2015-10-17 02:47:31 UTC
If animal rights activists say that killing animals for food is wrong, isn't it a just "belief". It is a not a "FACT", right?
Christians and Muslims can say the also "believe" that animals are meant for the food of man.
When one side says that animals are equal to humans and the other side says that animals are a lower form of life never equaling to human can anybody "prove" to the other-side that they are wrong?? I don't think so.
There is no 3rd "neutral" party we can put this query to , since anybody in the world either is vegetarian or a meat eater. So, nobody can be "neutral" in this matter.
If this is a case, isn't the only way a show of hands that decides which side is correct?
Same is true for the debate of abortion. Can anybody "Prove" that abortion is right or wrong?? I don't think so. So, that too is decide by a show of hands right??
So, for example, if the majority of a country believes that killing of animals for food is wrong, then by a majority vote, they can change the law, right?? But still, the people who think the opposite will not change their mind. In their mind, killing of animals will still not be wrong. Same for abortion, right??