2008-06-17 15:14:48 UTC
It concerns me that the welfare system is a way of life instead of an emergency aid and too many have little concern. Some say, just let it ride. Who knows, some of those may be the riders. If more people cared, it might help to clean the system up. Welfare should be an emergency aid and not a life style, generation, after generation. The main thing is go vote in November for the Welfare of the USA.
It takes more people like you and me to help get the cleaning done. We need to put working people behind these 'gift giving’ desks and put the current despicable maggots out looking for jobs. Starting with the lowest paying to the highest elected.
In another question that prompted this writing, a former Welfare recipient, after seven years, gained her self-respect, became responsible, and paid all monies back into the system and echoed to the public how people are abusing the system.
If you know of any fraudulent cases, do us all a favor and report them. If you do report these cases, do it discreetly, without giving your name. Until we clean the system, you would be in the middle of fire.
I reported high official professional names along with young people involved in fraudulent activities. After the authorities got the information, they closed the door in my face and left me alone with wolfs.