if Americans gun rights were taken away or attempted, what would occur?
2015-10-02 08:51:35 UTC
if Americans gun rights were taken away or attempted, what would occur?
153 answers:
2015-10-02 09:46:52 UTC
The IRA would be incensed, gun owners would be incensed. Republicans would be rampant on taking the way another freedom , 50 years from now gun violence would be reduced by 80%. Diddly would happen in the short term , which gun owners and Republicans would play up to the nth degree. The intent of the second amendment was to protect America against foreign invaders by allowing all Americans to arm themselves against such a threat. Automatic and Semiautomatic weapons weren't even in existence let alone on the agenda when than that rule was written , Gatling was 100 years in the future. Going back to the original you are allowed a musket with a one shot capacity. What has that to do with weapons of mass destruction ? Or more to the point mass carnage. I live in a country where you can buy a gun , go out and hunt and that is fine.

That gun is limited to a 3 shot magazine, you need to have a permit and present a reasonable reason for carrying a hand gun. I can no reason why the US does not adopt that same philosophy save that someone want to make a major profit out of it. If you can't take down a deer with three shots , you are such a bad shot you should not have a gun in your hands. Think most hunters would go with the first shot.
2015-10-06 00:10:03 UTC
It's sad to me that Americans have forgotten that their government exists to serve them. The essential purpose of The US Constitution is to define what the government can and can't do, so the people will remain free. But now, under Obama, the government has taken on an authoritarian personality. Obama tells us what he is going to do, without any sense that he works for us. This is frightening. Even more frightening is that a lot of Americans think his behavior is okay. The Constitution was created by men who had just fought an eight year war against an oppressive government. They put controls into The Constitution to protect the liberty of the citizens. One control is the right to bear arms. The founders knew that they had defended their own lives with their guns against the British government. They knew how essential this right would be to protect their freedom going forward. The USA is "Of the people". This means that the government answers to the people, not the other way around.
2015-10-06 15:49:28 UTC
Our Constitution does not 'grant' rights. Our Constitution recognizes rights that would exist even without a constitution. Governments exist to protect rights, and governments, at least ours is 'the people'. Governments can forbid the exercise of a right, but that's the act of a dictatorship, not a government of, by and for the people. Government can and should publish rules regarding time place and manner of the exercise of any right. You can't preach the word of the Lord in the middle of a busy freeway. You may not use a firearm in an unlawful or dangerous manner. The Declaration of Independences, while not 'law' states as a figure of speech, or an expression of art that 'All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights...' the right of self defense being at the top of that list.

As to the question: If 'government' published a series of laws, directives, rule or procedures that made ownership of firearms impossible for the ordinary citizen I suspect that those rules would be mostly ignored. Law enforcement would be detailed with the impossible task of enforcing an unenforceable law, and I suspect that most police organizations would refuse to even attempt to enforce such laws.
2015-10-02 15:06:44 UTC
I'm no prophet, but I think you'd see serious protests and even calls (even if not successful) for secession. Basically, it would mean that the US government had completely sided with one faction (who fear guns), and completely turned its back on the still-substantial portion of our society who NEED guns for protection and hunting. Without guns, many farmers/ranchers would have no way to defend their animals, and those in remote areas would have no way to provide food for their families. A woman driving down a dark road at night would have nothing to protect herself with if someone tried to stop her or abduct her. (In plenty of cases, once someone sees a gun, they decide to move along.) This would be an incredible hardship.

Also, if gun rights were taken away, a lot of people would lose their jobs. Companies such as the Henry Rifle company, might go out of business and their employees be laid off. Gun shops, ammo companies, etc. would close.

Before anything as drastic as this occurs, I hope that people would really look at this issue and the ramifications it might have for those of us in rural areas. I've lived around guns all my life. I don't like guns; in fact I'm actually a little scared of them. I understand why a lot of suburban women (I'm sorry, but it's true; women in general don't like violence) have almost a phobia about guns, but no gun has ever jumped off the wall and shot anyone. You're NOT going to stop the "bad guys" from getting guns any more than you stop people from buying drugs.
2015-10-05 11:33:14 UTC
Probably the same thing that happened between the early 1960s and the early 90s when gun control laws were increasing an increasing gun free zones were also increasing and the number of gun owners were on a rapid decline, especially in states like California Illinois and New York that had and still do have the strictest gun laws and most gun free zones in America
2015-10-04 06:38:42 UTC
Right now? Thirty percent would be furious, and sixty percent would breathe a sigh of relief. Ten percent would still be drunk or high.

With every passing year we have fewer people happy with the way things are now. One day this will occur to the politicians and maybe we can get some sensible laws in place. If pro gun people don't stop clinging to their "second amendment-can't touch this" attitudes things will reach a point where far more stringent laws will be passed, and the second amendment amended. No one can seriously say our forefathers thought that we'd be shooting kids at schools on weekly basis and we'd want that to continue.
2015-10-03 19:46:45 UTC
World war 3
2015-10-05 12:32:54 UTC
Civil War II. (I hope.) Same cause as the first one: government getting too big and overbearing. Enough people get tired of Uncle Sam trampling on the People, and those People will rise up and take Uncle Sam down. Thomas Jefferson said that the People have the RIGHT to stand up and topple a government that becomes oppressive and tyrannical. That's the REAL reason we have the right to bear arms. It wasn't for defense from our neighbors ... it was for defense from our own government. The founding fathers knew that ALL governments eventually get bloated and saturated with greed and power-hungry individuals. THAT is when our right to bear arms is supposed to come into play. It is at that moment that we the People should rise up and bring the tyranny down and build a new government.
Mtn girl 48
2015-10-02 19:20:39 UTC
The honest truth is that the two largest drug cartels in the world would walk right across our southern border and the massacre would begin. They would be helped by some of the 1.5 million already here illegally. Until Australia and Great Britain has direct neighbors like Mexico, they need to keep their noses out of our self defense. Most murders in the U.S. are committed with illegally owned guns.
2015-10-04 06:12:03 UTC
Gun right are take away at schools ..and what happens when a shooting starts???

They call some one who HAS A GUN to come put a stop to it..

If no one had a gun the shooting would go on until eveyone was dead..or the Perp ran

out of ammo.
2015-10-02 08:54:17 UTC
Most gun owners have guns that would be older and have no registration. They were purchased prior to 1985 when records were just getting started. That would be over 80 million guns they have no Idea exist. So even if they thought they could do something that stupid they would never find them.
2015-10-03 23:50:03 UTC
If they were, some people would kill anyone they didn't like. No one's guns are being taken away. That's a fantasy at some people would love to act out because they can fight that. They can't fight the very real problems our country has.
2015-10-05 12:34:59 UTC
no one is going to vote down the rights to own weapons, rifles, or handguns privately. i think about it like this.

considering the violent nature of the cities and the american people, it

is not guns which are the problem, it the animosity, stupidity, and greed

of the american people, which is the problem; and religion denys having

anything to do with that.

actually, i grew-up far, far out in the country, way-past the mountains and over the rivers; where there were open forests and plenty of wild animals to hunt. every day after elementary school i would go into the woods and walk, hunting as i went. hunting is recreation.

i took hunting lessons from my pet cat, she was a tremendous hunter and stalker. she never failed to bring something home.

apparently, you have never hunted, or you would know the sport. i used to go out with my jr.- high school buddy and hunt; then when i went into the marines, i was the top-shot in the battalion, because i have always

admired good shooting, as i said, i learned in the woods. some military

people have never even seen or shot a gun until they entered the

military. maybe some think that is the only way to use a gun or rifle?

like fishing, hunting is a sport, which incidentally also gathers food.

gun control is not about being able to hunt. while you might need a good

rifle for hunting; you do not need a high-powered hunting rifle in the

city. this is why handguns and automatic rifles are the choice when

hunting people in a large or small metropolitan area.

maybe they should ban all non-recreation weapons. however, i do not need a canon, i do have a small handgun for recreation, home-defense and self-defense.

considering the violent nature of the cities and the american people, it

is not guns which are the problem, it the animosity, stupidity, and greed

of the american people, which is the problem; and religion denys having

anything to do with that. but if you are paying attention, when 98% of the community is christian, then 98% of the crime is christian-on-christian crime.
2015-10-03 01:46:54 UTC
The same as with prohibiting alcohol in 1918!. Far better to keep a national databank of sex offenders, psychopahts and other nut cases, and make giving such people access to firearms (even unintentionally) a capittal offence.. And if you are going to be realistic about gun ownership and use, adopt a similar policy toward narcotics. During a psychotic episode my then wife tried to stick a kitchen knife into an unarmed policeman's jugular. He kicked her feet from under her and made an arrest. In the US he would have shot her dead.
2015-10-05 09:38:44 UTC
Civil War.

It's going to be easier to limit the sales of ammo & the equipment & ingredients used to make your own. Put limits on big box store ammo sales & require a valid photo id or drivers license before any sales are allowed to individuals. Use a State Website to keep tabs on the amount each person is buying. This could be enough of a pain to make the stores stop selling ammo.
2015-10-02 08:55:24 UTC
The rest of your rights would disappear as well and you would be subject to the will of a dictator. Don't forget the bad guys would still have guns so violent crime against an unarmed people would also be a factor
2015-10-04 00:17:29 UTC
The rest of your rights would disappear as well and you would be subject to the will of a dictator. Don't forget the bad guys would still have guns so violent crime against an unarmed people would also be a factor
2015-10-02 17:01:44 UTC
1865. All the rebels had to swear allegiance to the United States of America.

Those who refused after being in-arms were hunted and killed like rabid dogs.

The Secretary of War charged the US Army with this grave responsibility to

restore civil order. It should be noted the oath deniers mainly robbed banks

and trains using firearms to earn revenue instead of an honest living.
2015-10-05 22:43:55 UTC
Not much. Most police departments would actually be on the side of the people who practice their right to bear arms, and many said they would not enforce it. Only libtarded cities like San Fransicko, and Chicago (murder capital of the world with strictest gun laws) would the libtard police try to round up the guns. Sorry foolish libtards, you lose.
2015-10-02 14:56:13 UTC
When Americans step into countries like Canada, their rights are taken away, and there's nothing they can do about it. The only thing I'm trying to relay is that the American 2nd amendment is not recognised in Canada. Thank goodness.
2015-10-03 11:30:48 UTC
Lots of people would protest.

Murder rates would go up

Crime would increase dramatically

Thousands would lose their jobs

"BUT GREAT BIG RED OVER THE POND BANNED GUNS". The British have bad the same murder rate as they did when guns were not banned.

The founding fathers werent afriad to fight for these rights. Many of them died giving us this awesome right. Now liberals want it taken away and to show us only propaganda "guilty white man fault" history. Instead of the true proud history of the United States of America.
2015-10-05 08:50:12 UTC
what would occur. Pple still get ahold of illegal drugs. All the bad guys would have guns still and ud be taking it away from all the good guys. it would be all hell. I wouldn't turn my gun in worth shitt, the gov could kiss my ***.

I would hope pple rise up against the gov at that point then.
2015-10-04 02:23:42 UTC
Barack Obama would ask the United Nations to have Russian troops invade the United States and start randomly slaughtering Americans.
2015-10-03 21:41:33 UTC
The sole purpose of the original 2nd amendment was to ensure that America could defend itself from foreign invasion. Thus provision was made for the right of the people's militia to bear arms. The right of the citizen to bear arms came in the 1980s (so I believe). Go back to the original Constitution and it will go a long way to help solve the problem.

Back in the 18thC this is what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they thought of arms.

Dave the Wave
2015-10-02 19:14:03 UTC
Definitely riots and chaos. People will also sell guns illegally. It makes no difference with having and enforcing a gun law.
2015-10-02 11:08:13 UTC
A Civil War.

The right to keep and bear arms is codified in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which reads: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
2015-10-04 11:44:33 UTC
The government is planning to take our right to bear arms, and when they eventually do take it away from us, we'll have nothing to protect ourselves with from when the government becomes too powerful. That's their plan. They'll create and invent false flags (Mass shootings, bombings, etc.), just to get the sheeple to agree that guns should be banned so the government could successfully enforce that plan.
2015-10-03 13:39:43 UTC
Meteor will crash into the planet and Sepiroth will merge with Jenova. Creating a super being unknown to anything science can comprehend. Then Zool will arrive and do a massive battle of the Gods.
2015-10-02 14:03:01 UTC
The world would see an uprising like it's never seen before...the biggest battle in the history of the world would be fought by the greatest army ever the largest collection of armed citizens, an impossible number with many being former military that would beat any military in the world...
Dan B
2015-10-04 15:52:27 UTC
There would be about 170 million additional felons in possession of the outlawed firearms. That would leave about 140 million taxpayers left to foot the bill for all the prisons needed to house them. Unemployment would go down because the formerly employed would be in prison. Also, prisoners are not counted in the unemployment figures.
James E Lewis AKA choteau
2015-10-03 09:03:26 UTC
Well, when Republican Presidents Reagan and GW Bush signed Gun Confiscation measures no one said a word, but if any Democrat were to do that Conservatives would threaten revolution(and probably try).
2015-10-05 13:26:59 UTC
What would occur is the beginning of the new world order and ine world government they wabt to do false flag terrorism and disarm everyone before they go on the offensive the elite are not stupid do NOT SURRENDER YOIR GUNS
2015-10-05 09:27:28 UTC
What makes you think Americans' gun rights are in danger of being "taken away"?
2015-10-02 09:54:26 UTC
Conservative cowards would be peeing on themselves and crying a river of tears because they can't live without guns for some reason! Maybe they need all these guns because they have so many enemies who hate their stupid, ugly, evil guts and want to kill them!
2015-10-02 18:15:17 UTC
In reality, the feds will never find all the guns. A black market trade might ensure. Heck may be even another freaken revolution! Just like 1775!
2015-10-04 15:22:21 UTC
If guns were banned in the whole country, there would be crime everywhere. The criminals would still find illegal ways to obtain firearms, and the good law abiding citizens would not have them to protect themselves from attempted murders, home invasions, etc.
2015-10-03 13:46:26 UTC
You'd be taking away the guns from the "good people". Taking away America's rights to guns does not make it safer, it makes it more dangerous. You make it harder for the good people to get guns and easier for the bad people. Either way bad people will obtain their guns illegally and taking away the good people's guns gives more to the bad people's stock, less protection for the good people, and just chaos.
2015-10-02 08:56:26 UTC
We just saved a million people a week from dying. Too many people here are riddled with medication and too much time and money on their hands. All filled up with video violence and no real home training or love. I dont care how they look , The sweet innocent white guy that you just cant believed just shot and killed a lot of people for nothing.
2015-10-04 22:46:22 UTC
I'm a firm believer that Americans should continue to have the right to murder each other and innocent children in schools. It's your inalienable right. That way, the terrorist statistics are dwarfed in comparison
2015-10-05 15:13:01 UTC
we need tougher laws on guns mentally ill people should not be able to have one and the fact that a barber shop in my city is offering a rifle as a prize for some stupid contest is very disturbing
Linda R
2015-10-06 14:17:14 UTC
This will NEVER happen. Too much has to be done first and too

many laws have to be changed. Plus, the Dick Law, of 1902,

FORBIDS gun control and not even a president can repeal it.

Therefore, this will NEVER happen.
2015-10-03 02:40:58 UTC
If guns were taken away from Americans there would be the most awful void. Then, rather like the birth of the Universe, something magical might occur. People would start thinking for themselves instead of acting like Pavlov's dogs and thinking the answer to any problem involves reaching for a gun. Maybe if you actually had to get your hands bloody to kill someone you would think about it. And to overcome your overpowering insecurity you would have to start relating to those around you, even the strangers and those different from you. Put the guns in the hands of official law officers and if you need more of those use some of the money you would have been pouring into the hands of the gun makers and salesmen. You are no longer a new, frontier nation. You are not the land of your founding fathers. You have had your chance and fu**ed it up. Now sort it out.
2015-10-03 18:36:04 UTC
A police state would occur
2015-10-03 01:57:06 UTC
The following would be an acceptable scenario on how we will get to that point.

Gun Ban Activists who will still refer to themselves as Gun Control Advocates for Public Relations purposes will make arguments that they don’t know anyone in their right mind that would own a gun. They will tell gun owners that nobody’s going to take their guns away, but that logically gun owners should give up their guns because it’s the right thing to do.

As they realize that the gun owners aren’t going to capitulate without coercion they will from Government Gun Owner data bases get names of gun owners that they will strategically target at their places of employment with picket signs and chants of ”John Doe’s a baby killer”, and “If one gun kills they all kill”. The Controllers will take up toy guns and rifles and point them at the gun owners and his fellow employees and make gun sounds. As a mob they will even go as far as to harass the employer for hiring people who own guns, and threaten boycotts of the employer if they don’t capitulate and pressure the gun owning employees to give up their guns.

At night Community Organizers will have brought bus loads of protesters to various strategic locations where when they start to protest with toy guns, manikins and dolls painted blood red they will then turn their attention towards the incoming police carrying side arms. As a mob they will chant “Hands up don’t shoot”. “Police shoot harmless babies”, “Police are Nazi’s” and they will take their toy guns and point them at the police while making noises of a firing gun. Within one of the mobs a real gun will fire and the mob will scatter and will quickly overtake the police, people will fall and get trampled as others violently attack anyone in their way.

Gun Control Advocate activist leaders will proclaim to the Liberal Press that this is only happening because of Guns, and they will further claim if there were no guns then this action wouldn’t be necessary. Finally they would tell the reporters that they must stop the killing by guns for a more safe, progressive and free society.

There will be civil unrest throughout the country as many Liberal Politicians pander to the mobs.

At some point the Gun Control Advocates, Gun Ban Activists and the ACLU will have prepared briefs for a case that would proclaim the NRA and other groups as hate groups. Initially their motions in a California court would be struck down but then they would appeal at an appellate court. As the days go on the protests begin to intensify and finally they’re able to bring their case to the Liberal 9th Circuit Court. After hearing the arguments of the ACLU, the activists and the NRA the judges deliberate as the Gun Ban mobs surround the court house chanting and pressuring police lines. The Judges return and make their decision to illegally suspend the second amendment and remand the NRA contingency to the bailiffs for their own protection.

As mob activity further intensifies around Washington DC, Congress makes an emergency meeting to draft legislation to amend the second amendment. At first establishment Republicans protest but eventually relent to the repeal of the second amendment. The completed bill is quickly sent to the Director of the Federal Register for quick filing and publication. By this time there has been untold damage throughout the country with thousands injured and several hundred dead.

The National Guard is summoned by the President to be dispatched throughout the country to set-up collection centers to receive guns from gun owners.

The Republican Party will soon disband and the Democratic will rename itself as the Democratic Freedom party, and it will rule from that point forward.
2015-10-03 13:14:39 UTC
Perhaps Americans could get used to being normal ordinary decent citizens in their own country.

Instead of the outrageous American killing fiends that they are.

The rest of the human world cannot believe that Americans are unable to behave to the smallest normal standard in any normal human society.
2015-10-04 18:00:27 UTC
The gun law in America for AMERICANS will prevail/ anyway we would'nt give our weapons away ever. Mike
2015-10-02 19:20:34 UTC
2015-10-04 14:27:42 UTC
All out war and protest...that is why taking away gun rights will never happen.
2015-10-04 06:41:52 UTC
2015-10-04 11:55:19 UTC
Some Americans won't like it. Some of them are happy trigger smh... It's not the gun that's the problem, it's the people behind it, those who pull the triger or want to kill (happy trigger).
2015-10-02 23:24:51 UTC
Definitely riots and chaos. People will also sell guns illegally. It makes no difference with having and enforcing a gun law.
2015-10-04 13:50:30 UTC
2015-10-05 12:10:48 UTC
A civil war would break out. But I guess those of us with guns would win 😉
2015-10-02 08:55:27 UTC
Another Revolution
2015-10-03 23:36:58 UTC
NEVER happen but wouldn't it be better if we had reasonable laws for possession and use. Kind of like for driving cars! air producing healthy food or safe and effective drugs.

of course owning a gun by a responsible individual does not cause trouble BUT having a gun insures that death and serious injury happens when a "nut case" "flips out"
2015-10-02 12:35:21 UTC
Well then guns won't be much of concern any longer. Here in the UK we have the least gun homicides because we don't allow them.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-10-04 10:42:43 UTC
Then, just the criminals, cops, and military would have guns; Hunting, and "Sport" shooting is a HUGE industry in this country. We already have laws in this country pertaining to the ownership, & usage of firearms; These laws should be ENFORCED !
2015-10-05 09:34:19 UTC
Green Puffin
2015-10-02 08:53:54 UTC
I dread to think, so many perfectly seeming sane people, want to own weapons that could kill someone and they are fine about that. I wouldn't want my kids living anywhere in america. It seems to be full of radical religious people who enjoy the idea of killing other people. Hmmm
2015-10-05 02:09:01 UTC
people with guns would keep them , the gov would pass laws but not enforce them and nothing much would change untill a new generation took over.
Uncle Pennybags
2015-10-02 09:11:11 UTC

If we are talking about the extreme, like all guns and ammo banned, and house to house searches, I think you will see armed revolution.
2015-10-02 17:35:15 UTC
Hopefully they won't take guns from security guards and police.
2015-10-05 10:24:57 UTC
Ammo prices as supplies would dwindle. Invest in Johnson & Johnson.
2015-10-03 00:39:13 UTC
I believe any attempt by the govt. to confiscate weapons would lead to mass shootings and even some armed revolts. Though I do not think it will ever happen.
2015-10-05 02:19:11 UTC
A black market would monopolize gun sells and there be ghost guns everywhere.
2015-10-02 08:57:34 UTC
Violent crime rates would increase, since all criminals' intended victims would be disarmed.

Criminals prefer unarmed victims.

Liberals will then tell the people to lie back and enjoy it when they become victims of crimes.
2015-10-05 17:15:51 UTC
2015-10-03 01:17:31 UTC
A Socialist (Nazi) or Communist government. Most of all the terrible (mean, heinous, power-hungry, arrogant) leaders throughout history took control over the populous by removing their guns (defenses) early in their ploys. Hitler, Stalin, Pot Pol, Mao ... the list goes on. Remove any potential resistance to "their" regime first was their priority. Then everyone is at their mercy.
2015-10-04 07:43:20 UTC
where do you start confiscating guns. from data bases of legal gun owners! what about illegal gun owners? who,s going after the gang bangers? drug dealers, etc. ? the constitution is still in force. illegal search and seizure is against the constitution.
2015-10-03 11:02:56 UTC
SSP Bowl Dude
2015-10-02 22:01:06 UTC
Criminals and the government would be the only ones with guns.

Guess who is committing the shootings now, even with gun rughts---criminals and the government
2015-10-02 10:12:45 UTC
No such thing would ever, ever happen until and unless the people themselves - the voters - decided that "enough is enough" with these senseless killings. And the will happen when, as the saying goes, hell freezes over, senseless killing will just go on and on.
The First Dragon
2015-10-02 12:39:49 UTC
The criminal cartels would take over.

Civilian ownership of guns is illegal in Mexico, and you can see how safe it has become.
2015-10-03 07:51:26 UTC
Never will happen, simply because only Coward / Criminals are allowed to have and carry Guns in the U.S.A.; God created Humankind, and Winchester made them Equal; and the unified BEAST collects from them both. ...1003.2015
2015-10-03 19:35:27 UTC
Regardless criminals will get guns ILLEGALY ... While the good don't even have the right to a gun.. The good will be victims
2015-10-02 09:37:04 UTC
the nra would have a hissy fit and threaten to take away all of the money they donate to congress persons just so weapons are not banned. so congress would not act because they want money.
2015-10-03 05:10:13 UTC
A Nation with a better tomorrow can be created.
2015-10-04 06:29:39 UTC
The gun owners and those who respect the basic freedom to defend oneself and those in their care would be slightly p!ssed.
2015-10-07 15:10:13 UTC
Same thing that happened when people were legally prohibited from drinking alcohol---they drank anyway. And it created an entirely new class of "criminals".




2015-10-03 08:03:54 UTC
There would be a civil war in the US that would make the last US civil war look like a playground argument.
2015-10-03 12:27:41 UTC
There would be revolution if the government tried to take away our rights.
2015-10-02 09:59:41 UTC
gun rights are needed for stable democracy
2015-10-02 16:18:46 UTC
gun crime would go down. Canada would see less smuggled gun violence and so too would Mexico
2015-10-02 23:36:22 UTC
I don't think it is going to ever amount to a gun grab.
2015-10-03 06:15:16 UTC
Not very much. The great majority of Americans are too passive to resist.
2015-10-02 08:52:48 UTC
I'd like to see someone try and take mine. I'm an agent of chaos
2015-10-04 13:54:19 UTC
Dystopian society.
2015-10-05 10:06:47 UTC
the second amendment doesnt give you the personal right to own a gun it gives you the right to join a state militia (the national guard.)
Shawn Robin
2015-10-03 06:23:10 UTC
What gun rights are you referring to? The rights Americans assume they have, or their actual gun rights?

In 1791, America's Founders & Framers passed the Second Amendment which says this:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Link -

In 1792, America's Founders & Framers passed the Militia Act defining exactly what they meant by 'arms':

"That every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch, with a box therein, to contain not less than twenty four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball; or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch, and powder-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a pound of powder; and shall appear so armed, accoutred and provided, when called out to exercise or into service..."

Link -

So what firearms do Americans actually have the right to keep and bear?

Only single-shot muzzle-loaders. That's it. That's all. Period.

Like the man said:

"Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government."

-James Madison, Founder & Framer & 4th President of the United States.

The US Supreme Court backed Madison up on that:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.... the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons"

-US Supreme Court ruling in the case of District of Columbia vs Heller.

So again: What guns rights are you referring to?

The actual American right to single-shot muzzle loaders?

Or the Constitution subverting/perverting false belief that US citizens are entitled to any guns they want?
2015-10-03 16:53:22 UTC
complete anarchy is already being seriously considered. all it needs is a reason or excuse to happen. if you think Syria is a problem just wait.
2015-10-03 07:08:06 UTC
You can pass all the guns right laws you want but we'll still have our guns.........
2015-10-05 13:03:25 UTC
Nothing much. Everyone would ignore the laws, just as they ignored the laws which turned the US metric in the 1970s.
2015-10-03 12:28:23 UTC
Only criminals would have guns and we would all be sitting ducks for gangs and terrorists.
2015-10-02 14:17:25 UTC
It would start a civil war
2015-10-03 06:13:52 UTC
People would resist and that would give the feds the excuse they need for martial law. Then the United Nations would come in and "save us" by simply taking the power for themselves. It's a never ending dominoe effect of problem reaction solution that centralizes more and more power to an elite few while leaving the masses of all walks of life vulnerable to be wiped out by a nuclear war, put into concentration camps, but be subject to roving death and rape squads.
2015-10-04 05:57:51 UTC
history would repeat itself. read about the origins of the NAZI PARTY in the 30's. reading their goals sounds very familiar to whats going on today.
2015-10-04 11:15:45 UTC
They would march the Christians into concrete shower buildings
2015-10-02 08:56:30 UTC
There would be a constitutional challenge in the courts and the Supreme Court would invalidate the law.
luis l
2015-10-03 00:01:13 UTC

A thought
2015-10-02 18:17:12 UTC
why do most people keep on saying guns dissapear and stop
2015-10-02 20:07:31 UTC
You would have a revolt, but not in the streets but at the ballot boxes around the country.
2015-10-02 09:36:25 UTC
Chaos and complete control by the OBAMA regime
2015-10-04 19:58:28 UTC
People would turn to other forms of weapons.
2015-10-03 09:49:00 UTC
Civil war. And millions of unarmed of liberals would die.
2015-10-03 15:33:13 UTC
Nothing would happen the government has tanks and jet fighters that can bomb your house.
2015-10-02 09:21:21 UTC
Let me just say. You would not want to be the first one through the door.
2015-10-05 10:11:11 UTC
I would be a criminal. Better than being a defenseless victim.
2015-10-03 20:42:40 UTC
It cannot happen. There would have to be a constitutional convention and that will never happen.
One Horse Pony
2015-10-03 13:31:38 UTC
This place would look more like Syria.
2015-10-03 06:22:34 UTC
Civil war would happen - HUSSEIN can take my guns from my cold, dead anus.
2015-10-02 09:18:12 UTC

There would be a lot more crime

Andy C
2015-10-02 14:59:30 UTC
gun related crimes could go down
2015-10-03 15:48:04 UTC
Revolt by the people and possible attack from foreign countries.
2015-10-02 09:50:39 UTC
Their country would become more civilized.
2015-10-03 17:34:30 UTC
white people would go crazy because they cant shot out skoolz
2015-10-04 07:58:12 UTC
2015-10-02 19:22:52 UTC
There will be a huge conflict
2015-10-03 17:50:39 UTC
Crime rates would definitely rise
العربي المسيحي
2015-10-03 05:41:21 UTC
2015-10-04 00:03:55 UTC
the law abiding white working class would be unprotected
2015-10-03 19:16:21 UTC
another civil war
2015-10-02 11:16:41 UTC
you're witnessing it as it happens right now!
2015-10-02 19:27:28 UTC
WW3 right here at home.
2015-10-03 10:33:23 UTC
Revolution,at the very attempt !
Smokies Hiker
2015-10-02 19:01:33 UTC
Civil unrest, chaos and anarchy...oh my!
2015-10-03 08:34:20 UTC
That would be challenged in the courts as unconstitutional.
2015-10-03 13:23:59 UTC
Lots of cry babies that's what!
2015-10-02 12:48:24 UTC
Things would get better.
2015-10-03 15:30:06 UTC
The second American revolution.
2015-10-02 08:54:38 UTC
armed insurrection
2015-10-02 08:57:02 UTC
we surely would lose our freedom and rights
2015-10-03 06:37:10 UTC
Thugs would have the upper hand.
2015-10-03 22:51:42 UTC
law is law so everybody his respect him
2015-10-03 15:00:54 UTC
2015-10-03 15:03:01 UTC
a Chinese invasion
2015-10-04 08:12:40 UTC
2015-10-02 08:52:54 UTC
The homicide rate would go down.
2015-10-02 09:12:32 UTC
Not much!
2015-10-03 12:49:47 UTC
Less people killed
2015-10-04 06:49:17 UTC
nothing the rednecks will simply cry
2015-10-04 11:51:34 UTC
stuff can go worng
2015-10-06 05:02:58 UTC
2015-10-02 17:10:52 UTC
the laws are strictor
2015-10-03 09:59:33 UTC
It cant be done.
2015-10-05 00:04:50 UTC
the second revolution!
2015-10-06 10:42:02 UTC
2015-10-03 15:21:07 UTC
2015-10-03 15:15:30 UTC
******* kill themselves
2015-10-02 09:09:16 UTC
2015-10-05 14:45:39 UTC
2015-10-03 19:06:44 UTC
crazy ****
2015-10-02 17:52:12 UTC
2015-10-02 17:20:39 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.