Why are COPS GUT instincts almost always inherently WRONG???
2006-01-25 10:30:57 UTC
Never have been able to understand a Cops mentality... They play themselves off as being some superior being, above the LAW, mind-reader, with the gut instincts of a Voo-Doo Queen, then become pissed & develop an attitude hinting on revenge when they realize they were wrong. Often trying to put words in your mouth to change the outcome, that they created. Don't get me WRONG... I'm all in favor for LAW, but what's up with Law Enforcement???
Three answers:
2006-01-25 13:26:49 UTC
my dad was a officer, & when I was younger I really had a thing for them, dating several & becoming once engaged. It took awhile for me to realize that they believe that thay are not here to help society but rather an internal brotherhood working for the prosecuter hoping for advancement. I could not help to feel as though i was living in a us & them world where trust was only if you had a connection, further feeling alienated from my friends & family finally having to break it off after he hit me. i don't know if this helps, but i used to wonder the same, yet loved him deeply. all i learned is that having control is very important to them.
2006-01-25 18:38:34 UTC
I don't quite understand your concept hear. I work as a dispatcher for a County Sheriffs Dept and have spent much time in training to listen to what people are actually saying, and not what you just THINK they are saying. You listen to exact words and not just "get the idea." Maybe you have just had some bad experiences.
2006-01-25 18:32:13 UTC
They are trained to act like that, its not their fault.

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