2009-09-18 18:38:48 UTC
Ok well I moved out of my apartments not to long ago. And we are having two issues with the bill for the things that were wrong when I moved out. 1. When we did the move out inspection for the walls she wrote down "Finger prints on wall to dining area next to kitchen/ blues marks in living room wall next to hallway". She said that it was only gonna need a touch up paint for one hour. And for one hour of paint it will cost 22.00. When I got the bill the charged me 190.00 saying there was pet urine on one of the walls and the whole apartment was gonna need to be repainted. now I did have a dog BUT SHE WAS A FEMALE how the hell is a female dog gonna piss on the wall? I am sure they are referring to... well when I first moved in the apartments there was a leak in the ceilings from the apartment up stairs the water dripped down in to the bathroom wall and on the wall that is in the hallway and left brown marks at the bottom of wall. So one this is not my fault! And lets say I did have a male dog and it did piss on the wall (which i didnt im just asking!) can the add this all after we signed the move out inspection form?
Now 2. I had brand new carpet when I moved in to my apartment and the majority of the living room was covered with my furniture and and a big rug I had in the center of the living room. And I only lived in the apartment for 4 months im no where near a dirty person and when my dog pissed inside i cleaned it up right off the top! i when get rag with hot water and scrub it THEN id get the carpet cleaning spary and scrub it again! So anyways on the move inspection paper she wrote "carpet has light pet stench black marks around traffic areas" The black marks was only dirty that is easily cleaned! And yes there was a light pet stench. But when i get the bill to move out she sent another copy of the move out inspection form and you can CLEARLY see where she went back and changed the words from "has light pet stench" to "has heavy pet stench" it is VERY clear she used white out you can even still see the bottom of the letter "g" from light.
Now for the walls she did not go back and edit anything she said. Its when I called she told me about this "pet urine on the walls". But can she litterally go back and edit the form paper? Is this legal? When I called and asked about the walls I also asked about the carpet and she said there were pet urine stains. (this was ofcourse not of the form sent to me or filled out the day we did the move out) She said when the carpet cleaning people came out there to do the bid on the carpet they said they looked at these "urine stains" and said they were not gonna be able to clean it and told her the whole carpet through out the 1200 square foot apartment was gonna need to be replaced! When i asked about these stains she said there were only a few. Should i have to pay 1200 bucks to have the whole carpet cleaned because the didnt even attempt to clean the very few stains. And its not even like these aparments are all nice and everything. These aparments are TWENTY YEARS old! Are the able to do all this? should i have to pay all this money on basic wear and tear (even thought i didnt see any stains when i lived there nore did the lady who did the very thorough inspection) for aparments that are twenty years old? What kind of lawyer should i call to ask about all this? HELP PLEASE! I have already paid 3000 bucks in move out fees now they are adding this 1500 ( i say 1500 cause it was 1200 for the carpet and 300 on small things that i admit were wrong for the most part). these apartments are HORRRRRRRIBLE the manager is the biggest B(*#$ in the world! if you wanna see some reviews look up stoney brook apartments in san antonio texas off border brook rd! please HELP ME!