2018-05-24 16:22:13 UTC
Steve got really drunk, and spilled his drink all over me (it was on my top, my jacket and my trousers. Luckily my shoes were fine). He apologied and gave me some of his sister's clothing to borrow (she was fine with that) so I could be dry when I went back home. He said he'll wash them before he gives them back to me.
The next day, I messaged Steve and asked when I could pick up my clothing. Steve never replied.
This went on for about 3 days. I would message him and ask for my clothing (the messages were always like "Hi Steve, can I pick up my clothing today? I need to give back your sister's stuff". So I wasn't aggressive. I just wanted my stuff back).
Then Steve blocked me. I then started knocking on his door (usually about 11am) and no one would answer. I then had some of my friends messaging him saying "Hey Steve...'Sue' wants her clothing back" but he wouldn't reply to them.
Is there a way I can get my stuff back? Or should I accept that I will never get them back and cut this guy out of my life?