School Dress Code???
2007-11-28 21:09:35 UTC
A friend of mine was suspended from school for wearing a t-shirt that says JESUS FREAK and my question is what do you think about his suspension? Do you think he should have the right to wear whatever he wants or follow dress code? With what constitutional right, you would fight this case in court?
26 answers:
2007-11-28 21:16:35 UTC
I am a law student myself and would say unfortunately, I would say he does not have much of a constitutional fight since the Supreme Court has previously held in Epperson v. Arkansas that the decisions on regulations that may impress upon some freedoms is within the discretion of the school. The courts only require a compelling interest from the school in determining restrictions on expression. There is no right to wear what you want.

Saying that, there is an interesting question as to whether this impedes his religious expression. The thing is, even considering the First Amendment, he would still be subject to the school's rules. Wearing that shirt is not a sincere religious conviction the action of which is protected by the Constitution when it is placed up against the ability of the school to create and enforce a neutral dress code that bans all religious dress or mention. That is not restricting a student's ability to express their religion since a shirt with a slogan is not generally considered a religious requirement. When it comes to the health, safety, and welfare of the police powers, the school is given quite a bit of deference in determining how to apply it.

Sorry, school wins even under the Free Exercise Clause. Could try under Establishment Clause that the school is acting hostile to religion, but still very very hard to show.
Pagan Dan
2007-11-28 21:24:07 UTC
I feel doubly qualified to answer your question, because I am both a Christian and a teacher.

Religious intolerance leads to fear and hatred and contempt for people from other religions. None of these things helps a learning environment. The school has a duty and a responsibility to foster and maintain a positive learning environment, and to remove obstacles to it.

Your friend's T-shirt might have said "Jesus Freak", but the real message he wished to convey is "I am a Fundamentalist Christian". Your friend could have been picked on by non-fundamentalist kids, or he might have gotten into arguments with kids from other religions--or he might have even started stuff himself.

None of that crap has any place in a school.

Kids are at school to learn Algebra and American History. The should study the civil war--not create a new intramural one.

Your friend does not have the right to wear anything he wants. Does he think an employer would put up with inappropriate attire in the face of a clear rule to the contrary?

Should he follow the dress code? Of course he should! It is reasonable, and there for a reason.

There is no constitutional right to express your religion in all circumstances. You cannot go into a mosque and ask if they are saved, neither can Muslims disrupt a Christian church service.

No I would not fight the case in court. I would hope that judges have more important things to do, and the wait lists for court times are bad enough as it is.
2007-11-28 23:21:20 UTC
This is not a Constitutional issue.

School dress codes are RULES the school sets to ensure that students wear appropriate clothing to class. These rules were drawn up because most students don't have any brains and have no idea what is appropriate or not. If these students and their parents would use their heads, the rules wouldn't be necessary.

Good to see a school that actually enforces their rules. Tell your friend to buy some new shirts and follow the code. He doesn't have freedom of choice in the classroom.
2007-11-28 21:34:45 UTC
It doesnt matter what the students or anyone else thinks. The dress code policy is strictly enforced by the if THEY think u violate the dress code, then u violate the dress code. it was unfair for them to suspend your friend, but thats just how it works...if u do choose to take this to court, i wish u and ur friend the best of luck...also, i dont think freedom of speech and freedom of religion would really be relevant to this because the policy is made by the school board.
2007-11-28 21:18:57 UTC
It's long been established that kids have no free speech rights whatsoever. So no, he has no constitutional right to wear it and the only way he could fight it in court is to have at least four justices die while a Republican wasn't in office.

Should he have the right? Sure, but then again so should the kid in the Bartman T-shirt, the Moustache Rides T-Shirt, and the F*** Bush T-Shirt.
2007-11-28 21:15:24 UTC
It depends, was it a public school or a private school? Private school, maybe. If you have to wear a certain shirt every day, but he didn't, and wore that shirt, he could be. Depends on the school.

Public school, IMHO, suspension is WAY too extreme. If my classmates wore that, they would be sent to the office, told not to wear that shirt, and put a PE shirt on over it. If they wore it again, then they could be suspended, maybe.

I wouldn't fight this case in court, if my child were suspended for that I would have a conversation with the princible/headmaster.

Good luck to your friend!
2007-11-28 21:15:57 UTC
You must wear whatever the school board say--you don't have a constitutional right on this and you cannot fight it--precedent has been set and there is Starry Decisis on this in Supreme court cases, which means you cannot go to court as lower courts must follow the rules of higher courts.
helen keller
2007-11-28 21:16:33 UTC
If there is a dress code, everyone has to follow it. That's the point of uniformity.

I don't believe constitutional rights play any role in this question. The school has the final authority, no matter if it's private or public.

(I went to Catholic schools & I believe I suffer from 'Catholic School Syndrome' where I were the same clothes all the time, lol.)

Good Luck !
The First Dragon
2007-11-28 21:20:32 UTC
If the school does not permit t-shirts with slogans or words on them, then he was in violation of the dress code. I don't see that he has any right to violate reasonable dress regulations.

But if he was suspended because of the word "Jesus" on his shirt, while other writing is allowed on school shirts, this may be a violation of free speech. It would depend on the exact nature of the rule and its enforcement.
2007-11-28 21:15:55 UTC
I think that is a very unfair suspension. People have the right to have their own religion. As long as he wasn't preaching to everyone, he should be able to show he loves Jesus in school. What's the dress code; no showing your faith?People at my school wear christian shirts, and no one complains. I think it's unconstitutuional, you have the freedom of religion.
Chad M
2007-11-28 21:17:03 UTC
free dome of speach as long as its not affensive or draws alot of problems ..

like a girl wearing almost nothing to school would draw attension and would take away from learning .

talk to a lawyer

i think this country to based on old ways and religon // i think jesus freak could mean you like jesus or you are making fun of somone . When i was in school kids got in trouble for wearing hooters shirts yet my other friend could wear one with pot plants on it ..

tell them you will settle out of court lol .. and give them a low price like 1 grand . If you really need the money that bad
2007-11-28 21:26:22 UTC
When in school, you have no rights except to follow the Dress codes.
Barry auh2o
2007-11-28 21:14:37 UTC
,Fight it in court? Come on? When you are an adult will you take anything you don't like to court????

I agree with his suspension. Students should not wear anything controversial to class.

When you go to work, there will be a dress code. Might as well get used to it now.
Gray Wanderer
2007-11-29 01:22:55 UTC
How does the shirt violate the dress code?
John J
2007-11-28 21:16:20 UTC
I do not remember anything about t-shirts or anything clothing related in the Constitution or Bill of Rights or Declaration Of Independence or The Federalist Papers. He broke the law, now he pays...
2007-11-28 21:16:24 UTC
u wanna take this to court...woaho!! lol, we need sum rebels like u in my scool, i totally agree with u, we shud be able to wear what we want...but i asked my mum this once, she said schools have a dress code not becoz ofthe discipline bull-**** but because not all children are well off and some cannot afford good clothes, so they wud feel inferior to some other rich kid, thats why they have a dress code...btw i dunnoe wat constitutional right can u fight this, if u find one, let me know! lol
2007-11-28 21:16:01 UTC
well its sort of a freedom of speech issue, which is explained in the first amendment. i think freedom of expression, whether it's clothes or your car or whatever, has to do with the first amendment. 'jesus freak' isn't really that offensive anyway unless you are going to a strict catholic school or a nunnery or something.
2007-11-28 21:12:01 UTC
If the dress code prohibits it, then he was wrong. Does not matter what we THINK about the actual shirt.
2007-11-28 21:14:22 UTC
I think there are many other problems in the schools then worrying about what the kids are wearing.. the violence, bomb threats, guns etc
▀▄▀▄▀ кαяίs ▄▀▄▀▄
2007-11-28 21:13:40 UTC
I think it might of offended someone's religion. But I don't think he should of gotten suspended. I mean it's just a shirt. && people should not be offended by it and they should respect his ideas and beliefs.
2007-11-28 21:13:09 UTC
Well, was this kid asking for trouble or are they really into Jesus? I would say freedom of speech, or maybe freedom of religion. It's pretty rough now that they kicked God out of school. If this is true...I hope he wins!
2007-11-28 21:14:54 UTC
yeah, the school went a little overboard by suspending him (i mean, couldnt they just send him home to get changed? but, rules are rules, and he should start following them.........
2007-11-28 21:13:22 UTC
if the dress code says u have to u should because its the best thing to do

so yea

Emily S
2007-11-28 21:14:34 UTC
Wow, that is ridiculous!

Check out this site:
2007-11-28 21:12:17 UTC
No. Kids today go to far.
2007-11-28 21:12:29 UTC
that is REDICULOUS!!

i wouldn't go as far as court...

but i would feel like it =]

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