I sold an item on ebay and shipped it out . While the package was in transit the scam artist/buyer, filed for a paypal refund. So buy the time that the buyer receive the item, the paypal refund had been processed already. So the buyer not only has the money for the item AND the item itself, but this also made my paypal account go into the negative. So basically Im screwed 3 ways. I contacted the seller mulitple times saying to give me my money back, but the buyer didnt respond because he KNOWS hes wrong. He knows just how wrong he was because about 3 days later his account was in "not a registered user" status. As if this isnt bad enough, because this whole event caused my account to go into the negative, paypal has contacted their credit ppl & they have been calling me EVERDAY, 3 or 4 times aday. To pay of the negative balance What can I do, I am P.O'd and out over $200, what the hell can I do. Im just short of going to the bastards house and beating the s**t outta the guy!