my boyfriend had his daughter over the weekend.we were going to return her on sunday so she could go to school. her mother lives in the next town. while the girl was with us she told me that her cousin sexual did stuff to her so we called CPS and they looked intto it said the hosue was nasty she was in and ect. anyways we have the girl as of right now. the police officer told us that we could keep her since there wasnt a parenting plan. he also told us that her mother had to give us any information we need in order to enroll her in school here with us and get her to the doctor because she has a broken arm that needs to be rechecked and a cast removed. now her mother refuses to give us any information as she always has. she will not tell us where she goes to school she wont give us any records. socail card or birthcertificate. she wont tell us her doctor or her medical needs such as perscrptions ect. i contacted CPS again today and they said they cant do anything. im helpless on what to do. with no socail card and no certificate of live birth we cant get her any kind of assistance for clothes since her mother wouldnt give us any. we cant get any kind of emergency help. nothing. what are the laws on releasing her records do you think i should call the police again?