How to stop the misuse of judiciary by politicians and activists?
Bye pals
2010-10-01 03:41:10 UTC
we find that ruling politicians file cases against their opponents for evey misdeed exposed by the latter, in order to save their faces; the Activists file any number of PILs to show their presence; the opposition parties instigate people to file cases against acquisition of land or building for some development by local body or state govt.(for the double benefit of stopping a good work by rulers and prevent their getting popular, as well as to appear as saviours of public whose preperty is acquired by govt); the big business houses file cases to intimidate smaller competitors and so forth.

With the result the pendency of cases already reached high, is further hiked and genuine cases of common people are delayed inordinately. Every Chief Justice in the states and the Centre while taking up office talk of ''urgent need'' to take measures to reduce the pendancies, but least little is done so far.

Why no reformation is feasible in this regard? Are the govts not eager to stop these aberrations for some unholy convenience ? For instance, govts declare prestigious projects without actual means to foot the expenditure, only under the confidence that the opposition parties would incite people likely to be dislocated by the project, to file cases and delay the projects endlessly !

Similarly the libel cases are the necesary bulwarks for the deviant ministers, to side track complaints against their misdeeds. Often it is difficult to expose the frauds as they are done carefully to escape audit and publicity. It is not easy to prove these unless with a committed agency which the police is not, being under the mercy of rulers! So it becomes easy for the wrong doers to claim innocence and sue their adversaries for 'defamation' !

At the most, the endless adjournments sought by lawyers to prolong weak cases, could be curtailed. Perhaps, some restriction could be imposed to award only two adjournments except under very special situations. Many cruicial cases of people are dragging for years at the cost of justice and the relief comes so late to the victims that they may not live to receive it!

What are your thoughts about the scope for reformation in timely justice delivery?
Nine answers:
2010-10-01 06:52:15 UTC
Both the activist and politicians are hankers of publicity. They will do any thing so long as they get attention. There are thousands of under trials in Jail and very recently there was a case where a man in Jail for 28 years without trial.Which activist is interested in them?
2010-10-01 05:16:18 UTC
India is a multi dimensional country like multi-- religion, language, political parties, thought, ideas,business and professions etc. added with corruption and inspiration . It results various laws to reflect the ambitions and system of society. At the same time it is democracy. Some Acts made by Britishers are still in practice.

It is the morality which governs the law. When we come across a situation when graft charges against Judges of Supreme court is also discussed in Supreme Court nothing more can be mentioned here .

So far volume of pending cases is considered do not forget courts like Cosumer Court, Offices of Regulators, Ombudsman etc. There are other redressal forum also.

For delay in disposal main culprits are who practice law like advocates. Keeping a matter pending is in their best interest, Entire system shoulf be overhauled. Some practical suggestions are :

Set up more courts in suburbans and rural areas for petty cases with time bound disposal.

Fix nos. of adjounement after which court must dispose of the case.

Curtail Court Holidays

Strengthen Arbitration Procedures with mandatory time limit

I am happy to read that one judge in Andhra Pradesh dispossed of more than 260 cases in one single day and both the paries happily accepted his orders.
2010-10-02 06:37:42 UTC
By changing the politician in power,making law more transparent & simple.Admiral V K Singh
2010-10-01 05:35:14 UTC
Make the process of appointment of Judges transparent and completely open to public scrutiny. .
2010-10-01 03:57:22 UTC
by making the DA's office a non political office with professional of the top level lawyers
Bhasi Bahuleyan
2010-10-01 03:50:45 UTC
Judiciary and politicians are the representatives of their society.

Solution: they should rely on the morale of the society.
2010-10-01 03:47:09 UTC
for saving this we all need to be one and the peolpe who r corrupted we have take them out.....we need to have a gud gov...but also we must have the good people becauze..gud people makes gud government and by this rule we should have a gud judiciary!!!!!

this needs support of me and u and each and every people in INDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-10-01 03:44:33 UTC
The only way to stop it is put a dictator in office who wants to go that way. except you.
2010-10-01 03:53:27 UTC
I support divya. Me too have same answer.

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