no one is going to vote down the rights to own weapons, rifles, or handguns privately. i think about it like this.
considering the violent nature of the cities and the american people, it
is not guns which are the problem, it the animosity, stupidity, and greed
of the american people, which is the problem; and religion denys having
anything to do with that.
actually, i grew-up far, far out in the country, way-past the mountains and over the rivers; where there were open forests and plenty of wild animals to hunt. every day after elementary school i would go into the woods and walk, hunting as i went. hunting is recreation.
i took hunting lessons from my pet cat, she was a tremendous hunter and stalker. she never failed to bring something home.
apparently, you have never hunted, or you would know the sport. i used to go out with my jr.- high school buddy and hunt; then when i went into the marines, i was the top-shot in the battalion, because i have always
admired good shooting, as i said, i learned in the woods. some military
people have never even seen or shot a gun until they entered the
military. maybe some think that is the only way to use a gun or rifle?
like fishing, hunting is a sport, which incidentally also gathers food.
gun control is not about being able to hunt. while you might need a good
rifle for hunting; you do not need a high-powered hunting rifle in the
city. this is why handguns and automatic rifles are the choice when
hunting people in a large or small metropolitan area.
maybe they should ban all non-recreation weapons. however, i do not need a canon, i do have a small handgun for recreation, home-defense and self-defense.
considering the violent nature of the cities and the american people, it
is not guns which are the problem, it the animosity, stupidity, and greed
of the american people, which is the problem; and religion denys having
anything to do with that. but if you are paying attention, when 98% of the community is christian, then 98% of the crime is christian-on-christian crime.