BOO! Proposition 8(in Cali), while it hasn't officially passed yet from what I know.. looks like it will. For all of you who voted against it. Thank you. For all you who voted for it. GO **** YOURSELVES WITH A GIANT BARBED BLACK DILDO YOU BIGOTED *****.
Are you really ******* serious? Some of the stuff I see people write and hear people say is absolutely ridiculous. "I'm not against gays.. but they shouldn't barge in on a strictly hetero thing" Yeah the **** right... and strictly hetero? You're delusional, sir. Maybe you should move to the middle east.. I'm sure your bigoted views would be much more appreciated there.
Words of hate, and my replies:
"Like some people, I don't have anything against gays, but when the system tries to teach it in our schools, then that's where I have the problem. If the gays get their victory fine with me, just don't force it on our children.
RE: This kind of thinking is about as intelligent as well... a ******* rock. Actually, a rock would be smarter... cause it wouldn't ******* care. Stupid sheep. You all listen and follow propaganda so well. Go join the army, it needs more robots. Proposition 8 had absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to do with teaching kids homosexuality in school, you dumb shits. Learn the facts. Besides... homosexuality shouldn't be taught in schools.. neither should heterosexuality, ******* tolerance and understanding of all people should be.
I'm sure you, like sarah palin... really tolerate those gays don'tcha? You just love em.
and two more which kinda really pissed me off:
"all men ARE created equal. but marriage has always meant a union between man and woman. it predates government. the government didn't create it, and therefore shouldn't be able to redefine it. study after study shows that relationships between men and women are more stable than those of same-sex couples. violence and disease are more widespread among homosexual couples. kids are better off when raised by a MOTHER and a FATHER.
again, all men are created equal. but by FORCING the majority to cater to the minority is creating a tyranny of tolerance. they expect everyone else to be tolerant of their wishes, but what of the wishes of the majority? it's the outspoken minority that needs to accept what others see as moral and right.
RE: You are a bigoted, uninformed, moron who should be sterilized. Marriage has been redefined by so many cultures throughout the world and time. It has not always been between one man and one woman. You are dead wrong. Historically inaccurate.
Secondly, marriage does NOT predate government you ******* retard. Read a history book. Go the **** back to school. Or better yet, do us all a favor and just kill yourself. Marriage was originally established in Sumeria with the written code of laws, scripted by their "god king" Hammurabi. Religion didn't create marriage. Government did, and government should be able to redefine it to the point to allow equal rights for all citizens. I am not a lesser person than you because I like guys. Get off your ******* pedestal, before i knock you the **** off.
Thirdly, study after study has shown what!? No, no, and NO! I don't know what studies you're reading... perhaps ones done by the christian evangelical right, or possibly the KKK, maybe Nazi studies... but I'd say those are all fairly inaccurate. According to real studies, by actual professionals in the fields of sociology and psychology the truth of the matter is.. same sex couples have proven to be more stable... we can't get married... we stay with each other when we have no actual legal or religious binding.. aside from the fact, how is my relationship's stability any of your ******* business? Should I come into your home, evaluate your marriage, decide that you two are unstable.. and therefore, shouldn't be allowed to marry? You can't have your cake and eat it too. You either subject us to certain questions and procedures, and in turn be subjected to it also.. or you shut your ******* mouth and put up with it.
Violence and disease are more widespread among homosexuals? Wrong again. Statistically, according to the American Medical Association, the majority of STD related diseases(including HIV/AIDS) is most prevalent among poor, heterosexual, african american, females. The second most prevalent group, statistically, is middle class white males(statistically, most gay males fall into the upper class bracket). So, yeah, shut the **** up about things you have no clue about. and violence? Haha... most gay people are pacifist and even those who aren't are at least both the same sex and can fight on an even ground if violence does occur. Need I even mention all the cases of domestic abuse, etc that go on every year with heterosexual couples in america.... how about with the middle east... or africa...?
Also, kids are best off when raised in a loving, educational, nurturing environment where they get attention, time, d