2011-03-18 16:10:52 UTC
And why would the military be vaccinating and not the doctors, and what is in the vaccinations? Very suspect, highly suspect - one could put any mind controlling chemicals, and all manner of dangerous chemicals etc into vaccines, they do it now and cause tens of thousands of babies to suffer with the likes of Autism etc (within 2-6 weeks of being vaccinated 1 out of 3 young american babies become autistic)
They also say that it is this 19-24 year old bracket that the flu will hit the hardest. Bullshit, the young and the elderly have always been more susceptible to illness etc. thats the age bracket they want to target, or are they using 19 -24 yrs old as guinea pigs.
I wonder how many humans will die from the effects of yet another untested drug put on the market by an uncaring government.