What states have no law requiring breaks for workers?
2005-12-18 21:29:19 UTC
What states, other than Virginia, have no law requiring employers to give rest or meal breaks in an eight-hour workday?
Two answers:
2005-12-19 04:58:48 UTC
Few states require lunch or rest breaks, if any. I know that for most employees over the age of 18 in even more politically liberal states like New Jersey do not require rest breaks. Of course, many states regulate such for minors, but few for workers over the age of 18.

I've included a link to a Department of Labor chart that gives requirements for each state on meal breaks. It's a pretty short list: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Washington, and West Virginia.

For rest breaks, the list shrinks to California, Colorad, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.

Perhaps few regulate is because most employers voluntarily give rest breaks to employees to make work more bearable. Perhaps few regulate because unions, often providing the strongest labor law components in states, don't really care if non-unionized labor is forced to receive breaks, but really works hard to ensure that its own members are protected through contract agreements and bargaining. Regardless, I hope this information helps.
2016-05-20 06:33:28 UTC
Ya, but what you fail to mention about the rich is that due to the Bush era tax cuts for the rich, the USA lost 2.7 Trillion dollars in income and that savings helped super rich folks finance their overseas manufacturing . That money left the USA and never came back The monies you talk about from Union folks in California are but a drop in the bucket compared to what happened to our GDP and our manufacturing base here in the USA. I say first let US get our money back from the Bush tax breaks from 2001-2008 and then let US go after the small change. Ty to remember Mr California griper, that when Governor Davis was in office TEXAS screwed California on the energy deal and the Gubernator made things worse by being a total nincompoop for 8 years and the stupid voters in California only cared about the celebrity of the office and demanded no accounting from this horrible governor. Try to remember that VP Dick Cheney and convicted felon, Ken Lay and that convict Jeff Skilling were involved in a plot against California to bring down Gov Davis and succeeded in ruining California's Energy plan . Don't forget that this Texan cooperated with the Bush administration to bring California to it's knees as revenge for California rejecting Bush as President. It all goes back to BUSH who ruined this country and brought on this 14 Trillion dollar debt just to make rich people richer. And, yes both Bush's were involved, as HW had a big interest in Enron.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.