my wife had me arrested for misdemeanor stalking. She lied to the police and I gave the detective the papers proving she lied. The detectives report had 10 outright lies in it which I can also prove were lies. They never gave me a phone call at the police station or the Kent County Jail. When I asked for an attorney they immediatly transfered me to the jail. I filled out paperwork for an attorney at the jail but was never seen by an attorney. The jail did not treat my type 1 diabetes as they are supposed to. When I went to the arrainment my blood sugar was 360, when I was released it was over 500. I complained 4 times a day when I would see the nurse for my insulin. They gave me my insulin 2 hours after the meal, it is supposed to be taken before the meal. They never gave me enough insulin to bring my blood sugar down to the proper level which is 90. When I went to the arraignment the Judge would not lower the bail 50k for a non violent misdemeanor and told me if I plead innocent I would be in jail 6 to8 weeks before the trial and said if I plead guilty he would release me. This is coercion by the judge. The police report said she was in fear for her life but in the phone call which was recorded by the police she stated twice that she knew I would never harm her. The letter I left at her house stated I would not be contacting her again and would be filing for divorce if she wanted to talk about it she should call me. When she called I told her we could discuss it on the phone but she said she wanted to see my face so she would know if I was lying to her. Mich law says if you have a legitamate reason to see the person it is not stalking. She remarried with out divorceing me and had a child that could be mine but would not answer these questions. She led me on and when I went to where she said we would meet the police were waiting for me. Because of my high blood sugar and the jails not treating it I knew if I plead innocent I would either be dead or severley damaged by the high blood sugar. So I was forced to plead guilty although I didnt. I said I would plead guilty if he released me in time for me to catch my plane back home. As soon as I got home I hired an attorney and had the guilty plea overturned but when my attorney went to hearing to pick jury the prosecutor told the judge that all of there evidence had been disposed of, so the judge reinstated the guilty plea. The thing is that the evidence had not been disposed of. I received a letter from the police dept 3 months later stating that they would return the letter and pictures I left at her house because she did not want them. That was the only evidence they had. When the detective found out I had the guilty plea overturned he called me and told me if I came back for the trial he would have me arrested again. He then called my attorney and tried to convince him they had an airtight case against me. He then sent my attorney a rewritten police report dated 3 months after the incidence with 10 outright lies in it. I have tried to find another attorney to straighten this out for me but the only one who would take the case wanted 100k up front. I have all of our correspondence saved on the classmates website, this correspondence proves she lied to the police. And I have proof the detective lied in his report. She also lied to the divorce judge and I have witnesses and signed and notarized depositions that she lied to the judge. I need help but dont know where to go to get the help I need. I am 58 years old and have never been arrested before this. I need help, please anyone who can help me with this. God Bless you all. Gene