2010-10-26 10:12:02 UTC
DMCA Infringement Notice
Apogee has recently received a complaint from a copyright holder (included below), alleging that you are distributing protected works. We are required by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to take these complaints very seriously. If, in fact, you are engaging in the downloading, uploading, or other unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials you may also be at risk for being sued by the copyright holder or a representative of the copyright holder, pursuant to the DMCA.
Since this is your first notice of an offense, Apogee is required to notify you of this alleged violation and request that you remove the materials from your computer, and cease and desist trading or sharing of their material. You may notify Apogee by replying to this email stating what actions have been taken or if you dispute this allegation. Apogee will then anonymously forward your response to the copyright holder.
If you do not submit a response and/or another alleged violation occurs involving the same account, you may be subject to more serious penalties, including the long-term termination of your ResNet/Internet account with no refund.
Please use your online services responsibly. Remember, copyright infringement is illegal and can have very significant legal ramifications. A copy of this email may also be sent to the group at your College or University that handles Internet abuse allegations.
Thank you for your attention to the urgent matter. For questions, please call 1-877-478-8865.
Apogee Customer Service
o;?Monday, October 25, 2010
RE: Unauthorized Distribution of the Copyrighted Motion Picture Entitled
Sex and the City 2
Dear Apogee Telecom Designated Agent:
We are writing this letter on behalf of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
("Warner Bros.").
We have received information that an individual has utilized the
below-referenced IP address at the noted date and time to offer downloads of
copyrighted motion picture(s) through a "peer-to-peer" service, including such
title(s) as:
Sex and the City 2
The distribution of unauthorized copies of copyrighted motion pictures
constitutes copyright infringement under the Copyright Act, Title 17 United
States Code Section 106(3). This conduct may also violate the laws of other
countries, international law, and/or treaty obligations.
Since you own this IP address, we request that you immediately
do the following:
1) Contact the subscriber who has engaged in the conduct described above and
take steps to prevent the subscriber from further downloading or uploading
Warner Bros. content without authorization; and
2) Take appropriate action against the account holder under your Abuse
Policy/Terms of Service Agreement.
On behalf of Warner Bros., owner of the exclusive rights to the copyrighted
material at issue in this notice, we hereby state, that we have a good faith
belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized
by Warner Bros., its respective agents, or the law.
Also, we hereby state, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State
of California and under the laws of the United States, that the information in
this notification is accurate and that we are authorized to act on behalf of
the owner of the exclusive rights being infringed as set forth in this
Please direct any end user queries the following.
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Attn: Worldwide Anti-Piracy
4000 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91522
818.954.3091 b phone b email
Kindly include the Case ID 1261477586, also noted above, in the subject line
of all future correspondence regarding this matter.
We appreciate your assistance and thank you for your cooperation in this
matter. Your prompt response is requested.
A Kempe
Enforcement Coordinator
What does it mean?? What should I say back to them? I wasn't intentionally distributing the work, but I guess I never turned off the sharing option. I'm 18 years old, I don't want to go to jail, and neither I nor my parents have enough money to go to court or pay any fines. Please help!