The verdict is another tragedy for the victims. 26 years after India's worst industrial disaster, which killed 25 thousand people, disabled 1.2 Lakh people permanently and affected 5 Lakh, but still the wait for justice is not over. These criminals were convicted for only 2 years and then bailed within 2 minutes by signing a bond of Rs. 25,000.
Sir, what a coincidence... In 1984, Anderson was also bailed for Rs. 25,000
25,000 people were killed and these mass murderers were bailed for just Rs. 25000. That means Re 1 for each life. Thats the cost of an Indian life, just 1 rupee.
But Sir, this is not the fault of only court, actually the whole system has failed completely. Its the fault of Govt of India, CBI and Our Judiciary including Supreme Court. I'm sorry but I have to include Supreme Court but the biggest culprit is Govt of India, right from Rajiv Gandhi to AB Vajpayee, everyone is a culprit.
Sir, if u don't agree with me then please answer these :
1) Why did we let Warren Anderson fly out of India, that too just 4 days after the tragedy ??
2) Why did the people who claim to represent us sold us out completely ??
3) Why did they dilute the charges intentionally ??
4) Why did the court allow dilution of charges ??
5) Why did we ask for extradition of Anderson only after 19 years of the incidence ??
6) Why only after 20 years Supreme Court accepted that the gas victims were 5.73 lakh and not 1 lakh.
It doesn't matter who the PM was but the story remained the same. Every Govt was trying to compromise the interest of Bhopal Gas Victims. The govts were hand in glove with those who wanted to save the skin of top officials of UCIL.
Sir please correct me if I'm wrong.
1989 - Govt opts for out for court settlement. All the criminal and civil liabilities against UCIL were dropped. What more...$3 billion should have been the compensation but they gave only $470 million and the Govt settled for that i.e 1/7th of the amount demanded.
1994 - Govt failed to prevent sale of UCIL thus the grip of Indian Courts on the main accused was loosened
1996- Charges against UCIL were wattered down just to negligence by SC and CBI failed to go for revision petition.
2002 - CBI moved court to dilute charges against Anderson but fortunately the court rejected
Thats why I'm saying the script of this verdict was written much earlier and every Govt has contribution in it.
Sir, we can't go in past and change the things but even our future is in danger. What about the "Nuclear Liability Bill" which the Govt is going to bring soon in Parliament ?? According to it, if some thing like this happens in any of the 18 nuclear plants then the onus of compensation would be on Indian Partner.
Why don't we learn from past ??