Did you know that live children are being sold and killed for their organs?
2006-03-11 09:27:33 UTC
That are payed in cash by rich people.
Sixteen answers:
Dr. Brian
2006-03-11 09:29:21 UTC
My cousin once knew this kid whose older brother knew this guy who went out drinking one night and in the morning woke up in a bathtub full of ice with a note saying "thanks for the kidney". It's all true....
2006-03-11 17:53:38 UTC
You don't quote any sources. I'm inclined to take such reports with a pound of salt. Yes it is scary, but if we don't know for sure it is happening, the thing to do is to have the authorities investigate.

I've read in Parade magazine that there was a mental hospital in South America that had a surprisingly high rate of people released back into the community. When the authorities went to check why, they found that there were a lot of bodies buried around the grounds. On most of them, the corneas (eye parts) were removed.

I've heard the stories about people waking up to find their kidneys were missing, but I've never heard a credible first-person account.

I've also head that poor people in places like India may sell a kidney for $10.000 (enough for them to live out their lives in comfort). You can't do that in America, but the laws are different there. You can live with just one kidney.

And of course, recently we heard of the scandal where tissues and bones from cadavers contaminated with diseases were sold to hospitals and some people got hepatitis from that. That is horrible and sad, and I hope the ones responsible are caught and put in jail. I hope that something can be done for the poor peope who are sufering with these diseases now.

In the 1960's Larry Niven predicted that this would be happening. He called such people 'organleggers' after the bootleggers of old, people who made illegal alchol. His thought was that you can't stop people from wanting to live longer, especially the wealthy. Especially the elderly. Especially the wealthy, elderly legislators who make the laws on what medical advances are to be used and how.

In the early 1980's we had a narrow escape. One of the New England states, either Vermont or New Hampshire, was concerned about prison overcrowding and came up with a plan to reduce it. This was in the newspapers of the day, and you can probably find something about it in the library.

The Red Cross was having a critical blood shortage in those days. The idea was to give a prisoner time off for every pint of blood donated. You can donate once every ninety days; and a prisoner would get a month off. So a prisoner could donate three times during a one-year prison sentence and get out after nine months (getting the other three months off.)

The public didn't know of AIDS, then. The plan was not put into practice, but we narrowly missed having our blood supply infected with that and other disease that are statistically much more prevalent in prisons than in the general population. For example, there are something like six kinds of hepatitis, and there is a prison in Massachusetts that was the world capital for four of them. I don't believe that it is only poverty or poor cleanliness practices inside the prison that spread them.

We should be careful that human ghouls do not prey on the rest of us, but please be careful to check your sources and don't cry wolf.
2006-03-11 17:38:03 UTC
It could be probable in the easten block of Europe as child trafficking is high. I however doubt the notorious "rich people" are buying up organs from live children from which they kill or have killed. If so it would have been investigated by our CIA,FBI, or Englands MI6, or Interpol. There's no way this blackmarket would stay hidden for very long. Otherwise who could find out how to buy an organ from a child if there wasn't talk about it?
2006-03-11 18:12:29 UTC
well thank the AMA and other government over regulation for that one. And yea its true. While some of what you hear is urban legend, there is a thriving trade for black market organs. There are cases where a parent or family member will sell their entire body for harvest to ensure their family can survive. So much for the global village theory huh?.Take notice.. anything that is hard to get at or illegal has a black market!. Getting donor organs is difficult due to all the restrictions on who can be harvested and who cannot be.. Knowing what I know about 3rd world countries from my travels. it's not only plausible, but quite possible for this to take place.. Here's an odd tidbit from recent news. There is a thriving black market for cadaver parts.One body parts purveyor was recently caught right here in the US.. They found 14 drop freezers filled with various parts. one full of heads, one with elbows and knees, one full of hands.. it must of been pretty freaky for the CSI
2006-03-11 18:33:06 UTC
We continue on with all sorts of stories (myths) with no source, no verification, no checkable facts. Did you notice that in the last line the rich people are blamed?

Are there some instances of this? Probably. In the world as a whole there is room for every thing but please, present checkable sources.

And it will continue on, just look at the number of people here who have obviously bought into this story. We have truly become the Chicken Little culture.
2006-03-11 17:49:50 UTC
Wouldn't doubt it. And I imagine the rich folks who buy these parts don't know or care where they come from. People will do awful things for money. And people will do awful things just to stay alive a while longer. I have heard of people selling one of their own kidneys if they get desperate.
2006-03-11 17:32:56 UTC
That's digusting, but I believe it. I am not so sheltered that I find it unbelievable that anything so horrible could be happening in the world. I know that things like that happen all the time, just because you don't see it happening doesn't mean it's not there.
Cat In The Sink
2006-03-11 17:29:30 UTC
Yeah, sorry. You're gonna have to give me a viable news story that proves this is true. This has been making the rounds in folk mythology for years.
2006-03-11 17:35:51 UTC
Puppywimp luv, I've heard about this before, could you kindly share your sources with us?

we'ld love to be advocating against this horrible crime
2006-03-11 17:37:36 UTC
Really? I didn't know that! That's awesome! I have a 3yr old and a 5 yr old! I could really use the money! Where do I sign up? do you know? Tell me!!
2006-03-11 17:36:20 UTC
As sick as this world is getting, I would not be surprised. There are so many said things that go on every day that are truly unbelievable.
You may be right
2006-03-11 17:32:58 UTC
I've heard things like that. Thats terrible.

I heard it happens to adults too.
2006-03-11 17:28:19 UTC
name your sources
2006-03-11 17:46:10 UTC
And your proof for this would be what?
2006-03-11 17:36:02 UTC
that's horrible.
2006-03-11 17:33:10 UTC

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