When did Charlton Heston become such a kook? I mean he's never been very stable, at least in my opinion, but I think he's gone totally senile. Standing up at an NRA conference, holding a rifle over his head, and screaming "Over my cold, dead hand!". What a shmuck. And the NRA? Give me a break. I believe that a man or woman has the right to protect their home, their property, and themselves and their families from harm. Guns should be legal. (Yes, the Constitution is up for debate, but the founding fathers gave us latitude to decide for ourselves). Evidence proves that it reduces crime. But when you have morons parading around with their AR-15s and their AKMs saying if these are taken away, then all of them will is ludicrous. They're gun loving idiots that could care less about the average gun owner. They care about making money off the people's membership dues. I just think that the NRA and Mr. Heston are making us look bad. It makes all gun owners look like fanatics.