2017-03-22 22:02:26 UTC
4 dead, including police officer, in London terrorist attack
166 answers:
2017-03-24 18:36:00 UTC
No cause terrorist attacks like these are a monthly thing these days. Doesn't even surprise me anymore
2017-03-24 10:18:53 UTC
2017-03-24 07:03:34 UTC
We was worried about it when we was begging for them to stay out but we was called racist from our government only thing to do is take out the ones that brings them in and thats the government and them you can have a fight with them to get them out
2017-03-24 04:27:43 UTC
I've always been concerned about terrorism especially as tributes were paid to a former IRA liar who died recently, and his lying crony.
2017-03-24 02:57:51 UTC
shut up yolanda/jennifer
james B
2017-03-24 02:44:10 UTC
no i am not concerned or afraid of terrorists since i live in a constitutional carry state and i am armed 24/7. i do agree with the guy up there i want our president to issue muzzie hunting permits with no bag limit. then watch them run over eax\ch other trying to leave the u.s.a. the reason they are here is because the libtards want more libtard voters. if we start offing thjem they will run away just like they did from their country.
2017-03-23 21:21:21 UTC
Stop shouting
2017-03-23 05:18:26 UTC
An attack on foreign soil, where four people were killed, doesn't scare me. I am not paranoid like you.
2017-03-23 01:52:26 UTC
Concerned about what? About 100 Americans die every day in car accidents. Why would four deaths from terrorism frighten me?
2017-03-22 22:05:45 UTC
England have always defeated worse
2017-03-27 11:06:08 UTC
i have no idea what the reason was for the latest incident, there appears to be no evidence that the attacker was a radical muslim, at least we knew what the ira wanted... i was an 11 year old in london during the blitz by the luftwaffe... we were bombed nightly between 7th september 1940 to 21st may 1941... in that time 32000 civilians were killed and 87000 injured... if hitler didn't cause the british to panic then i don't think the infrequent attacks by radical muslims are going to beat us... the ira were planting bombs in london in the late 30's until recent times and they were no more successful than hitler
2017-03-26 19:12:41 UTC
If terrorism scares you, you're letting them win.
2017-03-26 18:15:32 UTC
We always have been concerned in the UK, although it took 9/11 to stop the US crazies contributing money to those "brave soldiers" who murdered anyone without compunction in the British Isles.They didn't understand it was terrorism that they were enabling, and after all great great Granddad O'Toole did come from Limerick, didn't he?
2017-03-26 16:38:26 UTC
I have no idea what the reason was for the latest incident, there appears to be no evidence that the attacker was a radical Muslim, At least we knew what the IRA wanted. I was an 11 year old in London during the blitz by the Luftwaffe. We were bombed nightly between 7th September 1940 to 21st May 1941. In that time 32000 civilians were killed and 87000 injured. If Hitler didn't cause the British to panic then I don't think the infrequent attacks by radical Muslims are going to beat us. The IRA were planting bombs in London in the late 30's until recent times and they were no more successful than Hitler
2017-03-25 01:29:54 UTC
Even though it's shares a couple of concerns in the country right now but we won't give in to what the extremists wants, we are not afraid, we will go on our daily lives and not let those poor excuse of human beings win.
Don Verto
2017-03-24 14:12:50 UTC
Most terrorist attacks in the U.S. are by U.S. citizens, including schools,churches and MacDonalds.Remember the K.K.K. and the terrorist attacks by U.S. soldiers? Why not ban most Americans just to be sure?
2017-03-23 22:17:06 UTC
guns suk
2017-03-23 21:35:00 UTC
Watch the libtards coming out making excuses for the terrorists!
2017-03-23 19:59:49 UTC
I am concerned about everything.

Terrorism, murder, rape, theft etc
2017-03-23 18:52:53 UTC
Common Sense
2017-03-23 13:47:36 UTC
I have always been concerned about terrorism ever since I saw the videos of guys being put in cages and doused with gasoline and set on fire or the other men who were put in a cage and lowered into a pool to drown. THATS when I KNEW everyone should pay attention because ISIS is not going to stop terrorism until they are stopped or they take over all of us.

I have always been concerned about terrorism as it is spreading all over the world and it is not going to just go away.

Perhaps with just a little more loss of life or when a victim is someone we love, then people may understand the gravity of the reality of terrorism. Whether that terrorism be homegrown or from abroad.

Our world forces need to take charge and stop this nonsense. And, yes, there should be more vetting for traveling people who are brainwashed to hurt us.
Joss K
2017-03-23 12:56:08 UTC
They have got the terrorists body. No funeral. Publicly feed him to a field full of pigs
2017-03-23 11:02:39 UTC
2017-03-23 09:10:12 UTC
Wow, if anyone deserves hunting down and dealing with, you're on the list.
2017-03-23 08:15:04 UTC
i was concerned when a president ignored briefs and it resulted in the mother of all strikes on our country... so yeah, i'm concerned. i was more concerned when this dude said, "im not all that concerned with him." and then attacked another country instead of the one he was supposed to and let him off the hook.

living where i live it concerns me because my city was used as the launching pad for the attacks and my neighbor was attacked. we're on the front lines so we see it differently than some republican in south carolina who could give a rats *** about terror because they weren't attacked. Though they say they are american. They don't behave like they are. To me they put party first.

Obama did more. and he kept his word. Republican will do less and than screw up when the country needs them. Obama was better. and he got public enemy number one... While Republicans were whining about drones he was taking down the right targets and getting the job done.

Republicans are frauds. They would never invade a nuclear country to get a target so spare the whole, "they are tougher." you all specialize in soft targets and easy points.
2017-03-23 07:08:14 UTC
No I'd love to attack them kill them the
2017-03-23 00:25:01 UTC
2017-03-22 22:57:52 UTC
We have not even seen the worst of it yet, so no. I'm not worried.
Digital Princess
2017-03-22 22:14:00 UTC
screw you
2017-03-22 22:08:26 UTC
wow, innocent people dead. its so sad
2017-03-27 17:31:49 UTC
watch the libtards coming out making excuses for the terrorists!
Dump the liberals into Jupiter
2017-03-27 00:27:25 UTC
If your government had not allowed the Pakis and the Africans into the country, then you would not be having these problems now. Your government's leaders and lawmakers caved into pressure from Jewish groups, thereby committing treason against people, crown, and country. If you can't muster the fortitude, the gumption, and the resources to stage your own revolution and seize back the power that is rightfully yours, then you DESERVE WHATEVER YOU GET. Fight or die; how clear can it be?
george a
2017-03-24 21:41:26 UTC
No these are rare events and the speed and professionalism of the emergency services are to be applauded. Also,the immediate and comprehensive follow up by the police have nipped this in the bud very quickly. I do have one criticism and that is of the BBC wall to wall coverage of every blow, scouring the country for anyone and everyone for comments to pad out the length of air time given to this. We have a BBC 24 hour news channel for things like this so swamping all channels was not needed and sends the wrong message around the world. It was an awful but expected event, given how many of these events have been prevented by the police and others and how unsophisticated it was just shows how well this country is prepared against terrorist acts. Nevertheless my thoughts and sympathies are with those hurt or killed and their families.
Uuu Duhhh
2017-03-24 16:07:41 UTC
Terror is major threat
2017-03-24 06:37:08 UTC
I've always been concerned about terrorism anywhere.
2017-03-24 02:16:37 UTC
Did you notice the biased news networks did not mention the words; Islam, Muslim, Arab, and we even had to wait half a day for them to use "Terrorist". Then they said they were "radicalized" meaning they were peace loving souls when they immigrated and became terrorists by being on the internet or going to a Mosque. I am learning to hate the politically correct news networks.
2017-03-24 00:43:34 UTC
Well it's no Bowling Green massacre. A shitty driver and a guy with a knife, that's what terrorism is now? I can defend myself from that, thanks.
2017-03-23 23:01:56 UTC
Good they obviously deserved to die!
2017-03-23 22:36:34 UTC
2017-03-23 18:48:06 UTC
2017-03-23 18:29:17 UTC
I was concerned about terrorism ever since September 11.

Anyone who is just now concerned about terrorism, there is something wrong with that person.

And, I don't like how people keep saying, "There is no evidence that foreigners have done anything, therefore, we can't vet foreigners coming into our country." Well, the whole point of vetting is to prevent foreigners from doing in the future, whether they did it in the past or not. Now, this incident was a home grown person. But, who's to say that it won't be a foreigner in the future? So, the people who are saying, "Don't vet, because there's no evidence," they are saying we should wave in the people who might do it in the future. Not that all foreigners would do that. But, the ones who would. We need to prevent it, not wait for it to happen, and then deal with it after the fact. Well, it's too late, then. That defeats the purpose of having a vetting process.

But, we have been living in the age of terrorism ever since September 11. It should not take THIS incident, here, about 16 years later, for people to just now be concerned about terrorism. They should have been concerned about terrorism ever since September 11, and forever more. Even the people who are born today. They should grow up being concerned about terrorism. They will never know the world before terrorism.
2017-03-23 13:54:04 UTC
We should all be concerned about terrorism. Yesterday, three people in my capital city, London, left their homes and loved ones to go about their lawful and legitimate business. One of them had the responsibility of protecting our legislators. Those three people will never go home.

I am annoyed that the terrorist is dead. I am not annoyed with the police and commend them and if they had to shoot the terrorist so be it. What annoys me is that he is now free. He will never stand trial.

I think yesterday's attack in London demonstrates how futile are Trump's efforts to ban people from certain countries. Well over 99% of those people and probably 100% are not terrorists. It is a typical political act. The US President is grandstanding. It looks like something is being done when in fact it is not. Rather than waste public funds in that way they should be diverted to the security services. They are the people who really protect us and foil attacks.

There is one thing we can all do. That is to get on with our lives. We need to send the message to these evil and despicable people, who it must be remembered are a minority, that your plans are in the words of the UK Prime Minister "doomed to fail". You shall never destroy or undermine our way if life.
Queen of Sheba
2017-03-23 13:25:32 UTC
Of course. This should make it clear again that radical extremist Islamic terrorists must be kept out of America. I am quite concerned because I know how radicalized Muslims ra Danger first two other Muslims and next to those they believe the Quran has commanded them to assassinate. Even non radical Muslims are terrified. Remember, if your parents had been invaded they would have converted to Islam just to survive at the point of a sword. Many Muslims are the children of people who were converted against their will just to stay alive. Radicalized Muslims are there enemy as well as ours.
2017-03-23 06:11:37 UTC
It does
2017-03-23 02:02:33 UTC
absolutely yes
2017-03-22 22:34:10 UTC
Well JFC Mavis, Why just yesterday dem der liquored up White Evangelicals in der trucks knock off a dozen or so including demselves. They injured and crippled a ho bunch mo, doncha know. Don't know why you got your pantyhose all up in a knot when all you doing is giving aid and comfort to the enemy and glorifying the perpetrators.
2017-03-22 22:27:05 UTC
People have been worried about terrorism since 9/11, this is nothing new
2017-03-22 22:19:11 UTC
Worried about terrorism? Sure, just as I'm worried about getting cancer or getting killed in a car accident. Those things happen every day. Yet you focus on something that might happen to you in one occasion in thousands instead. The UK has a population of over 65 million. Four people were killed. While that is still incredibly sad, it isn't something I can sit around and worry about.

Ever wondered why it is so important to you to be afraid of something that will in only a minute chance happen to you?
2017-03-22 22:07:07 UTC
it could have been much worse. I do believe some of these terrorist attacks are staged and the government are behind them. its very odd
2017-03-22 22:03:42 UTC
the terrorist keep on killing and attacking. OR THE GOVERNMENT ARE BEHIND THEM ALL and using as mean to keep certain immigrants and backgrounds out of their country. or expand wars in the middle east
2017-03-29 06:16:39 UTC
no i'd love to attack them kill them the
2017-03-26 05:49:59 UTC
You'd be stupid not to be aware of what is happening in the world

be aware don't stop living your life and don't let them make you afraid

they are small dicked small brain small heart people who will get what is coming to them just as surprisingly as the way they do this kind of evil to us and it will be a glorious moment to see when it happens
2017-03-25 03:40:42 UTC
Terrorism has always been everywhere with trumps help we can find the source and eradicate it once and for all.

There are lots more important issues men/women have to face that are legal yet many many times more life threatening than a manic driver with inferiority complex.
2017-03-24 23:40:45 UTC
A HOME grown terrorist.
2017-03-24 18:44:22 UTC
not really. i'm more likely to die in so many other ways than an Islamic terrorist
2017-03-24 17:58:22 UTC
Not really. I live too rural in the UK to be affected.
2017-03-24 17:36:06 UTC
Can't we just leave all the terrorist muslims alone and allow them their own free will? Muslim terrorist have rights too.
2017-03-24 16:36:47 UTC
Always have been
2017-03-24 11:23:57 UTC
It is simple, the politicians are fools.


1) Rivers of Blood speech.

A speech criticising Commonwealth immigration and anti-discrimination legislation

"like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood."

" It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. "

-- Enoch Powell, 1968

2) UK

In 1990, white population was 80% in London.

In 2010, white population was 60% in London.

In 1950, there were 10,000 British Pakistanis. Now there are 1.2 million British Pakistanis.

30 USA

In 1950, white population was about 90% in USA.

in 2014, white population is about 60% in USA

In 2050, white population will be less than 50% in USA.

In 2100, white population will be 1/3 in USA.

Latinos have passed whites as the largest ethnic group in California in 2015.

California , in 2015, white population was 38%.

Texas, in 2015, white population was 43%.

The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities (2012) - The Census Bureau

"Fighting age."

In the USA, whites having the oldest median age, 42, Hispanics have the youngest, 27.

Non-Hispanic whites, Wikipedia
2017-03-24 06:20:16 UTC
We've ALWAYS been concerned about terrorism since 9/11 and during the days of Jesus. Am I concerned? Yes. And this will continue on for the next thousand years. These terrorists WILL NOT stop attacking, they will not stop killing people, they will not stop chopping heads off, they will not give up their behavior. BUT we need to put a stop to these things happening, someone has got to step in and fight them off, we can't just let these terrorist attacks occur and keep killing innocent people. Plowing pedestrians into bridges and under cars, people getting their heads decapitated because their gay or they are Christian, or going into a gay club and shooting 40 innocent people. Its not ok to kill someone and get away with it and that's what's happening in our world and its been this way for centuries. WE cant' allow these attacks and killings to continue in our society and in our world.
2017-03-24 05:44:46 UTC
Always have been
2017-03-23 23:24:24 UTC
Not really it happens everywhere in the world. Too bad it does :(
Kitty 2
2017-03-23 20:54:35 UTC
I have always especially since 911. Everyone should be concerned.
2017-03-23 20:31:06 UTC
it has been a concern since before 911, in fact at least two years prior to tha event another attempt was made on those same buiildings albeit unsuccessful

when we wantonly let everyone and anyone come to the US for whatever reason we are opening up the possibility of terror

we don't need to import it we have enough domestic terror on our hands already that needs to be stomped out
2017-03-23 17:31:58 UTC
2017-03-23 16:52:04 UTC
Frankly, I'm more concerned about surviving my evening commute.
2017-03-23 14:53:08 UTC
Let all help police to find them out.
2017-03-23 11:50:49 UTC
Actually there are reports that 5 were killed 2 are in a critical condition and 40 are seriously injured in LONDON

but what about The Thousands of people killed by Terrorists World-wide EVERY DAY !
2017-03-23 09:45:36 UTC
I always was.
2017-03-23 06:54:21 UTC
There are a lot of evil people in the world. We can only remain vigilant, and try to prevent them from doing further harm the best we can, but we also have to continue to live our lives, and not let terrorists take away our livelihoods either.
2017-03-25 05:31:14 UTC
I live in Australia where more people are killed on the road than by terrorists.
2017-03-24 19:02:37 UTC
I'm always concerned about cowardism.
2017-03-24 18:37:30 UTC
yes,very concern about that
2017-03-24 08:28:47 UTC
Way more worried about heart disease and cancer than I am of terrorism.
Jerry S
2017-03-24 03:58:58 UTC
always have been
2017-03-24 00:31:08 UTC
Here come the apologists for Islamic fascism.. **** Islam and these phony "refugees ", these are violent foreign invaders.

The lying Islamist mayor of London (oh should be lots of regrets for that vote now) was right when he said "terrorism is just part and parcel when living..." but he finished wrong its part and parcel when living among muslims
2017-03-23 20:17:38 UTC
No. That idiot did nothing to worry us Brits.
2017-03-23 20:01:10 UTC
Yes, so libtards say not to care since it was only 4. More die in car accidents. But when it comes to capital punishment, their tune is changed. Then, even one mistake is too many. Are these idiots capable of thought?
2017-03-23 18:52:37 UTC
What to find out more about extremist groups but are afraid to ask?

Visit don;t be a puppet , pulling back the curtain on extremist

This web-page eve has information on what to do it you or a love one is caught up in such a group.

Education is the key to stopping the acts like London.
2017-03-23 18:24:31 UTC
maybe his mom and little sister was killed in a bombing in his country and maybe it was english bombs.
2017-03-23 17:45:24 UTC
2017-03-23 16:57:36 UTC
2017-03-23 16:34:12 UTC
I'm as concerned about terrorism as I've been since 9/11. At the same time, I try not to worry about things over which I have no control.
2017-03-23 13:45:36 UTC
I was always concerned, but not paranoid about it.

The police need the authority and all the necessary support to pursue these matters, and be allowed to do their job without public interference (as happens with the German security forces for example, where investigations are carried out outside the public gaze, and a sizable number of arrests are made before serious events occur).

There are bound to be some villains who get through the net unfortunately, you cannot stop everything. This was, I believe, the first such successful attack in the UK in 12 years, it is thankfully not an everyday occurrence.

I have full confidence in the police services available in most countries to keep these attacks down to a minimum, and the more cooperation that they get both nationally and internationally the better.

And to note - the perpetrator of yesterday's attack was born and raised in the UK. And was already known to the authorities, so maybe for once someone was asleep at the wheel.
2017-03-23 12:56:46 UTC
No .I'm more worried about those poor people put under MK-ULTRA technology so that one day the illuminati will spread the teaching of the glowing butth*le of limitless nothingness and everyone's butth*le will come on their foreheads and they will see Satan.

But seriously,all this seems too fishy to me.Everything following a script and in stages.That does not happen naturally.
2017-03-23 09:45:42 UTC
Yes. Anxiety has reached the top of my head that is the maximum level. It is now saturated.
2017-03-23 09:07:23 UTC
I'm concerned that 3 people were killed in Wisconsin, including a police officer and it hardly made the news.
2017-03-23 07:42:37 UTC
Worst is yet to come when you become host to prmitive mind set people. They simply cannot live in peace and unhappy around the world.
2017-03-23 02:01:07 UTC
bets taken on the guys origin

A a brexit rightwing extremist

B IRA renewing attacks on the crown

C muslim jihadi gruntled unto extreme rage

D your mother in law

these guys,, known to be democrat senators

just one more of 600 years,270,000,000 'isolated incidents'

committed by muslims unknown to each other/
2017-03-22 23:28:04 UTC
The DickUcraps say they are welcome to America. Send them there.
2017-03-27 14:02:33 UTC
Concerned? Yes. Worried? A little but not terrified and it wouldn't stop me going to central London. A lot of us lived through the IRA days so are not unused to it. If the attacks became one or two a month or more then this would be different.

But we must find out why people are becoming 'radicalised' & we must start talking peace, reconciliation and even maybe say sorry for the carnage caused in faraway lands.
2017-03-27 10:53:13 UTC
Yep. There are more terrorist attacks than people realise, they just aren't all on the news. And whenever they are islam-based, the media worries more about protecting muslims and their reputation than protecting the victims.
2017-03-25 05:28:31 UTC
2017-03-25 02:52:07 UTC
My reaction is the same as it has always been. 100% safety can never be guaranteed.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety and will lose both." - Ben Franklin.
2017-03-24 21:08:24 UTC
liberals are never concerned about terrorism.

it's entirely up to conservatives to take care of such matters as national security, because liberals believe those things are unimportant.
Nosmo King
2017-03-24 15:32:58 UTC
It's a good job I can't drive, otherwise I would be facing jail right now for running over that scumbag and deliberately making sure the wheels went over his balls. That c*nt picked the wrong date to carry out that attack and I would never forgive him for that even if I hated his victims (which I didn't).
2017-03-24 14:41:26 UTC
I wish thay had killed the David camron
2017-03-24 10:55:59 UTC
I am only come here see others people's opinions .Not anymore can useful. But i also no can share. Sorry!
2017-03-24 10:32:23 UTC
Another fake staged attack can t believe u sheep's still believe in Isis and al Qaeda are real terrorist and not rebels funded by the u.s
2017-03-24 00:04:48 UTC
im trying to watch the ******* news here it's been all about the attack all day bloody hell can we just move on just becuas parliament so "special"
2017-03-23 18:19:19 UTC
Hell yes.....and my vacation in Europe is ruined.
2017-03-23 18:16:58 UTC

western nations are allowing primative and stupid people to move there.


2017-03-23 12:50:02 UTC
No we need to bring in more refugees so they don't attack us.
2017-03-23 11:55:41 UTC

Our grandparents during WW2 weren't intimated by a man with a little mustache who was bombing blitzing London and torpedoing our ships in the St-Lawrence and the Atlantic and neither should any of us by this enemy.
2017-03-23 04:35:21 UTC
In 1973, I heard that the Russians were financing terrorism worldwide, and, that the Russian legislature had not only decreed their support, but had added a new member to their embassy staff called the "terrorist diplomat" that was responsible for supplying terrorists overseas with weapons and explosives through the diplomatic pouch system.

I have carried a gun ever since.

But, I was going to carry a gun anyways, to give the criminal element "what for" if I had the opportunity, but it never happened. Lol!
2017-03-23 02:13:23 UTC
people die all the time, what makes you so special?
2017-03-23 01:12:34 UTC
2017-03-23 00:40:41 UTC
Nope, I have not been in England since 1980.

They would have to come a long way from Parliament to find me and, unlike Parliament, I have guns. This isn't England, Buddy.
2017-03-23 00:04:03 UTC
Liberals will say it has nothing to do with Islam.
2017-03-22 22:05:53 UTC
no, terrorism will always exist. as more muslims indeed come in advanced nations, the situation will worsen, terrorism, murder, rape, crime, drugs, and extremist activities. it will never stop
2017-03-25 20:48:03 UTC
yes open your eyes people

pray for hashtags

and flag facebook pictures are not working

we need to make serious changes in the way we look at refugees and islam
2017-03-25 17:39:29 UTC
No, I'm not. Far more people die from white supremacists and guns.
2017-03-25 07:12:19 UTC
2017-03-24 08:25:06 UTC
Nope, because everything I say according to those motherf)uckers is wrong.

So they can f)ucking wallow in being right.. aka the terrorism.

Guru Hank
2017-03-24 05:55:50 UTC
I am not in favor of compulsory lobotomies, but in some cases this is a procedure which can enable a patient to attain a calmness and peace which some would call 'mindfulness'. Life has not been kind to you, and I sense you have many troubles.
2017-03-23 22:55:19 UTC
A man killing innocent people 😮 why thats never been done before. Everyone run the sky is falling. It sucks stuff like this keeps happening. But i think its out of our control. So keep your gun handy at all times.
2017-03-23 22:27:02 UTC
Taking back the control of the UK's borders is one of the driving factors behind Brexit. This Muslim terrorist may have been home grown, but there are a lot more on the other side of the wall with the same intentions.
2017-03-23 21:55:45 UTC
its probably a false flag just like 911 to drag UK into war with so called ISIS which pretty much is Iraqi army that was destroyed by US and Western invasion. Destroying them pretty much means genocide against the people of Iraq. Now all those brain washed Londoners and UKers will scream revenge revenge and give their lives by truck loads for a good jewish Zionist cause. All those Brits now looking at this staged horror with their bigOeyes, and they will scream blood thursty threats at people who probably have never done anything against them. This will be pinned at radical muslims, why are they radical because they do not want to convert to judaism? This is rediqulouse. Haven't you learned anything from 911? What's the matter with you? It has been a FACT that independent 911 investigation was pinned by the government and many things were hidden from public to deceive them. You really think some caveman from middle east attack the western towns and innocent people because they hate your way of life? Stop dropping bombs on their towns and villages and killing their children and women and perhaps they'll stop blowing themselves up. They have nothing else left to do. They have been cornered and what happened is done to get your support to do more killing and murdering in places and to people who have NEVER done anything against you. Think about that! The satan is very clever but not as clever as all mighty God.
2017-03-23 21:13:39 UTC
Let's miss most of them, but not missed the terrorists who did this to them.
2017-03-23 20:41:17 UTC
many die everyday, but we need to ban islamic nations because some within worship a brown guy, this is known as conservatusm
Mr Ron
2017-03-23 20:38:21 UTC
Terrorism in this country concerns me only if the left leaning liberals allow non-vetted aliens to enter our country. I would also be more concerned if I lived in a big city, like N.Y. where the right to self-defense has been de-legalized. I am a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and live in a part of the country where I could defend myself if needed.
2017-03-23 17:31:39 UTC
Ummmm thousands of people die everyday. Why is this a big issue? Muslims aren't terrorists. If people seriously think that Muslims are terrorists then why don't they go search up the meaning of a Muslim and the meaning of a terrorist? They are two completely different things. Why is society so dumb these days.
2017-03-23 17:29:48 UTC
i am concerned
2017-03-23 15:21:13 UTC
Yes everyone is, all we can all do is be vigilant
2017-03-23 14:07:51 UTC
Uh, yeah... I have been for close to two decades..

and I cannot figure out why republicans allow suspected terrorists on a no-fly list to have guns
2017-03-23 13:44:39 UTC
In the UK we are used to random acts of terrorism, I was brought up in the IRA era when a certain Mr Mc Guinness, was in charge of the death squads, let's not completely forget his legacy following his recent demise. Back to the issue in question, it is very sad that innocent members of the public were harmed and killed, this man did not know the religion of his victims, their race or political allegiance, yet will this dog of a man be held up as a martyr? I say bury him at sea in a bag with a good weight and a pigs head. No grave, no shrine, no martyr. For the policeman and his family I shed tears in deep sorrow, he was doing a great job and paid with his life, a brave and courageous man. I am not concerned about terrorism in the UK, we will overcome all attempts to change our way of life, A.H. could not do it, so a lone mad man in a car stands no chance.
2017-03-23 13:24:46 UTC
More members of the evil ISIS gang responsible are being arrested in Birmingham as we speak. The vehicle used by the ISIS Jihadist murderer was hired in Birmingham and traced to an address there where the person who hired it lives - so we believe.

No I am not concerned about terrorism - I am a Child of the London Blitz b1941 and have seen far worse. In addition, we had 30 years of attacks by the IRA here in London and across UK and N.Ireland.
2017-03-23 12:51:56 UTC
Yes, by every race and religion attacks that happen in America are done by white christians
2017-03-23 12:03:32 UTC
I’m a conservative American so was aware of the obvious fallacies of multiculturalism awhile ago. While we had the same Leftist pop culture onslaught substantially funded by George Soros and that open border ilk, implemented by 0bama, intelligent Americans turned the corner and plainly saw that unfettered immigration is a Leftist voter drive to dilute and destroy indigenous culture.

Brits have a problem. Tony Blair outright announced his intent to destroy Britain with open border immigration and multiculturalism. It is CRIMINAL in the UK to say anything against that. No diversity of opinion allowed. If one is caught on video or facebook post dissenting from the party line, the British style thought police haul you off to dutiful cries of “racism, xenophobe, bigot” and you go to jail. Brits are mindlessly correctly indoctrinated past the point of self-hatred and cultural suicide. They are reveling in their own demise.

The terrorist was shot in Old Palace Yard of Westminster, ground zero of British democracy near where Parliament found King Charles I a traitor and moved from an absolute to parliamentary democracy. Within 100 meters is St Stephens Hall with murals of great moments in British history, like signing the magna carta establishing individual rights and justice. How appropo that the next chapter, Britain’s conquest by Islam, happen on this hallowed ground.
Andy F
2017-03-23 09:19:59 UTC
"Keep calm and carry on."

I've been somewhat concerned about terrorism ever since Tim McVeigh, a white military veteran born in the US, used a truck bomb to kill more than 200 people at the federal office building in Oklahoma City in the 1990s.

Both the US and the UK have suffered repeated terrorist attacks for decades now. However, the London attack that just killed 4 people, including a police officer, is a fairly minor attack compared to some that the British have suffered from in the past.

Most of the worst terrorist attacks in the UK in recent years were launched by militants with the underground Irish Republican Army (IRA). Most of the worst terrorist attacks in the US have been launched by members of the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups.

The latest London attack, which I assume was done by some extremist Islamist group, was disgusting. But it's important to put it in perspective.

The main purpose of terrorist attacks is -- well, to terrorize people and sow political chaos. If the Brits keep this latest attack in perspective and remember that they suffered far worse violence during the IRA's bombing attacks, they can -- and should -- avoid being terrorized.

Of course, attacks like this one are a good reason for vigorous and intelligent police surveillance of terrorist organizations, both in the UK and the US.
2017-04-08 03:16:54 UTC
stop shouting
2017-03-28 03:01:40 UTC
watch the libtards coming out making excuses for the terrorists!
2017-03-25 05:39:16 UTC
Banana Toothpaste
2017-03-24 15:14:05 UTC
2017-03-24 14:34:30 UTC
If your weren't worried after September 11, Bali, Madrid, London 2005, Paris and Nice then this won't trigger...
2017-03-24 14:17:15 UTC
Im a liberal who supports the terrorists killings of white people
2017-03-24 13:16:10 UTC
2017-03-24 12:03:31 UTC
Of course not. The perpetrator in London was just a misguided man who had no job and was mistreated by racist whites in England just because he was a Muslim. All Muslims are peace loving people who practice a religion called Islam, We have nothing to be concerned about it. After all, it was just some racist whites who were killed and injured and the cop had it coming for being a cop. (FOR YOU NITWITS WHO CAN'T READ, I'M BEING FACETIOUS!) I don't trust ANY Muslim that I don't know. I'm white and I don't trust any white man I don't know or any other man of any race until I get to know them. Radical Islam is a threat to EVERYBODY.
2017-03-24 06:33:04 UTC
Concerned about what?

Europe is filled with those rare species, imported from the Middle East, and protected by WWF.

You need to be respectful towards animals
2017-03-23 23:45:07 UTC
The news media starts to drool over anything that is labeled an "act of terror". As bad as some of these incidents are, they receive a disproportionate amount of attention. This only encourages the terrorists to gain notoriety. Anything to draw attention to their "cause" whatever it happens to be.
2017-03-23 21:36:49 UTC
I scared of no human
2017-03-23 21:02:24 UTC

somebody emulating and terrorists is not the same as an attack organised by a terrorist organisation

9/11 was an attack organised by a terrorist organisation

after that others (including some americans) carried out acts claiming to be in support of the terrorist organisation

They werent "terrorists", just nutters claiming to be terrorists . Claiming to be terrorists got them their 5 minutes of fame in the news, otherwise they would just have been the same as any other murderer

the 1st group is the 1 to be concerned about, cos they plan their attacks

the 2nd group is to concerned about cos they are difficult to identify . They can be perfectly normal people until they crack up

the second dont care who they emulate. the group they claim to be acting for is just the one in the news on the day, cos they know that will attract news attention to them - they are just looking for their 5 minutes of infamy, they dont really plan anything or care how they do it.

(in the 70's the IRA parked a van across the river,. the roof had been removed and Inside were mortars trained on the houses of parliament

THAT indicates serious planning for a terrorist act

Are you seriously claiming somebody driving erratically on a bridge to target people on the bridge THEN driving into a gate, getting out and attacking somebody with a knife indicates serious planning of a terrorist attack?

If the car had contained explosives THEN you might consider it a terrorist act, BUT IT DIDNT

If he had not driven into the gate he would just have been regarded as a reckless driver

If it hadnt been at parliament I dont think anybody would even considered it a terrorist act.

People have intentionally driving into crowds and killed more before. THEY were regarded as psycho nutters, not terrorists.
2017-03-23 19:15:28 UTC
yes we all should be
2017-03-23 17:32:02 UTC
Not really, we all have to die sometime.. not only terrorists, but there are a lot of crazy people out there. I am more afraid of drunk drivers and people who drive and use their cell phones. More people die every day because of idiots the do not consider other people well being. Terrorists are the least of the world problems.

just think, if get caught texting or drunk driving you get a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison. that would save a of of lives.
2017-03-23 16:53:07 UTC
Nah, they should just continue to let the "love" in. Doing so well for them and their citizens they care about so much.
2017-03-23 15:38:59 UTC
This was home-grown terrorism, and if the UK had had Trump's ban in place for the last 10 years, it would have still happened. Are you concerned about the white terrorist who went to NYC looking for blacks to kill?
2017-03-23 15:21:10 UTC
Asian terrorist,not,but that's the story.
2017-03-23 11:08:54 UTC
What about when all the Irish were blowing up London with the IRA?
2017-03-23 11:03:11 UTC
we were already concerned idiot, the attack wasn't even professional, just some yobbo with a knife and van..we need to defeat terrorism one and for alll
Grinning Football plinny younger
2017-03-23 07:51:11 UTC
No more than France, yet!
2017-03-26 12:25:15 UTC
Thanks to our politicians for allowing these people into the UK. Yay for multiculturalism. What a success t has been.

How Tony Blair has the brass neck to start rtelling us what we should be doing about Brexit beats me. Try him for treason.
2017-03-26 10:55:17 UTC
2017-03-25 16:49:38 UTC
I am concerned about terrorism.

White Nationalists are the biggest terrorist threat to North America today.
2017-03-24 21:55:45 UTC
Now ? No.

Have been ? Yes
Longtime Hubby
2017-03-24 15:22:29 UTC
The British are strong people. Concerned about terrorism? Of course, but we can't let these animals win.
2017-03-24 14:13:21 UTC

And if you ARE, you clearly have little or no knowledge of History!

There have been regular deadly terrorist attacks in the UK since the 1970's, long before this recent incident...

Terrorism as an expression anger with government actions dates back to at least the 1700's;

If you are MORE "concerned" now, all that has really changed is that you just started paying attention to the World around you!
2017-03-24 10:05:23 UTC
I blame Merkel.I wish the victims family well.
2017-03-24 01:01:53 UTC
No, because many of us in the US are armed to the teeth. We shoot first and ask questions later. Nuff said.
2017-03-23 18:45:27 UTC
I can't say one dude driving a truck into a crowd and then pulling a knife has me even slightly concerned about terrorism. Mass killings by crazy people are a daily occurrence here in the States, but that isn't terrorism.
Best Answer
2017-03-23 06:14:16 UTC
Diversity is the root of ALL evil.
2017-03-23 05:48:48 UTC
Not at all. I'm still 1,000,000 times more likely to be killed by a white Christian terrorist. Oh, wait we in America only call it terrorism when its a funny sounding name. Not when a Skin head shoots up a mask. Not when a Trump fan sets kills a legal citizen for not looking right to them. No we pretend these aren't terrorist attacks.
2017-03-23 02:36:46 UTC
2017-03-23 01:09:37 UTC
No. If I become overwrought with fear - kind of like how republicans act - THEY win.

**** is going to happen. Welcome to life.
2017-03-23 00:01:35 UTC
2017-03-22 23:36:42 UTC
Be glad it didn't happen here.
2017-03-22 22:23:33 UTC
Tell me how this Asian guy was involved with ISIS. You so desperately want to go there so show me what you've got. Mommamuke makes another good point. Nothing to fear but fear itself.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.