEY ALSO WERE PROFITING FROM THEM. And it's those SAME shamelessly tax dollar wasting programs Trump aims to shut down, remove and erase from our country's debt.

NOW you know why the "corporate DEMOCRAT" hates Trump.

Oh, don't take MY word for it: Look at the stocks in health care, health insurance corporations THOSE KEY DEMOCRATS ALL OWN!!
2017-02-19 06:29:36 UTC
The only ways Donald Trump reduces a debt is by restructuring under Chapter 11 Bankruptcy (six times), but that only applies to big businesses that he mismanaged, and quitting while he's still technically ahead by shutting down a failing venture before it gets to the bankruptcy stage (13 times). More about the bankruptcies: the total debts owed for The Dona;d's six Chapter 11 bailouts was almost $7 billion plus close to $1 billion in personal liability for one of them. Then again, that's chump (or Trump) change compared to what he will almost surely do to the country unless he keeps doing the stupid and/or unconstitutional things he's perpetrated during his first.month in office and gets himself impeached and convicted. Also, in order to secure better terms for his bankrupted business debts, Trump was forced to give up all or most of his stock shares. But the best part is that he reacquired the controlling stock of three of these businesses and consolidated them under a new umbrella company -- and then IT went Chapter 11!

Check out the names of the 13 businesses that only failed and see if you can think of any compelling evidence that the new president of the United States isn't a total megalomaniac.
2017-02-19 03:42:58 UTC
Nope. Never will
2017-02-19 01:19:37 UTC
2017-02-19 00:43:52 UTC
NO because he do not pay his own damn taxes,and he is a billionaire.
2017-02-19 00:39:33 UTC
2017-02-19 00:37:13 UTC
2017-02-19 00:06:35 UTC
2017-02-18 23:47:34 UTC
Sure, for millionaires.
2017-02-18 23:28:32 UTC
I think he can help.
2017-02-18 22:46:37 UTC
Is the national debt the problem or the debt to GDP ratio? We can accelerate the growth of GDP and thereby generate more revenue to reduce the debt/gdp ratio. We have depressed the GDP growth rate by over 3.8% for the past 10 years via our trade deficits. That is nearly $2T in lost revenue for the government. That's a whopping $7T in lost revenue. Our GDP should be $26T and our debt/GDP ratio at 50%. That's just in 10 years.
2017-02-18 22:29:44 UTC
2017-02-18 19:54:33 UTC
You're asking me if the guy who went bankrupt 4 times is able to solve the national debt crisis.
2017-02-18 19:13:18 UTC
Knowing Donald NO
mariah s
2017-02-16 01:13:07 UTC
I do believe that he actually could lower it
2017-02-16 01:25:34 UTC
Well, he IS a businessman, so I expect he'll be good with just about ANYTHING regarding debt of any kind
2017-02-16 01:49:09 UTC
1st step to reduce national debt is to abolish the Federal Reserve which is a private company run by fake Jews and charges interest on money it prints for the U.S. government. It was voted into existence in the 1920's over Christmas break when almost all members of Congress were at home with their families. How it has been allowed to continue robbing the American people is a mystery other than they parade as a government entity (which they are not). JFK said he would abolish it and then was killed.
2017-02-16 01:49:57 UTC
We will have to wait and see.
2017-02-16 02:35:01 UTC
2017-02-16 03:16:52 UTC
2017-02-16 03:32:56 UTC
He sucks.
2017-02-16 03:55:35 UTC
LOW TAXES for all yields wealth/JOB creation

the chinese use it

france used it under degaulle ( axe yer great grandads demmycats)

jif modeled his tax cuts on degaulles' actions

reagan used them

bush used them

tax cuts are mandarin chinese to the democrats
2017-02-16 04:02:41 UTC
2017-02-16 05:11:18 UTC
So Many & A Lot Of People Say That Most Probably Yes! He Is Another Puppet, So Don't Fear Or Been Surprised By His Actions Because He Is Just Controlling By The Bohemian Groove & The New World Order!!!!!

2017-02-16 05:56:39 UTC
lol no. end of conversation
All The Right Moves
2017-02-16 06:32:05 UTC
2017-02-16 07:01:46 UTC
2017-02-16 09:06:23 UTC
2017-02-16 09:28:29 UTC
No he can not, he can only uphold the illusion that he can..since - even the (local/us) president - is a marionette, a political puppet bought and paid for by the (hidden power) the Rothschild Central Banking Cartel.

This hidden global syndicate holds almost the entire mankind in an ever lasting debt-enslavement, so "debts" will never go away, unless mankind decides to stop using their fiat money and globally sets up another value-exchange system.

See these videos about the subject "money"


2017-02-18 12:59:02 UTC
Yes...when 35M+ Illegal Aliens are deported we will after two years be saving over 100B per year.

It would reduce the national debt!
2017-02-17 04:35:26 UTC
Can he? Sure, of course he can. Is it likely? I am extremely doubtful.

First, he wants tax cuts, especially for the wealthy and will want them as large as possible. This will (regardless of how you feel) make the deficit worse. Now, he claims he won't touch Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and will ramp up defense to fight Isis.

If he means all this, he wont reduce the national debt. It'd be literally impossible. Because it'd be reducing revenue AND increasing spending. This is not political just simple math: The debt will be made worse.

Second, he may flip flop on much of this. I think this is likely, however cutting gov spending will long run hurt the economy, especially the bigger and more impactful the cuts are. This will: increase the deficit.

This is a VERY sticky situation, the only way to really reduce it long term is by having strong growth.
2017-02-17 03:59:12 UTC
2017-02-17 02:29:10 UTC
Trump will vastly increase the national debt. This will happen by him cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations wile at the same time. Paying for a 22 billion dollar wall, paying to hunt down, jail, and deport 20 million illegal aliens. and boosting military spending. The math is simple: One cannot both cut taxes, increase spending, and reduce the national deficit at the same time.
2017-02-17 00:24:32 UTC
Lol god youre ******* hilarious. Another chump in this world.
2017-02-16 23:56:38 UTC
Republicans only complain about the debt when they are not in charge. Reagan increased the debt 187% almost tripling it and Bush more then doubled it. Trump wants massive tax cuts and more defense spending so it will increase huuugly.
2017-02-16 23:09:51 UTC
No and he doesn't want to.
2017-02-16 22:51:44 UTC
No, Trump is on record as being a fan of debt, in fact if he follows through on all his promises made during the campaign he will double the national debt based on independent analysis and possibly see an additional million people unemployed which will further increase the debt load.
2017-02-16 22:46:01 UTC
2017-02-16 22:26:49 UTC
if donald trump is richer, it is because he holds on to his capital. since no republicans have ever erased the national dept, and have instead added-on to it, i believe his presidency will add to the national dept.
2017-02-16 16:17:43 UTC
No he can't or won't, and the chances are he will drastically increase the debt! The idea is to boost the economy, bring back jobs, get communities back on their feet and generate lots of revenue. The USA post war went from the richest country in the world to the most indebted in human history! And then you have quadrillions of dollars of derivatives!
2017-02-18 18:04:12 UTC
no. he is a horrible business man - he can't even manage to stay out of debt
Dat Annoying Guy
2017-02-18 17:03:49 UTC
If he wants to
2017-02-18 13:35:22 UTC
Primarily by guaranteeing legal or fair competition in the markets. Gov cannot favor businesses without teetering into socialism. Development of better competition in markets used to create jobs. Some businesses stand to lose income and they may not play fair. This increases earning potential across a tier and results in tax revenue.
2017-02-18 12:23:07 UTC
2017-02-17 23:54:46 UTC
Not sure
2017-02-17 18:47:42 UTC
Radical, sudden cuts can do more harm to the economy than a high national debt. The deficit needs to be reduced gradually, to the point where there is a significant surplus. Those surpluses would have to be maintained for years, even decades, in order for there to be a significant reduction in the debt.
Julia G
2017-02-17 18:40:57 UTC
He can't even answer a question at a press conference.
Zed Interactive
2017-02-17 11:26:01 UTC
Not Sure
2017-02-17 11:24:07 UTC
2017-02-17 02:24:24 UTC
No. It is impossible due to the long term pension obligations to its citizens, i.e. Social Security and its extensions which include Social Security indemnity benefits under the so-called disability act and medical services. I think the estimate is that 70 percent of the annual budget is bundled in this package. During the Clinton period there was a transfer of funds from the Social Security money to balance the budget. Not much coverage of this in your media.
2017-02-16 21:53:39 UTC
Nope, he's a Republican. He's concerned about giving tax cuts to his rich friends, not the poor.
2017-02-18 17:31:54 UTC
I hope so
Anny ❤
2017-02-18 15:26:39 UTC
İf you want to know the truth, I don't think so.
2017-02-18 15:17:00 UTC
2017-02-18 15:00:03 UTC
2017-02-18 14:32:45 UTC
old fart
2017-02-18 13:59:47 UTC
No I don't think anyone can.
2017-02-18 10:39:24 UTC
2017-02-18 08:44:00 UTC
2017-02-18 08:17:40 UTC
eat the floor
2017-02-18 07:19:12 UTC
With his attitude our country economy will sure go into the worst debt ever. Just wait a few more months and you'll see what I'm saying when gas price goes up everything will be more expensive then it already is
2017-02-18 06:07:51 UTC
You cannot spend more than you make,new wall double police and military, reduced takes for rich he will double it it no time.
2017-02-18 06:04:18 UTC
Easy..all we have to do is raise taxes as little as 2% on the 'rich' and force them to pay their taxes on all that cash now in offshore banks. 1% would go toward paying down the debt, the other 1% would go toward eliminating the yearly deficit. We have a 'debt' because taxes are too low to cover our bills. If we 'cut spending' as I'm sure someone will 'suggest' that means less cash will flow into the economy...less cash means less economic activity. The economy will contract to bring the amount of cash even with production...which in the face of 'less cash' will contract. We'd soon be in another recession.
2017-02-18 06:01:41 UTC
Protecting the Trump and his old ladies

will cost the tax payers millions

I don't think he is helping any by

being protected from Muzlim.
2017-02-16 10:28:51 UTC
you should worry about your personal debt not national debt
2017-02-16 11:34:33 UTC
We need to nuke china.
2017-02-16 13:28:17 UTC
Have any of us heard a single idea from him about reducing the debt a single penny? All his Orders have been to reduce regulations that cost a business money, but generate no tax income or create jobs. Congress has shown no will to do their part, either.
2017-02-16 14:15:40 UTC
No. Only Congress can do that and the Democrats will NEVER go along with a balanced budget or reduction in entitlement spending. Additionally, they haven t approved a budget in 9 years. We are now calling a continuing resolution a budget. It s not. A continuing resolution is nothing more than last years spending total with additional spending over the previous years spending included. Further, the budget or spending process known as baseline budgeting would land you and I in jail if we ran our businesses on the same accounting procedures. And if you didn t own a business, your bank would refuse to allow you to have a checking account with them because you would be writing nothing but NSF checks. Our nation has no appetite for common sense spending and budgets because we want everybody else to sacrifice but we don t want our ox gored in the process. Americans haven t sacrificed anything to save the nation since WWII. With the current knowledge of how the government spending works by the average voter, nothing is going to change. Our nation will collapse under the weight of the national debt eventually.
2017-02-16 14:49:54 UTC
It's going to be very difficult with a 20 trillion dollar inherited debt that will cost hundreds of billions a year just to maintain the interest on it now that the Feds are aggressively raising interest rates after giving Barack Hussein 8 years of near 0 percent interest rates.
2017-02-16 16:03:44 UTC
Wishful thinking.
2017-02-16 16:09:16 UTC
The man owns Obamacare now but does not have a substitution for it. What makes you think he's equipped to reduce the Deficit?
2017-02-16 16:15:32 UTC
the question is will he?
24/7 blazer
2017-02-16 16:19:58 UTC
No, because technically speaking, he is in debt because he screwed over all the workers of businesses he owned that went bankrupt.
2017-02-16 16:23:39 UTC
I think so
2017-02-16 16:30:31 UTC
Not unless his whole campaign was a lie. These tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, these nuclear bombs, this billion dollar wall and deporting tens of millions of illegal aliens aren't free you know.
Diana M
2017-02-16 17:07:32 UTC
Doubt it
2017-02-16 17:20:41 UTC
Global Warming has been a scam from the get go. It was basically a scheme for the globalists to get cheaper labor. See, they enforce the environmental laws on established countries like the US, but not developing countries like China, Mexico, India etc. And in these developing countries, like say China for instance, they get paid a tenth of what we do, which turns more profit for the globalists. And not only has this put us farther in debt, it has also crippled our manufacturing industry, making us almost completely reliant on imports. And yes, the text books you were handed in school say that global warming has been scientifically proven. But who do you think owns the company that prints those books? The same handful of people that have owned our politicians all these years. See my point? Donald Trump does. And that's one of the many reasons I voted for him. Another thing that has been hemorrhaging tax payer money is illegal immigrants. They come here, live tax free, and sponge off our tax money for food stamps, hud, medicaid etc. And another thing that's hemorrhaging tax payer money is all the environmental laws and programs. It's like I heard that Obama spent over a billion dollars protecting an endangered fish off the coast of Hawaii. That's just one little example. Obama has spent over 14 TRILLION dollars on crap like this. And we've had to foot the bill with our taxes. Trump isn't going to do this. If he spends any money it'll be to build the wall and build up our military. So there's your answer.
2017-02-16 17:25:45 UTC
stick it in her pooper
2017-02-18 05:52:23 UTC
Government officials and great economists are working out the details day and night about it. Please wait. Have patience.
2017-02-17 17:53:39 UTC
In theory, if he can create lower taxes, promote strong business growth, create millions of new jobs, etc... that will lead to a boom in government revenue which can help pay off some of the debt. But special interest spending will have to be cut. Government will have to be reduced to the basic essentials. No one will be happy about it. But we can't continue down the path of never-ending debt.
paul s
2017-02-17 14:08:55 UTC
I don't think so. Independent sources say he will drive up the debt. The wall will cost a lot. He wants a $1 trillion infrastructure bill. he wants to cut taxes. I think the Republican House and Senate will reign him in, but the debt will go up. he is a spender, not a saver.
2017-02-17 06:16:32 UTC
He can't do sh!t
2017-02-17 02:00:51 UTC
Trump has already cut taxes on the very rich, so the debt is guaranteed to go up. But he raised taxes on the poor and middle class, so the economy will slow down, which will make the debt go up even more. President Obama looks better every day.
2017-02-17 00:41:02 UTC
Not if he is planning on building a 40 billion dollar fence, and increasing defense spending.
2017-02-16 23:48:17 UTC
NO , he will make it worse
Dan K
2017-02-16 21:41:59 UTC
As long as he concentrates on deflating senseless government programs, limiting military occupations overseas, excess funding of illegal immigrants and gets people back to work by way offering incentives for job providers. His spineless, ultra-liberal detractors prefer attacking his policies with no plan other than continued tax and spend logic.
2017-02-16 20:01:52 UTC
2017-02-18 05:46:20 UTC
USA.has no debt

Read the bible halfwit
Harald Hardraada
2017-02-18 05:43:04 UTC
2017-02-18 03:23:38 UTC
2017-02-18 01:03:28 UTC
I'm sure he can.
2017-02-17 19:35:25 UTC
YES, but not alone, others in Dc will have to work with him.
2017-02-17 14:37:10 UTC
doubt it,because anything he does will have resistance. chuck schumer would grab his arm if he was handing a child a cure for cancer,rip it out his hand,and squash it in the dirt.
2017-02-17 12:36:16 UTC
He won't be in long enough to do anything. The capital is in crisis mode right now.
2017-02-17 12:16:34 UTC
He could, but he does not want to.
2017-02-17 04:43:57 UTC
Keep dreaming.
2017-02-17 03:55:01 UTC
Tell you what though, if DT donated at least half of his money and some of the major athletes making way over 1 million a year would help and put money into the debt, it would be gone in no time.
Firl Por
2017-02-17 02:37:19 UTC
Yes, I hope he cuts off welfare.
Michelle Obama's Hair Gel
2017-02-16 20:42:12 UTC
He is already reducing the national debt. Why do you think libs are kicking and screaming so much?
2017-02-18 05:02:02 UTC
He'd have to have a budget in the green (a surplus)... every proposal he's presented has the deficit growing (a deficit is a budget in the red).. so... no, absolutely not.
2017-02-18 04:55:46 UTC
I believe so and I'm assuming that's his main focus
2017-02-18 03:22:50 UTC
If he eliminate welfare and stops the giving of our money to other countries than yes it can happen.
2017-02-18 02:38:16 UTC
2017-02-18 01:54:15 UTC
Lolololol nooo
2017-02-18 01:37:53 UTC
2017-02-18 00:27:13 UTC
Victor Coronado
2017-02-17 23:34:11 UTC
The yahoo news just reported today, that "Trump is the most expensive Protected President", meaning he requires an expensive protection, just for him to do what exactly all other presidents have done before him. And he's bad at doing it. I mean "POV". But I'll let you see this how you will. Every person is equal, just keep that in mind, so if he requires a lot more cost for protection, then what does that say? The news said like "10Million more than Obama", and I'm not sure if that's "just already", each year, or in the longrun. We're already in ridiculous over debt.
2017-02-17 22:39:19 UTC
He does not have the slightest clue what it means!
2017-02-17 21:56:50 UTC
No he can't
2017-02-17 21:36:38 UTC
2017-02-17 21:07:22 UTC
Frankie MacDonald
2017-02-17 21:02:43 UTC
you mean by using his billions to reduce it? that is not his job

Congress can do something about it but they won't
2017-02-16 17:29:04 UTC
All appropriations originate in the house, so Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has greatest control over balancing the budget. What used to happen before 0bama completely broke the government (We haven’t had a budget in 8 years, instead operating on continuing resolutions basically repeating the last approved budget over and over) is that the Executive Branch solicits from all the agencies their proposed budget which they submit to the House, and the House – power of the purse – comes out with a budget in two parts: What you can spend money on (authorizations) and how much is available for each authorization (appropriations). It reconciles with Senate and Pres approves, ideally before 1 October start of the fiscal year.

Trump is sort of screwed. “Sequestration” has raped the military, a shell of its former self. Their appropriations have been slashed by about forty percent over 0bama’s term. They need money. Where does it come from? While the confiscation of earnings has reached record levels, $3.632 trillion in 2016, the wasteful broken tax and spend government spends even more than it makes! And that’s while NOT funding the military! A big part of that is 0bamacare, a new welfare that is very expensive.

Even if Ryan submits a balanced budget for FY2018, that doesn’t do anything to touch 0bama’s $20 trillion debt.

I’d like to see Trump slash and burn the budget. National Public Radio (democrat propaganda wing), National Endowment for the Arts, foreign aid for pretty much the whole world – gone. 0bamacare gone. Housing and Urban development section 8 gone. I’ve read the constitution a few times and don’t remember the part about me paying ghetto rat rent. Forbid immigrant use of US education and medical and no welfare for any immigrant, illegal or legal. And fire A LOT of federal bureaucrats. Their pension and medical legacy costs are huge. The Department of Agriculture does nothing for agriculture. They hand out foodstamps. There is no need for a federal echelon Department of Education. Created in the 70s, they have hurt education.

Will Ryan do it? We’ll see. There’s a lot of freeloaders suckling on the government teat, and they will squeal.
2017-02-16 17:57:51 UTC
US debt yes, but in order for it to be national, he would have to make deals with other foriegn nation leaders in trade. I figured out one thing though, if trade is running smoothly in imports and exports, each individual economic budget goes up followed after the US. If the US trade market is doing good, so will other nations trade as well. In doing so, each budget of each nation gets reduced in debt. That is one reason i question why he cannot go to other nations like Japan or Russia for open trade deals. Trumps a business man with experience, what makes people think he is not helping everyone in the trade market? Bill and Barack went to those countries as representatives. Why is it wrong for Donald?
2017-02-16 18:14:33 UTC
Srry need points
Best Ever.
2017-02-16 18:23:49 UTC
Yes i believe he can
2017-02-16 18:32:12 UTC
No, not with the policies he is planning. They will only increase the national debt because as they add additional spending.
2017-02-16 18:50:32 UTC
Not with what he is proposing
2017-02-16 19:23:15 UTC
He IS part of the national date
2017-02-16 19:23:39 UTC
Kill the blacks because they lack a normal iq
2017-02-16 19:45:34 UTC
whatever !!!
bad girl
2017-02-16 19:47:50 UTC
Donnie thinks the USA can go bankrupt and leave our creditors holding the empty bag. Now,going bankrupt is something he has experience in and a track record.
Best Answer
2017-02-16 19:56:10 UTC
He'll wipe it out completely, and I don't mean with a Hillary cloth.
2017-02-16 20:16:58 UTC
As a successful business man, he certainly knows more than our other dumb politicians.
2017-02-16 20:44:05 UTC
2017-02-17 17:49:26 UTC
Dont think ANY republican president as EVER reduced the debt

quite the contrary

Reagan and bush in turn increased the debt more than any other previous presidents in US history

(bushs proposed policies before obama was elected would have bankrupted the US in around 5 years

i.e just the payments of the interest on its debts would have increased to be more than its income
2017-02-17 16:18:22 UTC
2017-02-17 14:39:41 UTC
Nope he can't manage his own finances. How the h e l l do you expect him to reduce the National debt. He's filed bankruptcy more than once. Oh wait a minute maybe America can do that.
2017-02-17 02:02:10 UTC
He wants to freeze government hiring, but also increase the military and immigration enforcement. He wants to repeal the ACA, but has vowed to keep the most expensive parts of it. He wants to undertake massive infrastructure programs but at the same time gut tax revenue. The only way you believe that he is going to reduce the national debt is if you believe in the same tired supply side theories that bankrupted Kansas, but on a national scale.
2017-02-17 00:34:43 UTC
2017-02-16 22:40:26 UTC
2017-02-16 22:36:00 UTC
2017-02-17 13:22:43 UTC
Trumps planned tax cuts regardless of what anyone says, will increase the debt. last time we did

not have huge debt was under former President Bill Clinton. my answer would be no.
luisa l hi
2017-02-17 05:34:36 UTC
2017-02-17 03:58:53 UTC
2017-02-17 03:55:42 UTC
No one can
2017-02-17 03:50:16 UTC
That tends to be the goal of the Republican party, so probably yes
2017-02-16 22:26:31 UTC
The only way is to reduce unemployment to around 2%. Then people spend. If what they buy is made in America the money stays there. Then yes. Also illegal drug imports contribute a lot to it. Human smuggling & other activities. Illegals sending money home It adds up.
Smokies Hiker
2017-02-17 20:32:33 UTC
After 8 years of Obama's runaway spending, it will take Trump awhile to get a handle on all the waste created by the Democrats!
2017-02-17 18:14:18 UTC
Debt is the new wealth.
2017-02-17 17:50:24 UTC
2017-02-17 17:31:53 UTC
2017-02-17 17:19:40 UTC
No only increase it
2017-02-17 17:02:41 UTC
If he loves America so much, why don't he take out his checkbook and write a check to pay it off?
2017-02-17 16:50:12 UTC
No he just cares about money not the ppl
Stew Guitar
2017-02-17 16:33:01 UTC
If anything it sounds like he'll increase it unless he convinces all Americans ( including the Rich) to tighen up their belts, buy a few less gadgets, manage their money and pay more taxes.
2017-02-17 16:25:29 UTC
2017-02-17 15:32:30 UTC
2017-02-17 15:24:21 UTC
I believe he said that he could, he never explained how though...or he was vague about it. That is all politicians though and this country spends billions on military alone. As powerful of a country as we are, we are so much in debt that it would take years and years of cutting back on a lot of things, including good programs, just to make a scratch at it. Our tax dollars gets spent of a lot of bullshit stuff rather than what is really needed. Our roads could use some improvement and a lot of cities need their highways to be bigger but no money is available but there is money for a wall?
2017-02-16 21:02:22 UTC
He already has.

More jobs means more money into the treasury.
2017-02-16 21:12:30 UTC
Yes he can , I would say.
2017-02-16 21:15:03 UTC
2017-02-16 21:15:57 UTC
Trump, you have to increase this wage earning for most Americans because if not it's going to bad and ugly. People are tired of making the same wage every year. And seem like every President is not really making a change. Do you have to.
2017-02-16 21:35:50 UTC
Yes, by phasing out unnecessary, unconstitutional departments such as The Departments of Labor, Housing and Education, the EPA, Medicare, Social Security, Welfare, and numerous others that the federal government has no real business getting involved with. The national debt is irrefutable evidence that the fed has bitten off more than it can chew.
2017-02-16 22:19:29 UTC
2017-02-16 22:26:44 UTC
He might be able to reduce the national debt
2017-02-16 22:49:24 UTC
not if he gets impeached
2017-02-16 22:57:39 UTC
2017-02-17 13:40:36 UTC
2017-02-17 09:43:16 UTC
He needs the help of Congress
2017-02-17 05:05:37 UTC
there will always be debt
2017-02-17 00:21:40 UTC
2017-02-17 14:41:55 UTC
2017-02-17 13:00:26 UTC
Can he? Maybe. Will he? Absolutely not.
2017-02-17 12:26:40 UTC
No because he isn't the best
2017-02-17 11:46:00 UTC
He could reduce it by giving up all his own assets and money! Wouldn’t that be great?
2017-02-17 11:07:37 UTC
maybe if liberals give him a chance
The Middle
2017-02-17 10:46:42 UTC
No government or president can save the debt based economy system. There will always be a debt and what comes after, is also always imminent. It's precise and can be calculated.

Mr. Obama double the national debt, world doesn't want to buy oil in US dollar anymore. That will devalue US dollar soon and almost 20 trillion debt now, but people will not stop buying more and more into debt.

Every great empire and civilization begin it's collapse with too much of great things. Our glory walks hand in hand with our doom.

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." ~ British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli
2017-02-17 10:13:20 UTC
Definitely. He's highly successful in business and budgeting sounds right up his alley. Having a competent business man in office can potentially procure amazing economic results.
2017-02-17 09:49:00 UTC
I am amazed by so many Dem comments that they are now worried about the national debt

Jeesh would they get a clue....the last president just doubled it over his last 8 years from 10 trillion to almost 20

Now since they loved Obama....but hate Trump,so suddenly it is a concern
2017-02-16 23:23:53 UTC
yes he will MAGA
2017-02-16 23:36:58 UTC
yes he can
2017-02-16 23:38:24 UTC
2017-02-16 23:57:03 UTC
2017-02-17 00:08:54 UTC
2017-02-17 00:27:37 UTC
2017-02-17 00:37:20 UTC
I have a documentry showing General Shanault getting money, Fighter Planes, etc. To stop the invasion of China by the Japanese. This was in 1939 & China has'nt paid us back. Now Clinton borrowed from China in late 1990"s. They say we owe $19 Trillion for about 20 years. I wonder what China owes us for 78 years of debt. Plus the President does'nt know what our Government has that's worth about 300 Trillion. I have prints to what they have, but they dont need mine. I'm also holding 5 hills of pure Silver for if Trump does what he said he was going to do within 2 years than the silver will be for New silver certificates of which is bills with silver in them= silver back in our money again. Mike
John Deo
2017-02-17 00:40:16 UTC
Yes he will.
2017-02-17 01:10:34 UTC
He might bring it at least under control a bit, by not paying many of the government contractors. Then they can sue and he will use taxpayer money to out-lawyer them in court until the contractors can no longer afford attorney fees and withdraw their lawsuit. You know, do like he has always done.
2017-02-17 01:25:21 UTC
I wonder
2017-02-17 01:30:17 UTC
2017-02-17 05:12:01 UTC
No! The mother ****** is already taking too much money from the government! He's a con artist! But I will lmao when America falls in even more debt
2017-02-17 01:53:10 UTC
reduce it a tiny bit MAYBE.l
2017-02-17 08:16:58 UTC
Donald Trump is a whinging idiot, I saw his press conference on BBC this morning and despite all of the major issues facing the USA at this time, all he did was berate the press and media for telling lies. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't need Donald Trump to tell me that the press and media are unreliable witnesses, I already suspect that. What I do expect the President of the USA to do is to address and resolve those big issues that face his country. Well, I'm a Limey, so his public rants are of little consequence to me ....yet.
2017-02-17 07:59:31 UTC
2017-02-17 07:39:20 UTC
It's possible
2017-02-17 06:16:50 UTC
Billy Collins
2017-02-17 05:53:04 UTC
well there is a 3 billion dollar fence, I dont think so!
2017-02-17 05:39:20 UTC
kdit gcv
2017-02-17 04:25:04 UTC
Donald trump can cure aids
2017-02-17 01:44:39 UTC
If congress proposes a budget that will reduce the debt and the president signs it, then yes, one could say the president can reduce the national debt. The real question is WILL such a budget get created and then approved.
2017-02-17 02:20:49 UTC
Yes. Andrew Jackson reduced it. All Trump has to do is declare bankruptcy.
2017-02-17 02:27:05 UTC
2017-02-17 03:11:02 UTC
No ones lowering that ****
2017-02-17 03:19:44 UTC
2017-02-17 04:00:19 UTC
Diamond dove
The Football God
2017-02-17 04:02:18 UTC
Looks like he is going to spend money that will save us and generations down the road. As opposed to spending money now to COST our future generations money. And I'm not a Trump fan.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.