Why is the government not doing anything to fight the coronavirus?
2020-09-06 14:14:04 UTC
Let me fully explain myself as to what I mean with this question. 

First of all, I can understand that it is a big requirement for all of us to wear masks and follow the social distancing rules when we go into public areas, like shops. But here comes the big question. 

If we realize that this requirement is not doing enough to make the situation better by making fewer cases happen each day, where in this case the amount of active cases each day increase rather than decrease, why can’t we make small changes that will make a difference? 

By making small changes I mean enforcing new rules like, keep half of the nightclubs open instead of all, wear gloves when we go outside, and more. Why can’t we make these small changes if we see the chance of how it will help us deal with the situation quicker, in maybe like 1 month instead of 3? 

Don’t you also think that this is not a nice thing we are doing to the old people, since they are in bigger trouble and more of them will continue to die if we don’t make these small changes and keep everything the same?
105 answers:
2020-09-10 02:18:59 UTC
Because the administration would rather blame China than admit they fumbled the ball and are unable to face the truth.
2020-09-09 22:12:50 UTC
Let's do the numbers:

USA has 334 million, 190,000 dead so far from the virus.

New Zealand has 4.2 million or about 1.5% of US population, and 24 dead.  If they were as large as US, then they might have only 3700 dead, which is 1/50th of the US total so far.  But they don't.  Their government stopped everything, done by everybody except for first responders, hospital staff, power and water and food distribution staff.  It took 5 weeks to stop the spread.  No masks there now.  

Canada has 37.7 million, about 11% of the US population, and 9154 dead.  If they had same population, it would be 82,400 dead, less than half of the US total.  Their government followed the British and EU countries methods, stopping what they could and still have things running smoothly.  Masks still required, but the growth of cases is very slow now.  Canada has done a 2.2X better job than the USA.

Inside the US, state of Hawai'i has mandatory quarantine of 2 weeks or more for travelers, and the usual precautions of other states.  Population is 1.4 million, 0.4% of the US, and 87 deaths so far.  If Hawaii had US population, the deaths would be 19,000.  Virus new cases has grown for last 6 weeks drastically, is falling a bit now.  Still, Hawaii has done a 10X better job than all of the USA. 

Seems like the kind of changes that US has been doing (riots in streets, big parties, crowded beaches and churches and political rallies, some but not all wearing masks) has not been good enough.

Maybe just flat getting rid of a few million recalcitrants would have the effect needed?
Cherry Lu
2020-09-09 16:58:34 UTC
First of all it must not be that damn serious!!! The only ppl serious are the scared retarded public!! Just calm down!! According to certain sites the number isn't as high as the new people are claiming!! Nothing but Lies!! And people they are diagnosing n saying they have it is just to INCREASE NUMBERS!!! It's not serious bc this is deeper than some Virus!!! Something else is going on beside some virus it deep and the gov and political ppl aint saying what is going on!! THEY NEVER ACTED LIKE THAT WHEN AIDS/HIV CAME OUT!!! So what is the problem now!!??? Something is up and Scared *** people needs to STOP and Think!!! Scared people get on my nerves!!! Y'all believe in anything and everything!! Just pay attention to details! Every election!! Always something!!
2020-09-09 13:15:43 UTC
Some people under here do not understand the difference between coronavirus and other viruses. The reason why the other viruses do not affect us is because we already have the vaccine for those. If we don't have a vaccine yet, this virus is still very dangerous.
2020-09-08 03:03:24 UTC
I felt inclined to answer because most, if not all, of the other answers seemed politically charged. The question phrased with "the government" rather than "our governments" provides for the answer I think you're looking for. Enforcement is vital at the local level. The federal government has a say insofar as they take prudent actions as an organization, and lead the way and set an example for local governments. These mandates you're asking about would have to be enforced at a local level, and are probably not unconstitutional in that they do not compromise people's basic liberties. Here's a metaphorical example of this in action: if the federal government tells us not to drive 100 MPH on the highway, we see it as an empty threat. If the federal government restricts funding or otherwise imposes sanctions on states for not enforcing stricter speed limits, they incite states to enforce laws. In turn, municipalities enforce such as their state doesn't do the same. 
2020-09-08 02:57:37 UTC
What do u call this illegal mask and social distancing.  Covid 19 is the first time in the history of u and me that we quarantined the health....
2020-09-07 23:37:49 UTC
Government is doing great job keeping everyone informed about covid-19. Since virus is dormant in our lungs wearing a mask is our best solution. We cough, sneeze if infected a mask prevents the spread. Also anybody can contact full blown covid-19 old or young male or female. In fact young adults under 25 years are more likely to spread virus; do to risky behaviors.😷
2020-09-07 22:11:56 UTC
Well this virus is no different than other viruses other than it is being used as a political weapon. The democrats always want you to fear something and right now its this virus and racial tensions that they created themselves. Why does the government need to do anything, they are usually good at breaking things, not fixing them.
2020-09-06 23:27:39 UTC
This is for all of the people crying about the federal government "giving responsibility for this" to the states as well.  NOTHING in the Constitution of the United States gives the federal government ANY authority in ANYTHING involved with health care.  If you disagree, I DEFY you to cite the Article or Amendment and Section that mentions it.  No, everyone, the "general welfare clause" does NOT unless you can cite which of the 18 enumerated powers mentions it.  Under the concept of federalism, any power not granted to the federal government in the Constitution is reserved to the states.  Also according to the Tenth Amendment.  
2020-09-06 17:36:42 UTC
You cannot force these things on a free people. Dictatorships can. In a free country, it comes down to personal responsibility, and when you have a sizable number of people who believe wearing masks and distancing accomplish nothing, they don't think they are showing disrespect toward anyone by not doing these things, you're fighting a losing battle.
2020-09-10 18:38:22 UTC
You're obviously under the delusion that the government gives a damn about it's citizens.
2020-09-10 11:25:24 UTC
Trump and the Republicans hope it will kill all the wicked poor people and those annoying colored folks and old people.
2020-09-10 11:14:45 UTC
What exactly do you want them to do?
2020-09-10 02:49:36 UTC
The government is trying to do their best of controlling this virus. The problem are those who don't believe this is real or serious. They get together at parties and beaches without masks and get the virus and then gives it to family and friends. I've seen maskless costumers at stores with signs to wear masks but are told nothing. We need to make it a law for now to wear masks and stay 6' apart until this is gone. Anyone who doesn't not is selfish. 
2020-09-09 19:40:26 UTC
Trump's only focus is to get reelected

for fame and fortune
2020-09-09 16:23:34 UTC
Congress must put wearing mask into law.  Then you must have a police force that can enforce that law.  Do you see now that it is up to the people.

And it is the people who gather in groups and party or protest or go swimming, etc.
2020-09-09 16:18:36 UTC
all that feel good talk is not doing something 

government is not the answer to all problems 

as a matter of fact often government is the problem 
Mr. anonymous
2020-09-09 16:16:43 UTC
Liberalism is stopping your solution and progress. You have a good idea to enforce the facemarks and social distancing. However, people in Florida and California feel like they must go beach-partying whenever they want and however they want (i.e. without facemarks and social distancing). If they are not allowed to beach-party, then they will sue for why their right to party in any circumstances was diminished. Of course liberal politicians and judges will support their cause.

Other than that, the government is pretty limited with what it can do--- the scientists and immunologists are the only people who can really fight Coronavirus
2020-09-09 15:31:11 UTC
How better to have complete control over the entire population than with something very dangerous and sinister that cannot be seen or heard.  Keep the propaganda going that not having symptoms doesn't mean one isn't, or hasn't been, affected by the virus.  That way no one feels safe.  Continue with the narrative that we will not be safe until a vaccine is available, then keep delaying the vaccine.  This is a control tactic, plain and simple.
2020-09-08 14:31:16 UTC
Why are you babbling about being nice to old people? It's not just the older adults getting sick and dying from this but a lot of younger people as well! Stop acting like you are doing a people a favor by doing what you should be doing ANYWAY!
2020-09-08 12:24:12 UTC
Unlike most of the rest of the world, American don't like being told what to do. Remember the armed protests in Minnesota.
2020-09-08 06:06:04 UTC
It’s all a scam. The governments can’t make people wear face masks and social distance, they can only recommend.

Ordfing businesses to close goes against the commerce clause of the US Constitution however.
2020-09-08 02:07:44 UTC
Even during a regular flu season, a certain segment of people are vulnerable period... Covid-19 is mild for the majority of people but deadly for those with underlying health issues, there is very specific things going on in the bodies of those who die, that's why they are protecting the elderly until a vaccine is readily available, This administration seems to believe it will have one ready before the end of the year, that is remarkable and those criticizing Trump for doing nothing? probably should get your head examined because that guy is the reason America will recover from this pandemic, Can you imagine Slow Joe and Kamala orchestrating recovery efforts? hey I'm a former democrat, and it is a scary thought that any percentage of America is willing to take a chance with Joe, I think if people hate their country to that extent, than maybe follow Rosie 'O Donnell  out the door to someplace with more freedom.....oops...there isn't anywhere else more free than America.... I guess we are going to have to pray for our leaders rather than throw them under the bus, we need Trump to do well for America or any President for that matter....we already know what to expect with Biden and Harris, I expect Trump to win in a landslide.
2020-09-07 23:00:14 UTC
The virus is nothing more than any other virus going around WITH THE EXCEPTION of older people and people with underlying conditions.. Do what we can to protect those at risk and go about your business as usual.. 
2020-09-07 19:21:07 UTC
COVID-19 Facts:

U.S. Population = 331,002,651

COVID-19 Cases = 7,218,515

COVID-19 Deaths = 182,149

This means only 0.94% (LESS than 1%) of Americans have even contracted the virus.  It also means 99.94% of those survive.  Best of all, only 0.02% of Americans have died from this virus.....a 99.96% survival rate.  There is NO Pandemic and

this virus is NO different than any other virus people contract yearly.  
2020-09-07 12:09:06 UTC
From day one Trump knew about this horrendous Virus. he went to lay Gulf.

he did not mandated know very well that the President will claim that the people that are dead and still dying.      suckers Losers.suckers because they still believe in not wearing face covering. and Losers because according to Trump they believe in him.Do you think that Trump cares about old people?

did he care about all this young Marines that give their lives for our freedom are sucker and losers.
2020-09-06 23:44:58 UTC
They are doing a lot to find a cure for it, tales a long time but they are working on it.won't be long. have to remember this is one we have never seen or heard of before
2020-09-06 22:18:26 UTC
trump delegated the handling of the pandemic to the governors.  with assist from the federal government per request.

trump did everything he could do on his part.  now its the governors job to take care of its people.    the governors and the mayors have the power to force people to wear masks.   they just dont want to  (democrats use it to blame trump for pandemic and republicans cant because of elections).
2020-09-06 16:11:13 UTC
Even if you think EVERYTHING the government is doing is wrong, not even a TOTAL IDIOT can honestly believe they are not doing anything.
2020-09-06 15:55:20 UTC
Because the US government never came up with a plan.  Instead it shoved off that responsibility to the 50 state governments which could work if we were a nation of islands or Covid-19 would respect state borders.  But neither is true. And as a result we have 50 different defense plans that don't work effectively together.  Some take it more seriously than others, and all are under tremendous pressure to ease any restrictions for valid economic concerns.  And when it comes down to it, the economic powers are given the priority over public health.  

But your question was why can't we make small changes to help prevent the spread of the disease putting more people at risk of dying?  Because any mandates/laws have to be fair.  It must apply to all, not to a select few.  For example how would you determine which night clubs can remain open, and which can't (fairly)?
2020-09-10 02:41:56 UTC
It is handling everything. It can make a remarkable difference!
2020-09-10 02:41:05 UTC
Because covid is dangerous 
The Devil
2020-09-10 01:05:36 UTC
The US government is headed by a de facto king, not a president. That's how the republican party wants things to run.They want to stay rich and keep everyone else poor. They could care less about casualties, as long as they have a figurehead in place that maintains their fascist regime. You can die for them and it doesn't matter if you're Black, White, Red, Brown or Purple.


When SARs was a threat, there was vigorous and quick quarantine. When Ebola was a threat, there was vigorous and quick quarantine. We are not suffering a SARs or Ebola pandemic here since our government did the right thing *and in cooperation with the rest of the world*.
2020-09-09 05:20:13 UTC
someone skipped health class....
2020-09-08 21:22:09 UTC
Which government, where? Presumably an English-speaking government, but that could be in several countries around the world.  Nothing in your extensive question gives much clue, most of the events and conditions you mention could apply in many 'advanced' countries.
2020-09-08 13:50:21 UTC
H1N1 or STDs or Flu or Bubonic plague

Let us all do more to keep ourselves safe...
2020-09-07 22:07:04 UTC
In 2009 under Joe Biden's leadership in fighting H1N1 here was the outcome:

89.3 million reported cases

18,306 deaths -- purely H1N1 (Based on current CDC Calculations, that would be 400,000 if you included deaths with associated co-morbidity)

Under the Trump administration there have been

6.3 million reported cases

9,000 deaths -- purely Covid 19 Based on current CDC Calculations approximately 200,000 if you include deaths associated with co-morbidity)

So mathematically speaking, Biden would have allowed 13x more people get infected.  H1N1 was only 25% as lethal as influenza -- but as contagious as Covid-19 and resulted in 2x the number of deaths due to complete mismanagement.

The fact that only 6.3 million people were infected and the death rate was so low for Covid-19 vs. H1N1 shows that the current administration knows what is doing and Obama/Biden didn't and still don't have a clue.
2020-09-07 16:46:42 UTC
Dump doesn't even think that covid exists 
2020-09-07 15:18:59 UTC
Because it's a hoax they created. 
2020-09-07 15:12:02 UTC
because they are listening to the stupid orange man trump. he must of known about the virus long before we heard about it and said nothing
2020-09-07 10:59:37 UTC
Because republicans are in charge. Their motto should be “You’re on your own, filthy peasants.”
2020-09-07 10:58:25 UTC
Because Michelle Obama and his husband do not want anything to be done
Savior Of Silence (M-WWE)
2020-09-07 10:34:53 UTC
Because the government doesn't care about nobody. No one. Zilch. Black. White. Hispanic. Asian. They don't care about any races, genders, or age. The government probably wants everyone to get sick & die. Everything political going on in this country is to divide/separate the masses because we're easier to control when separate. "United we stand, divided we fall."
2020-09-07 02:08:17 UTC
I think we simply need to enforce the rules that are in place: Masks and social distancing, as you mention. The disease is spread primarily through droplets in a person's breath. So the masks and distancing is the primary thing.

I see a lot of people in the grocery store with masks being used as chin warmers or pulled down below their nose. I see even less social distancing. There are a lot of signs begging people to stay at least 6 feet apart, but most of us don't make much of an effort.
2020-09-06 19:55:35 UTC
Because orange man bad 
Nekkid Truth!
2020-09-06 18:57:02 UTC
Keeping only half the nite clubs open would mean that the nite clubs are TWICE as packed...  That idea is the OPPOSITE of social distancing.

Gloves do NOTHING unless you are CHANGING THEM EVERY TIME YOU TOUCH a contaiminated surface.

The amount of deaths from covid is actually LOWER than what was originally reported
2020-09-06 17:20:00 UTC
why are africans half-witts?

your 'viruses'? what do you know of them? your 'government' btw is YOU. what have YOU done? why havent YOU solved the virus crisus?

if you consider that stupid something YOU obviously cant do well where do you get the idea government personnel are any more competent than you?

THEY are the same as YOU!

nazi spies. just like you.
2020-09-06 15:03:49 UTC
Keeping half of the nightclubs open would be worse than all, because there would be the same number of people in nightclubs, which would be twice as crowded.  If any of them are going to be open, then you want as many as possible, so that each one is as empty as possible.

Wearing gloves all the time doesn't really help, because the gloves can spread the virus.  Gloves work only if used for short periods of time and then removed.

We don't make the small changes you suggest because they would make us feel safer but actually cause more deaths.

It is a nice thing that we save lives by not making those small, but very deadly, changes.
2020-09-06 14:59:00 UTC
There are fewer cases in all the places that were hotspots in March and April. This is because viruses burn through the vulnerable population while the healthy population gains some herd immunity. I do grant you that many of the 50 separate governments that were responsible for crisis management on this had varying outcomes depending on the actions of the state executives in charge. But in the midst of a pandemic the thrust is to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed. Thankfully in the US no hospital was ever over capacity. There is no scenario now or in history where the goal can be to avoid every single death. It's human hubris to believe the standard has to be zero before life can resume. 
2020-09-06 14:18:07 UTC
If i was as uninformed as you, i certainly would not get on here and prove it.
2020-09-10 18:59:56 UTC
okay first of all, gloves won't do anything that your hand isn't already doing. touch things with glove, germs. touch thing with hand, germs. same thing. 

places are at half capacity. not sure where you've been at.... 

the ONLY thing that would work is if EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING stayed INSIDE THEIR HOMES for 2 weeks straight and not leave AT ALL for ANY REASON.

and another reason is because life must go on... people need to work and make money. just the way the world works.
2020-09-10 04:26:34 UTC
Because most of the shitbags (I mean citizens) are resisting.  People have no one but themselves to blame.  Honestly these idiots want to oppose anything that Trump does whether it's right or wrong.  So be it.  See you in hell
2020-09-10 02:20:05 UTC
Because President Trump is an evil, self serving person.   Trump KNOWS what his responsibilities are, and he does the opposite.  Trump is a criminal
2020-09-09 18:02:37 UTC
The fact that Trump is in the White House is the reason the entire left and the entire news media except Fox have their panties in a wad. If Hillary had won, we would be getting a totally different take on everything, let alone the Corona Virus. I don't even watch the main stream news anymore because every word out of their mouths is biased, tainted, etc. to an extent never seen before. It is unbelievable they get away with it.
2020-09-09 16:01:04 UTC
they are doing what they can do, the country is very big to handle and resources are not enough so practice social distancing and use sanitizer only if you want to live more otherwise you know.
2020-09-09 15:34:04 UTC
Because it's fake that bully pelosis knows that's why she got her hair done
2020-09-09 08:54:17 UTC
Until things happens themselves, they will remember how important to wear a mask or obey social distancing rules.
2020-09-08 18:10:53 UTC
The Government "is you represented by you"  You hired some clown at the top to direct you sheep where to go and what to do. (except for this one in the U.S.)

. Besides by directing you what you should do WHILE THE GOVERNMENT HAS ITS LABORATORIES LOOK FOR A CURE FOR THIS VIRUS (you don't have a laboratory and knowledge in virology do you?) , well this is what governments do and private laboratories are working on the same problem.

. In the meantime it is not an adversary that can be beaten into submission with guns or strung up on the old oak tree.

. It is in the AIR YOU BREATHE.  Fortunately it is not poisonous.  It can be filtered out by wearing a mask and breathing through the mask.

. That is NOT FOR A DAY OR WEEK OR MONTH (considering that it has been in the U.S. since January and now is the 9th month. We are closer only in that we know "WHAT Does not work". Garlic hung around the neck or up the anus does not work....holding onto a cross is not going to help, praying to your God will not help.

.  Getting a vaccine requires that a sick person recovers and so the body is filled with "ANTIBODIES" that fought off the infection.  We only need a bit of blood to grow more antibodies UNFORTUNATELY THIS VIRUS is being difficult in that the ANTIBODIES disappear after a few days so before the person gives blood sample and they can isolate the antibody to grow in mass cultures(which by itself is unusual) that person who just got over the sickness is NOT PROTECTED FROM BEING SICK AGAIN & the second time is the killer for many of them. 

Is it a big requirement of you to wear a mask & Social Distance and wash you hands often IF THAT IS THE ONLY SOLUTION WE HAVE AT THIS TIME? It is not a big deal. It can be done.  It is better than "quarantine" at least you can move around in your home.

For many people that is the way they live their lives EVERY DAY BECAUSE OF THEIR JOB(mining, spray painting, dusting)

 or Where they Live (example China, the air is so polluted from coal fired generators and they live in a valley that people wear masks almost 24/7.  Washing hands is part of the daily ritual for them.  This is just another day in the life  of WonTon Fat.(it sounds Chinese, I think from "Get Smart" TV series or some other. or from Hawaii5-O.  

When ALL THE WORLD Scientists are looking for a solution to this problem, and they are inter-connected via the internet...then a solution will happen sooner.   Somebody is going to get lucky and make a mistake and that is how many discoveries are made.

. What did you think happened at say the Le Brea tar pits back in the early days when say some cowpokes stopped there to water their horses to find out they died or would not drink so they lite up a cigarette and tossed the lit match into the  pit.? It burned for days.  They discovered tar burns.

Or mixing  bleach and ammonia together to make poisonous mustard gas. All accidental discoveries. 

. As for this disease. It kills 5 year old kids as well a 100 year old kids.

Our knowledge about this disease is limited. It can show up in 2 days after contact with an infected person or 14 days there will be signs.  There was 1 case I was reading about and the girl was 25 and she was into 102 DAYS of being infected so somewhat sick all the time. Run down, burnt out, fried but never sicker. Never better either. But she has C19.  That has shown up in the tests.

Many people are living their daily lives, maskless and no social distancing and are dying as they are the spreaders of the disease without knowing they have it. They are called "Asymptomatic" until it finally does effect them.

Never has the world suffered from the same disease at the same time(except from the Spanish Flu that came from KANSAS, U.S.  in 1918.  Because military efforts do not report on major sicknesses in their camps, this was kept hushed, and the troops were sent overseas to land in Spain(that was not involved in WW1) so the ships unloaded 100 dead troops from the boats who died while on the boat ride over.  Spanish doctors were able to figure out the cause of death as a flu brought over when they came as the entire ship was infected and then so was France & England as they met up.

.    When the U.S. military men did their stint, many went home overseas and introduced the 2nd wave into the general population

(Military camp is like isolation from the general public or 1st wave.) After their time off was over they went back to the war and brought the 3rd wave of the disease and brought it home.  Millions died.  Nurses, doctors, patients, as there was no knowledge of vaccines in 1919.

I can wear a mask.  It is near Halloween anyways.  It has nothing to do with politics. He is protected because everyone around Trump is masked.  He is fearful of it too.
2020-09-08 08:36:21 UTC
This is because of the disagreements which just happen between political parties.
Jan C
2020-09-08 03:15:00 UTC
I think it has turned/ or maybe always was a political thing. God bless our Country.
2020-09-08 01:29:18 UTC
The structure of the USA does not allow the federal government to dictate terms without declaring a national emergency.  The problem is that the laws governing such an emergency still leave a lot of things to the discretion of the states.  Remember that we are the UNITED STATES of America.  When describing our government, we have a lot of factors including the 10th Amendment that discusses powers of the government, powers of the people, and powers of the states.  The truth is that even in an emergency I don't believe the federal government has the legal right to force masks on anyone.  And there are enough people who feel that way that they would riot in the streets.

Oh, wait... we ALREADY have rioting in the streets and a lot of them wear masks.  Hmmm... maybe the government is doing something good after all.
2020-09-07 23:56:22 UTC
Well, when you have Trump as the President of the USA, what do you expect?! 
2020-09-07 17:39:13 UTC
Trump blew it.  Other countries that didn't are completely opened up now.
2020-09-07 17:30:55 UTC
that question alone says this person is beyond ignorant.
2020-09-07 16:28:40 UTC
i think a lot is due to peoples stupidity. 

1 bars find a so called loop hole. so people wont follow social distnaceing. and do not understand that the virus does not care about why people get to gether

2 people pull the mask down below their noses

3 people ware the masks with an exaust valve in it. so when they breath out it does not go through the filter

4 some people think it is just a flu

5 people go to beaches no mask and is full.

people need to start thinking.
2020-09-07 08:49:19 UTC
Americans think fighting means you need guns, thus this virus will not die with guns but with masks, and the government has been more anti-mask and more pro gun, places where people wear masks properly had no lockdowns.
2020-09-07 08:32:01 UTC
They already sent a bunch of army guys to Corona, California.  What more do you want?
2020-09-07 07:50:09 UTC
WE ARE the government ... and we draw the line at letting some tyrannical people force us to behave a certain way. [There is merit to the "herd mentality" approach. Secondly, gloves and masks do not work as well as touted. Third, summer sufferers will have had it easy compared to the duel sick (COVID and regular flu) that get infected this winter.]  P S Why have we not had this paranoiam every winter when flu season comes, and people die ??
2020-09-07 05:47:10 UTC
'We the people' believe under the direction of the 'Mastermind of EVIL' Trump it was his 'premeditated genocide' to use COVID-19 as a 'bio-weapon' to 'sabotage' democrat voters! His "who is left alive to vote against me" 'ideology!' His 'DEATH to America' election! =<)
2020-09-07 03:43:59 UTC
@out2lunch4now2 That's a lie. One of the tasks appointed to the government in the Constitution is to "promote the general welfare". 

Keeping everybody from being infected during a pandemic is kind of the definition of "promoting the general welfare". 
2020-09-10 16:27:01 UTC
Because democrats in office paid for its creation or at least its release from the lab it was being studied in 
2020-09-10 14:25:34 UTC
Because our constitution states: ALL powers not given specifically to the federal government is reserved for the individual STATES!  The federal government is NOT supposed to address the majority of these issues and should ONLY be addressing federal level issues! The individual states governors are supposed to be addressing it for they're own state but if they require federal help then the fed. will provide the assistance they want or need. The ONLY reason the fed should even consider getting involved in state issues is if that state's governor does NOT do whats in his state's residents best interest. Then we have people NOT following they're governor's and/or mayor's orders to social distance and/or wearing face coverings, close some businesses like beauty salons and gyms to help slow the spread of the virus instead they're gathering in large groups to COUGH "mostly peaceful protest", riot, pillage, loot, assault, murder, destroy property and making "secret hair and nail appointments because THEY'RE above the law" like Pelosi and the other LIEberal left DEMONICrats!
2020-09-10 00:32:20 UTC
I would be happy if everyone pulled their mask over their nose and their mouth. Stop breathing on me!
2020-09-10 00:12:01 UTC
Vote for Trump 2020 
2020-09-09 11:58:47 UTC
We have a "government" that is not invested in whether we live or die. It is more interested in looting from our dead bodies or keeping us as disposable slaves. In contrast, the countries who have public servants in Government have already moved on because they took action. Here, our blighted president has made simple precautionary measures into political propaganda for his own, nefarious gain. It is really quite simple. 
2020-09-09 10:18:13 UTC
Governments can't govern ignorance (there are too many ignorant Americans here in the US, who don't practice the new safety guidelines)

Armchair Goddess #1
2020-09-07 23:21:53 UTC
How do you define the word 'government' in this representative democratic republic governed of, by, and for the people, anonymous?  We, the people, delegate authority by electing from our own ranks the people we believe will best represent (key word) our needs and interests at local, state, and federal levels.  The ultimate level is federal, of course, in a three-equal-branch government, so it is in this context that your question should be answered. The House of Representatives acted swiftly to get its CARES Act passed with a bipartisan (both Democrats and Republicans) COVID-19 relief packages in March 2020, a bill at first blocked by old-fart right-wing "Grim Reaper" Majority Leader Mitch McConnell---but eventually passed because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) chose to bypass McConnell slightly and take the CARES Act  to Trump-picked Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, encouraging Mnuchin to sell the bill to Trump, then have Trump pressure Majority Leader Mitchell...and so the stimulus and relief bill was signed into law.  Not so for the follow-up relief bill, however---the HEROES Act (see, which McConnell has deliberately held for ransom, refusing to bring the bill to a floor vote. McConnell, it seems, wants rich corporations to be "exempt" from any liability if their workforce is not protected and comes down with the virus (not in the best interests of those workers and not popular with most Congress members).  

The Trump administration is a whole different type of incompetence and malicious negligence, however.  The "why" for lifts-wearing egomaniac Donald Trump is his spoiled-brat malignantly narcissistic illiterate sociopathic personality.  It might help to read the Republican strategist Rick Wilson's 2019 book "Everything Trump Touches Dies" and "The Plot to Destroy Democracy" (2018) by career CIA counterespionage expert Malcolm Nance to comprehend Trump's duplicitous corruption and incompetence.  The analogy for Trump's anti-testing and anti-tracking policy can be compared to thinking that if he bans all pregnancy tests no woman will ever get pregnant again.  Trump thinks the number of COVID deaths or even the number of new cases in America cannot happen if he simply blocks testing and tracking!!! The man is guilty of criminally negligent genocide, according to a prominent Republican attorney.  He needs to get the heck out of our White House forthwith.
2020-09-07 22:00:25 UTC
The government is doing tons to fight COVID.  Perhaps you are going to the wrong resources to find information.  It's just that the MSM has to keep their narrative up until election day that Trump dropped the ball on and continues to not be concerned about COVID.
2020-09-07 21:39:32 UTC
needs to kill off at least another million people or more surely.

remember, its about killing off as many old rich people as possible so their pensions freeze and go back into the hands of rich corrupt feckers ^_^


also there is no vaccine and this virus is patented and man made.

use your brain mate its all a big man made circus ^_^

2020-09-07 17:28:07 UTC
My government is, thank you for your concern. 

Sadly this includes keeping the border with the USA closed as according to our health minister the USA doesn't have its act together.

We've been getting $2000.00 cheques monthly, its like they are bribing me to stay home., tough sell that is.  We're in 'phase three' of reopening albeit we were never 'locked down' where I am.
2020-09-07 16:49:49 UTC
They introducing the system of lockdown strict health and safety rules for firms and social distancing and emphasisibg the importance of cleanliness and hygiene the government sadly cant come up with a cure or a vaccine they are trying but they are discover ing more things about it I admit they should have done more but they are doing their best and so can we by sticking to the rules 
2020-09-07 12:57:27 UTC
Less than 4,000 cases daily in the past week

Less than 3,000 cases for the 4th time in the past 5 days

7-day average is 2876 new cases per day, less than 3000 for the first time since August 1

This is great but we can't relax.
2020-09-07 12:44:07 UTC
trump is our current president (although trump is illegitimate).   trumpis is a TRAITOR to The USA.   
2020-09-07 10:13:23 UTC
I personally think the quickest way to get over this pandemic is for everyone to return to normal life, people will die at a increased rate for a period but herd immunity will kick in faster. We wont be teaching our young to fear each other, suicides from loss of jobs, lack of human connection will decrease. Lets just power through the worse so life can return to normal.
2020-09-07 07:02:54 UTC
The virus spread was intensified after democrats encouraged people to go out during the womens international day marches
2020-09-07 01:34:42 UTC
theyre working hard to find a cure and masks are being mandated which is probably the most that they can do... going back to Phase 1 would probably have been the best idea but our idiot of a president even decided to take funding away from schools that do not open. children and people in college have already tested positive since opening back up. the government is bs. 
2020-09-06 21:37:29 UTC
You have few valid points. Night clubs should not be reopened. Bars should

not be reopened. Anything place that allows draping and hanging on each

other not opened. Gloves I agree with. Simple things. However it becomes

as much a state issue as it does a Federal Issue.
2020-09-06 16:20:19 UTC
It is a national crisis; the President should have taken the reins and have shown leadership.  Trump failed to do this but instead decided to "pass the buck" to the individual governors.  Trump sees it as a political problem; not as the medical and scientific crisis that it is.  As a result, our response to the virus is hit and miss.

Unfortunately in most states it is up to the individual.  I'm glad I live in a state which mandates face masks and social distancing.  I wear a mask to protect others from my respiratory drops and hope that others do that to protect me.  If an individual chooses not to take safeguards then everyone will suffer as a result; particularly the elderly and those with compromising health problems.  Nothing we can do about that but hope that people care enough about others that they will wear face masks, social distance and avoiding crowds of people.
2020-09-06 14:35:26 UTC
The thinking you are describing is what led to the outbreak in the first place and represents what communist China is doing. They now have more than three times our population, (more than 1 billion people), but large segments of them subsist on things like vermin and bat meat because China has traded away basic human liberty for the 'security and safety' of an abject government oppression and control, which includes total censorship and 'spin' attempting to make it appear to the rest of the world that they can compete with the free world by only giving us access to the 'progressive' activities of their 'elite' government class.

This censorship is also what prevented us from realizing that their unhygienic practices and conditions had released a new plague. In the United States, our government is ONLY tasked with 'promoting the general welfare,' not providing for it. It is OUR job to learn, develop and grow on our own while they provide a stable, orderly and generally safe environment for us. We believe that GOD is our Providence.

As Americans, we have always embraced expressions like 'live free or die' because we recognize that human mortality remains at 100%. It is not about IF we die, but how and why. Subsistence is NOT any kind of life, even if we do it for a 'privileged' few who promise us a 'someday' hope of equality that never quite arrives. 

Our traditional religion teaches us that the 'true riches' (Luke 16:11), are liberty to engage in unmonitored and unrestricted travel and legitimate business, cross-generational wealth passed along as valuable knowledge and inheritance based in the home and family, and skillfully produced objects and the arts attached to maintaining them, (among other 'inalienable' things). China teaches the opposite. They claim there is no 'GOD' or 'gods,' no natural rights for humans, no need for freedom because it only endangers life, allows only a strictly controlled knowledge among 'experts,' and an endless supply of 'disposable' objects fueling an economy based on total government control and worthless fiat currency. 

If you wish you were dead, you aren't really living. Your 'universal government regulations' may seem 'small' and sensible to you and others like you, but many Americans still realize that being 'dictated' to by anyone is a worse contagion than any viral plague. We plan to go on having a thriving economy AND liberty from government, criminals or any other threats to our way of life and ethical pursuit of happiness. 

Genuine religion is how we remain 'vigilant' against those threats. Dying for that cause isn't foolish or vain. Merely surviving to a ripe old age can be far more foolish, cowardly or vain if it only produces more oppression and cultivates environments where we will end up producing more plagues, (like China is still doing, having learned NOTHING from this pandemic).
2020-09-06 14:23:38 UTC
News flash:  not everyone follows the rules.
2020-09-13 10:26:54 UTC
The government is not the problem. Do you have any idea how many people can be infected from one person with the virus? No matter what the government say, it is down to us. All through the lockdown, I saw the odd kids playing out. I saw three and four women gassing at each other's door. I saw guys walking the streets in twos and threes. I am just an ordinary guy with nothing to do with the government but I know they can't help if people will not listen because they like a natter or a trip out fishing with their pals. If the kids are getting rowdy, just let them out for an hour??? You don't have to wait and see what the government are going to do, use common sense and follow the rules. Tell the law if you see kids or groups of people. It is down to each one of us, not the government.
2020-09-12 17:03:53 UTC
They’re probably trying to find a vaccine for it.
2020-09-10 17:39:38 UTC
 The government is doing the very best thing that they could do right now letting you catch the coronavirus help you catch the coronavirus now during the summer months before the coronavirus comes back in the winter time three times stronger than it is now history repeats itself the exact same thing that happened in 1917 is going to happen at the end of 2020 if you haven't already caught the virus by the time the second wave comes back your chances of dying are three and a half times greater than they are now that's what the government's doing you better get with the program because your life depends on it you better catch the virus now while it's simply a little bit rough because when it comes back it's going to be a terrible killer virus
2020-09-10 13:44:26 UTC
Trump admini  has done a good  job  of everything about china virus .  Maybe  you miss that.  
2020-09-10 01:11:59 UTC
Umm Trump just confessed to lying that he refused to fight COVID19 because it's was just too hard for Trump 
2020-09-08 09:10:13 UTC
They are it's just we have to wait for a vaccine to be developed.  The media is bitching 24/7  that it's Trumps fault which is ridiculous.   You have to keep in mind this is a new virus  
2020-09-08 06:23:11 UTC
Yes, why doesn't Mr. Maudling DO something?!
2020-09-07 16:19:08 UTC
Why is the government doing nothing to stop the Democrat election coup?  Why noting to stop leftist terrorists?  Combatting both these things would do much to stop the spread of the virus.
2020-09-07 09:36:49 UTC
Live your life 

Life can’t go your way 

Government has privileges not you 

2020-09-06 22:46:16 UTC
Democrats want to help .. obstruction is coming from tRump, McConnell, etc.
2020-09-06 21:01:33 UTC
Because the federal government is run by a sadistic narcissist who even mental health professionals have gone on the record to say is not capable of relating to the suffering of others.  I just think that he is a Dingbat.
2020-09-06 19:34:32 UTC
What more are they supposed to do? It's up to everyone to be responsible.
2020-09-06 19:00:50 UTC
Keep HALF of nightclubs open?? 

How about NO nightclubs? 

You're just another defeated selfish whiner.
2020-09-06 18:41:34 UTC
The Constitution does not allow the federal government the authority.   The responsibility falls to the state governments and the state governments are doing something. Pay attention to the media and you will see that Florida isn't doing the same things as California and that Texas isn't doing the same things as New York. 

Since its beginning in 1789 United States has been a  UNITED coalition of 50 separate and independent sovereign STATES(countries) that have, for their mutual benefit, conceded some for their sovereignty to a federal governmental system.  Washington DC doesn't have as much say so as you have been led to believe.
Jimmy C
2020-09-06 16:58:03 UTC
I assume you are in the US, because Trump does not have any sort of a plan for anything other than golf. 

A real president would get testing and contract tracing right across the country, and close down things like nightclubs and karaoke bars and of course churches. 

Other countries have almost eradicated the disease and got things back to normal. The US has the highest number of cases and the worst record in the world. 300,000 dead by Christmas. 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.