did prop 8 pass in California?
Alicia Y
2008-11-04 21:00:50 UTC
did prop 8 pass in California?
124 answers:
2008-11-04 23:05:55 UTC
Some of you are grossly misinformed and seem to swallow what the commercials tell you. Voting NO on Prop 8 does NOT force anything on anyone. It simply allows gay couples to marry. I have news for you parents who are so afraid your kids will be taught about homosexuality in school: THEY'RE GOING TO LEARN ABOUT IT ANYWAY! You can't change the fact that, if your child is in public school, they will sooner or later have a classmate who has gay parents. Are you going to chase those parents from the PTA? Are you going to shut the child up when they start to tell your child that they have two moms or two dads? More importantly, what are YOU, the parent, going to teach your child when they ask YOU about gay people? Are you really going to teach your child that they deserve less simply because the Bible calls it an abomination? Or is it really just the fact that you don't like it because they're different than YOU?

And whoever it was who stated that kids are better off "being raised by a MOTHER and a FATHER"......pull your head out of the sand. Kids do best in a safe, happy home where they have adequate food, healthcare and an abundance of LOVE! Get off your ridiculous soapbox and open your eyes. If you truly believe what you're stating, then go after hetero people who are DIVORCING for no reason other than that they're bored. They're splitting up a family and many times the children lose a parent. Why aren't THEY being targeted?

People have so many lame brain excuses all to detract from the fact that they are afraid of change and don't like gays having the same rights they do. Just man up and say the truth instead of perpetuating totally FALSE information.
2008-11-05 10:18:54 UTC
It is still very close but it looks like it is going to pass!!! Yay

I am not a bigot I'm sorry if you feel that way I have a gay cousin and a few gay friends. I love them, I still however have my own beliefs just as many have theirs. This was voted on before and a judge decided to grant same sex marriages. Although the majority won the vote what we voted did not matter and we are now in the same position voting again. If I am not mistaken gays have the same legal rights however they cannot marry.

"Marriage is not a right but a set of legal obligations imposed because the government has a vested interest in unions that, among other things, have the potential to produce children, which is to say, the future population of the nation.

Gays were on their strongest ground when they said that what they did was nobody else's business. Now they are asserting a right to other people's approval, which is wholly different.

None of us has a right to other people's approval," quoted from The Bulletin.

Marriage is by definition a union between a man and a woman why is it a right that it be redefined as something else. If you are in a union not of a man and a woman that means by definition it is not a marriage. If you have the same rights why must the definition be changed, gays cannot produce children it is not the same as thing we are different not better or worse just different.

I know many of you will not like what I have to say for the views I have I am not trying to offend anyone I have a right to my opinion just as you do and I respect you for yours.
2008-11-05 11:03:41 UTC
Why are people so judgmental? If you have 'nothing against gay people' than why are you putting them down and not allowing them a right that everyone should have. A lot of people want to pull the's for our children thing... and to me, that unfair. How about we teach our kids every option and we teach them not to be prejudice like most people in this world. Teaching our children about gay marriage or gay people is not the end of the world, chances are they will find out some other way (maybe even with wrong/bad facts). If it doesn't affect you, why are you going to take away someones right to get married and live a life that heterosexual couples live. Also, it is not proven that children function better in households where there is both a father and a mother. My best friend has two mothers and if she were raised how some of you people like to think is "the only way" and "natural" she would probably be dead by now because her mother was a drug addict and her father work 4 jobs before his children were taken away from him. People need to understand that any stable and healthy household is a STABLE and HEALTHY household...despite there being a mother and a father. It's not about gender it's about a person.
2008-11-05 04:42:18 UTC
Yes, it passed!

Ok, for all of you "no on 8 people". I am not a bigot because I don't agree with same sex marriages. For the person that said, "if God was here, things would be different", you better believe things would be different. We wouldn't even have a proposition about gay marriage if God was here. The reason is because He says "NO". The bible says a man should not lie with another man. I know it was written centuries ago, but that doesn't matter. It was written.

For all of you opposers, you must not have children. Let me tell you something. When you have children, all of your perspectives change. Yes, one of my children might have a friend with gay parents. That is ok with me. As a christian, I am not perfect either. But, it is MY job to teach my children about marriage and relationships. Not anyone else's. One day, I will teach my children that there are gay people in the world, and that we need to love everyone. I may not agree with their lifestyle, but we are also taught to love the sinner and hate the sin.

If you opposed prop 8 because you want non-married couples to have access to each others medical benefits and 401k, I couldn't agree with you more. Maybe you should write a proposition.
2008-11-05 08:27:24 UTC
Well I am sorry for all of you who were against 8. In my part i am very happy and relieved that it did pass.

As you all know this law had a already pass years ago 61% but 4 judges said it was wrong and they would ignore what the people decided (that is not democracy) We all know this fact. Imagine if it had been the other way around that it allowed gay marriage and 4 judges overturned it. Obviously you would have gotten mad just as the 61% of the people who voted in 2000.

People say that it has nothing to do with education: well it does...

if gay marriage is allowed.these things CAN happen...

Kindergartners were given picture books: it is not illegal therefore if a teacher decides to teach about it... it is not wrong...

the bad part is that I as a parent can't object... if i do i can get arrested because it would be considered DISCRIMINATION... so we are FORCED TO ACCEPT...

these are just a couple websites to back what i am saying. because i don't like to just talk to talk.. here is proof that it can happen...

it would be just plain wrong that we didn't have a choice on what my daughter is taught in school. And yes using schools and kids did scare me and that is why i did my research, and i am glad i did the reasearch because OUR CHILDREN AND SCHOOLS MATTER! and are worth fighting for.

believe it or not i do have friends who are gay and i respect them but i have always been clear that i am against it and they have no problem in still talking to me.
2008-11-05 08:15:02 UTC
Define Traditional marriage?

If traditional marriage stayed the same through the decades there would be no interracial marriage today.

And yes a married couple of the same sex cannot have children without a sperm donor or a surrogatee, but isn't our population out of control already. It's best for people, yes even Straight couples , to adopt a child.

For those of you who talk about the bible. How many religions are out there? Do they all follow your bible? Do they all beleive in your god? No Even if i did belive in the bible, im pagan, i would STILL be on the no side.

Those who say its unnatural. Do Americans always shun unnatural things? Think about piercings, tattoos, the fake boobs most of you men love oh so much. Oh yeah, if its so unnatural why are there to gay male penguins at the Central Park Zoo

Those who say children need a male and female role model or what not. Youre so gungho on this subject are you opposed to single parents? Cause those children only have the influence of one or the other.

Those who argue this will ruin straight marriage. Oh please , let's not ruin Britney Spear's 55-hour marriage

Of course I am bisexual and I am biased with a lesbian best friend and other gay friends,

On the teaching gay marriage as early as kindergarten, IF they do do it. I agree it shouldnt be that early, Middle School at the earliest, if not then high school. But honestly. your kids are going to come face to face with it sometime in their life. Say if you take them out of school to Disneyland when they hold thier annual Gay Day. What are you going to do then? forgo the money you spent and leave. Because I garrantee you you are going to get 'Mommy why did those two boys just kiss' or 'why re those girl holding hands' even if it isnt gay day. gays enjoy disneyland as much as the next people in line for tickets. But i do agree Kindergarten is early. A young child doesnt need to be thinking about that kind of thing at suh an early age.

Im sorry if you feel what ive written is wrong, i think ths whole yes thing is wrong. Peple shouldnt be tld they cant show thier love to each other like everyone ese by the government.

2014-10-29 16:30:26 UTC
that you don't like it because they're different than YOU?

And whoever it was who stated that kids are better off "being raised by a MOTHER and a FATHER"......pull your head out of the sand. Kids do best in a safe, happy home where they have adequate food, healthcare and an abundance of LOVE! Get off your ridiculous soapbox and open your eyes. If you truly believe what you're stating, then go after hetero people who are DIVORCING for no reason other than that they're bored. They're splitting up a family and many times the children lose a parent. Why aren't THEY being targeted?

People have so many lame brain excuses all to detract from the fact that they are afraid of change and don't like gays having the same rights they do. Just man up and say the truth instead of perpetuating totally FALSE information.
2008-11-05 16:21:25 UTC
I dont know. I hope not. Here is what I have to say about some statements that have been made by people for Prop 8:

1) Being gay is not natural.

....And real Americans always reject unnatural things like hair dye, make-up, Botox, eyeglasses, polyester, air conditioning, power tools, tattoos, piercings and silicon breasts, acrylic nails.

2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay.

....In the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall... ?

3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior.

....People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal stand​ing and can sign a marriage contract. Lamps are next...maybe cars too :)

4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all;

....Hence why women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal..

5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowd;

....And we can't let the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage be destroyed..

6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children.

....So therefore, gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our population isn't out of control, our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children,

....Since of course, straight parents only raise straight children..?

8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion.

....In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

(Did I miss the lesson where Jesus says He hates gays?)

9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home.

....Which is exactly why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children..

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms.

....Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

People that voted for Prop 8 really need to re-think why!!
2008-11-05 08:23:35 UTC
It is sad to see that religion still has such a strong stranglehold on America. I live in Salt Lake City Utah where the mormon religion butts in on every "moral" issue. I kept a very anxious and watchful eye on Prop 8 hoping it wouldn't pass. I am not gay, I don't even have any gay friends. I just know how wrong it is to tell some one they can't marry who they love because they lead a different lifestyle than I do. The only arguments I've seen for supporting Prop 8 had to do with GOD and homophobia. It's sad to hear people say "I don't want my kids force fed the gay lifestyle in school" like that is really the gay agenda. Pretending like there aren't gay people in the world doesn't make them disappear. Your children will learn one way or another, the only questions is, will they learn to accept them as human beings and respect them; or will they grow up hating gay people and beating them to a pulp in school because of their hateful ignorant parents?

So you don't want the gay lifestyle forced down your childrens throat... okay fine. I don't want Christianity or any religion for that matter forced down my childrens throat. Keep god out of politics. I don't see him voting. When he comes down and casts his ballot for something, then feel free to say it's against gods will. Until then, keep your god, your religion and your "moral" beliefs to yourself and let people be happy. Stop worrying about what other people do, and worry about yourself!
Jack H
2008-11-05 07:46:53 UTC
Prop 8 is all about keeping the sanctity of marriage. Well how sacred is marriage when we have 50% of them nation wide failing? Not very. How wrong is it for two people in love to raise a child when two people who just happen to have the parts to make a child can raise one even though they are addicted to crack? It isn't. I've seen gay men raising a little girl and there was more love in that house than i even had in mine. They should be afforded every protection from discrimination that a black person gets. To say they can't be part of something because of something that I don't believe they can help is rediculas.
2008-11-05 03:33:04 UTC
Here are a couple of things that I have not seen written... I think that whatever people want to do you can't stop them. so if people want to have a gay relationship then they will. however, I will not support any type of union that forces someone of an opposing belief to marry them.... and then be sued for discrimination..... I think that is where I draw the line.... If my pastor doesnt want to marry you for his religious reasons he shouldnt have to nor should he have to fear a 20 M lawsuit for discrimination and lose tax exempt..... and as far as marriage being taught in school.... I was taught about marriage in school and 96% of California schools are required to touch on this topic....

This also doesnt techniqually. eliminate rights because there are still civil unions..... So let Marriage be between a man and a woman and let civil unions be whatever else just make sure its only between 2 people not several people.....

Also I am not a bigot.... I just think people should not be harrassed for believing what they believe dont force something on me.....

and thats why I believe Prop 8 just passed!!!


Actually you are wrong you have to get a marriage license and you and significant other sign it there infront of the county clerk but it is not legit until you have a pastor... or someone with the power to marry sign it as well as two witnesses....

AND that still does not despute what I was saying some couples were being vendictive and going to churches that opposed same-sex marriages and asking the pastors to marry them when the pastor said NO the churchs were served with discrimination law suits and lose there tax exempt status.... so yes it does have some impact there....

3.) You dont have to believe me about the law suits... there are three.... 2 have already awarded the gay couple millions of dollars because of discrimination and the 3rd is in court now so YES it is true.... just because you didnt file a frivilous suit of discrimination doesnt mean others havent
2008-11-05 08:21:58 UTC
Ok sweet it looks like its going to pass. As for you ignorant retarted homosexual or homosexual activist listen up. First off D1337 you make all gay people look horrible with what you said.

"You all who voted yes are ignorant y'know no on 8 would make more money and screw your tradition..... oh and by the way i was taught nothing about marriage in schools and sadly i think 8 won, Assholes... i hate you all.... btw i am only bi "

Lol this is so fricken hilarious its not even funny. Saying we all are ignorant and you using the words y'know and than you hate us... EXACTLY who is the racist ones here.

Than another point you so clearly point lol. BTW I AM ONLY BI LOL LOL oh God I laughed so hard.

You proved all our points. Being gay is a choice. Screw all you people that think its not lol. You obviously are very confused my friend, because you do not know which way to go. I am all for gay rights and for gays to be treated equally but marriage has nothing to do with it.

First off why do homosexuals want to be part of a religious practice?

Why cant you have youre civil union and have the same privelages as a married couple but without it being called a marriage.

You think that the only people that are against Gay Marriage are religious nutjubs and you're way off.

The thing is everyone that is voting no on prop 8 thinks that its equality of rights or whatever. Why do you need it to say marriage? You want the people in this country to approve of you're marriage... Well the fact is most people dont.

People dont want to have to raise there kids in a world where the values that are being taught by them are getting twisted around in schools. The fact is being Gay is a choice.

EVEN IF GOD DOESNT EXIST who knows? But I know this. Evolution obviously did not intend Man and Man or Woman and Woman relationships to bring forth a child so what makes you feel like its normal? Its not... and people like D1337 prove it everyday. You all are confused. I am sorry I hope you can have youre civil union and have same rights as a married couple but I am truly happy to see this pass.

And all you who are trying to make this just like the Womens rights and Black Civil Rights cases its nothing like it so get over it. Go drown youreself.
2008-11-05 07:47:46 UTC
No ones civil rights were affected by this proposition. Everyone still has the same rights as everyone else. People comparing this slavery or woman's rights to vote are the ones being ignorant. You have no control if you were born black or a woman, but you do have a choice to be gay. This has nothing to do with religion. This is about the preservation of our society and goverment should only support and uphold an institution between a man and a woman.
2008-11-05 04:33:46 UTC
its going to pass, 10% left to process and its 4% above, its not much, but still yes

if you want to get married go to canada or some where else, and Leave the Marriage of couples between a man and a woman, besides last time i checked, same-sex don't have compatible parts, men and woman together have natural working parts together, and are able to make offspring, and for all who think that being gay is a gene, then no, because if you believe in natural section, which everyone should, (not evolution) but survival of the fittest, then it would of been killed of along time ago, so there you go. and i don't want to see some homosexual activist, replying to this saying your wrong and giving me crud info from stupid politicians saying its rights, because i can provide or 8 pages of info on why homosexuality is wrong, biblical, morally, logically, and constitutionally. 4 easy points. and if you don't believe the in the first point, then view it as a historical point. peace

long live straight marriage!!!!
2008-11-05 16:38:44 UTC
its appears as though prop 8 will pass which i think is a great tragedy. to those who say marriage is strictly between a man and woman you are wrong! holy matrimony is for a man and a woman. where is the separation of church and state on this proposition? this isn't about god and hell it's about human rights! HUMAN RIGHTS! how dare you tell anyone that they can't be married. let me give you a ****** up scenario; two males or females are madly in love so they decide to move in together. well one of them has a great job with health benefits and the other has a part-time job and becomes ill. well that person has no insurance whatsoever and can't possibly afford the medical bills. and because of prop 8 they can't get married and share benefits. what if this was you with your significant other? how pissed would you be? this is insane to even be proposed! i am embarrassed to be an American. so much for the land of the free! so much for all men and women being treated equally!
2014-11-02 20:52:44 UTC
ent than YOU?

And whoever it was who stated that kids are better off "being raised by a MOTHER and a FATHER"......pull your head out of the sand. Kids do best in a safe, happy home where they have adequate food, healthcare and an abundance of LOVE! Get off your ridiculous soapbox and open your eyes. If you truly believe what you're stating, then go after hetero people who are DIVORCING for no reason other than that they're bored. They're splitting up a family and many times the children lose a parent. Why aren't THEY being targeted?

People have so many lame brain excuses all to detract from the
2008-11-05 08:09:17 UTC
I hope it passes, I'm tired of a minority of people pushing their lifestyle choice agenda. This is not and never should have been a political matter. Its a choice and a sin in my book being a bible believing Christian. Whats next? Child molesters on the ballot touting their rights? I know the gay folk out there are just looking for some vindication that their sick lifestyle is not wrong. They wouldn't be fighting this hard for this prop if deep done inside themselves they didn't know their lifestyle choices are an abomination to God and man. I will never be Politically correct on this matter. I can't just sit back and say its Ok, it isn't and i will never say it is. If you want to practice homosexuality, go back in the closet and keep it out of the political and public arena. If you don't believe this is wrong, you will one day when you meet your maker.
2008-11-05 08:00:59 UTC
I agree with you people who say that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Why would anyone want everyone to be treated equal? Hell, let's go back further and say that women are the property of men and should stay at home and have kids! That predates the government as well.

I still don't understand how a straight couple would feel threatened about a same sex couple getting married. Straight couples that think that gay marriage is wrong wouldn't be associating with gay people anyway, so how could that possibly change anything?

Thank god I live in Canada, where everyone is equal.
2008-11-05 00:00:28 UTC
Really cool guy:

"anywhere else in the world will say a marriage is between man and woman, so why should america be the first to allow such behavior"

-Ok, obviously you haven't done your homework on this, because there are quite a few nations in which gay marriage is legal now. Spain and France being the two off the top of my head.

"is it not enough that they can be gay and not be discriminated

. they have rights so why are they are pushing it"

-Actually, we don't. You're right, we have SOME rights, but we are lacking quite a few. Where do I begin? How I need papers to come visit my loved one in the hospital when only "family" are allowed visiting rights? Or how extremely difficult it would be to gain legal guardianship over a child just because it wasn't biologically mine even though I would have raised it and been just as much a part of its life as my loved ones? The list goes on...

I don't mean to set out and change your mind, but please, be informed. It's always best to look at both sides which it seems you are trying to do. I agree with you, a civil partnership would work just fine for me considering marriage is a religious term, but unfortunately, our domestic partnerships now pale in comparison to what marriage offers.
Sara K
2008-11-06 10:11:41 UTC
1) Being gay is not natural.

And real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, air conditioning, tattoos, piercings and silicon breasts...

2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay.

In the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior.

People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. Lamps are next.

4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all;

Hence why women are still property, blacks still can't marry white, and divorce is still illegal.

5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed

And we can't let the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage be destroyed, or when people in the military have contract marriages, just for the extra money.

6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children.

So therefore, gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our population isn't out of control, our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children

Since, of course, straight parents only raise straight children.

8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion.

In a theoracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

(Did I miss the lesson where Jesus says He hates gays?)

9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. Which is exactly why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms.

Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

Re-post this if you believe love makes a marriage
USMC Wifey
2008-11-05 11:23:06 UTC
It is still pending. I hope that it does not pass. If someone wants to get married it should not matter if it is a man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman. It should be the individuals choice. It isn't fair that gays, lesbians, and bisexuals get treated any different because of their sexuality. They deserve the same rights as every HUMAN BEING! I personally have family and friends that are gay and I would love to see them finally treated as equals in that sense! People are so ignorant. You think just because you live your life one way that everyone should live theirs the same and thats not right. Let people live their lives.

And, for the people who think that children are better off raised by and man and woman, and not by same sex couples, you are a BIGOT! My aunt is a lesbian and she and her partner are raising my little cousin just fine. Your sexuality has NOTHING to do with how you raise a child.
2008-11-05 10:56:46 UTC
YEP Pro 8 Passed...The Biggots Won! America Took 1 Step Forward By Electing Obama + 1 Step Back By Banning Gay Marriage In CA, AZ+FL Last Night! What F-ing Century Are We In? (REMEMBER SLAVERY + SEXISM PEOPLE?) That Was "Traditional" Back In The Day Too! F YOUR "TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE"!
2008-11-05 09:43:19 UTC
The people of the state of California used their constitutional right to determine how the state would view marriage (this right is covered in the states rights portion or 10th Ammendment of the Constitution for those of you who have never bothered to look at the document). Then 4, FOUR, QUATRO, QUARTRE, VIER liberal judges said, "No, the people are too stupid to decide this themselves, they need our ultra intelligence to determine for them how they should be governed." This is what is most upsetting and should be upsetting to all of you.

Thomas Jefferson had this to say: "The Constitution . . . meant that its coordinate branches should be checks on each other. But the opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch."

And he said: "To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men and not more so. They have with others the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps. Their maxim is boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem [good justice is broad jurisdiction], and their power the more dangerous as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves."

—Thomas Jefferson to William C. Jarvis, 1820. ME 15:277

That is what the people are voting against with Prop 8; the idea that 4 little men/women in black robes can completely disregard the opinion of the majority of the state's populace. It's not like there wasn't plenty of discussion and debate before the vote was taken; the first time and this time. The point of this proposition is the people are ultimately the ones who decide, not the judges. Liberals support the take over of the courts in situations like this because most of the judiciary is liberal, but if there were conservative judges on all the benches, you'd be singing a different tune.

And, by the way, those of you ignorant enough to think that legalizing same sex marriage wouldn't mean our children as young as kindergartners would be taught that homosexuality is as respectable and acceptable as heterosexuality; just take a look at Massachuteses, The school system there put a father in jail for insisting that his children be opted out of curriculum that taught just that. He refused to leave the building till he was given what all parents have the right to ask for, opt out options. They threw in him jail.

The people on this site who target heterosexual marriages as failing and therefore no better than homosexual unions seem to be placing the blame for that failure on those who wish to keep marriage sacrosant. Those of us who consider marriage the most important aspect of society (because it is the basis of the family and the family is society) have always felt that divorce is the most destructive force in our society today and fought the idea of no-fault divorces (another liberal idea) that has brought us to this point today. But to use the 50% failure rate of heterosexual marriages as the reason why we should embrace homosexual marriages is rediculous. We will not simply stand by while the militant gay community takes over the meaning and definition of "MARRIAGE".

This is not about bigotry, fairness, equality or civil rights. This is about the people, the voters, the citizens of this country being in control of determining what quidelines, laws and rules we wish to be governed by. We still have that right. Now that Obama is president we'll see how long that right remains.
2008-11-05 08:52:08 UTC
My biological parents include a male and a female. I was raised by my biological mother who still supports me to this very day. However in my youth I found out that I was bisexual, and of course this didn't blow over well with either one of my biological parents...So I sought out men and women who were like me. I found a lesbian couple whom both have been in a committed relationship for over twenty years. Taking these people's rights (as well as my own) away is retarded. Plus, where are people getting this idea that "homosexualism" is being taught in schools? I student teach and my personal life has remained anonymous among faculty and students... In fact no one at my school knows that my spouse is a female. Plus the Bible was not written by God himself...For centuries people have written, added, and subtracted from the Bible according to their own beliefs. Finally Johannes Gutenburg slapped it on that printing press for ignorant people all around the world to read, translate, and alter to suit their own needs. I think people should get over this whole homosexuals are going to hell thing...If you don't like it, don't buy it. Honestly we decided that it would be a good idea for us to be able to marry the same day you guys decided that it would be a good idea for you guys to marry. Marraige doesn't have a penus or a vagina, it has an abstract idea that it should have (demand) love. I am not trying to push my homosexuality on straight people even though you guys push it on me everyday. It is sad that we live in a world where I was told by a cop to stop holding the hand of my spouse of almost three years on our two year anniversary. Laws should not restrict people from loving...This world has way bigger problems than people of the same-sex chosing to love. Descrimination is horrible and the majority (nor the minority) is always right. Hate was so yesterday...I think a lot of these Bible buffs should step back and ask WWJD.
2008-11-05 09:48:55 UTC
I hate to say this, but a lot of the things i'm reading on here are absolutely horrible.

I'm a person who, one day in the future, looks forward to making a lifetime commitment to the person I am in love with. I also happen to be straight, it's not an odd thing to be... it's who I am. I am attracted to men, that is how I feel and there is nothing I can do to change that.

There are other PEOPLE (not animals) who's feelings differ slightly. They are still just like me in the fact that they are a person, who have feelings too might I add, and want to be able to make that commitment to the person they want to spend their lives with, BUT that person just so happens to have the same bodily attributes as them.

You are attracted to who you are attracted to, I don't see those of you who are straight and against gay marriage pondering over whether or not you can just switch from liking the opposite sex to someone of the same. You can't change that, you either do or don't. For whatever reason, there are those of us who are attracted and therafter love those who have the same body parts as them, that doesn't alter the fact that they are still like every other person you meet.

We say even that we don't want to corrupt marriage or that allowing same sex marriage would disgrace the sanctity of the union, well, I think it's not difficult to realize that we hetero's have already done that. We go through marriages like shoes. You try one on, if it doesn't fit then take it back. When I look at all those fighting against prop 8, I see individuals who are positive of their choice and know that they are willing to work to be with their partner. It's not a light decision for them, I simply wish tha half of us would consider the matter as gravely as they do. I don't see how allowing two people who love each other to legaly marry would be opening the flood gates to beastiality (i'm still not sure about this reference... these are not animals we are refering to) or even polygamy (once again, this is is just two people wanting to make their relationship binding) but all is welcome to their feelings.

Now, whether or not you are actually in favor of Prop 8 (either is fine) doesnt really matter to me, I am just amazed and have so much respect for the fact that all of you actually have an opinion on something this important and that it matters to you.

However I think for the sake of not coming of as unopen and uncaring, while expressing your point of view and feelings on the subject take care, be tasteful, and above all respectful to the rest of those around you.
2008-11-05 08:06:32 UTC
Homosexuality is not selective with whom it affects but is not a form of normalcy. I am not sure there has been extensive research studying the long term effects of children raised by same sex parents. Kids can be pretty tough in schools and having parents of the same sex can be a point of embarrassment. Homosexuality is an abnormality and should be treated as such. I expect gays reading this will take exception to the previous statement as normalcy from your perspective is gay. I don't believe in acts of hatred but I strongly oppose force feeding a minority group of individuals into a system that creates behavioral inconsistencies. Let's face it, same sex relationships cannot reproduce, period. Can a normal heterosexual child adopted by same sex parents be influenced by a behavior inconsistent with the child's instinctive inclinations? Is this a good thing? I accept homosexuality as what it is but strongly oppose making it something it is not. Homosexuality is not the same as heterosexuality and should not be treated as such. The institution of marriage was created to join a man and woman.
2008-11-05 07:29:33 UTC
why you are seriously so stupid...whoever voted yes on 8. you think you are so different from the people that wanted to stop womens suffrage (the vote was made for men) or the people who wanted to keep slavery (the slave owners said it was their right to have slaves) or the government putting the japanese in internment people have just as much right to get married as anyone else...i am so so so happy that all the conservatives can sleep easier now because their lives are so much better since gays can be married...good jobs hetero couples to contribute to the 50% divorce rate to keep the sanctity of marriage, what a joke, whether you like it or not this issue will not go away and mark my words one day gay people WILL marry just like 100 years ago when someone said a black man could never be people WILL be equal
2008-11-05 11:41:36 UTC
Why can't I marry my dog? Can't we just change the definition of the word again to include animals? Why don't we change the definition of good to bad and bad to good fulfilling biblical prophecy? Oh wait we've already done that.

Yes on prop 8.
Clayton K
2008-11-05 03:46:14 UTC
I need to weigh in on the issue...

Affording same sex couple the same rights to marriage doesn't force anything on anyone. I have never understood how allowing a committed couple, whatever sex, threatens marriage. Actually, I feel it strengthens the institution of marriage by allowing more Americans to choose to be legally bound, rather than "living in sin," whether you're straight or gay.

As for the religious aspect, it's a matter of church and state. Straight couple have to get marriage licences already. This has nothing to do with the church. A minster/priest, etc., can't marry a couple without their having a marriage licence.

So, truly separate church and state. Allow everyone the right to a marriage licence. If the couple wants their union blessed in a church, go to a church that will bless it - straight, gay, all of the above.
2008-11-05 07:59:36 UTC
Okay I am furious that most of you mindless zombies neglected to even read the damn proposal before you voted. All of you breeders that say that it will "Force schools to teach gay marrage" are wrong! First it never said anything in it that it had anything to do with schools. Even if it did who was taught marrage in school? I was not exposed to str8 unions in school and it is illegal because it is a religious matter and religion has no basis in education, it's extra curricular meaning it's your choice when you wish to be exposed and the bible thumper's out there who twist truths and hide their clergy to avoid prosecution for destroying family's are hypocrites. Second, gay's have been getting married in CA for a while and have your precious benefits disappeared? No, and now 2008/09 will for the first time mark in history that racism WON and FAILED at the same time.
2008-11-05 08:40:33 UTC
I’m not Anti-Gay but, why can’t Gays settle for a "Civil partnership". We are only protecting the name of marriage and what it stands for. If they really want to be together and love each other, they would not care if they call it something else. Make some new word up or something call it “gayrriage”. I don’t know? Let us have the word marriage; come on you guys took our rainbow already!
Geovani E
2008-11-05 17:58:33 UTC
Looks like it so far

and im glad :)

I have nothing against gay people, as people but i dont agree, and cannot approve of it.

Religiously i feel that its a sin, and something God frowns upon.

God loves everyone, even the sinner but he cannot approve of sin.

So hopefully 8 becomes official!!!!!!

and those who were No on 8 and went about supporting their cause by destroying Yes on 8 signs and damaging our property, im sorry for your lack of self control and I believe that you are the ones trying to force your feeling and beliefs on the majority of people.

California has spoken :P

2008-11-05 12:31:28 UTC
Yes- but it does not matter. Obama has said himself that the federal goverment is going to have to step in on this issue and make sure all rights are given and equally recognized. It will not be called marraige because that is a religous term, but it will grant the same exact rights as heterosexuals. If we left it up to the states on this issue there would be areas that would never povide the rights.






2008-11-05 10:07:44 UTC
To the last person that said that it did not pass.. check your results again. They are still projecting it as a pass. Im not going to comment on whether its right or not. We should know for sure in a few hours.
The Voice
2008-11-05 09:59:52 UTC
One can only hope. This is not a political right but a religious right that God gave only between a man and a woman. And we should honor it. We obviously can't stop people from being gay, cheating, stealing.. etc. And for me it's not about stopping them it's about protecting Marriage. What's next if gays are married? Can relatives marry also?
2008-11-05 09:24:36 UTC
I guess one thing I've never understood is...why can't people just live and let live? For those of you who say being gay is a choice...I'll tell you right now that I'm straight and I could no more choose to be gay than jump off a 30 story building and expect to live. Being with another woman doesn't appeal to me personally. So just as I can't choose to be gay, a gay person can't "choose" to be straight. I simply am.

The Bible, ps, was written by men. There were parts of the Bible that were thrown out while others were kept. Yes, the men who wrote it said they were inspired by God to write what they wrote, but does that make it valid? Jesus was dead when the Bible was written, so therefore he couldn't correct it. The only major religion who's teachings were written while the person giving the teachings was still alive is Islam. You would never convince me to believe in a book that oppresses so many people, but at the same time I'm not going to try and tell you you're wrong for believing in it. To each his own.

I've seen so many "traditional marriages" go down the tubes. If you want tradition, fine. As others have pointed had your dad's last name because you BELONGED to him. You took your HUSBAND's last name because you then BELONGED to him and you wore a wedding ring to show you BELONGED to someone. There are plenty of children who are raised in alternative "parental" home - some are raised by grandparents, aunts, siblings, etc. That doesn't mean they were any less loved. If I ever want children, I plan to adopt. Does that make me less of a person. As a teacher I've seen kids who are physically, sexually, and verbally abused by their "LOVING" mothers and fathers. It can happen anywhere, in any home type.

Talk about sweeping generalizations.

I don't understand why people out there are affected so much by homosexual individuals wanting to marry. I'm not gay, but I really don't care whether the person sitting next to me is or not. If they want to marry, go for it. They're people, too. People have said some ridiculous things about - what's next? People marrying their dogs. Do you realize how ignorant that is? Animals don't have a choice. When two people CHOOSE to marry....did you see that word there...CHOOSE. No one is forcing you to marry someone of the same sex. So why do you care? Live and let live. Be against it if you want, but don't sit there and think YOU have the right to tell someone they don't deserve all the rights you have. And yes, marriage is a right. It is your RIGHT to join yourself legally with another human being if you choose.

Part of me never wants to have kids because I don't want them exposed to all the biggots and ignorant people out there. My parents can be grouped with those people, yet somehow I found a way to overcome that.

Just my opinion I guess...but how would all the heterosexuals feel if their right to marriage was taken away?
2016-10-07 07:27:39 UTC
nicely i will enable you recognize in the event that they bypass prop 8 in Cali than i will walk there to protest if I ought to and that i stay in Michigan so as that ought to be particularly a trek, yet in any case i think of that prop 8 must be between the main despicable,immoral and downright ill propositions the fundies have ever tried to bypass.
Bridget L
2008-11-05 07:45:07 UTC
This is in response to andyme's response: 'kids are better off when raised by a MOTHER and a FATHER.' First of all, that's not true at all. My father raised me BY HIMSELF, and I turned out just fine, thank you very much! Secondly, who are we to judge who you CAN and CANNOT love? If you're not ok with it, that's fine, but don't tell someone else they can't love who they want to just because YOU DON'T LIKE IT!

'it's the outspoken minority that needs to accept what others see as moral and right.'

That's not true either. Everyone has their own morals and beliefs and just because the MAJORITY of this country doesn't support same-sex marriages, doesn't mean the minority should have to just shut up and deal. Gay couples are JUST. LIKE. EVERYONE. ELSE. They just happen to love someone of the same sex!

Now tell me, andyme, if a gay man were to undergo surgery to become female, so he could then marry his husband, would THAT be ok? Technically it's marriage between a man & woman!
2008-11-05 01:31:48 UTC
Prop 8 has nothing to do with education, that was a fear tactic that was used in the "Yes on 8" campaign that, unfortunately, a lot of people believed. Trying to threaten people's children is an effective way to scare people, apparently.

My problem with Prop 8 is largely that when it comes right down to it, people who support Prop 8 can only give a religious answer as to why they think it should be law. If you can only support this argument with religious reasoning (oxymoron, i know), then it has no business being a part of our government. If you want to live in a theocracy, move to Saudi Arabia! I'm sure they don't allow gay marriage there...
2008-11-05 12:19:59 UTC
Open up your booklet and read it! If the government can say who can and cant be married- what is going to stop some states from passing laws about inter-racial marriages? Wise up and pull your heads out of your asses. Limiting any of your rights is not something to vote for!
What the FFFF?
2008-11-05 06:53:50 UTC
Gay marraige never passed in California by voters, it passed because a Supreme court judge over turned the vote. people against Gay marraige didn't run out and protest ! they waited for a new election. and the results speak for itself. I don't care about private ceremony's or what U call the "union" between two people. what bothers me is the flaunting of sexuality. I don't go marching in parades to state that "I am a hederosexual" Most States have aknoledged same sex partners. and get treated with the same respect that married couples do , It just isn't called "marraige" I personally don't like the idea of a contract between two people Its simple If u love someone just tell them! The movie "Sideways" makes a very good point, that a partner of the same sex can leave as easily as a partner of the opposite sex. Why create problems for yourselves? mixing sperm so u dont know who the biolgical father is only asks for paternity problems down the road. lets face it their are people that make themselves miserable in all walks of life , and prejudice has nothing to do with it. no matter your sexual orientation remember that the divorce rate in America is 50 percent!!!! and find better things in the world to donate so much time and effort to changing. I only talk about anonymously, I don't need to make enemy's! people that talk openling about their Political veiws or post signs that may be contraversial in their front yards are asking for a "fight" somone will hear your opinions or even "over hear them" and they may not like u for your views and then stab u in the back, keep things to yourselves to protect yourselves We are not allowed to talk about election issues any closer then 50 feet from the booths on election day, there must be reason for that.. as my kindergarden teacher would say "PUT YOUR THINKING CAPS ON"

I get upset reading people that want Gay marraige to be legal say "you biggots! You stupid idiots!! You Bible thumpers! you ignorant Hicks! It only proves to me that these name calling whine bags are the true biggots. anyone that doesn't think like they do or do what they want them to do. is an idiot etc... umm I don't think so and I havent seen any one on her gay bashing! I only hear Hetero Bashing.

If you really love your partner. and you don't want to be a social burden to your Government then go have an attorney make up a document that says somthing like I joe Johnsfriend Would like to have my partner Jim Friday pull the plug if I ever need anyone to do so. Or I want Jim Friday to have the same rights as a family member to see me, or just say to the hospital staff he is your Brother. I don't think they will be asking for id , cuz ID doesn't show if u r blood related anyhow. so take this suggestion with a grain of salt and start taking care of yourselves and stop waiting for the Government to decide if u r in love or not.
2008-11-05 06:16:35 UTC
I'm gonna make this short, sweet and to the point.

No on 8, it's discriminent, it's not taught in public schools, religion should never be involved in the law for a contry that involves freedom of religion, and let's face it, the yes on prop 8 bull sh!t was just a bunch of lies anyway, which is my view on religion anyway, I mean look at it, you have these "priests" telling you that there's this guy that lives in the clouds, always watching you, and if you break one of his ten rules, he damns you for eternity, but he loves you and needs your money...that just doesn't make any sense to me, but whatever.

Anyway, no on prop 8, no to liars, and no to a religious constitution in a religiously free state and country, keep it in your churches you pathetic b@$t@rd$
2008-11-05 08:38:43 UTC
When you get married, its a religious thing. The Catholic or Christian religion defines marriage between a man and a woman. Go ahead and be a partnership all you want, but you won't be a marriage in this country.
2008-11-05 12:18:20 UTC
Why is it that when gay marriage comes up people bring up adults marrying children, or siblings marrying each other or people marrying animals?

Gay marriage is about 2 consenting adults (same as a straight marriage) celebrating their commitment for one another. That's it. Its not about the disgusting things I mentioned above... and to be blunt, it seems the people who keep mentioning it have way too much free time on their hands to be consistently brooding and imagining those gross things. Yuck...
2008-11-05 09:51:49 UTC
Just a couple of thoughts to chew on:

So a 60 year old man wants to marry a 6 year old girl, should he be allowed to marry her?

A man loves three women all equally, should he be allowed to marry all of them?

A man loves his goat, should he be allowed to marry his goat?

The answers to all of these questions would be yes if prop 8 were not to pass. Once we allow gay marriage through the door or "out of the closet" whatever you want to call it, then we as a state are starting down a very slippery slope. The question here is where do we draw the line? If you are against any of these three things mentioned above then you should have voted yes on 8, conversely, if you are fine with all three of these situations, then you should have voted no on 8.

Interesting how some people on here are saying that we should teach gay marriage in school because it would allow the kids to become more accepting. So my question is should we teach murder and rape early on in school as well so they would become more accepting of criminals?

Funny thing is, all great empires throughout the history of the world have fallen around the time their morals were literally nothing, where everything was accepted and nothing was questioned. Is America starting to follow these examples? It will be interesting to see where we are as a nation in four years, that is for sure.
2008-11-05 03:33:46 UTC
2008-11-05 08:08:26 UTC
Some girl got in my fae about this because she wants NO and i wanted YES. to tell the truth i really don't care. I mean I do, but they are fooling you by bringing the constitution in this. Domestic partnership is exactly the same as marraige. Why can't straight people do this? No if we do domestic partnership and we arn't gay, we get thrown in jail for fraud...
2008-11-05 06:18:02 UTC
It makes me ill to think that people want to ignore a major part of the constitution (EQUALITY AMONG ALL PEOPLE) to support something that is fear based, ignorant and primarily religiously driven. Those churches that have been involved should lose their tax-exempt status.

There is no harm in allowing people the same rights. Gay marriage doesn't lead to illegal unions (like pedophiles), as some have insinuated. I'm very, very sad for my gay friends.

If you don't like gay marriage, DON'T GET ONE and shut up!
Nate P
2008-11-05 06:12:50 UTC
No one knows for sure, but hopefully not!

As for the comment about being ok with gay people but that it shouldnt be forced upon them in schools.

Firstly, no one is forcing "gay" on your children. If your kids are gay its not because it they were taught it, its because they were born gay.

What they people are trying to teach your children is respect and kindness.

Marriage is about a union between two consenting adults who love and care for eachother. Clearly hetero sexual marriage lost its "sanctity" when people can marry in a druken haze within hours, or compete on television for a marriage that rarely lasts.

People need to be more concerned with bringing eachother up, instead of tearing eachother down.
2008-11-05 12:36:52 UTC
Looks like it may pass :( :( That is truly sad. Equality for all.....we are all human - tradition is no longer "traditional" anymore. If people are in love, regardless of with WHOM, and they are happy - let them get married! Marriage is sacred and it should be allowed to all people, not just male and female. MOST OF MALE AND FEMALES THAT MARRY DIVORCE WITHIN 2-5 YEARS ANYWAYS! WHERE'S THE SANCTITY IN THAT???!?! Everyone is equal - we are all HUMAN!!!!
Nicki K
2008-11-05 05:12:19 UTC
I hope that people voted no

Really to all of you that says its about tradition remember america is a country built on diversity love and free beliefs

I wished to move to cali to marry my partner of 5 years but it appears that this won't be able to happen T_T

I love my partner dearly and I personally don't that that love should be defind by anyone...especially since it is so rare to find these days

and for all of you traditionalists who think marraige is some sacred hetero right

My cousin married his sister!!!!

how is that sanctified???

and if your afraid that we will teach your children about homosexuality in school many people have stated that we will not


i thank you for your time.
no ar
2008-11-05 21:57:01 UTC
I should pass....I voted yes to prop ****

It is not about discrimination. It is about the right thing to do...

Lets not change human nature and what we were made to be.....

I don't want to tell children that is right to do something that is not right....

Now I now God is real

People stop playing victim and using words like discrimination to benefit your sin wishes....
2008-11-05 12:12:20 UTC
prop 8 shouldn't matter. why are you people so stupid? if it is said in the bible then let it pass and let god deal with them. are they scared that gays and lesbian will take over the state? i guess so. the gays and lesbians pecentage in united states is about 2%-10%. why is it so important? let them have their rights. the constitution is BS. freedom of expression?....WTF? you know you love watching lesbian porn so stop hating!
2008-11-05 09:11:25 UTC
IT WILL PASS.... in case you didnt know, look up marriage in the dictionary. Nothing what so ever about same sex.


1 .the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law

2. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.

3. the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities

4. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction

5. the formal union of a man and a woman, by which they become husband and wife.

6. a legally accepted relationship between a woman and a man in which they live as husband and wife

7. The legal relation of a man and woman as husband and wife

And the list goes on....... check ANY dictionary out there.
Tim X
2008-11-05 08:02:32 UTC
Gay marriage? What's next? Someday I'll be able to marry my sister, my daughter, my mom, or even my dog. What if I told a gay couple I wanted to marry my sister? What would they say? They would probably tell me it's disgusting, a taboo, and against God's ways. Funny, that's how I feel about homosexuality.
2008-11-05 00:27:57 UTC
funny how a simple question got blown out of proportion. all they asked was "did prop 8 pass in California?" and all they got were arguments hahahha
Victor G
2008-11-07 23:04:58 UTC
I AM a Christian, and I hear you, Oriental not Asian. Prop 8 is about defending the ENORMOUSLY IMPORTANT SYMBOLISM of the word marriage. Never in the history of the world did gays who lived in gay-accepting societies like ancient Greece MARRY, they just practiced sodomy and god knows what. Screw political correctness if it gets in the way of morality and attacks on the Bible and on heterosexuals.
2008-11-05 08:54:21 UTC
I just checked and it looks like it is going to but it can't be confirmed yet. I really hope it passes. I have nothing against Gays either but My questions is this- If you allow gay marriage where does it stop? Will we eventually allow Poligamy? Beastiality? There has to be boundries.
James & Ashley C
2008-11-05 11:09:32 UTC
Proposition 8 has indeed passed.
2008-11-05 15:55:37 UTC
omg i think it did but these ppl r gay mann.

what is so sacred about a marriage anyway. half the time it doesnt work. my parents are divorced n a lot of other peoples are. its not sacred at all when guys are cheating on their wives and 50% of the couples are divorcing. plus gay people will probably last longer than most men and women.

go ahead..put 10000 thumbs down..idc cuz thats my opinion
2008-11-05 23:59:04 UTC
I have nothing against gay people, but God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. No offense to the gay community cause I have gay friends who I respect and care for but its not right morally and ethically! And it did pass!
Joe S
2008-11-06 16:01:02 UTC
I don't understand why you people say it's not normal to be gay or lesbian. Religion is just a belief in one's mind. It's not like you can prove if God exists or doesn't. Last time I checked, God wants everyone to be happy in their own way. I don't understand why people can't accept that fact.
2008-11-05 09:22:08 UTC
I HOPE IT DOESN'T. and now that obama is president, were screwed. america your retarded. i think its absurd that people say that we are not letting people in love be married. are you kidding? do you really want to go that rout? jus shut the f*ck up, please. so if a dog and a woman love each other and want to get married, would you say go for it? they love each other? or if a 12 year old wants to marry 54 year old would you give her a thumbs up sighn n let them? this jus goes to show that the line that divided right and wrong is getting erased and pretty soon people wont know the difference.
Kristin J
2008-11-05 08:07:18 UTC
dont you think that some people didnt bring up the fact that they were gay because of jerks like you guys saying they dont have the right to be married? i'd stay away from you guys as well.

how DARE you say that gay people dont deserve the right to be married?

quit being so ignorant and think of what you'd be going through if you have a kid that is gay. you'd never want him or her to be able to be so in love and be able to get married?

and while i'm at it... no one was TAUGHT ANYTHING about marriage in school... so that fact that it will be taught in schools is bullshit.

how did we elect a black man as the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES, but we still keep gay and lesbian people seperate.

get over yourself and use your brain.

are they making you marry someone of the same sex? no? didn't think so.
JB Lover
2008-11-05 04:54:14 UTC
Yes it passed!!!!! Wwooohoooo!!!!!!! Thank You Jesus!!!!!

All who voted no on 8. Can talk all the Crap you want this Law passed and that is that and deal with it. And so Traditional Marriage continues!!.:)
2008-11-05 00:01:59 UTC
Umm to you EXH411....

I am sorry, but unless you went to Catholic school, most people are not taught about marriage in school. I wasn't and most to all of my friends with the exception of one(He went to Catholic school) weren't taught about marriage in school either. The commercials were a lie! really, a child needs permission for everything!!! to learn about what is going to happen to their bodies... to take them to the state capitol, I am pretty sure that a parent would get a permission slip so their child could be taught about gay marriage in school...

I only wish my aunts could have gotten married like it was planned after prop 8 didn't pass, but it looks like it will pass! Sorry to all who hoped to have joined the happily married category!! there is still a chance! there is still 48% left to tally!


melissa b
2008-11-05 13:07:05 UTC
tradition huh? gays walking all over it? is it tradition that a 18 year old female gets knocked up from a man she hardly knows and is able to marry him? is this the tradition you speak of? or that two people get wasted in vegas and decide to marry each other for fun?
2008-11-05 06:52:58 UTC
Looks like it's passing. Thank you to "Andyme" for pointing out that the people who say they are open-minded and tolerant are usually the ones who judge and criticize others when others disagree with them.
2008-11-05 13:21:38 UTC
"marriage is a union between a man and a woman". FINE OK WE GET IT! so dont call it marriage, call it a civil union. i do agree tho that all kids need is a place where they feel safe. people who dont support gay marriage do so because of their religion (same with abortion), so i see it as if u try to ban gay marriage you are trying to stuff your religion down peoples throats. not everyone in the US is of the christian faith!
2008-11-05 15:03:11 UTC
Marriage is NOT a sacred institution.

It is simply two people who are legally bound to one another.

Why should anyone be denied this? Trust me, they are NOT hurting you or your children. Banning gay marriage goes against EVERYTHING that our country stands for, which is why I just cannot fathom why it is even left up to the vote.
Moostang Rita
2008-11-05 05:42:18 UTC
Religious and Political topics are always touchy subjects and something I doubt everyone here on earth in our time will ever totally agree on. I respect whatever peoples personal views are on each. I also respect whatever way each person chose to vote.

My husband and I are hetrosexual and both ok with people being gay, even having close friends and family who are. However we had different views on prop 8. He was for a yes, I was for a no. And yes we but heads a little on it, each seeing the others view point, but stating how we felt different and why. We learned to just accept our difference in opinion and views, too bad more people can't do that. It's ok to differ in opinions and views, but to lash out at someone in a nasty judgmental way because their views are different is something I will just never understand. It's taken me a bit to also understand how someone can be ok with gay people and have friends or family that are yet be against allowing them to get's still abit puzzling ot me but I respectfully accept his and others views.

I believe strong in the way that I do however I did listen to others who views differed from my own...I am always open to that because its a way to find otu if their are things I did'nt think about when coming to my own personal view on things.

Some of the things that bother me about the whole issue is first of all it can't be taught in school without a parents permission. So that whole issue needs to be let go because if any parent really truely believed that it could be taught in school without their permission or knowledge they are wrong and I feel not keeping up on what goes on in their childrens schools or they would have already known it can't be taught without the parents permission. If it was to be taught simply have your child not attend that class that day and the schools would need to provide a educational class during that time for peoples childrens who wouldn't be attending...simplly solved if you ask me.

Keep marriage TRADITIONAL...thats the biggy that bothers me a LOT!

What exactley is TRADITIONAL?? and WHO decides what traditional is?? ARe we talking traditional by bible standards, religious standards, American standards, Native American Stanards, standards due to ethic background, tradional as in the eyes of a majority of society?

Yes to most of us regardless of religion or ethnic background ect, we typically think of so called traditional marriage as being between a man and a woman. But does that truely mean that is the ONLY acceptable form of marriage?? If you think so then why?? Becasue its TRADITIONAL and or because thats what the bible says or society says?? Ok I can understand that if that is how you feel and why you came to your opinion. However if we are going to bring up tradional...or issues such as what the bible says a marriage is...hers some food for thougt...

so called traditional marriage is between a man and woman...meant to last forever...i do believe that means never to why is the divorce rate at an all time high...i don't see the law stepping in and telling people that they can't get a divorce...although the bible says your only right for one is adultrey...??? So does that mean we should make divorce illegal too unless we can validly proove that someone has committed adultrey?

What about the subject of not wanting gay marriages because of sodomy...

well the deinfition of sodomy...

Sodomy (IPA: /ˈsɒdəmi/) is a term used today predominantly in law (derived from traditional Christian usage) to describe the act of anal intercourse, oral intercourse, as well as bestiality. When used in a religious context, it has a negative connotation

are you trying to say that things like this don't happen between hetrosexual married couples...guess again because it does. Does that mean it shouldn't happen in hetrosexual marriages and make a law to stop it?

As far as peopel saying they are being forced to accept something...I don't believe that is necisarily true. There are gay people all over this world wether you know them personally or not...and if you saw a gay couple on the street...tell me how would them being married be affecting you or your rights...if you didn't even know them then you woldn't even know if they were married or not.. so I don't understand how people can say allowing them to be married is affecting them or taking away thier rights.

The only rights I feel are being taking away are those of EQUALITY!

What I do have a funny mixed feeling about is my views on wether they should be married in a "church"? I'm not saying I would condem them or a church for allowing it, but it is something that leaves me feeling funny. Although I am for equality and freedom, I do believe in some ways if churches were ordered to perform gay marriages that it would in that case be a fine line of imposing on others's a catch 22 when it comes to that...

There are lots of peo
2008-11-05 14:34:18 UTC
BOO! Proposition 8(in Cali), while it hasn't officially passed yet from what I know.. looks like it will. For all of you who voted against it. Thank you. For all you who voted for it. GO **** YOURSELVES WITH A GIANT BARBED BLACK DILDO YOU BIGOTED *****.

Are you really ******* serious? Some of the stuff I see people write and hear people say is absolutely ridiculous. "I'm not against gays.. but they shouldn't barge in on a strictly hetero thing" Yeah the **** right... and strictly hetero? You're delusional, sir. Maybe you should move to the middle east.. I'm sure your bigoted views would be much more appreciated there.

Words of hate, and my replies:

"Like some people, I don't have anything against gays, but when the system tries to teach it in our schools, then that's where I have the problem. If the gays get their victory fine with me, just don't force it on our children.


RE: This kind of thinking is about as intelligent as well... a ******* rock. Actually, a rock would be smarter... cause it wouldn't ******* care. Stupid sheep. You all listen and follow propaganda so well. Go join the army, it needs more robots. Proposition 8 had absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to do with teaching kids homosexuality in school, you dumb shits. Learn the facts. Besides... homosexuality shouldn't be taught in schools.. neither should heterosexuality, ******* tolerance and understanding of all people should be.

I'm sure you, like sarah palin... really tolerate those gays don'tcha? You just love em.

and two more which kinda really pissed me off:

"all men ARE created equal. but marriage has always meant a union between man and woman. it predates government. the government didn't create it, and therefore shouldn't be able to redefine it. study after study shows that relationships between men and women are more stable than those of same-sex couples. violence and disease are more widespread among homosexual couples. kids are better off when raised by a MOTHER and a FATHER.

again, all men are created equal. but by FORCING the majority to cater to the minority is creating a tyranny of tolerance. they expect everyone else to be tolerant of their wishes, but what of the wishes of the majority? it's the outspoken minority that needs to accept what others see as moral and right.


RE: You are a bigoted, uninformed, moron who should be sterilized. Marriage has been redefined by so many cultures throughout the world and time. It has not always been between one man and one woman. You are dead wrong. Historically inaccurate.

Secondly, marriage does NOT predate government you ******* retard. Read a history book. Go the **** back to school. Or better yet, do us all a favor and just kill yourself. Marriage was originally established in Sumeria with the written code of laws, scripted by their "god king" Hammurabi. Religion didn't create marriage. Government did, and government should be able to redefine it to the point to allow equal rights for all citizens. I am not a lesser person than you because I like guys. Get off your ******* pedestal, before i knock you the **** off.

Thirdly, study after study has shown what!? No, no, and NO! I don't know what studies you're reading... perhaps ones done by the christian evangelical right, or possibly the KKK, maybe Nazi studies... but I'd say those are all fairly inaccurate. According to real studies, by actual professionals in the fields of sociology and psychology the truth of the matter is.. same sex couples have proven to be more stable... we can't get married... we stay with each other when we have no actual legal or religious binding.. aside from the fact, how is my relationship's stability any of your ******* business? Should I come into your home, evaluate your marriage, decide that you two are unstable.. and therefore, shouldn't be allowed to marry? You can't have your cake and eat it too. You either subject us to certain questions and procedures, and in turn be subjected to it also.. or you shut your ******* mouth and put up with it.

Violence and disease are more widespread among homosexuals? Wrong again. Statistically, according to the American Medical Association, the majority of STD related diseases(including HIV/AIDS) is most prevalent among poor, heterosexual, african american, females. The second most prevalent group, statistically, is middle class white males(statistically, most gay males fall into the upper class bracket). So, yeah, shut the **** up about things you have no clue about. and violence? Haha... most gay people are pacifist and even those who aren't are at least both the same sex and can fight on an even ground if violence does occur. Need I even mention all the cases of domestic abuse, etc that go on every year with heterosexual couples in america.... how about with the middle east... or africa...?

Also, kids are best off when raised in a loving, educational, nurturing environment where they get attention, time, d
2008-11-05 00:51:11 UTC
honestly... why not teach gay marriage in schools? it will just make us more of an accepting society. Why not teach children to accept one another, we've taught them to accept other cultures and religions but we must STOP when it comes to sexual orienfation? Gays do not choose to be gay because why would you choose tp be hated? Why do gays have a high suicide rate? Because people are still preaching ignorance, Lets grow up and not teach our children not how to hate but rather about acceptance, kindness and love.

EDIT: for your information mclovin, I just had a baby and have 7 other nephews and nieces and my family is strictly catholic but we believe in acceptance and not hatred. Just like how you called me a stupid Bi***! You show a lot of hatred that is unnecessary.

I have a lot of gay friends and I married a black man.. before.. than would not have been allowed and I am standing up for my friends and for basic human right. If marriage was such a sanctity, I just wonder why divorce rates are so high. TRADITION would have never allowed divorce.

edit: i dont know howpeople can compare gay marriage to a person marrying their goat or 6 year old child. Wr are talking about 2 consenting adults... marrying an animal is beastology.. marrying a child is molestation.. an animal cannot consent into a marriage and neither can a 6 year old. I dont know how you can even compare the 2. people who have voted against prop 8 believed in equality.,. i know threse people would NOT vote for a child getting raped.. what in the world would make anyone compare the two?
2008-11-05 09:20:02 UTC
it passed :(

its sad that people care so much about what others

do. this was not about "protecting marriage"

this is about hate. i wish that people could just sit

down and take a moment to understand we have soo

many more important things to worry about...

like the wars or education. not 2 people just wanting to be happy.
2008-11-05 00:01:44 UTC
Unfortunately at the moment it's 53% voting yes and 47% voting no with 50.1% of the total precincts processed.

For those of you arguing traditional sanctity of marriage, marriage predates religion and politics. It's a historical fact taught in law school.

Prop 8 creates a law discriminating against a specific group of people; heard of segregation? Separate but equal? Women being subordinates and subservients to men? Discrimination and intolerance.

They say they're restoring traditional marriage; I hear bigotry. They say they're upholding morality; I hear hypocrisy. What moral right does anyone have to strip away the rights of a fellow American citizen.

Btw vjb, the teacher that took her students to her wedding ceremony actually got permission signatures from ALL the parents of the students that went, except for 2 students whose parents did not give consent and those students stayed at school. Also, it was a PARENT that suggested the trip; NOT THE SCHOOL.
2008-11-05 15:09:38 UTC
As of 11/5/08, it did. I think.
2008-11-05 07:40:36 UTC
95% reporting in, yes looks like it Passnd im glad it does, gay marriage is wrong.

"Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. (Lev 18:22) basically its a abomination and wrong in God's eyes.
2008-11-05 04:10:45 UTC
I sure hope not! If it does, it'll be the start of laws like that all over the country!

I would like to say, though: All of you Jesus Freak/Bible-Pushing/Overly-Religious imbeciles can't push your "traditional marriage" on everyone. And that's bullcrap about it's "protecting the children" and whatnot - I'm sure all gay parents raise gay kids, just like straight parents raise straight kids, right? Idiots. We all know what that is. It's you trying to convert everyone to your religion.
USA American
2008-11-05 05:14:15 UTC
To everyone out there arguing about "religious freaks" and "protecting the children"... I honestly don't mind if you have gay marriage, but please do not fight for your civil liberties by removing mine.

Forcing religon to accept gay marriage??? How can you justify that? You might as well just tell us all that we are not free to believe what we choose. There are a lot of things that religion does not accept and thats why it is not for everyone. I would never ask you to accept that marriage is between a man and his animal. You wouldn't buy it, and I would never dream of forcing you to. America is all about the choice!!! Don't take mine away.

Also on the issue of school. I am very tollerent, I will teach my children tollerence. I don't think its right for a school system to superceed the morals in which you wish to teach to my child. Again ( I love comparisons) I would never dream of having the school teach your child to worship the devil becuase I did. (example only, I don;'t) I just don't understand why you would attempt to force it on us.

So please continue to fight for your civil liberties, but do it in the right way. Fight for your marriage but not to force others to have their morals tramppled on. This will allow you to have your belief and teach your child what you feel is right and it will afford me the same opportunity with my family.

One more thing, I don't think most peope are affraid of their kids learning about it. We all know they will. I think its the ability to control how its taught while reenforcing our morals. My kid will learn about it, they will never say anything negitive about it, they will learn tollerence but becuase I am their parent and it is my right I will never teach them to accept that it is ok.

Every person is entitled to their own opinion.
The Yellow Man
2008-11-05 03:26:57 UTC
Seems like its passing and I hope it will. Screw the liberals, screw politikal corretcness. I hope my children will grow up in a world where it is NOT normal when two men or two women, or even worse brother and sister get married. And by the way, I am not Christian.
2008-11-04 21:04:23 UTC
No. Much of the media knows that California has voted No on Prop 8. Refer to the link below to find out about results of Proposition 8
2008-11-05 00:08:15 UTC
keep checking the website below...

as of now it's



I don't think the asker wants every comment you guys write on here.. she just wants to know if it passed or not...
Religious Does Not = Christian!
2008-11-05 05:05:03 UTC
Oh, I definitely want a traditional marriage! I want my fiancee to buy me from my father without my say in it (Probably underaged). I want to be his property that he can beat any time he likes and have sex with even when I say no. And there shouldn't be a way for a woman to divorce a husband, either even if he beats her.

THAT'S a traditional marriage!

BTW, all of you who are against gay marriage but claim you have gay lfriends: newsflash: You're a terrible friend!

You like having them around but they're not allowed to have rights?! That's like a mom saying she doesn't mind her white kid having black friends but she will not stand for de-segregation even if it means the black kids have to go to a horrible, sub-standard school!

And Sodomy is a fake word. Anyone who quotes the story of Sodom as a story against homosexuality needs to stop using the Bible as a weapon and READ it!

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

Ezekiel 16:14

And stop it with the pastors getting sued garbage! Churches are allowed to turn away any couple they want for any reason. There are churches who would not marry my boyfriend and me because he was raised Jewish and I was raised Christian. There are churches that would turn us away because he has tattoos. Some won't marry divorced people. That is their right, and no one is going to get in legal trouble because they won't marry a gay couple, so just quit saying that nonsense!
2008-11-05 10:14:17 UTC
so far its passing. Thank GOD. its not about American tradition, its about what GOD says we should do!


go ahead, i'm ready for the non believers to start the name calling
Justina G
2008-11-04 23:38:46 UTC
uhh ya your answer to a "traditional" marriage is what 52% divorce rate?? ya really good on protecting your marriages between JUST a man and a woman!!! stupid idiots. and even if it does pass. there is a reason why it was stated unconstitutional by the state supreme court. and it will get overturned eventually so build a bridge and GET OVER IT.
2008-11-06 14:09:21 UTC
Still passing even today. But thank you Katie for telling us all where to find out when it is going to pass or not!!!!! :) :) :)
2008-11-05 12:36:22 UTC
to natalie, is it wrong to practice bestiality? is it wrong to practice molestation? then why would it be ok to publicly declare that you are going to be practicing sodomy? why is it ok to sodomize another person? its not, for the same reason you wouldn't marry a goat, or a six yr old.... think things through.
Sierra E
2008-11-04 23:16:09 UTC
andyme, i don't know where you're getting your facts from but as a domestic violence prevention counselor, violence between hetero and homosexual couples are at almost the exact same rate, across many socio-economic statuses. as for disease, well i wouldn't know anything about that so I'll just keep my mouth shut. and for a marriage to be recognized by law you need a LEGAL DOCUMENT ON FILE, so it DOES involve government. and newsflash; teaching your children about gays won't make them gay; if you're that insecure about it then maybe your parenting skills are out of date.
emma bby!
2008-11-05 16:01:08 UTC
yes i hope it does win

and i think it did no one should

be married even if your

gay one part im yes but then again im no

love is love and im not one to stand in the way of that

[: (:
2008-11-05 15:24:14 UTC
yes. it did pass.

and now somehting more important, we need tot ake the supreme court justices that violated the law by forcung gay marriage on us against the voters previouse actioins, and disbarr them for violating our civil rights.
2008-11-05 15:46:30 UTC
seriously people!

why would you say yes? it is not hurting you in any way, and THEY ARE NOT teaching it in schools!!!!!! teachers wouldn't even tell their students if they supported it or not, so why would they teach about gay marriage? don't believe those stupid commercials

Sadly, i think it did pass
In Need of Theme
2008-11-05 05:19:50 UTC
why should the state decide who you can get married to. im straight but i don't believe you should take aways people's right to privacy. what if they decided only catholics marry catholics, jewish only marring jewish and protestants and protestants. my dad is catholic and my mom is protestant, if this happened, they would not have been able to get married and i would've not been born

-friend of eat_sleep_swim_123

i also agree, when you take away one right, you may as well be taking away their freedom
2008-11-05 10:58:52 UTC
I really like how every one was like:

Looks like it is....Heres a link.

Looks like it is....Heres a link.

Looks like it is....Heres a link.

Looks like it is....Heres a link.

Then out of no where one person just has too say:

"Hopefully it does"

That sparked all these arguments.
2008-11-04 21:35:35 UTC
The polls close in an hour and a half... maybe it won't pass after all....

I am hopeful and yet very sad.
2008-11-05 08:10:41 UTC
It is still prosseing but it will pass in california!!!!!!!!!!

There is no way it wont pass!!!!!1
2008-11-05 11:25:18 UTC
Uhh yes it did lol. 52 percent yes.
2008-11-04 23:25:26 UTC
uh i couldn't find any sources

but i hope it does

sorry if i offend any gays

but i don't believe sodomy, and a twisted morale behavior should be held with such high regard

i have gay friends and they are chill and what not

but i still don't believe they should call them being together a marriage

anywhere else in the world will say a marriage is between man and woman, so why should america be the first to allow such behavior

is it not enough that they can be gay and not be discriminated

. they have rights so why are they are pushing it

all in all, if they were to call them being together something other than a marriage, it would be ok, and i don't mean perfectly fine, i just think more acceptable

maybe they should call it a union or something along those lines, but marriage is SYMBOLIC term world wide

So for those who are against prop 8, i want to hear what you have against this

and none of that "heteros have a higher divorce rate crap"

you are making yourself look ignorant

allowing a few "queers" to marry and divorce after they are fighting for the right to marry for practicing unnormal practices

All in all

Yes on prop 8

protect what little morale standards america has left
Eric R
2008-11-05 21:51:26 UTC
YES Finally the sanctity and holiness of marriage has been restored.
2008-11-05 15:25:20 UTC

ITS FALSE ADVERTISMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



so far it is passing =/

last i checked it was 52% yes

and 48% no.


but theres still 4% not counted.
2008-11-04 21:41:50 UTC
No one knows yet. It looks like yes though...
2008-11-05 15:14:49 UTC
It passed right now... feel bad and sad
2008-11-05 14:34:44 UTC
2008-11-05 00:59:46 UTC
i hope it did pass that's just not right what happened to the family values, this world is just not heading the right direction ,i wonder why the hell do we even have to vote for this stupid prop it's ridiculous, and you know natalie you probably say that because you dont have any kids you du88B BIT$$$$$
2008-11-04 23:48:12 UTC
sierra, did you even bother looking at other websites? i did a quick google search (domestic violence stats homosexual and heterosexual) and found plenty others that state that domestic violence between homosexual couples is greater than that between heterosexual couples. so, uh, check the facts before you post your own incomplete ideas.

and "bigots"? please. it's ridiculous that people are making this into a civil rights issue. i have gay friends. i think they're great people, but i don't condone what they're doing. as much as i care for them, i don't think they should be able to call the relationship they're in a marriage.
real C
2008-11-05 10:35:33 UTC

Thanks be the glory to GOD!!!!
2008-11-05 02:01:00 UTC
You all who voted yes are ignorant y'know no on 8 would make more money and screw your tradition..... oh and by the way i was taught nothing about marriage in schools and sadly i think 8 won, Assholes... i hate you all.... btw i am only bi
2008-11-05 08:16:46 UTC
It's still processing...hopefully it won't
2008-11-04 23:54:40 UTC
Yes on prop 8.

Could one of you civil rights activists please explain the origin and purpose of marriage?
2008-11-04 23:48:37 UTC
i really did not want it to pass, so unfair to human equality...i thought in the constitution we have the right of expression and pursuit of happiness, what happen to that?!

*so disppointing*
Kyle G
2008-11-04 22:42:06 UTC
You're playing a game of semantics. If you're not for gay marriage you're a bigot. Its just like interracial marriage 50 years ago.

It stinks the word 'marriage' is tied up in religious beliefs but that is a separate and irrelevant issue when it comes to the rights of homosexuals.
2008-11-04 21:08:04 UTC
Its currently passing =(
Kate H
2008-11-04 22:38:43 UTC
Not is still processing.

I truly hope it does not pass. For those so focused on tradition - I am nto sure I would promote that - the history of marriage is not so "romantic" or religious!

Also, remember it was once "tradition" have separate but "equal" education for men and was "tradition" for woman women to stay silent while men made decisions about family life and government...

This is a country where we promote equality, but women and black people have had the right to vote for less then 100 years...

Sometimes ending "tradition" is a good thing. Prop 8 is about fear and change. it does not mean that people have to be "married" by a church...there are plenty of heterosexuals who never have a religious ceremony, but marry through a civil union...does that make their marriage less valid?

I consider myself a religious person, I believe in God and cherish the values i have been taught. Though my God is one of compassion and understanding...not one who judges and condemns.
The Crucible
2008-11-04 21:22:13 UTC
Looks like it will!
2008-11-04 23:40:10 UTC
ask in about four hours...
2008-11-05 02:38:38 UTC
No it did not pass.

Thank God.
Joshua H
2008-11-05 10:07:51 UTC
omg!!!!!! it passsed!!!!!! in your face homos!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahh thank you jesus!!!!!!
2008-11-05 07:17:29 UTC
Bigots! God, please don't let it pass! Prove these hicks wrong!
2008-11-04 23:30:32 UTC




2008-11-05 10:39:29 UTC
seriously it did? like, officially it passed? please be true!
tom k
2008-11-04 21:11:43 UTC
Its currently passing = )
2008-11-04 22:15:27 UTC
oh you mean the tradition that all men are created equal?? that one?
2008-11-04 22:27:44 UTC
it looks like it will!!!

all men ARE created equal. but marriage has always meant a union between man and woman. it predates government. the government didn't create it, and therefore shouldn't be able to redefine it. study after study shows that relationships between men and women are more stable than those of same-sex couples. violence and disease are more widespread among homosexual couples. kids are better off when raised by a MOTHER and a FATHER.

again, all men are created equal. but by FORCING the majority to cater to the minority is creating a tyranny of tolerance. they expect everyone else to be tolerant of their wishes, but what of the wishes of the majority? it's the outspoken minority that needs to accept what others see as moral and right.
2008-11-04 22:23:47 UTC
Like some people, I don't have anything against gays, but when the system tries to teach it in our schools, then that's where I have the problem. If the gays get their victory fine with me, just don't force it on our children.
2008-11-04 21:53:46 UTC
Hopefully it will, everywhere.

I have nothing against gay couples, but they can't barge in on something that's strictly reserved for heteros. They just can't call their partnership marriage.

EDIT: Thanks for the thumbs down. Apparently some people believe that gays should be able to just walk on in and prance all over tradition.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.