This is turning into a witchhunt situation.
Can we just not do it this time? Can't we learn from history? Anyone remember the McCarthy Era, Zoot Suit Riots, or the Salem Witch Trials?
There is no rape culture (at least not in the developed world). And accurately judging how many times people get away with rape simply isn't possible, because you can't know how many of those found not guilty were innocent.
Arson is another crime that is difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. The solution often used is to punish arson more harshly when a person is convicted in order to deter the crime.
We should try a similar yet even harsher solution for rapists. Rapists who are convicted should get life in prison without a chance of parole.
Even with juries it's questionable whether people get fair trials. Sometimes the only evidence of guilt is that the accuser says so and yet they convict, as if the possibility of a person lying or mistaking someone's identity is not reasonable doubt. There should have to be more robust evidence than someone's word.
The proposal to allow victims to ask for an apology and payment and not get a conviction will just be used to inflate rape statistics. It will be assumed by statisticians that people pleading guilty under those arrangements really are rapists, when many would just be apologizing and paying the alleged victim to avoid having to go to court.