why are people against abortion?
2008-06-19 12:43:59 UTC
some peoples excuses are "its killing a person" but if the parent/s didn't want it, it will probably be abused when its COMPLETELY a person and has REAL feelings. so whats wrong with abortion?
93 answers:
2008-06-19 12:49:40 UTC
You have been uninformed. It's not an excuse, when you have an abortion, you are taking the life of a person. If the parents "Didn't want it", well then maybe they should be using some form of birth control, or consider adoption. Go read a Pro-Life book, then maybe you'll be a little more sensitive to others' views.
2008-06-20 02:08:39 UTC
Most pro-lifers are morally against it, but if the reason is purely religious, then they are most likely not rationally against it.

Some people are rationally against it, out of a respect for all life.

The real question is: "If the abortion process utilized a device to travel backwards in time to prevent the pregnancy from occurring, would those same people still be against it?".

Essentially the same thing would be accomplished... So we can see by this example that it's not actually abortions they are against, but rather the means by which they are accomplished.

Though I do see the potential life represented by an unborn fetus, I also see this potential in an unfertilized egg. A "miracle" is a highly improbable or extraordinary event, by definition... therefore every birth can not be a miracle, as some people put it.

I do not condone the abuse of the right to have an abortion, but I do recognize the practicality in certain situations. Though we are the most intelligent species on the planet, we are also the most inept at controlling our population in furtherance of having a symbiotic relationship with our own ecosystem.
Cesare B.
2008-06-19 18:08:05 UTC
What do you mean by "completely" a person? A fetus IS a complete person to begin with. If it were not, then it would have less than 46 chromosomes.

Besides, by your logic, if I talk to a child from in say a library, and he tells me that his parents hate him, I should have the right to shoot him? Of course not.

Child abuse is certainly a terrible thing. I have seen cases where children were attacked with knives, doused with caustic chemicals, crushed, starved, even literally had their arms or legs ripped off.

All the forms of abuse I described in the preceding paragraph are methods of abortion. To say that we should subject a child to abuse so severe that he dies a horrible, painful death, in order to "protect" him from the possibility of suffering uncertain, unspecified, potential abuse in the future, is bizarre logic and even more bizare morality.

Suppose someone pointed out to you that with the increasing crime rate, there is a growing chance that someday you might be mugged, kidnapped, murdered, or otherwise victimized. Would you think that a good solution to this danger would be to be tortured to death today to avoid the possibility of being the victim of such a crime in the future?

And in any case, it is not at all clear that abortion has reduced the number of abused children. Would anyone seriously argue that the rate of child abuse has gone down in the past twenty years since abortion was legalized? Quite the contrary, child abuse has skyrocketed. There is absolutely no statistical or scientific evidence to indicate that ending abortion would increase child abuse. If there is any connection between the two at all, it is that abortion increases child abuse -- perhaps because it encourages an attitude of viewing children as property to be disposed of as one pleases.
2008-06-19 12:52:14 UTC
Personally, my problem with abortion is that it is most commonly used as birth control rather than an emergency preventative measure. Abortion is not just about removing a fetus from a womans body, it poses health risk and infection to the woman and also can damage their emotional state down the road. Also, there is a difference between getting an abortion in the first week or two after fertilization, but when people get abortions up to 26 weeks.. that child is a baby and if it were forced to be born that early there is a good chance it would survive. In addition to that, I feel every baby is a blessing and if not to the woman carrying it, someone else. Adoption is a better option in my eyes. I do understand that in some situations (ie. rape, incest, posing a life threatening risk to the mother) abortion may be a respectable alternative, but this alternative is being abused.
2008-06-19 12:49:30 UTC
Because when two people have sex, they are taking the chance of getting pregnant. Having an abortion, is just an easy way out, so that they don't have to deal with the consequences. It is like killing a person, in a sense. They could have the baby, and put it up for adoption. There are other options, other than abortion.

There are millions of couples out there who would give their lives to be able to have children, but are unable to. And here you have lots of people getting pregnant and then haveing abortions like it's nothing.
2008-06-19 15:13:41 UTC
well would you rather have been dead or pushed around a little. Life isn't all great but u have to take the good with the bad. It's like the same thing with emo people. Would u choice to live life to its fullest or look at the world with total disgust and want to kill yourself!? Abortions are bad and u may say that's my opinion, i understand but life isn't something you should toss away so easly and any life is worth living cause theres always some hapiness, theres always someone or something to think of that makes u happy. In this world at this time It's hard for people to think of love and hapiness cause there's so much bad stuff happening but It's there and i think that our world has become blase to the idea of love and hapiness. BUT ANYWAYS, ya that's y i'm against abortions, and ya i really am just 14 answering this question but just prevent abortion, where a condomn!
2008-06-19 12:48:44 UTC
I agree somewhat. People should never judge others if they've had an abortion because they don't know the circumstances and it is better than those young unfit ghetto or white trash moms that keep having kids just to bring them up poorly and with a sad life. but i think after the first time of aborting you should immediately realize what you've done wrong and protect yourself and not be irresponsible. get on the damn pill or something cuz abortion after abortion is a sin too
Tiana S
2008-06-21 09:52:43 UTC
It amuses me how people are like:

1. "Abortion IS A MURDER! Besides rape, incest, and the mother's life, what other reason is there for abortion?"

So the other ones get to live, but we have to murder the other babies? And by what you're saying, it should be alright to murder someone in order to save our own lives?

Oh, how nice. You people are even sicker. You're stating that abortion is murder, and yet you're willing to apply it to other circumstances?

2. "The child can be put up for adoption."

Well go on, I can't wait for you to do that. Pfff.

And admit it, I bet you're grateful you mother had you instead of adopting another kid.

3. "the baby that you are killing could have grown up to cure aids or cancer."

Or he could have AIDS himself, pass it along and destroy the humanity. Think before even saying something like that.

4. "its against God to kill!!!!!!"

If my religion said you should wear red pants every Monday, would you do it?

5. "Life is a life and if we take it, we commit a crime."

I dare you to never kill any mosquitoes or ants in your life ever again.

6. "What's wrong with people taking responsibility for their actions?? Sex can = a baby."

Wake up. No matter how sad this is, some people like to have sex for pleasure. But if you're afraid to get pregnant, don't have sex for your whole life, sure....Yeah, that's what I thought.

7. "It's selfish that a woman would sleep around, and then not take responsibility for her actions, because usually only single women or teens get abortions."

Ok you're a retard. If the single woman is single, it's because pathetic men like you ran off in the first place as soon as she said the P(regnant) word. Talking about responsibility! Oh, so now if you get pregnant that means you're a whore and you sleep around? Sorry to get you out of your fantasy world, but middle and upper class women also get abortions.

8. "Abortion is killing because the fetus could have been a child".

So by your logic, if a man jerks off, it's a murder because the sperm could have been a life??? Wow......

9. "Besides... if you don't want the baby..... WHY did you make it?"

Looks like we got a genius there! People sometimes don't WANT and don't mean to make babies, duh; hum, that's the whole point of abortion.

I have a feeling most people see women who abort like cold heartless killers and who laugh evilly once the abortion is done. The thing is, most women who abort have more courage than you by taking a very important decision, and they are the most responsible for admitting to themselves that a child deserves love and care and that sadly, they can't even provide that.
2008-06-19 12:50:46 UTC
Use some common sense hardly any of the people who have abortions would actually abuse the baby.

It is killing and the baby has feelings i will have you know! It is a person.

And what about having the baby and giving it up? If that was done killing the baby would be a waste of a life.
jeffy l
2008-06-19 12:51:01 UTC
Abortion is killing a person. It's just a person that is not fully developed yet. There can never be too many children in this world. That is just like saying that there are too many flowers. There can never be too many flowers. Flowers are beautiful, and so are children. If the parents don't want the child I'm sure that someone else in the world would want it. Do you see why abortion is so horrible now?
2008-06-22 23:34:11 UTC
"People" are not - zealous Christians are, and they are the kind who really believe there is an old man floating around, say the Moon with a book in his lap and all that junk. So, while they are numerous, stupid and genocidal - which is to say dangerous - their opinions are really as trivial, dull and shallow as their beliefs and it's only a matter of time before their inferior breed is extinct, much to the joy of the intelligent segment of the mankind.
2008-06-19 12:57:56 UTC
I am all for abortion, i am sick of these women that keep popping out kids and taking child support from guys that didn't even want or know about the child in the first place. I believe that if you know a child will have a severe birth defect...abort it! If you yourself have a terrible illness that will be passed on... abort it. All people are doing is infecting the gene pool and giving birth to another generation that won't be taken care of! It may sound mean, but i am a woman, and i would NEVER bring something into this world that i couldn't afford and take the time to raise properly! As for adoption... i am all for it, i was adopted. But you know what? There are so many babies born that are put up for adoption and not enough people adopting.
2008-06-19 12:50:22 UTC
Not that I am against abortion (I feel that it's the person's choice) but I hear from others that every person should have the right to live... If you are thinking of abortion, do what you want, but really think about it. You have a good point saying that it isn't completely a person. But remember that once you get the abortion, you can't un-get it, and it has scarred people mentally (aborting the child) so it may have effects to you as well.

Good luck.
2008-06-19 12:51:41 UTC
well the people who say "it's killing a person" are kinda right.

just because they didn't want the child or it was an accident, it's still already started.

i don't really think it's fair to give them a chance at life and then yank it away before they can really LIVE.

and if the parents don't care enough to love it, they will probably give it to an adoption agency because they wouldn't want to care for someone they don't care ABOUT.

think of it this way...

beethoven's siblings were mentally challenged and the chance that beethoven would be challenged too were really really high.

most people today would argue "don't conceive him, he'll just be mentally retarded"

but if they HADN'T.

they would have never had that little miracle..

his musical ability was amazing.

that's why you shouldn't get abortions..

just give it away if you won't love it.

because you never know when a child is gonna be a legend.

when a child's gonna change the world!
2008-06-19 12:51:33 UTC
Because its killing a human life that some people dont even get the chance to have.If u didnt want 2 get pregnant theres precautions 2 take like condoms and any type of birth control.I can understand about losing the baby anytime the first three months b4 its even got a heart,but after that 2 me its murder.And if the parents didnt want the baby give it up 4 adoption theres millions of people who cant have kids.
2008-06-19 12:51:16 UTC
Is it not a person? Is it a human or an animal? A human, right? Is it alive or dead? Alive, right? So it's a living human being?

I'm tired of people who irresponsibly get pregnant and then get "convenience" abortions when they should of thought about that beforehand... People need to know that there are consequences for your actions and you can't MURDER a baby because it makes your life inconvenient, you should be held accountable for your own actions and own up to your mistake. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. So many people who have sex, if you're not emotionally ready to have a child then odds are you aren't ready to become intimately involved with this individual. That's also why I believe sex should wait until marriage, but it's your choice as long as you don't murder humans because you don't believe in personal responsibility.
Luis G
2008-06-19 12:56:02 UTC
I am pro choice but I am anti abortion. I feel it should be up to the Mother. If it were me I would want my baby. I can't have children so it would not be something I would choose to do. But I am a man so this is not my choice. I feel it is terminating a life and an innocent one at that. However you cannot make it illegal once you legalize it. Prohibition taught us that lesson.

A good movie on this is " The Cider House Rules". The young man Homer Wells is against abortions and Michael Cain's character can see it is a necessary evil. Homer Wells

finds out why when he has no choice but to abort the child of a young girl who was molested by her father.

It addresses the pros's and con's of the issue.
2008-06-19 12:49:24 UTC
Or they could give it up for adoption and allow that child to have a better life than the parents who don't want it could ever give. Moreover, people would prefer those who get pregnant without wanting a child to take a bit more responsibility for their actions and maybe, just maybe, use a condom or birth control of other sorts so as not to have to resort to abortion as a method of birth control. I find it interesting that you think it's OK to kill someone because the guardians don't want to deal with them. Would you then extend the argument until after the child is born? To parents or grandparents who become a bother? To those who develop a mental illness?

Do you see how far you argument could go? Hitler did.

Fingernails or not; I saw and heard my son's heartbeat at 6 weeks.
2008-06-19 12:50:19 UTC
Because they are too interested in other peoples business. People have no right to tell others they have to put up with 9 months of pregnancy. However, the government believes that at a certain point the baby inside of a girl is considered a person and they have the duty to protect it. It should be the pregnant chicks and the dads decision, no one elses. Bringing up a child in a unstable enviornment is unfair for a child.
David V
2008-06-19 13:20:19 UTC
Because many people can't reason or are deluded by religion or their reason is clouded by emotion.

But, they all have one thing in common: they would all force their belief and will upon others.

Some say "If it grows, it's human" but cancer tumors grow. Are they human?

Some say "The baby could grow up to cure cancer, etc", but the baby is more likely to grow up to be the next Dahmer, Hitler, etc.

Some say "The Bible says abortion is wrong!", but the bible does not mention abortion at all. The closest the bible comes is Exodus 21:22 "When men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no harm follows, the one who hurt her shall be fined, according as the woman's husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe." Also, what if one does not believe in the bible or god? Should that person be forced to live according the non-legal, non-binding beliefs of others?

Some say "Life begins at conception" but what of the fertilized eggs that do not become implanted in the uterus? Are they murdered? Are they alive?

Some say "The Bible says life begins at conception" but the bible says that life begins at first movement felt, when blood forms, etc. The bible is not consistent in this matter.

Some say "God is against it" but again, they can't point to anything that says that. Importantly, if you ask those same people why evil exists, they will say "God wants us to have free will and make the choice to be good" but they would overrule God's desire by outlawing choice.

Some say it is killing a person, but there is no agreement as to when a fetus becomes a person. Different people have many different opinions and there is no actual proof. Is it when the child is born; when the child can survive outside the womb on it's own; when the child can survive outside the woman with mechanical/medical assistance; when the first movements are felt by the mother; when blood forms; when the mother first knows she is pregnant; when the fetus first implants into the womb; or at conception?
2008-06-19 12:55:09 UTC
Under that same logic would you consider the following scenario wrong? A child is born to a mother who has had 3 children removed from her care because of abuse. In order to prevent the child from being abused, the doctor drowns the baby at birth.

Not all children who are victims of abuse are children resulting from unplanned pregnancy. Most children from unplanned pregnancies live unabused, productive lives. There are other alternatives to abortion such as adoption.
2008-06-19 12:48:51 UTC
I don't have a problem with the "killing a person" idea, because it's not even scientifically proven that it is "killing." It's a debatable issue.

What does concern me is that teenagers are not being punished, they are not taking responsibility. They are allowed to screw up, and then they can simply undo the damage with no consequences. In most states, if you get an abortion, your parents aren't even notified. What incentives, then, are there for these teenagers to take responsibility and stop what they are doing? Nothing. That's the problem with abortion right now.
2008-06-19 12:49:44 UTC
There's nothing wrong with it if its the right thing to do for that person, and that person isn't using it as a form of birth control or abusing their rights. It's not wrong as long as its done early enough in the pregnancy, and if bringing that baby to life meant the child would suffer. Abortion is not wrong, as long as its handled the right way and for the right reasons.

Also, how is it that men think they're allowed to comment on the issue? None of your business as far as I'm concerned boys. As for the women, how a woman could be all for taking away rights of all women is beyond me...
2008-06-19 12:48:35 UTC
It's murder, I don't care what anyone says. If the small mass of cells are not a baby when they are aborted, then at what point do they become a baby? Abortion is sick, selfish, and totally irresponsible. If the parents don't want it, they can give it up for adoption, or they should have used birth control.
Yay (:
2008-06-19 12:52:26 UTC
well, if it was because of rape i see perhaps maybe getting an abortion. but if it was willingly such as a 13 year old girl who went out and purposly had sex then she was in the wrong and she should have the kid. they are living just as you are. they just haven't finished developing in their mother's womb. if you don't want a kid, use protection and birth control pills or just don't even have sex. what ever works, but you shouldn't kill an innocent baby. who did nothing to you to deserve it. and if they don't want the baby they can put it up for adoption, it would be a heck of alot better than it being with the irresponcible parents.
Aegis of Freedom
2008-06-19 12:52:47 UTC
The same reason people are against killing any human, it's morally wrong.

Trying to say that it is OK to murder a person based only on the possibility that the person MIGHT have a bad life is sick. What the hell is wrong with you? Killing a baby to prevent it from being abused is just insane.
That one guy
2008-06-19 13:25:24 UTC
there is a letter of the law, and intent of the law. VERY DIFFERENT :D

and what the hell does fingernails have to do with anything?

if the person who is going to go through the pain and suffering to do it wants to abort then let them.

If we were to believe all these anti abortion people, then in that case they need to get ****** up every day and have triplets every chance they get because every second their not *******, a human life is gone!!! GONE!! ZOMG THE FINGERNAILS, THINK OF THE FINGERNAILS !!! lol :D

Perspective is a wonderful thing aint it?
miss maggot
2008-06-19 13:01:36 UTC
i really dont see what the big deal is about people hating abortion. its not like the baby lived a life or anything. if you don't want it and don't want to have to deal with having it and then putting it up for adoption, then they should be able to get rid of it if they want. no, i don't think it's murder. you're just getting rid of soemthing that you don't want, like an old pair of shoes.
2008-06-19 12:48:54 UTC
It's still a life, regardless of how much it "knows". Adoption is an answer to that uninformed question. There are many people out there who would make wonderful parents and who just can't make a baby.
2008-06-23 13:25:29 UTC
I have thought about this quite a bit over the years. The wide spread of opinions is incredible, matched only by the passion of the activists on all sides. This is an issue that few people are even able to have a civilized discussion about. Complicating it further is that there are few that hold a black-and-white few of the issue. The majority of people in the US see abortion as a giant grey area with varying degrees of abortion considered acceptable. Very few people hold the position of unlimited abortion access or no abortion under any circumstances. Below is the process I went through to come up with my position on the matter.

First, I asked myself the question at what point does a human being obtain "personhood" and as such gain all the legal and moral protections that status entitles them to? There are some who say that the point of personhood is 28 days AFTER birth, at which point you still should be allowed to abort. In fact, there is a professor of ethics at Princeton University that actively advocates this position. This is the position that spurred “Born Alive” legislation that says if a woman has an abortion and the baby survives, that doctors cannot withhold care and let the baby die on the operating table. Others say up to the point of birth. These folks, such as Barak Obama, would hold that this type of infanticide as well as partial birth abortion is a reasonable procedure. Or perhaps just before while the mother is in labor. Or 6 months of gestation or 3 months or three weeks. I wrestled with this for a long time.

Then I looked at the issue a different way. Does human life have an imputed value or an intrinsic one? If we say that it is imputed, meaning the value is derived from something else, some outside criteria, then any one of the above positions would be equally valid. We as a society would decide what criteria to select. My problem with this is what criteria do you use? On what basis is a baby at 6 weeks more valuable than a baby at 5 weeks? Is a baby that has not yet developed a heart still a baby? This hit really hard on my wife and I when we lost one of our children. Lynne had a miscarriage a few years ago. When people with strong pro-choice sentiments gave us their condolences, they referred to the fetus as a child, even though she (we named her Grace, even though we do not know for sure if she was a she or a he. It made it easier to explain to the children what happened and easier for Lynne and I to grieve our loss) was at the same gestational point, 9 weeks, that they believed abortion was merely removing some unwanted tissue of the mother. So, the criteria used is whether or not a child is wanted. If that is so, then why?

By similar logic, if the value of human life is imputed, it can also be taken away, depending on what some person or group of persons believe that life is worth. So if you happen to be mentally retarded or black or Jewish, it would be perfectly reasonable for you to be killed off for the good of the community if they believe it. I have a friend who is paralyzed from the neck down. There are some in the world who would look at her and say that she has no quality of life or that the money and effort to support her would be better used on others. They would have her die due to her handicap. But knowing her the way I do I find the notion that she is without a quality of life to be ridiculous on its face. She is a writer, a painter, a social worker, and heads up an international charity. I’d call that a pretty good quality of life. So would her husband who married her years after her accident put her in the wheelchair. Thus, the imputed value logic is shown to me to be completely arbitrary. Following any of the “prior to this point it is not human but at this one on it is” positions is likewise arbitrary and does not answer the question of personhood.

But consider the proposition that human life has an intrinsic value. That it is valuable simply because it is human life and no other reason. No measure or quantification of the value of it, it is and that is enough. It is sort of like gold. Gold is valuable because it is gold, not because we as a society stood up one day and said, “we are going to make gold valuable”. Gold has an intrinsic value as opposed to an imputed value, such as paper currency. Paper currency is worthless in and of itself. It has value only because we say it has a certain value.

This position then would support a clear line between human life and not human life. With this position, you are a human at the point that you have a unique genetic code. In other words, at inception. Prior to inception, there was no “you”. The male and female reproductive components in and of themselves are not a unique genetic code, but merely parts of the donors. It is only when they combine to create new life do “you” begin to be a person.

The notion of intrinsic value also carries forward throughout life. My mother-in-law was on dialysis for several months before diabetes finally took her life. There are many who would have said that she should just die and not burden the rest of us. If those persons held the position that human life has imputed value, I can understand. I however, believe that human life is intrinsically valuable and worth preserving and protecting for as long as possible. Thus, we should protect life at the beginning and at the end and at all points in between.

So, we come full circle back to the question of abortion. Should it be outlawed? My answer, since I believe in the intrinsic value of human life, is that for the most part it should. Why only “for the most part”? Because there are times when you have to weigh the life of two humans and pick one to live and one to die. My sister-in-law faced such a problem once. She got pregnant from her husband and it turned out to be a tubal pregnancy. Had the child been allowed to grow inside of her, it would have killed her before the baby would have been able to survive on its own. Thus, in weighing these two lives, one would have to conclude that the baby would have to die in order to save the mother’s life. What about cases of rape or incest? I have 5 daughters (yes, that was no typo) and the thought of one of them being raped is always lurking in the back of my mind. If one of them should get pregnant as a result, the hard decision would be to let that child live. Pregnancy is not the extremely dangerous event of the past. Rarely do people die from giving birth. Many more die as a result of complications after an abortion. But the bottom line is that the child is innocent of any crime, so why punish it? I’m not saying it is an easy choice and I can certainly sympathize with those who have had to make it. Perhaps they even made the wrong choice. But, God is a loving and forgiving God, who can even forgive the taking of a human life. Which is what abortion is.
2008-06-19 12:48:29 UTC
You basically go under the philosophy that it is worse to live in pain then to not live at all. By that philosophy suicide is okay if you are suffering a lot, if that's what you believe your entitled to your opinion, I just personally have a higher regard for the sanctity of human life.
2008-06-19 12:55:45 UTC
I believe if abortion is culturally unethical. then society must accept a girl with a baby in his womb and stop blaming her for this kind of act. or shut up and let her abort her baby. we are paying our tax for these kind of protections
Homeschool produces winners
2008-06-19 12:51:16 UTC
Come on, Listen to what you just said! If a man doesn't want his wife and she is elderly and in a nursing home, he should kill her. After all, he will probably just abuse her and neglect her. In your mind, is she a complete person with real feelings?
2008-06-19 12:51:01 UTC
In my opinion, abortion is terrible! If parents don't want the child, do something else instead of killing it! Maybe give it to child services or and orphanage! They deserve a life like everyone else! How would you like it if your parents killed you?
2008-06-19 12:48:45 UTC
Well considering the various ways.....1)they stick an instrument in there with incredibly high suction power and "suck" the baby out, it has been watched and someone commented "the tube had to be cleaned twice due to pieces becoming clogged" thats a body okay...

An another method, which is closer to birth, when it is an actual body.....they take vice grip like pliers, reach in the vagina and piece by piece rip the babies limbs apart, and for the climax they squish its head so it can fit.

This isnt gruesome, its the truth.

So why not give them a chance?
2008-06-19 12:56:54 UTC
Because its wrong. Abortion is to end something, in this case, a human life. Sex is not meant for pleasure, but to reproduce. People forget that.
Valentina T
2008-06-19 12:51:44 UTC
Because when you do that you will be killing a little person imagine just because you have a little problem and your parents didn't want you you wouldn't be here it;s no the baby's fault that you don't want him or her!
2008-06-19 12:50:15 UTC
Like mabby said... The baby has FINGER NAILS !!!!!. God created a human being.. it is not the babys fault the parents were irrisposible... so now a soul God put into someones tummy has to pay the price for something it didnt do????. .. its not fair.
2008-06-19 12:52:59 UTC
By that logic the parents should be free to kill a 3 week old if they don't want him or her. He or she would be abused anyway.
2008-06-19 12:50:01 UTC
Better question....

why are "pro abortion" people so AFRAID of asking people to be held accountable for their actions?

From the time you said "hello" to the time you said "I'm coming!"... you both had 1000 choices that would NOT have resulted in a new life being created.

I think it is the GENERAL IRRESPONSIBILITY that people object to. Using abortion as "birth control" is absolutely disgusting and a SIGN of irresponsible behavior.

If you want to play "grown up" games..... you have to be prepared to handle "grown up" consequences.

Besides... if you don't want the baby..... WHY did you make it?
2008-06-19 13:00:00 UTC
im against it bacause ir ur having sex they have to know what are the comsequences if you dont take care of yourself. A baby is harmless and cant defend themselves if u dont want a baby then strap it up.
2008-06-19 13:13:07 UTC
yes you say they can adopted and sometimes they can but there are so many babies that are not adopted and just used to work the system Iam with the person who said its an individual thing and personnel I just think everyone has the right to makeup there OWN mine up.
2008-06-19 12:49:19 UTC
i honestly dont know i say that all the time, and people get so offended, its not a bad thing and its not tecinically murder since the baby is still a fetus, its not a human yet, and if people dont have enough money to support the baby then they dont really have a choice.
2008-06-19 12:49:09 UTC
ABORTION IS WRONG!! it is like killing a person. If you dont want a baby used ******* protection!! thats what winds me up about people. there is people out there just like myself that cant have kids!!!
2008-06-19 12:48:26 UTC
Because we are preventing a human life. If a parent doesn't want it, she could just give it to an adoption agency.

Life is a life and if we take it, we commit a crime.
phuk it dude
2008-06-19 12:48:13 UTC
what if you where aborted. You would be in heaven looking at all the people who continue to do it, and wouldn't feel the way you do about it now.
Alexis C
2008-06-20 18:59:27 UTC
ITS MURDER RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh my gosh thats such a stupid question it doesnt pater if the parents dont want it...hello! adoption and if they dont want to do that then they are the stupid ones for having sex in the first place!
2008-06-19 12:58:28 UTC
SO if the parents dont want it, kill it? A life is a life is a life. Starting at conception.
2008-06-19 12:48:20 UTC
Because it is a person. And you can give the baby up for adoption and then it will be cared for. The parents who adopt want the baby. It is a much better solution.

2008-06-19 12:48:15 UTC
Because it doesn't matter how old the fetus is, the child is still a living being. It's baised on people's opinions. It's neither right or wrong in this world. You either promote it, or hate it. It's eather a way out of an unwanted pregnancy, or murder. You choose what you believe.
2008-06-19 16:23:57 UTC
You do realize that you wouldn't be here if your parents had as little regard for human life as you do you, don't you?
2008-06-19 12:48:59 UTC
its killing a person that would be there...But if the parents didn't want it they could but it in a fosterhome or the new born child could be's just sad...
2008-06-19 12:48:33 UTC
Its Terrible,


That Could Be The Next Priminister

2008-06-19 12:56:08 UTC
cuase, the sociaty education is based on a serial rules of moral,

that they have learn in his religion, they don´t think in the consecuences, the most not realize that have a beby change in a radical way your life
2008-06-19 12:48:16 UTC
wow! How would you feel if your mom was like "Im an irresponsible person and the conscience of my being stupid led to me having a baby. But im to irresposible to take care of it, so im going to kill it under legal laws!
2008-06-19 12:48:27 UTC
People think its murder for some reason. I suppose you are killing life. But like you say better off than it being mistreated or abused.
2008-06-19 12:48:38 UTC
What's wrong with people taking responibility for their actions?? Sex can = a baby.

Don't take the risk if you can't deal with the outcome people.
2008-06-19 12:47:36 UTC
im completely against abortions because the baby that you are killing could have grown up to cure aids or cancer. you cant just kill something. its still alive and it still may have feelings. it is totalllllly unethical
2008-06-19 12:55:57 UTC
they decided to fool around got in the mess you cant just undo what is done! it their faults they need to live with it, there are other methods, adoption is one!! and you can also drop your new born off at a fire station or a hospital and you dont have to give names nothing they dont ask questions you just do it
2008-06-19 12:50:28 UTC
People don’t have a clue how to argue.

This has been bothering me for some time. The most obvious example of it is the abortion debate, especially in Internet circles. The pro-lifers like to nock their arrows and let them fly, but they forget to put fletching on the arrows, so they always miss the mark. The pro-choicers are setting up straw men and knocking them down, but they don’t even knock them down well.

Both sides tend to look like the Star Wars kid.

So, in response, I’m going to break down the big problems in the arguments on both sides and hopefully this will help someone, anyone, to understand what they’re doing wrong and to discover what the debate is really about. I will do my best to be unbiased, and if I am being biased I want somebody to call me on it. Also, if I neglect to address an argument on either side, or to criticize an argument effectively, I want to know so that I can refine the discussion.

Basic Argument Theory

Arguments generally start with two or more premises, and reason leads us to the logical conclusion from those prepositions. Example:

P1: Cars have wheels.

P2: A 1998 Oldsmobile Intrigue is a car.

C: A 1998 Oldsmobile Intrigue has wheels.

Note that you can only draw the conclusion (abortion is good/bad) if people accept all of your premises.

Arguments that are unconvincing generally have one of the following problems:

1. They assume that people accept their premises.

2. They don’t state all of their premises.

3. They skip premises altogether and move on to the conclusion.

The last problem is the worst of them all, because it only serves to make people angry.

The Pro-Life Side

The pro-lifers generally have two arguments, although the two are inter-related. However, if you accept either argument, it is profoundly convincing.

Argument 1: The Bible says abortion is wrong.

Quoting the Bible is a fine and dandy persuasive tool, if you are arguing with someone who believes in the infallibility of the Bible, or at least in some moral authority exemplified in the Bible. Here is how the argument should look, and why it doesn’t work:

P1: The Bible says that unjustifiable killing is wrong (murder).

P2: The Bible says that life begins at conception.

P3: There is no justification for killing an unborn life (they haven’t done anything wrong).

P4: Abortion kills unborn life.

Sub-conclusion: The Bible condemns abortion.

P5: The Bible is authoritative.

Final conclusion: Abortion is wrong.

The problem with this argument is that most pro-choicers don’t accept P5. If they don’t accept P5, what you’re left with is “The Bible condemns abortion.” To pro-choicers, this sounds like this argument:

P1: The Koran says that you should not eat pork.

P2: The Koran is authoritative.

C: You should not eat pork.

This is unconvincing to Christians because they don’t accept P2. Non-Christians likewise don’t accept the Bible as authoritative, and therefore the argument has no effect on them.

Argument 2: Abortion is murder.

This is basically the secularized version of the above argument. This is how it goes:

P1: Murder (the unjustifiable killing of a human) is wrong.

P2: A fetus/embryo/zygote is a human.

P3: Abortion ends the life of (kills) a fetus/embryo/zygote.

C: Abortion is wrong.

The problem with this argument is that pro-choicers do not accept P2. I’ll get back to that later.

The Pro-Choice Side

The pro-choice side has many more arguments. They are generally more complex than the pro-life arguments. The problem is that as long as pro-lifers accept the above arguments, none of these arguments will be good enough. Pro-lifers believe that abortion is murder, and murder is the ultimate moral wrong. The moral wrongs that pro-choicers seek to rectify are not as compelling as murder. Of course, to a pro-choicer, abortion is not murder.

Argument 1: A woman has the right to do what she wants with her body.

P1: A woman’s body is her own business and no one else’s.

P2: A fetus/embryo/zygote is part of a woman’s body.

P3: Abortion removes tissue (fetus/embryo/zygote) from a woman’s body.

C: Abortion is acting on a woman’s body, and is nobody else’s business.

The problem with this argument is that pro-lifers do not accept P2. People get emotional about P1, and they think that pro-lifers don’t accept P1, but this is not the case. I think that nearly everyone would agree about P1. So, therein lies the matter: what is a fetus/embryo/zygote? I’ll get back to that later.

Argument 2: Imposing moral standards on other people is wrong.

P1: (assumes that Argument 1 is accepted)

P2: Morality is relative.

P3: Imposing moral standards on other people is wrong (immoral).

C: Making others lose their right to choose abortion is wrong.

This is a highly problematic argument. First, it assumes that Argument 1 is accepted, and we have already established that pro-lifers do not accept it. Second, Christians do not accept P2 because they believe that the Bible is authoritative and absolute. Finally, it is (arguably) self-contradictory because P2 and P3 seem to be in conflict. If morality is relative, then there is no standard on which to judge what is wrong—and therefore there is no basis for stating that imposition of morality is wrong.

It also fails because government polices morality all the time (gambling, prostitution, stealing, and even murder). Yes, most morality laws also have an economic or public health justification, but for many of these laws this element is a stretch.

There are things that can be done to refine the argument, but these too are problematic. You can replace P2 and P3 with the premise that “the only immoral thing is to impose morals on other people,” but this premise in itself is arguably self-contradictory, and in any case is unconvincing. Plato and Aristotle would throw a fit about that.

You could also replace P3 with another sub-conclusion that since morality is relative, there is no rational basis for deciding what is moral. This is a much more acceptable argument, but it also reduces its persuasive force. It is much more powerful to say that something is wrong than it is to say that there is no way to decide whether something is right. Also, I reiterate that the government polices morality all the time.

Argument 3: Pro-lifers are hypocritical.

P1: Pro-lifers are against the killing of fetuses.

P2: Pick one of the following:

a. Pro-lifers approve of the death penalty

b. Pro-lifers bomb abortion clinics

c. The Bible has pro-death messages

d. Etc.

P3: If a person has two viewpoints that are apparently in conflict, then all of their views are meaningless.

C: Pro-lifers’ views are meaningless.

This is also a highly problematic argument. P3 is a stretch, and I think most people would agree that it is not a valid premise (people who don’t like Justice Scalia often agree with some of his opinions, regardless of whether they are apparently contradictory). Also, most of the premises under P2 are faulty, for example P2a and P2c, but that’s an issue for another day. P2b, in addition, is faulty because this focuses on an extremely small subset of pro-lifers, and would be analogous to looking at pro-choice men who beat their wives.

Argument 4: People will get abortions anyway.

P1: If abortion is outlawed, people will get abortions from disreputable practitioners.

P2: Abortions from disreputable practitioners are unhealthy and dangerous.

SC: Outlawing abortion will lead to an increase in unhealthy and dangerous abortions.

P3: Unhealthy and dangerous activities are to be avoided.

C: Abortion should not be outlawed.

This is actually a solid argument from a purely theoretical standpoint. However, it is a weak argument persuasively. There are many laws that can be subjected to similar arguments: loan sharking, drug trafficking, et cetera. Does this mean that they should be legalized? Sure, if we legalized meth then it would be produced by professional chemists, and so it would be (perhaps) less dangerous and fewer labs would explode. But this is undercut by noting that meth in itself is harmful and it is better to discourage and attempt to eradicate it than to give up and allow it to happen.

Argument 5: We have no business regulating abortion because we still haven’t solved problem X.

I won’t go to the trouble of laying out the premises here because this argument is overall just silly. Problem X can be anything: world hunger, the environment, poverty, cancer, or anything else. But who decides which problem is more important?

Regardless, I can’t recall the name of the theory that refutes this, but it essentially uses the following equation: A * B = C. A is the seriousness of the problem and B is how easy it is to solve the problem. C is your return on investment of time. If a problem is serious, it makes more sense to put more work into it to solve the problem. Conversely, if a problem is easy to take care of, but the problem is not serious, it still makes sense to fix the problem. Usually, however, Problem X may be serious, but it is also extremely difficult to fix, and therefore the return on investment is less and it makes sense to defer fixing the problem until other problems (with a higher return on investment) are fixed.

Argument 6: You can’t impose different laws on men than you do on women.

Again, I won’t go into the premises and conclusion on this one, but it suffices to say that if you assume that a fetus is human, then you are not regulating the mother, but are regulating instead the fetus. This argument focuses on the pregnant mother, not on the fetus itself and whether it is human.

The Crux of the Matter: What is Human?

**sorry, must have met the space limit**
2008-06-19 12:49:21 UTC
What defines the fetus as a human? If its just a few cells and not even a brain yet, I don't think its living.
2008-06-19 12:49:08 UTC
Its selfish that a woman would sleep around, and then not take responisibility for her actions, because usually only single women or teens get abortions.

I am not against abortion for rape victims and insest babies.
2008-06-19 12:47:48 UTC
abortion, is very bad! if you're too young of an age, then well thats your fault!

it IS killing a person! it's a living thing! HUMAN!

its like you, killing your own child, when its grown up!
The Anti-Socialist
2008-06-19 12:50:19 UTC
Abuse it. You think they may want to put it up for adoption or something. Daaamn your dumb.

Hey, bottom line. If it grows, it's alive. If you change that, It's murder.
2008-06-19 12:49:26 UTC
Are you kidding me?!?!!?!? if they didn't want a baby then they should use protection and if for some reason that doesn't work there is always adoption i would NEVER kill a baby that is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!
2008-06-19 12:48:53 UTC
Why should you kill a baby for your mistake? If you don't want the baby you shoudn't have had sex from the beginning.
2008-06-19 12:49:38 UTC
everyone deserves a chance to live. That fetus didn't choose to be unwanted. Do you think it asked to be killed?
2008-06-19 12:47:57 UTC
It's not right to throw away the unborn as unwanted.
2008-06-19 12:47:36 UTC
but it is killing a person....

if your mother had had an abortion you wouldn't be here to ask this question...
2008-06-19 12:46:59 UTC
Because it's a watered down killing.
Ad infinitum
2008-06-19 12:48:39 UTC
Some people think it is murder ~

Tho most of those same people aren't rushing out to

adopt abandoned babies + foster children
2008-06-19 12:47:05 UTC
It's killing a person
not this again
2008-06-19 12:49:25 UTC
I dunno, they all say "Oh they have fingernails" hoo! Theyre brains arent even developed yet so it cant feel anything. I think its better than putting it out on the street or in FOSTER care or in an orphanage, which might i add, are full of homeless & abused kids.
2008-06-19 12:48:11 UTC
Its murdering a person, and not giving them a chance, their is always adoption, its against God to kill!!!!!!
2008-06-19 12:47:49 UTC
nothing. I totally agree. Thank you!
Curtis 1911
2008-06-19 12:47:22 UTC
No, the question should be "how can people allow abortion"?

Besides rape, incest, and the mothers life, what other reason is there for abortion?
2008-06-19 12:48:30 UTC
I bet you want to let convicted murderers live too.
monkii m
2008-06-19 12:47:41 UTC
whats the difference if ur baby is born and then u kill it or if it is in ur body && then u kill it?

u still killing it,rite?

2008-06-19 12:47:10 UTC
i just think it always depends of the indivial person and their circumstances
Joe Lean
2008-06-19 12:47:32 UTC
As long as people do it EARLY before it's fully developed, then nothing.

What's amazing is that most people who are against abortion are in favor of capital punishment. Kind of weird.
2008-06-19 12:48:21 UTC
wow.. i guess finger nails are a huge deal??

Im not against it.
2008-06-19 12:47:10 UTC
because you are killing a child!!! a baby!!! a living human bean,and it is wrong.
2008-06-19 12:47:36 UTC
So what your asking is, whats wrong with murder?
2008-06-19 12:47:10 UTC
It is murder and murder is illegal no matter what you say. The child can be put up for adoption.
2008-06-19 12:47:08 UTC
by your logic, if i talk to the kid from down the road, and he tells me that his parents hate him, I should have the right to just shoot him. It all evens out.
2008-06-19 12:46:58 UTC
Did you now that when babies are aborted they have fingernails? FINGERNAILS!!!!!

HAHA me and mabby said the same thing!
2008-06-19 12:48:02 UTC
because some people think its just down right wrong.
2008-06-19 12:47:41 UTC
Its killing - murder
2008-06-19 12:47:19 UTC
it wasnt meant to be!!!! abortion is just like murder but worse cuz they are killing babies!!!!!!!
2008-06-19 12:47:03 UTC
It's just wrong.
Prophet 1102
2008-06-19 12:47:49 UTC
that's why we have this thing called "adoption".
2008-06-19 12:46:45 UTC
2008-06-19 12:48:16 UTC
IT'S MURDER!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.