Aren't there laws that stipulate that if a person requests to be unsubscribed from a mailing list, that request has to be honored? Somehow this certain gym got a hold of my email address and keep soliciting a membership from me. At first I was interested until I found out there are NONE of these gyms in my entire state!! As soon as I found that out I sent a request to be unsubscribed from their list (I had to email the manager as there was not a "click here to unsubscribe" link anywhere in the email). He assured me that I would be taken off the list within 72 hours. I was still getting emails from them and its been months and they are STILL emailing me. So once again I emailed them and asked to be unsubscribed. Well, today I got another email, this time it was a little more persistent, "why haven't you joined yet, stop making excuses!" Isn't this against some kind of law?? Isn't it harrassment? Can I get a cease and desist order against them, anything??