OK my girlfriend and I just moved out of my college apartment. I had 3 roommates. 2 of which are my friend but the third turned out into a *** hole. When he first moved in the apartment me and him were cool we were ok no problems. Most of the time we would hang out and drink. I thought everything was ok but it soon turned out that he started stealing our food. Well when we moved out his laptop was sitting on the small coffee table next to the window. Yesterday I get a phone call from the campus police saying that I stole his laptop. I didnt or I wouldnt ask if I could sue somebody. I have called my friends that helped me move if they accidentally picked it up and they do not have it. The cops do know about the program LOJACK its for stolen laptops they can see where it is. They have yet to do it. If it turns out he is just hiding the laptop from everyone and he gets caught can I sue him for accusing me of stealing it?