Our AC unit has not been working correctly for two months going on three. I have called, to complain almost everyday for the last 3 weeks due to the intense heat in the home, and because I have a special needs child with severe asthma, who is home everyday in the apartment. We have had to stay in a hotel for the last few weeks because of the the heat. They have continuously given me the run around, but we still pay our rent time and time again on time. We can not open the windows either due to the fact that we do not have screens on our windows, and we live on the second floor, we also have a small dog as well. I have filed a complaint with the TX Attorney Generals office, called the local news company and the fair housing. I would really like to seek restitution for our pain and suffering. Due to this I have suffered from severe Migraines especially since school is out and my son is home with my other children. No matter what I have upheld my side of the contract an they have not time and time again. Someone please help...