I know it's a federal offense and all to throw away someone else's mail if it arrives in your mailbox. But, what if I've clearly written "Return to Sender; addressee does not live here", sent it back, and received the same mail a day or two later? At that point, the post office is just being lazy and not actually returning the mail to the original sender. I feel like I've done my duty to try and get the mail in the right hands. If I write "Return to Sender" and it still comes back to me, am I free to throw it away at that point? Like I said, I've done my job.
This has been happening for months. I complained to the postmaster, and was assured that the mail would get forwarded to the correct recipient in the future. Although the situation is better, I still get the previous resident's mail once or twice a month. And I almost always see the mail again after I've written "Return to Sender" and attempted to send it back.
If it comes back a second time, I throw it away. Can I get in trouble for that?