I hired a lawyer, paid a 9,000 retainer, and now the lawyer took himself off the case without ever doing anything for me in court. The total fee was 21,000 and after paying the retainer, all he ever did was harrass me for the remainder balance. He was very disrespectful,to me and very rude. He never treated me like a client. I was getting the remainder of the balance from a life insurance, which was taking very long for me to recieve, and when he got tired of waiting for the money, he took himself off the case. Is it legal for him to just quit on me? Can i recieve any of the money back. Is this legal? It was hard for me to come up with the cash to pay him, how can i get another lawyer when I gave so much money to the 1st one. What can I do? Where do I turn to handle a matter such as this. Can you help me????