2013-06-08 11:47:51 UTC
Here are instruction on how to make $10,000 In the next two weeks:
If you don’t try it you will never know.
There are 3 addresses listed below.
Send the person at the top of the list a $5 bill wrapped in two pieces of paper (to securely hide it), along with a note that says: “please add me to your mailing list”.
Than delete that name, move the other 2 up and put yours at the bottom.
Now start sending the ENTIRE email back out to people. When 20 people receive it, those 20 people will move your name up to the middle position and they will each send out 20. that totals 400 people that will receive this letter with your name in the middle.
Then those 400 people will move you name to the top and they will each send out 20 e-mails. That totals 8,000 people that will receive this email with your name at the top and they will each send you a $5 bill.
*,000 people each sending you a $5 bill = $40,000 cash. That’s if every responds to this email, but not everyone will, So you can expect more realisticly to receive about $10,000 cash $5 bill in your mailbox.
This will work for anyone anywhere in the world in any country, but send only a US CASH $5 dollar bill.
The more emails you send out the more cash you will receive. If each person sends out 100 emails, there will be 1,000,000 people that receive this letter when your name reaches the top. If only 1% of those people respond you will still get $50,000 cash
That is the email i want to send is there a way to re right it so it would be legal to send
i really want to do this, but i don't want to get caught and go to JUVI or something for anything stupid and small like this. Pls help, and thank sooo you in advance
P.S. I am not doing this just to be selfish i am doing thing to help my parents with bills and just basically to help our lives be a lil better.