2010-12-07 09:48:22 UTC
In the 1st paragraph of the contract it says "Stable requires 10 day notice, in writing, if owner intends to see or move horse. Owner is responsible for a full months board should there be no notification payable prior to horse leaving Stable premises." So I believe I am in the right to take my horses because I have given notice.
So am I breaching the contract or are they in this situation?
Also they are trying to pin damages to property on me because my horses have "no manners". Never once were these damages brought to my attention until I wanted to leave.
Also in the contract it says : "Owner hereby releases, exonerates and absolves Stable and any of their representatives of and from all liability whatsoever and agrees not to sue them or any of them on account of or in conjunction with any claims causes or actions, injuries, damages, or expenses (collectively "Liabilities") arising out of the use or presence upon stable property and facilities by Owner or Owner's horse, including without limitation such as liabilities as may arise from death, personal injury, property damage, economic loss including consequential damages.
Owner hereby waives the protection afforded by any statute or law whose purpose or effect is to provide that a general release shall not extend to claims, material or otherwise, which the person given the release does not know or suspect to exist at the time executing the release."
I am not sure what any of that means but if you (the person reading this) believes that the Stable has breached the contract by evicting me in 5 days rather then the contracted 10 days does this mean I can sue them now?
I know it's a long read but I really need any and all help I can get. Thank you