If you are underage you may want to check this site out to see about parental consent laws and whatnot. http://www.sexetc.org/state
PENN- If you are under 18 years old and want an abortion, one parent must give permission before you can get one. This is called “parental consent.” If that’s not possible, you are able to ask a judge for permission, or get special permission if it’s an emergency. This is called “judicial bypass.”
NJ- If you are under or over 18 years old and want an abortion, you are not required to ask your parent/s or guardian for permission, or tell them.
~The republicans want a federal ban on abortion, knowing that would never pass they would rather chance it state by state and let them individually decide what laws they have. It's not a simple matter of women's rights to me it's more of a human right. The abortion issue should not be left to the states to decide. It is not a local issue when a fetus becomes a person! Again that is a human rights issue and human rights don't change as you cross borders!
When it is left up to the states, the fringe element can take over and things like South Dakota happen. The laws become so restrictive it is tantamount to impossible to get. There is only one clinic in the whole state of South Dakota that preforms abortions and it is only open one day a week.
Anyway I'll hop off my soap box now and just direct you to the aforementioned website. It will tell you the abortion laws state by state. Depending on what state you are in, you may not need parental consent and even if you do - you still don't, you can get a judicial bypass. Ask Planned Parenthood about it. Since you are afraid of parental notification – there are organizations set up to assist you. Contact your local National Organization of Women chapter http://www.now.org or your local Unitarian Church minister http://www.uua.org and ask about Operation Overground - a service to help transport and provide accommodation for women who must travel across states to obtain clinical abortion services. When you travel to another state without parental notification laws - you do not need to obtain permission or notification.
Email me if you have any other questions, good luck.
~Pro-Choice Momma; Have had an abortion
and I have a 7 month old daughter . I believe in protecting my daughter's choice.